At this moment, there was a famous scene on the battlefield where the power of one person was facing off against the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter".

This scene shook the hearts of Makarov and Kildas!

Apparently, the teenager was none other than Ron.

For Ron's behavior, Makarov was shocked: "Stinky boy! "

"That's Jupiter, what are you doing! "

Kildas's pupils trembled, and he said in amazement: "Could it be... Ron intends to resist the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter" alone? "

At this moment, everyone was terrified.

Especially the residents of Magnolia, Ron rarely makes a move on weekdays.

For Ron's strength, they also have no way to scrutinize.

In their eyes, Ron is the president of the Dragon Empire, full of mystery, what is the strength?

Nobody knows!

But, today. "817"

Did Ron finally make a move?

Moreover, it is still the power of one person to resist the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter"?

This scene shocked everyone's hearts!

Elusa's beautiful eyes were shocked, and her eyes were full of the figure of a teenager, and she said in a trill: "No... Absolutely not, that is the magic guide cluster gun "Jupiter". "

Miraj's little face was also worried, and said, "Elusa, let's go up together and help Ron." "

Elusha nodded: "Good!" "

Jubia echoed, "Jubia will also go together to help Lord Ron." "

For a while, whether it was Kana, Rebby, or Baluge... All the members of the Dragon Empire are working together to help Ron.

In this case, Ron, who had his back to everyone, raised his right hand and signaled, "No need to shoot." "

"I can fix it."


The hearts of everyone once again set off terrifying waves.

Ron's self-confidence gave us a huge impact on their hearts.

Could it be that Ron can really do it, single-handedly resisting the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter"?

Without waiting for everyone to react, Pope Pharaoh and Aliyah continued to attack without speaking of martial virtue.

Suddenly, without the slightest precaution, the magic guide cluster gun "Jupiter" was activated in advance!

Because of the early launch, the power was not full.

However, ten bursts of magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter" are enough to destroy everything, enough to blow everything apart, enough to destroy everything!

Under these ten bursts of magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", the Dragon Empire, Fairy Tail, Magnolia... All of them must be annihilated, and under the brutal fire, they all have to be reduced to ashes and dissipated in the air.


Ten pillars of heavenly light, running through heaven and earth, directly hitting Magnolia, containing an offensive of endless magical power, exploding heaven and earth, shaking heaven and earth, and directly bombarding Magnolia!

When skimming the sea, endless waves roll up, forming a magnificent scene like a tsunami, and the water splashes and falls in the sky, like a heavy rainstorm.

These ten magic guide cluster cannons "Jupiter" are full of boundless magic and shining magic power, making the night become day.

At this moment, everyone in Fairy Tail froze, Elusha, Miraj and others were stunned, and the residents of Magnolia were dumbfounded... Is it all over?

Ten Demon Guide Cluster Cannon "Jupiter" attacked in advance, wrapped in the power of destruction, and bombarded Magnolia!

Under such a desperate situation, Ron's azure eyes were ancient, his expression was calm, and he raised his right hand slightly to block in front of him!

In an instant!

The colorless realm divine power was roaring.

From Ron's body, gushing out!

Immediately after, FullCounter kicks in!

Facing the boundless ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", Ron raised his hand and used the magic skill: FullCounter!

Next second~!

The explosion that shook the heavens and the earth sounded.

Roll up endless waves, like a tsunami, drowning the whole audience~!

The brutal explosion rolled up a terrifying wind, blowing the whole audience, drowning everything, blowing over everything.

Many people were directly overturned to the ground, and many houses were also overturned... The scene was terrible.

The aftermath of the explosion spread layer by layer, destroying everything around it, trees, houses, streets... All exploded.

When the aftermath of the explosion fades, when the tsunami fades.

When the battlefield reappeared, Magnolia was not destroyed, and under the bombardment of the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", Magnolia survived!

It's just that there is a little damage.

However, this is lucky enough, after all, this is the bombardment of ten consecutive magic guide cluster cannons "Jupiter".

Under such firepower, Magnolia escaped a catastrophe:

This scene shook everyone's hearts.

The inhabitants of Magnolia were stunned, stunned, unable to believe what was in front of them, did they survive?

The people of Fairy Tail were also shocked, and their hearts set off terrifying waves, which were difficult to calm down.

What just happened?

Magnolia actually survived!

In the face of the sneak attack of Pope Pharaoh and Aliyah, the attack of ten magic guide cluster cannons "Jupiter" was released in advance.

In the midst of everyone's despair, when everyone felt that everything was over, Magnolia survived. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This scene made Miraj, Elusa, Jubia and the others, their little faces were also full of shock, could it be... Did Ron make a move?

When everyone was shocked, everyone's eyes, when they looked at the port of Magnolia, they saw a familiar figure, it was the figure of the blue-eyed boy.

There is no doubt that the offensive just now, the fierce bombardment of the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", it was Ron who resisted and saved Magnolia!

This moment.

When the crowd discovers the truth.

My heart was already shocked!

For Ron's strength, they have long been convinced, strong like a monster!

All this made Kildas and Makarov also slightly startled, and their hearts were amazed.

After this battle, they have already determined that Ron's strength is definitely at the level of Saint Ten!

In the shock of everyone 1.3, Ron did not stop there.


No kidding!

The fun has just begun!

Continue to use FullCounter 1v1 to fight back the ten consecutive magic guide cluster cannons "Jupiter" that just came wildly!

A final gift to the Dark Ghost Dominator!

Under this great gift, accompanied by the sound of the last explosion, the explosion that shook the heavens and the earth and resounded through the clouds.

The Magic Guide Giant fell.

Aliyah collapsed with despair.

Pope Pharaoh did the same, with deep fear, unwillingness, and horror, and also fell.

Along with the rout of the Dark Ghost Dominator, the battle did not end.

Ron knew that he also had another goal, that is, Serra of the Gate of Hades, and that was the point!

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