At this moment, the fire is bursting into the sky!

The smoke of the battlefield filled the audience, and when the smoke faded.

The magic guide giant in the port of Magnolia has long since fallen.

Under the absolute firepower, it turned into ashes and dissipated in the air.

The same is true of the cadres of the Dark Ghost Dominator, Aliyah and Pope Pharaoh, all falling.

In this battle, the Dragon Empire had the upper hand.

Under Ron's FullCounter 1v1, the magic guide cluster gun "Jupiter" is vulnerable!

All the magic is bounced back.

Kill everything instantly, and blast the Magijut, Aliyah, and Pope Pharaoh.

This absolutely arrogant strength made Alia and Pope Pharaoh, in the second before death, their expressions were full of shock, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

Their strongest attack, the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", was actually bounced back, is the blue-eyed boy in front of him still human?

In a moment of shock, in a time of despair, in the end, Aliyah and Pope Pharaoh went to death together.

The Dark Ghost Dominator has been defeated, and he can't stop it at all!

After Ron appeared, the big picture was reversed directly.

The Dragon 11 Empire is only one last step away from the final victory, that is, to take Serra, the Cool Moon Sky Serra of the Gate of Hades!

At this moment, the huge Magnolia, death-like silence, everyone was stunned, Ron's shot, deeply shaken their hearts!

Faced with the attack of the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", the blue-eyed boy successfully resisted the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter" with the power of one person.

Moreover, it also bounced back and completely destroyed the magic guide giant, Aliyah and Pope Pharaoh also fell.

"This... So strong, is this Ron? President of the Dragon Empire! "

"Groove, it's too strong! Ron, this kid, has the Saint Ten level! "

"It's terrifying... Ron is only eight years old this year. "

In the midst of everyone's shock.

Elusha and Miraj and the others were also slightly startled, they witnessed everything up close, the brutal attack of the ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", and Ron's leisurely shot, so as to raise their hands, easily solve everything!

The ten-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter" is gone!

Bounced back by Ron!

This scene deeply shook the hearts of Miraj, Elusa and others.

Miraj rubbed his eyes and exclaimed, "Abominable! Ron's strength turned out to be so strong... I didn't notice it. "

"I thought I had closed the distance."

"Unexpectedly, it is getting farther and farther away from Ron."

Elusha breathed a sigh of relief and said enviously: "I can only continue to refuel." "

"Ron's talent is far above you and me."

Jubia's eyes were full of stars, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said hopefully: "Jubia will also cheer!" "

Not far away, Makarov, Kildas, Laxus and others were also stunned.

The main thing is that the trick of rebounding the magic power is really perverted, and they are also surprised.

Never seen before, such a perverted and insoluble move, shocking their souls.

After a long silence, Laxus had a solemn expression: "Ron... Stronger again. "

He had been catching up with Ron, over time.

Laxus also found that no matter how hard he tried, he always seemed to be unable to catch up with Ron.

Moreover, the gap between him and Ron is also getting wider and wider.

Until now, he and Ron have long been one in the sky and one in the earth, completely incomparable, completely incomparable.

Seeing this, Kildas laughed and patted Laxus on the shoulder: "Boy, don't be too anxious." "

"That's Ron."

"It's normal to compare to him."

"Ron, that smelly boy, now has the level of Saint Ten."

Hearing this, Makarov's deep eyes, flickering slightly dazed, agreed: "That's right." "

"Ron already has the level of Saint Ten."

"What's even more terrifying is that Ron is only eight years old now."

"Continue to grow, Ron will inevitably reach the peak of the Magus and become the strongest."

Makarov's super high evaluation of Ron, no one refuted, everyone's expressions were complicated and heavy.

After this battle, Ron easily resisted the attack of the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", and had already convinced everyone.

Especially Biska and Rocky.

Bisca's little face was full of excitement: "Great, Le Qi! "

Le Qi bowed his head and said, "Yes!" "

"This is our president!"

"It's too strong!"

"Sure enough, we didn't choose the wrong guild."

In the shock of everyone, his gaze returned to Ron.

At this moment, Ron still looked solemn, his azure eyes were as cold as ice, looking at the sea in front of him.

He knew that Serra was still there.

He feels the spell of Serra, a demon of the Gates of Hades and a demon of the Book of Jelf.

Unlike Magisters, Serra uses spells and possesses spell power, which is the power of demons. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is also a force full of malice, enough to shock the human heart!

In an instant!

On the rough sea, where the magic guide giant fell.

A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared, and this sea vortex rotated wildly, turning bigger and bigger.

Finally, a figure emerged.

This graceful figure, standing quietly on the sea, she is the cool moon celestial Serra of the gate of Hades.

With the defeat of Alia and Pope Pharaoh, the huge dark ghost ruler, now only Serra is left.

The lonely figure makes 107 Sierra look even more weird.

At this time, on the sea, there was only Serra.

Looking ahead, Serra's expression was cold, her beautiful eyes were unexpected, she clenched her fists, her gloomy gaze looked directly at Ron, and muttered: "Have you all lost?" "

"Ron... You are really strong. "

The defeat of Aliyah and Pope Pharaoh really shook Serra's heart.

In her heart, the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter" took Ron, which should have been a matter of stability.

The result?

The development of things!

Totally unexpected!

However, it doesn't matter now, she will shoot!

Between raising her eyes, she looked at Lisana, Kana, Rebbie and others not far away, and between raising her hands, she directly used the spell - "Command".

In an instant!

Lisana, Kana, Rebbie and the others suddenly changed their expressions, and their bodies glowed with a gloomy aura.

Under the spell - "Order", under the control of Serra, Lisana, Kana, Rebbie and others were directly controlled!

This scene directly shocked Elusha and Miraj and others.

Because, the controlled Lisana, Kana, and Rebbe turned their blades against each other, and turned their heads to attack Miraj and Elusha.

This scene stunned everyone.

They don't understand Serra's spells, and naturally they don't understand the abnormal behavior of Lisana, Kana, Rebbie and others.

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