Hatterai's brother is Wally!

After the speech of Woteai.

The crowd understood everything in an instant.

Wally was also shocked, and said in surprise: "Is this the plot of the movie?" "

"He's my brother???"

He Teai looked at Wally with doting eyes and smiled: "That's right! "

"It's all love!"

"It doesn't take much effort to get there."

"Wally, I've finally found you."

Immediately, under Hutai's explanation, everyone understood everything.

Lisa, Cobra, and Rako had angry expressions.

"Hete Ai, you dare to betray President Wu!"

He Teai smiled calmly: "It's all love. "

"For my brother."

"I'm willing to sacrifice everything."

Seeing this, Urrutia, Brantish, Kagura... and others, and did not waste the time.

Seize the opportunity and launch a counterattack in an instant.

Urrutia manipulates the arc of magical lost magical time, and the gods of light attack, causing various future "crystal balls" to emerge, each emitting a light attack on Lisa, Reco, Cobra, and others.

Kagura is also pulling out the type that is not afraid of Dai Tian, and the slash is not afraid of Dai Tian's slash, slashing at Lisa, Rako, Cobra and others.

Brandish's languid gaze, flickering slightly, unleashed a magical shape spell capable of changing the size and shape of any object.

In an instant, Brantish changed the landscape, shortening the distance, and bringing Lisa, Reco, Cobra and the others closer to Kagura and Urrutia's offensive.

Let Cobra, Lisa, Rako and others, without a chance to breathe, pupils earthquake!

Suddenly, Urrutia, Kagura, and Brantish, the cooperation of the three was perfect.

Let Cobra, Lisa, Reco and others not even have a chance to make a move.

Followed by!


A loud bang rang out.

Kick up a thick cloud of smoke.

When the smoke clears.

Cobra, Reco, Lisa... and others, all defeated, their lives were gone, and they died completely.

Of the six demon generals at the scene, there was only one person left, and that was Dark Night.

The dark night has been sleeping on a flying carpet, and it was not until after the death of Cobra, Reco, Lisa and others that he slowly opened his eyes, looked at Ron and others with arrogant eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Interesting." "

"You guys seem to be pretty good."

"It's worth my shot."


The next second.

The words came to an abrupt end.

Just because, in the heart of the dark night, a big hole appeared, and blood gushed out, gushing out, splashing on the ground, staining the ground red.

The dark night that has just woken up, and he died instantly.

It can be said that it is a second to end and a second to lose!

During the whole process, the pupils of the dark night shook, and his face was full of distortion and collapse, and he said in a trembling voice: "How is it possible... My magic is twisted magic. "

"Space is magic, it can bounce and bounce light or any object."

"Obviously... I am invincible, and no one can attack me. "

"Obviously, I won't lose..."

"How so?"

In shock.

The night fell.

Lying in a pool of blood.

During the whole process, Ron looked calm, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "Is space magic?" "

"Twist magic?"

"But that's it."

"In the face of absolute divine power, everything is nothing."

Ron first used the mirror to confuse the vision of the dark night, manipulate the five senses of the dark night, and then hunted the dark night, the whole process was done in one go, killing the dark night in an instant, and completing everything.

Although, the night and others can also recover it.

However, there is little need.

First of all, Ron is now powerful enough.

What's more, the dragon seed that is about to be born will also bring a lot of rewards to Ron.

So, for Lisa, Night, Reco... Waiting, Ron wasn't too interested.

The main reason is that Lisa, Night, Cobra, Reco and others have fallen into the darkness, and once they are recovered, they may also betray him.

Although, Ron has a solution.

However, there is no need. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

All in all, with Dark Night, Lisa, Rayco, Cobra... and the death of others.

Now the enemy army, only Wu and Gerald remain.

Under Ron's leadership, the Dragon Empire is within easy reach of final victory.

Simon, Hugh, Wally, Miriana and others had shocked expressions, and their hearts were like a thousand waves, and it was difficult to calm down.

Is this the Dragon Empire?

What a strong strength!

The so-called Six Demon Generals, in Ron, Brantish, Kagura... In front of others, they are completely vulnerable, as fragile as tofu.

"It's so strong! Strong like the main character in the movie. "

"Spirited and strong, yes, win!"

"Next up is Gerald and Nothing!"

Ron bowed his head and said, "Yes." "

"It's just one last step away."

Immediately, Ron raised his eyes to look at the castle in front of him, his blue eyes flickering slightly, and he muttered, "I have a glimpse of the future. "

"Gerald and None are inside the castle."

"Until now, the enemy's forces are only left with Wuhe Gerald..."

At this moment, Wendy was also shocked.

She had thought about the strength of the Dragon Empire, and she had also thought about the strength of Lord Ron.

However, Wendy never expected that Ron would be so powerful, and this powerful strength was beyond her imagination.

Until this moment, Wendy's little face was still full of shock, and she exclaimed, "Yes... Lord Ron, the only enemies left are Gerald and Nothing. "

As she spoke, Wendy looked annoyed, pursed her lips, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Lord Ron... Didn't get to help. "

During the whole process, the whole battle, Wendy was a bystander, and there was no chance to make a move.

It's just that Urrutia, Brantish, Kagura, Luo 130 and others are too powerful.

gave Wendy no chance to make a move, which made Wendy's heart also frustrated.

After picking up Wendy's blue hair, Ron's face smiled lightly, and reassured, "Wendy is fine." "

"Look at it and study it well."

"The future is yours."

"You are a dragon slayer, I know that you are strong, and in the future, you will be stronger."

is different from Xia Lulu's PUA, which is crazy to suppress criticism.

For Wendy, Ron can only appease and praise.

No matter what, Wendy is just a young girl, and it is normal for her age to be physically and mentally fragile.

Under Ron's comfort, Wendy's beautiful eyes flashed, and she looked at Ron with a hopeful gaze, and said excitedly: "Lord Ron, I understand! "

"I'll do the best, too!"

"By the way, Lord Ron, I've heard that Gerald and Wu are very powerful and brutal, you should be careful."

Ron had long heard of Gerald and None, both of whom were known for their brutality and strength.

However, that's all in the past, Ron picked up Wendy's blue hair, it felt good, and smiled calmly: "Are Gerald and Wu very strong?" "

"That's for the best."

"Wendy, let me teach you a lesson."

"Also, Gerald, you don't have to look at it, come out."

Let's talk.

Inside the Kasbah.

Gerald and Wu, who had been waiting for an opportunity, were slightly stunned, their expressions were shocked, were they discovered? .

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