Since you want to make trouble.

Then make a big fuss.

Now the double black dragon is out.

Saint Joseph has also fallen.

The Book of Jelf demon is also completely dead.

Ron knew that this had alarmed the Magic Council.

He is now in Roquetown again, although it is clean.

But in order to avoid accidents, he decided to make a big fuss and attract the attention of the Magic Council.

When the continent of Isugal, dragons appeared everywhere.

Dragons that have disappeared for hundreds of years are returning everywhere on the continent.

The gaze of the Magic Council will naturally not be focused on Roque Town, and Ron's suspicions will be washed away a lot.

What's more, Ron's target is the Blue Devil Scorpion Army, the Blue Poison Army Base Camp, Thunder Roar... Wait a minute.

These are his hostile forces, forces that will be destroyed sooner or later, and they are also a thorn in Ron's flesh.

It just so happens that with the help of the great chaos of this evening, these hostile forces are all annihilated!

Let the real dragons attack, let the stardust dragon, the true red-eyed black dragon, and the green-eyed white dragon make a big fuss.

By the way, clear all obstacles for him, do these hostile forces, and pluck out the thorn in his flesh!

You can also improve the strength of the Stardust Dragon, the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon, and the Green-Eyed White Dragon by the way, and see how the current True Dragon Legion is, and how big the gap is with the Black Dragon Akuno Lokia.

When his True Dragon Legion is enough to resist the Black Dragon Akuno Lokia, it is time for his showdown.

It was also an opportunity to conquer Isugar in the eastern continent, Alakidasia in the western continent, and Kiltina in the northern continent.

Ron's ultimate goal is to conquer and conquer Isugar in the eastern continent, Alakidasia in the western continent, and Kiltina in the northern continent.

This is also a matter of no way, in the demon tail world, it is useless if you want to salted fish, the black dragon is completely crazy in the later stage, and wants to destroy the world, which is equivalent to a world-destroying disaster, so you must improve your strength in order to protect yourself.

At this stage, his forces are still difficult to resist the black dragon and the Albarez Empire.

Therefore, he must frantically improve his strength and cut off more than 05 potential new stars.

For example: Brantish, Princess Timaria Yesta, Urutia Mirkovich... Wait a minute.

In contrast, after letting Brantish and Princess Timariyasta become the 12 shields of the Guardian Saint, he will attack the other party again, he prefers to intercept Hubrantish and Princess Timarijesta in advance.

Urrutia is the same, instead of letting Sister Tears blacken and experience a tragic childhood, it is better to cut off Urrutia in advance, recover Sister Tears, and kill Brian, the source of all evil, in advance.

As his thoughts spread, Ron glanced up, the cold and silent night sky, and the gauzy moonlight fell on him.

The hazy coldness, like a light veil, draped over Ron's body, the breeze blew by, the forehead hair swayed slightly, and the corners of his mouth tugged: "It's time to act too." "

The mind moves!

Under the control of the Asura Realm Divine Power 1v12.

Ron manipulated the true red-eyed black dragon from a distance and sent it to the Blue Poison Wetland, which is the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion.

With the increase of the Asura Realm's divine power to 1v12, Ron has already controlled a different dimensional space, just like Elusa's [Dress-up Magic], controlling a different dimensional space.

Before summoning the true dragons, he can let the true dragons live in a different dimensional space, and if necessary, summon them again.

In this way, you can perfectly hide the breath of the real dragons, as well as the whereabouts and traces of the real dragons.

After all, the black dragon Akuno Lokia is a dragon hunter and dragon slayer all over the world.

One must be cautious, Ron did not have the will to contact the black dragon until his strength reached the peak.

Obscene development is king, when his strength is strong enough, he can summon [Obelisk Giant God Soldier], [Osiris' Sky Dragon], [Sun God Wing Divine Dragon].

Or, when the [Green Eyed White Dragon], [True Red Eyed Black Dragon], and [Stardust Dragon] are evolved, and then let the True Dragon Legion deal with the black dragon Akuno Lokia, without a righteous group beating, you can directly single out this black lizard.

The future Ron is full of hope, and he has to endure it at this stage.

That's it.

Ron, who is behind the scenes.

Using the Asura Realm divine power 1v12, he had silently controlled the true red-eyed black dragon and unfolded the layout.

The other side.

Blue toxic wetlands.

The red moon is empty, in the weird wetland.

A gloomy white bone city emerged.

White bone skeleton decorations can be seen everywhere, and this is the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion, White Bone City.

In the city, in the huge hall, the scarlet moonlight fell through the broken windows, shrouding the guild members of the Blue Poison Legion.

They wore neat black robes, black hoods, and their whole bodies were tightly covered, and the black robes were engraved with the guild coat of arms of the Blue Poison Legion, and the strange scarlet pattern was very conspicuous.

When the Blue Scorpion led a part of the Blue Poison Legion to Magnoria, preparing to attack the Dragon Empire.

The current base camp of the Blue Poison Legion, the huge White Bone City, there are still seventy or eighty people left, guarding the White Bone City.

These people gathered in the secluded hall, silently praying to the demon statue in the center.

Pray for the Blue Scorpion-sama to win the ultimate victory and take down the Dragon Empire!

After the prayer, they got together again and started talking.

Their expressions are hideous, their eyes are greedy, their tone is violent, and their bodies are full of cruelty and tyranny.

"Hehehe, it's worthy of being the Blue Devil Scorpion Lord, really despicable, shameless, and cheap enough, taking advantage of that so-called Ron to go out on a commissioned mission, directly steal the Dragon Empire, capture their people, and then use it to threaten Ron, it's simply invincible!"

"That's right, meanness is the pass of the scumbag, as long as we are despicable enough to learn the stealing technique from Lord Blue Devil Scorpion, one day, we will also succeed!"

"Hehehe~ Yes, how fun it is to steal the family, it is effortless to win the victory, no one can think that we actually steal the Dragon Empire, it is simply the perfect plan!"

"That's right, our Blue Poison Legion is the most powerful, in terms of stealing homes, we recognize the second, and no one dares to recognize the first." "

"I also heard that that Ron is very mysterious, seems to have a very strong power, no matter how strong he is, it is useless, we directly play Yin, steal his house, and see what he does!"

In the perception of the Blue Poison Legion, meanness, shamelessness, and being mean enough are the greatest compliments.

If someone praises them as good people, it is the most vicious swearing.

They are like hyenas, they like to play with yin, hyenas like to pull out their anus, they like to sneak attacks, and they are the same.

It is precisely because of the guild style that they can take their place in the world of dark guilds and become the infamous Blue Poison Legion.

The guild leader Blue Devil Scorpion is even more like a hyena, stealing homes like anus everywhere, and he is not tired of it.

Just when they were triumphant and the victory was in hand.

Outside the White Bone City, under the dome of the red moon, the scarlet moonlight fell on the world.

An extreme sound of breaking the void sounded, like a dragon roaring through the golden cracked stone, shaking the entire sky, making the entire earth begin to tremble!

The source of the sound is exactly the sky above the White Bone City!

In an instant, the entire White Bone City also trembled.

Many hanging white bone ornaments were shaken to the ground. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Suddenly, the faces of everyone in the White Bone City and the defenders of the Blue Poison Legion changed suddenly, and the original appearance of giggling changed greatly.

Transformed into a tense face and a solemn expression, they all picked up their magic weapons and protected them in front of them, waiting for a stern look.

"There is movement, it seems to be an enemy attack?"

"Good fellow, I've been seeing you for a long time! Before it was our Blue Poison Legion who stole the house from others, and the stealing house like an anus was simply invincible, today we were actually stolen?"

Go, brothers, go out and see, who dares to steal us!

In a flash!

The mighty blue poison city defense army poured out.

They all came to the outside of the White Bone City, followed the source of the voice, looked up at the scarlet dome, and everyone's expressions were puzzled.

"Listen to the sound, it's a bit like the dragon chirping?"

How can it be the dragon song, the dragon has disappeared for hundreds of years, if it is really the dragon song, I can help you eat it." "

"Lie down, you dead guy, stay away from labor and management!"

"What about your mother, what do you think, I just want to express, this can never be a dragon song!"

When the Blue Poison defender army was puzzled.

The captain of the city defender, who was the leader, stood up.

Like everyone else, he wore the same black robe, covered tightly.

It's just that there is an extra pair of horns on the head, and a bull nose ring runs through the nose, and the whole person is muscular, like rock-like muscles, which is very conspicuous and prominent.

The captain of the minotaur snorted coldly and said sternly: "Don't be careless, mention the twelve points of spirit!"

"Lord Blue Devil Scorpion is in Magnolia, preparing to steal the Dragon Empire. "

"So, we have to hold the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion. "

"You can't lose Lord Blue Devil Scorpion's face, let alone Lord Cool Moon Heaven Serra's face!"

After all, their Blue Poison Legion is a professional family stealer.

In case someone steals the house, it is really humiliating and thrown to the grandmother's house.

For a time, on the scarlet dome, the roar continued to sound, like thunder, and like the roar of a dragon, wrapped in a majestic momentum.

These visions made the Minotaur captain look confused, touched his head, kept staring at the dome above, and muttered, "What is going on?"

He had spent decades in the Blue Poison Wetland and had never seen such a vision.

Under the dome, there has been a roar that shakes the sky, this roar is too similar to the legendary dragon roar!

However, dragons are also a legendary species.

In reality, there is no way to do it....

At this moment, near the Blue Poison Wetland, there are also some other dark guilds that come out to eat melons and watch plays.

After all, this is the area of the dark guild, and the surrounding dark guilds: Mokun Taimei, Dark Nine Turns Da Chang, Dark Butterfly... Wait a minute.

They naturally also noticed that in the sky above the Blue Poison Base Camp, the vision produced, the terrifying roar, shocked their hearts.

For a time, they also silently watched the Blue Poison Legion, intending to eat melons and watch the play.

Look who it is, so long-eyed, actually dares to hit the attention of the Blue Poison Legion.

After all, this is the territory of the Dark Guild, and it adheres to the principle of support from all sides in difficulty.

If the regular guild dares to come, they will inevitably fight back en masse and annihilate all the enemies who attack in the future!

Their local 247 dark guild is still quite disciplined.



While everyone is still eating melons and watching the play.

The sound of the dragon struck again!!

The only difference is that this time the thunder under the scarlet dome shines, the dark clouds roll, and the terrifying arc jumps in the dark clouds.

At the same time, there was a chant of summoning, which was like a chant from the vicissitudes of eternity, sounding under the scarlet dome, chanting the summoning spells one by one.

"True red flashing pupils, sharp claws that tear heaven and earth, black dragon with real red eyes, break the shackles that bind you in purgatory, and bring destruction to my enemies!



Under the majestic chanting.

The chanting shakes the souls of all.

This is like the chant of death coming from the abyss of hell, tearing at their souls and terrifying their hearts!

The members of the dark guild were stunned one by one, their expressions were shocked, their faces were livid, and they were in a cold sweat.

Without waiting for them to react, when the summoning chant ended.

The scarlet dome was torn open by the dark and hideous claws, and this gap gradually expanded.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying figure crawled out of it.

The one who appeared was the legendary dragon, a dragon that had disappeared for hundreds of years!

When the real red-eyed black dragon appeared, there was no nonsense, nor any hesitation.

As a dragon of destruction, True Red's eyes were already filled with anger, and the mouth of the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon was also condensed with angry Black Yan.

The majestic black flame gathered in the mouth like a tsunami, intending to destroy the black flame bomb that destroyed the sky and the earth with one blow, directly destroying everything in front of him, thus completing the master's task.

The whole process, from the dragon calling and chanting the mantra, to the official arrival of the legendary true red-eyed black dragon, has been completed in the blink of an eye.

When everyone did not react, the black flame bomb that destroyed everything with one blow was also ready to be launched, and the power was directly full, and the black flame was also full!!

At this moment, the entire Blue Poison Wetland was silent and deadly.

The members of the dark guild were dumbfounded, staring at the true red-eyed black dragon in front of them with trembling eyes, directly stunned in place, and their hearts seemed to set off terrifying waves!

Dragon, it turned out to be real!

Also, its kind of black flame attack is accumulating, what are you going to do?

They are not the Blue Poison Legion, they are just eating melons and watching the play, do they plan to destroy together?

...... The dividing line....

True red-eyed black dragon illustration.

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