Accompanied by the dancing of the true red-eyed black dragon and the stardust dragon.

The last dance, the green-eyed white dragon is also in progress.

In the forest near Magnolia.

This is the Eastern Suburbs Warcraft Forest, and the Blue Demon Scorpion is leading the Blue Poison Legion, a mighty army of fifty people, still waiting for an opportunity here.

They are like hunting hyenas, patiently waiting for the arrival of their prey.

In order to maximize the benefits, the blue devil scorpion has been standing still these days.

Because, Kana, Elfman, Lisana... They are all performing entrusted tasks, and they did not appear in the guild of the Dragon Empire at the same time.

This made the Blue Devil Scorpion also have a good chance, and tonight the opportunity finally came, and Kana, Elfman, and Lisana, who completed the entrusted task, gathered in the Dragon Empire.

This is the opportunity of the Blue Devil Scorpion, sneak up on the Dragon Empire, capture the most loot ~, and threaten Ron.

And Kana, Elfman, Lisanna are - loot!

At this point, the blue devil scorpion's scarlet pupils looked at the gloomy full moon.

The night is dark and the wind is high and at night, and the cool breeze is comfortable tonight, and it is time for him to show his skills, and steal the house by taking out the anus.

Capture Ron for Lord Serra, sacrifice Ron for Lord Serra, everything is good.

Unfortunately, this is just fantasy.

The blue devil scorpion, who did not know it, the dragon king was on the upper body, the corners of his mouth were crooked, and he smiled evilly: "Brothers, the time to hunt has come." "

"Go together tonight, take the Dragon Empire at speed, and complete the plan to steal the family."

"Our prey is Elfman, Lisana, and Kana, left alive to threaten Ron."


The younger brothers had fierce, cruel, fierce, and vicious expressions, and their hideous laughter continued to sound.

"Understood, Lord Blue Devil Scorpion!"

"We are experts in stealing homes, you can rest assured."

"That's right, quick victory, sneak attack to take down the Dragon Empire!"

"Hahaha, no matter how strong Ron is, it is useless, Ron he never dreamed that we would steal the Dragon Empire."

In the midst of laughter, the Blue Scorpion's magic communication crystal was also calling, and the caller was none other than Cool Moon Tiansera.

Seeing this, the blue devil scorpion was slightly startled, Lord Serra actually called him, rare.

There was no time to be shocked, after connecting the magic communication crystal, there was no figure of Serra in the crystal, only Serra's cold voice like a royal sister.

In just a few seconds, after Serra explained everything, she hung up the magic communication crystal.

Let the blue devil scorpion stay directly like a wooden chicken and stay in place.

Yes, just now, Lord Serra informed him that his Blue Poison Legion's base camp, White Bone City, had been stolen!

As a professional stealing family, the Blue Poison Legion is gone, and his home has been stolen!

Moreover, it is the legendary dragon that is coming!

This series of explosive information shocked the heart of the blue magic scorpion, what is going on?

The dragon, which has disappeared for hundreds of years, has actually returned!

More importantly, it also exploded his base camp.

Everything is like a dream, or a nightmare.

Of course, the nightmare is not over.

When the Blue Devil Scorpion and the Blue Poison Army were shocked.

Under the dome, suddenly there was a sound of dragon roar, like thunder, like a roar of fire, like thunder like fire, resounding and curbing clouds, full of majestic momentum, intimidating the audience!

This roar!

Like a nuclear bomb, it directly exploded the hearts of everyone in the Blue Devil Scorpion and the Blue Poison Legion, and exploded a world upside down in their hearts!

Suddenly, the arrogance of the Blue Poison Legion before suddenly disappeared, and his expression was panicked, and he began to discuss like a trill.

"Groove~! Nima, what was that sound just now? "

"It's like... Is it a dragon? No, no, our base camp, White Bone City, has just been annihilated by the dragon, our home has just been stolen by the dragon, and now we are going to encounter the dragon again? "

"Don't say it, don't you really say it... If it's true, it's really a dragon, we're finished! "

The words stopped abruptly!

The blue devil scorpion attacked with its claws, and the claws of its left and right hands attacked in unison.

Instantly killing the two younger brothers of the Blue Poison Legion, blood splattered in the night, like a little red plum, spilled to the ground, looking ghostly and terrifying.

The blue devil scorpion's expression was extremely grim, his cold eyes flashed red, and he said fiercely: "Shut up!" "

"It can't be a dragon!"

"Serra's intelligence must have gone wrong."

"There is no dragon in this world."

"The dragon has disappeared for hundreds of years, the dragon does not exist, if there really is a dragon, I will die tonight!"

At this moment, the blue devil scorpion, whose brain is in chaos, has removed the honorific title for Serra and directly called Serra.

Seeing this, the younger brothers of the Blue Poison Legion were all over the place, subconsciously staying away from the Blue Devil Scorpion.

"Lord Blue Devil Scorpion... Lord Serra's intelligence cannot be wrong. "

"Yes, that's Lord Serra's information, our home was really stolen by dragons, and dragons really exist in this world."

At this time, the blue devil scorpion looked crazy, raised his right index finger, pointed to the sky directly above, and pointed to the cold full moon.

The hazy moonlight fell on his body, and he drank fiercely!

"My grandmother once said that there are no dragons in this world!"

"If there really is a dragon, come out now!"

"Let me see what a dragon, a dragon that has disappeared for hundreds of years, looks like!"

At this moment, the blue devil scorpion is infinitely arrogant, and he is frantically encouraging himself and emboldening himself.

There must be no dragon in this world, Serra's intelligence is wrong, the White Bone City, the base camp of the Blue Devil Scorpion, must still be there, and something must have gone wrong in this!

That's right, he's right!

Everyone else is wrong!

Suddenly, a junior brother in the Blue Poison Legion complained, "Lord Blue Devil Scorpion. Aren't you without grandma? "

The blue devil scorpion raised his eyebrows, his face was full of hideousness, and he just wanted to be angry.


Next second.


The sky is banging again!

The blue-eyed white dragon is here!

An eternal chanting summoning spell sounded.

Directly above the Blue Poison Legion, the tile kettle thundered, the thunder roared, and the thunder exploded!

"Cyan emerald-like shining pupils, silver claws that cut through the heavens and earth, silver meteors gliding through the sky! Break through the shackles of fate and open your cyan eyes, blue-eyed white dragon! "


A huge silver figure, like a silver meteor, broke through the layers of black clouds above the dome, tore through the black clouds, and descended to the world!

This is exactly the legendary dragon, the green-eyed white dragon!

The terrifying and imposing dragon roar sounded again, shaking heaven and earth and shaking everyone's souls!

This moment.

The Blue Devil Scorpion was stunned.

The index finger of his right hand still pointed to the green-eyed white dragon under the dome.

Suddenly, he quickly retracted his right index finger.

Nima coin, really refers to where, where to come to the dragon, this TM crow mouth!

Now, the blue devil scorpion can't wait to give himself two big pockets, and his heart is full of regret, and his trembling pupils reflect the dragon shadow in front of him.

The surging dragon power is not angry with himself, making him tremble, is this a dragon?

Dragons, it turns out to really exist!

Lord Serra, what you said is true!

At this moment, the entire Blue Poison Legion, the previous arrogance and confidence, has long been gone at this time, and the body can't help but tremble, and the soul is also trembling.

"Dragon... It really exists. "

"Lying groove, the direction pointed by the Blue Devil Scorpion Lord can really descend on the dragon, the Blue Devil Scorpion Lord is awesome."

"What about Nima, no brains? The dragon is coming, we all have to die! "

"What to do? Hurry up and escape. "

For a while, the entire Blue Poison Army was in chaos.

At the same time, the great Magnolia, in the dark night, did not calm down.

Because of the arrival of the blue-eyed white dragon, it descended on the sky above the Warcraft Forest in the eastern suburbs near Magnolia. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This scene, the residents of Magnolia are also in the eyes.

They were in Magnoglia, looking at the green-eyed white dragon under the dome not far above.

At this time, their hearts were like a tsunami coming, difficult to calm down, only infinite shock.

Many people directly collapsed their faces, knelt on the ground, crying and shouting for their mothers, and were directly shocked by the momentum of the green-eyed white dragon.

This is the dragon, the absolute king!

"I'm Nima! Am I blinded... In the sky above Magnolia, you actually saw a dragon? "

"This... The dragon in the book is actually real, everyone run away, Magnolia is going to be destroyed! "

"Flee, the dragon has returned, and mankind will perish!"

Obviously, in the face of unknown dragons, in the face of dragons that have disappeared for hundreds of years.

Most of the emotions in the hearts of the crowd are shock, fear, fear, horror, horror.

Under the shock of everyone, the Fairy Tail Guild and the Dragon Empire Guild in the heart of Magnolia were also terrified.

The members of the two guilds stood up one after another and came to see the legendary dragon.

Elfman, Lisana, Kana, Wakaba, Macao... and so on, all ran out of the guild in panic, staring at the green-eyed white dragon under the dome not far away.

At this moment, their souls were trembling.

Waqaba was directly frightened and stupid, came a wave of reverse smoking, the side with the pipe burning tobacco in the mouth, the hot mouth chirped, the pipe fell to the ground, did not care, dull eyes stared at the green-eyed white dragon in the sky.

"Dragon, is it true, to hell with this evening?"

"The president just went to a meeting, Magnolia actually came to the dragon, what happened to Isugar tonight?"

Because of the seriousness of the situation, after the double black dragon, it was the true red-eyed black dragon and the stardust dragon, and the emergency meeting originally scheduled for tomorrow was directly held overnight this evening, and Makarov had already gone to the Magic Council.

I didn't expect that Makarov just walked on the front foot, and in the next second even Magnolia came to the dragon!

This shocked everyone's hearts, what happened to the Isugar continent tonight!

Dragons that have disappeared for hundreds of years, dragons that have disappeared for hundreds of years.

Tonight, one after another, they appeared all over the Ishgar continent.

Double Black Dragon, True Red-Eyed Black Dragon, Stardust Dragon, Green-Eyed White Dragon... It is enough to be shocking, enough to shake everyone's hearts, enough to shake the entire Isugar continent!

Macao's pupils shook, and he muttered like a trill: "I have to urgently inform the president, Magnolia is also here." "

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Kana, Lisana, and Elfman on the side, and said, "You guys also be careful." "

"Hurry up and escape, emergency, emergency treatment."

"Now, immediately, immediately, away from Magnolia, away from the dragon!"

Lisanna nodded obediently: "Well, sister Kana, Elfman, let's run away." "

Kana took a sip of the juice from her glass and said in amazement, "Hell ... The dragon actually descended on Magnolia. "

"Gotta inform Ron and tell them to be careful when they come back."

Elfman nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I am also afraid of dragons, which is really terrifying." "

"Retreat first, and then quickly inform Brother Rohen about them."


Didn't wait for them to retreat first!

The green-eyed white dragon had already taken the lead in launching an offensive.

A devastating explosive blast that shook the world directly burst out!

It forms a hot ray that runs through the heavens and the earth, sweeping everything in front of you, and turning everything in its path into ashes!

In a flash!

Just a second!

The Blue Devil Scorpion and his Blue Poison Legion, a mighty army of fifty people, were simply like clowns, completely destroyed under the destruction explosion blast bomb, and were bombarded into powder and dissipated in the heavens and the earth!

It's over.

One Destruction Burst Blaster bomb ended everything.

After completing everything, the green eyes of the green-eyed white dragon captured the soul, and glanced at Magnolia not far away.

Amazing eyesight, it can naturally see Elfman, Lisana, Kana and others in the central location of Magnolia.

Ron, as the mastermind behind the scenes, also shared the vision of the green-eyed white dragon, and after seeing that Kana and the others were okay, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

As everyone knows, it was Ron's unintentional move.

Frightened the inhabitants of the entire Magnolian town, they moved overnight, empty overnight, and moved overnight.

The shocking glimpse of the green-eyed white dragon was enough to make them terrified, and their souls flew into the sky in fear.

Including the people of Fairy Tail and the Dragon Empire, they also saw the glance of the green-eyed white dragon.

Could it be that they were also targeted by the green-eyed white dragon?

Without hesitation, urgently retreat Magnolia!

That's it.

After a small episode.

Everything also ended smoothly.

After completely annihilating the Blue Scorpion and the Blue Poison Legion.

With the green-eyed white dragon ending the mission, Ron also successfully completed this solo waltz.

The return of the gorgeous dragons to the waltz is enough to shake the entire Isugar continent.

At this moment, whether it is a demon, a person, or anyone, it is shocked, and it feels good to be the black hand behind the scenes.

Moreover, after this wave of operation, the rewards are also rich....

That's it.

The Dragon's Waltz has officially come to an end.

It starts with the double black dragon and ends with the blue-eyed white dragon.

Of course, this is just the end of a short story.

From the big picture, everything is just beginning.

Whether it is a stardust dragon, a true red-eyed black dragon, or a green-eyed white dragon, it can evolve and become stronger, and Ron can also summon more and stronger dragons.

An interesting story that has just begun.

The other side.

Magic Council.

The turmoil of the return of the dragons tonight has already subverted the entire Ishgar continent.

On the continent of Ishgar, real dragons appeared everywhere, double black dragons, true red-eyed black dragons, stardust dragons... Wait, let the Magic Council also be overwhelmed.

Originally tomorrow's emergency meeting, it will be held overnight tonight!

In addition to the original Magic Review, Saint Ten also had to participate.

Even, this time, because of the return of the legendary true dragon, it caused too much movement, and even the legendary Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar had to participate!

That is, the four holy ten demon guides known as God also participated in this super incomparable cosmic emergency meeting held overnight!

In the conference hall of the Magic Council, in front of a large round table, big guys gathered.

All the Magic Judges are there, as are Makarov and Jiularekis.

Among them, in front of the big guys, there is also a figure with a double ponytail, making hand and foot dancing movements.

The action is pompous and weird, slightly funny, as if it is an extremely special way of greeting.


This double ponytail figure has a graceful figure and flexible hands, orange hair, and two wing-like buns on either side from above.

There is a horizontal scar in the center of his face, wearing a black and white cloak, and a disc of twelve swords on his back.

The face is full of confidence and arrogance, sometimes the double ponytail is not necessarily the girl, and the double ponytail in front of you is the same.

It is the strongest wizard of the young god Serena and Isugal.

Serena's pupils were full of excitement, as a dragon slaying demon guide, he had eight dragon slaying demon crystals, and he was the darling of dragons, and he finally waited for the dragon !!

Kill the dragon!

Finally no longer a false name!

...... The dividing line....

Tenjin Serena illustration four.

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