After [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV1] and [Gift LV1 from the Guildmaster], the third guild bond came, that is, [Morale Fury LV1].

To put it simply, [Morale Fury LV1], when fighting, as long as you have the Guild Dragon Empire in your heart, silently chant in your heart {We are the Dragon Empire!} } Similar words, and then the guild member's attack power instantly increased by twenty percent, lasting thirty seconds!!

This guild bond is much like the guild bond in Fairy Tail.

In Fairy Tail, just shout {We are Fairy Tail} and you can turn the limit in an instant.

Now, Ron's guild Dragon Empire is also ushering in the same type of guild bonds.

Although the current [Morale Fury LV1] can only increase attack power by 20%, the duration is only thirty seconds.

However, it is only LV1 now, and it is very likely that it will continue to upgrade and become a powerful bond like Fairy Tail.

Overall, Ron is still very satisfied with the new guild bond [Morale Fury LV1].

After this wave of extracurricular teaching, the overall strength of the guild has improved.

At present, the forces on the bright side, Miraj B-level Magister, Elfman C-class, Lisanna C-class, and Kana C-class, are already very strong.

More importantly, the potential of Miraj and others is high and there is a strong room for plasticity.

With the blessing of the guild bond [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV1], it will not be long before he can continue to improve his strength, which Ron is also looking forward to.

After the end, Elfman used his magic [Receiving Magic] to receive the spirit of the beast.

Because, at this time, Elfman was not very familiar with [receiving magic], and his magic power was not very sufficient, so he could only receive a beast arm.

While waving his beast arm, Elfman laughed heartily: "Finally a little manly!! "

"Although there is only one beast arm, I will work hard!"

Lisanna is also [Receiving Magic], Animal Soul: Turns the power of the receiving animal into its own power, and turns the whole body into the appearance of the receiving animal.

Due to Lisana's relatively high talent, she directly received "Animal Soul Cat", her hairstyle changed to long curly hair, cat ears and a cat tail, her hands had stripes on the lower half, and her hands turned into cat palms, and the overall image was very cute.

After receiving "Animal Soul Cat", Lisanna also mischievously imitated the cat's call: "Meow~!" "

"Brother Ron, does my magic look good?"

Ron rubbed Lisana's little head and smiled, "It looks good." "

"But the actual use of magic is still fighting."

Lisanna nodded obediently and said, "I know, I will continue to cheer!" "

Kana is a card in one hand, using [Card] magic, throwing out a few cards, and using magic in an instant: the fate of Summoning Thunder: Combined with the card to generate several lightning attacks, the falling thunder slammed on the ground, raising a puff of smoke, and scorched the lawn.

Seeing this scene, Kana nodded with satisfaction: "The power is not bad!" "

Ron commented, "Accuracy still needs practice, and card magic is comprehensive magic. "

"If you continue to cultivate, you can also operate fire, ice, wind... Magic attacks of the rest of the attributes can also perform divination. "

Hearing this, Kana's eyes are full of stars, continue to cultivate, she will soon be able to become a powerful magic guide, and then recognize Kildas!

"Ron, I see, thank you!"

Immediately, the dragonfly kissed like water, and Kana blinked her eyes playfully and chuckled: "This is a reward." "

This scene made Lisanna stunned slightly, and also learned Kana, came a dragonfly to point water, and then blushed slightly: "Brother Ron, I thank you too." "

Then, Elfman was stunned, scratched his head, and also pounced on Ron, opened his arms, and shouted: "Brother Ron, as a man, I can't lose, and I thank you too." "

Since learning magic, Elfman's personality is changing subtly, and the mantra seems to be manly.

However, for the enthusiastic Elfman, Ron, who has always been calm, had a terrified expression, slapped Elfman's face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and complained: "This... No need. "

"Elfman, you listen to me, I thank you, you don't have to be so gifted."

Seeing this scene, Lisanna and Kana hid their snicker.

Elfman, who didn't know why, scratched his head, his expression slightly aggrieved.

Ron covered his face helplessly, and after sighing softly, he also shook his head with a wry smile.

After a brief farce, Ron and the others left the forest in the eastern suburbs and returned home before the sun set.

As soon as he returned home, the fragrant aroma came to his nose, which was appetizing, and Miraj had already prepared the meal, waiting for Ron and the others to come home.

Hot rice, mushroom stew, Warcraft barbecue, steamed magic bird meat... Wait a minute.

After practicing magic, Elfman, Lisanna and the others were already hungry and couldn't wait to cook.

Miraj was wearing an apron in front of him, his hands crossed at the waist, and he looked very competent, full of smiles: "Eat more." "

"Ron, what's wrong with the magic being taught?"

Ron said truthfully, "Successfully done. "

"Elfman and Lisana learned [receiving magic], and Kana learned [card] magic, just like you."

The same magic? Miraj's heart warmed and he smiled, "Thank you Ron." "

Ron waved his hand casually and said, "It's just a small thing." "

Suddenly, Elfman, who was cooking and lacked a tendon in his head, said for no reason: "Kana and Lisanna kissed Rongo on the cheek in order to thank Brother Ron." "

"As a man, I also want to thank Brother Ron, but I was rejected..."

In the next second, Miraj, who was originally smiling, had an instantly gloomy expression, and a black qi seemed to cover her whole body, and this momentum was terrifying.

Grunting, Ron swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He just wanted to punch Elfman and kick Elfman's ass hard.

Like a child who had done something wrong, Lisanna looked down and cooked, pretending that nothing had happened.

Kana held a glass of juice, took a sip of juice, and looked at Miraj with a playful look: "Mira, you shouldn't be angry." "

Miraj laughed, laughing terrifyingly, and said in a defiant tone: "How can I be angry? "

"Don't you see, I'm smiling happily?"

"Cold knowledge, Ron's first kiss, but me."

Kana's eyes flickered, and she covered her mouth and chuckled: "Oh, is it? "

Miraj looked directly at Kana and smiled Oscar-like: "Yes." "

In the eyes of each other, both laughed, hahahaha~!

In a flash.

In laughter.

The breath of an Asura duel permeated the room.

Lisana's shoulders trembled slightly, and she suddenly felt that Sister Mira and Sister Kana were so terrifying!

Only Elfman continued to cook like a nobody, so fragrant.

Ron also helplessly covered his face, heh, women are really troublesome creatures, eat a lot of scenes, plan to go out and avoid the limelight.

By the way, inquire about intelligence.

After all, according to what he understands.

Now Elusa, Ginana, Rebbie Makugaden, Rocky Orietta... These people also did not join Fairy Tail.

Other guilds, like Yukino and Kagura... Wait, these people can also cut off their beards.

In order to make full use of the guild bond of [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV1].

He had to send out the Black Shadow Corps to secretly collect intelligence on these powerful female witches, and then cut off his beard.

No way, as the president, his pattern must be bigger.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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