First, using the divine power of the Void Realm 1v1, Ron predicted the next offensive of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf in advance and prepared in advance.

Then use the Eternal Ice to create the ultimate doppelganger to deceive Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon.

In addition, he killed Thor instantly from the beginning, which also had a great psychological impact on Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf, thus affecting the next operation of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf.

Interlocking and combined, Ron~En's tactics were successfully achieved.

Moreover, at this time, Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon had already hollowed out their bodies, energy, physical strength, mental strength... Wait, after successive battles, it has already collapsed.

Now, after being calculated by Ron's wave, the mentality of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf has long been defeated!

In this way, Ron, who appeared again, launched a rapid attack behind Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf, and the two black dragons came out in unison, and the hideous dragon heads killed Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf respectively!

Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf only looked back, their pupils dilated rapidly, and the increasingly huge black dragon figure reflected in their pupils.

When they reacted, everything was already in time, and after Ron released all the divine power of the Black Dragon God Ring S-level, the double black dragons that grew behind him were extremely brutal, like black dragons returning from purgatory!

In just an instant, in the blink of an eye, everything was killed in an instant, and the battle was over!


Blood flowers bloomed in midair.

The blood flowers, extremely gorgeous, slowly spilled to the ground under the cold moonlight.

The twin black dragons instantly penetrated the bodies of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf.

Piercing through their hearts, it was like a spear, blowing them into the sky.

In this way, the huge double black dragon nailed Joseph and the wolf of the red moon under the dome!

This picture is eerie and terrifying, under the ink-splashed dome, the body of Saint Joseph and the Book of Jelph Demon Red Moon Wolf is impressively hanged.

There were also two terrifying black dragons that pierced the bodies of Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon, crucifying them under the dome and hanging in mid-air until their lives died.

During the whole process, the powerful life force of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf was rapidly passing, and the double black dragons that penetrated their bodies were constantly devouring the life essence.

At this moment, Joseph's pupils shook, his expression was distorted, his eyes looked down at the chest area, and a large hole was pierced by the black dragon hole, and blood continued to spurt out.

And the hideous black dragon scales, glowing with black faintness, full of terrifying divine power, made Joseph's soul tremble.


Spitting blood from his mouth, Joseph's weak gaze then looked at Ron below, and Ron's back, releasing the double black dragon.

Actually... It's the Black Dragon.

That's Ron's... A trick?

He didn't want to die, but really couldn't do anything.

When the dragon, which had disappeared for hundreds of years, reappeared, it was the moment it took his life.

Joseph's face was full of reluctance and horror, and he said in a trill, "Ron... Who the hell are you?"

"Dragon or human?"

Ron shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "You guess?"

Suddenly, Joseph's expression collapsed!

He guessed a hammer!

But he really didn't want to die, after struggling for a moment.

Finally, spitting out the last mouthful of blood, Joseph died with his eyes downcast, completely dead.

In the form of Ron's double black dragon, Joseph was killed instantaneously without any surprise.

This is the divine power, this is the Black Dragon Heaven template, absolute strength!

Besides, Joseph was also a holy ten, and during this time period, he was still very hanging.

It's just a pity that the person Joseph met was Ron, a man who opened his hanging.

On the other hand, the vitality of demons is still stronger than that of humans after all.

Simply put, it's thick skin!

After struggling for a moment, after dying, the Red Moon Wolf let out a scream.

Under the devouring of the double black dragon, the life essence passed madly, and the scarlet vertical pupils gradually dimmed and lost their highlights.

Unwillingness, horror, horror, fear, fear... All kinds of complicated gazes, staring at Ron.

Finally, with a sigh of relief, he said his last words.

"I have shown my skills without reservation, I am very happy, I am sorry that I did not force you to do my all... Are you a dragon?"

"It's still the black dragon... I lost unjustly. "

"Sorry, I didn't make it fun for you. "

Immediately, a life whined, and the wolf of the red moon took the box lunch.

Only, the last words of the Red Moon Wolf.

Ron was also slightly startled.

Is Feelings still a martial demon?

After seeing Saint Ten Joseph and the demon Red Moon Wolf both dead.

Ron also made a thorough mending to prevent the other party from resurrecting.

After all, one is Saint Ten and the other is the demon of the Book of Jelf.

He has no interest in playing the repechage, and since he made a move, it must be a dead hand.

After confirming that Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf could no longer die, Ron withdrew the S-level divine power of the Black Dragon God Ring, and the double black dragon disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon, who were originally nailed to the dome, also fell with a bang and smashed on the ground, raising a heavy layer of dust.

The battle was over, Ron patted the dust on his hands, breathed a long sigh of relief, and concluded in his heart.

In this battle, he relied on the S-level double black dragon of the Black Dragon God Ring to instantly kill Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf.

What seems like an easy win is actually intertwined.

If there was no trick to fool Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon before.

If he hadn't killed Thor instantaneously before, it would have caused a change in the mood of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf.

If Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf had not been allowed to fight a civil war before, it would have consumed a lot of physical strength.

This battle, he will not win so easily.

In any case, the trouble was finally solved, and he successfully killed Saint Joseph the Tenth of Saints.

The move used is still the double black dragon of the Black Dragon God Ring S-level, which belongs to his hole card trick, and no living person knows that he has this move.

Therefore, he would not have any trouble killing Saint Joseph the Tens.

Very good, for this battle, Ron is also satisfied.

Overall, there is no major problem, and after the death of Joseph and the others, his identity will be well hidden.

Moreover, after a fierce battle, Ron was also cultivated, and his strength was promoted again.

The divine power of the Asura Realm has been increased from 1v10 to 1v12, and it has been upgraded by two levels in a row!

The generous reward is also as promised.

This reward made Ron also slightly surprised, it actually was!


The other side.

When Ron instantly killed the Wolf of the Red Moon and Saint Joseph the Ten of Saints.

The whole town of Roque was silent, silent.

Death-like silence, a needle dropped on the ground, all clearly audible!

All the residents stopped and looked under the dome not far away.

Just now, they were still watching the battle between Saint Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon.

Under the reminder of some well-wishers, they also knew that Saint Joseph was a very powerful magician.

After all, Roque Town is relatively remote, and most people do not have a particularly deep understanding of magic guides.

After knowing that Saint Ten was very powerful, he was still one of the strongest Magi in the Isugar Continent, and the residents of Roque Town also lit up hope!

Expect Saint Ten Joseph to take out the demon Red Moon Wolf and the demon of the Book of Jelf!

After all, the legend of the Great Demon Diliorah is also familiar to everyone, and they don't want Roque Town to be devoured by demons!

Therefore, one can only hope for Saint Joseph the Great.

After all, Saint Ten was one of the most powerful Magisters.

You can definitely take it, the legendary Book of Jelf Demon!

In this way, under the expectations of everyone.

A new storm did not appear, an even more shocking picture appeared!

For Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon were both under the dome, flying and fighting.

Therefore, they could only see Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon under the dome.

For Ron, who was standing on the ground, of course, they were invisible.

However, at the last moment, when Ron used the Black Dragon God Ring S-class, he returned to his original posture, and after the two black dragons were dispatched in unison, they directly skewered and burned, piercing through the bodies of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf respectively, flying both into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the moon.

This scene naturally made the nearby residents see it!

They saw, the legendary demon Red Moon Wolf, and the legendary Saint Ten Joseph.

The two were killed instantly, and were pierced by the double black dragon through the body and nailed under the dome!

In an instant, the two powerhouses were killed by the double black dragon at the same time, this picture is really too shocking!

More importantly, it is still two majestic black dragons!

Two huge black dragons rose up into the sky, directly penetrating the bodies of Saint Ten and the Demons of the Book of Jelf.

This is enough to shock the audience and shake everyone's souls!


Dragons that have disappeared for hundreds of years!

Return to the continent of Isugar again!

Moreover, as soon as he appeared, he directly crucified the Holy Ten and the Book of Jelf demons under the dome.

This absolutely arrogant strength is unquestionable!

This is the legendary dragon, the former overlord of the Isugar continent, the former dragon king has returned!

When the residents of Roque Town saw the double black dragon rushing to the dome, their bodies and souls trembled.

Many people even fell directly to the ground, trembling fingers, pointing to the double black dragon under the dome not far away, and muttered like a trill.

"Dragon... The legendary dragon, the dragon that only appears in writing, actually exists!"

"It's over, Saint Ten, Jelf's Book Demon, they have all been killed in seconds, will the dragon also kill us!"

"Hurry up and escape, Roque Town is over, this is a real dragon!"

"It's useless to escape, you know, it's a dragon, a dragon that has disappeared for hundreds of years, actually returned, wait for death!"

At this moment, Miraje, Aliyes, and Rebbie also rushed to Roque Town.

With Elusa, Jubia, Baluge and others, it converged.

Naturally, they also saw the scene in front of them.

The scene where the double black dragon instantly kills the demons of Saint Ten and Jelf's Book.

This picture was so shocking that everyone has not reacted until now.

Elusha grunted, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and exclaimed, "Is it actually a black dragon?"

"I've only seen dragons in books before, so powerful, instantly killing Saint Ten and the Book of Jelf Demons. "

Miraj, who had always faced Elusha with him, also nodded in approval at this time and said, "Yes, this is the legendary dragon." "

"Strong, arrogant, absolute strength. "

"The Holy Ten has fallen, and some of the Magic Council are busy. "

Rebby's eyes were full of stars, staring at the direction where the two black dragons disappeared, and sighed: "What a powerful strength... Worthy of a dragon. "

"You guys said Dragon and Guild President, who is stronger?"

...... The dividing line....

Black Song, Tacheng Kitten Illustration Death in advance.

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