On the side, Ron and Kagura famous scene at the time.

Not only Simon was stunned, but so were Hugh, Wally, Miliana, and others.

"Simon... Your sister is gone. "

"Simon, you have to be full of energy! Blessed Ron, bless your sister. "

"Woo woo woo~! It's amazing, the movie-like plot, it's so romantic. "

At the same time, Urrutia, Brantish and the others were also very knowledgeable and did not bother Ron and Kagura.

After all, Kagura had just recognized his brother Simon, and his emotions were on the rise.

For the joy of Kagura, Brantish and Urrutia have only blessings.

On the side, Wendy, who is a girl, and Wendy, who is just starting to fall in love, has a red face and a shy look, her little head is emitting hot white smoke, her hands are covering her face, and she is nervous in her heart!



The little heart was pounding and pounding, making it difficult for Wendy to calm down.

Nervousness, excitement, numbness in the head, rapid heartbeat... Is this all kissing?

Suddenly, Urrutia covered Wendy's eyes with both hands and said gently, "Wendy, you're still young, don't look at it." "

Wendy pursed her lips and said, "Sister Urrutia... You're not much older than me. "

As she spoke, Wendy peeked through the gap between Urrutia's fingers and still peeked at Ron and Kagura, both shy and envious.

muttered, "Brother Ron and Kagura-san... There's a leg. "

That's it.

After it is over.

Kagura herself is extremely shy.

After the mood passed, Kagura returned to normal, her pretty face was crimson, her fingers were clenched, and she hid behind Ron, and her whole person was very shy.

This left Ron speechless.

Don't talk about martial arts and sneak attack him.

Be shy afterwards.

What's going on?

Of course.

Pressed for time.

Ron didn't pay much attention to the episode.

The topic turned to the Six Demon Generals, which was the point and the purpose of this operation.

After thinking for a moment, Ron's blue eyes flickered slightly, looked at Simon, Hugh, Wally, Miliana and others, and muttered, "You are injured. "

"In the next battle, our opponents are Gerald, None, and the Six Demon Generals."

"So, you'd better rest."

"Next, just leave it to us."

Hearing this, Simon's expression was solemn and he said seriously: "No... It is our wish to defeat Gerald. "

"After all, Gerald has hurt us for so many years."

"So, we're going to fight too."

"Fight to the death to help you."

Miliana meowed, "That's right! "

"Kill Gerald in good spirits."

Wally's look was cool: "Like the plot of the movie, revenge Gerald, that's our purpose." "

"Please, let's go to war."

On the side, Kagura pulled the corner of Ron's clothes, and with a shy face, she whispered, "President Ron... Just let them go to war. "

"They're not bad."

Eventually, at Kagura's intercession.

Ron still agreed, letting Simon, Wally, Hugh, Miliana and others directly participate in the war.

Then, under Simon's lead, everyone went to the base of the Six Demon Generals.

Goal: Annihilate the Six Demon Generals.

The whole process was only ten minutes, and after ten minutes of travel, everyone bypassed a forest and crossed a winding road.

Under the cold moonlight, in the lonely night, everyone finally arrived at the base of the Six Demon Generals.

This is an eerie ancient castle, built in the middle of the forest, and it looks extremely secluded.

Here, the Six Demon Generals have been waiting for a long time.

Among them, Dark Night, Lisa, Cobra Kebra, Heteai, and Reko are all there.

Only Gerald and Everywhere are present.

Seeing Ron and the others coming.

The cobra looked calm, folded his arms in front of him, and laughed, "I heard your coming." "

Lisa looked arrogant: "It's quite fast." "

"But, far less than me."

"As you can see, I'm the fastest man."

For Lisa, the fastest man, the corners of Ron's mouth twitched, and he praised: "It's worthy of you, Yang Wei is not as fast as you." "

"That's nature... Lisa was proud, and then her face was tense, with black lines on her face, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Are you ridiculing me?" "

Ron spread his arms: "No." (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"I'm just telling the truth."

"You just say if you're the fastest man."

Faced with this title, the gloomy look on Shasha's face finally said, "That's right

"I'm the fastest man!"

"We are all magicians, as long as we are strong, nothing else, don't pay attention to it."

Good guy, Ron called him a good guy, he was just joking, I didn't expect Lisa to be really Yang Wei.

If you want to succeed, you must first go to the palace, right?

Ron shrugged and smiled, "I'm sorry... I was just kidding. "

"I didn't expect that you were really Yang Wei."

As he spoke, Ron looked at Lisa with pity.

Among them, Simon, Hugh, Wally... The same is true for others, who looked at Lisa with sympathetic eyes.

Among them, Lisa's companions Dark Night, Cobra Kebra, Heteai, Reco, and others, too, looked at Lisa with sympathetic eyes0 .

This made Lisha's face full of anger, his eyes were on fire, he gritted his teeth, and glared at Ron: "Bastard! "

"Don't look at me with pity!"

The cobra patted Lisa on the back and said, "Lisa, I hear you." "

"There's no need to worry."

"Don't be afraid."

"Because, you're hopeless."

Because there is no help, there is no need to worry, and there is no need to be afraid.

Ryco replied, "That's right, Lisa! "

"That's it."

"You're literally the fastest."

"You're the fastest in every way."

It has to be said that Lisa's companion is comforting.

Comforted by her companions, Lisa was red-eyed and roared!

"It doesn't matter!"

"I'm the fastest!"

"Bear me, fastest magic!"

"Bear me, the fastest rage!"

Lisa, who has torn her face, has soaring combat power, this is the power of the magic of the palace!

The magic surges, and uses magic [Lower Somatosensory] to reduce Ron's somatosensory, and then quickly kill Ron!

That's it.


The Six Demon Generals go to war against Ron, Urrutia, Kagura and others.

Seeing this, Urrutia, Kagura, Brantish... waited for others, and his expression was instantly solemn.

Fight a cluster of excitation!

In an instant, Cobra, Reco and the others, after Lisa's attack, they stopped "comforting", and they also attacked quickly, attacking Ron!

The big battle started in an instant!!

The most surprising thing is that Heteai is also fierce.

It's just that the target of Heteai's attack is not Ron, but the six demon generals Cobra, Reco, Lisa and others.

4.8 Magic [Earth Magic] attacks, which can turn hard sand and soil into very soft.

In an instant, the magic swamp turned the ground into a swamp, making Cobra, Lisa, and Reco sink into the swamp in an instant, unable to extricate themselves.

The betrayal of Hete Ai made the Six Demon Generals collapse in an instant!

When Lisa, Cobra, and Reco attacked fiercely, behind them, Heteai suddenly became the sixth and attacked Cobra, Lisa, Reco and others.

The tide of battle turned in an instant!

After Cobra, Lisa, and Reko were trapped in the swamp, their expressions changed suddenly, and they looked at Hutai in disbelief.

I saw that Hete Ai was full of kind smiles, which was diametrically opposed to the greedy smile before: "Love, it is because of love that I have changed." "

"Thank you, Lord Ron, for saving my brother Wally."

"I don't pretend, I'm in a showdown, in fact, I'm on the side of the Dragon Empire, on the side of Lord Ron.".

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