
Under the spell "Command".

Under the operation of Serra.

The scene was chaotic.

Elusa's expression tensed: "Lisana, Kana, Rebby... What are you doing? "

Rebbe used [Word Magic] to attack Elusa with a broken expression: "I... I don't know. "

Lisana was even more tearful, and while attacking Miraj, she cried bitterly: "Sister Mira, run away!" "

Miraj looked pained, while resisting Lisana's attack, he couldn't bear to hurt Lisana, so he could only hurt her by Lisanna and bite his teeth: "What's wrong with this?" "

Apparently, in the face of Serra's spell "order".

Miraj, Elusha, Kana, Rebe, Lisanna and others are all in trouble.

This scene, Ron also saw in his eyes, rubbed his eyebrows, and muttered: "This kind of little trick, but you can't win me, Serra." "

Serra was slightly startled, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Who knows." "

In the next second, Ron did not hesitate, raised his hand, released the divine power of the Immortal Realm, and the healing holy light instantly enveloped Elusa, Miraje, Rebby, Kana, Lisanna and others.

The control of the spell "command" is lifted in an instant.

In the face of the divine power of the Immortal Realm, the spell "order" was vulnerable.

Absolute malicious spells, in the face of holy light-like healing divine power, just like facing natural enemies, there is no resistance power.

After lifting the spell "order", Lisana, Rebby, Kana and the others, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, slumped to the ground, their small faces were full of expressions of the aftermath, panting, and the horror on their faces did not fade.

Miraj quickly came over, hugged Lisana, and said worriedly: "Is Lisanna all right?" "

Lisana's little face turned red, wiped a handful of tears from her cheeks, and said, "I feel the power of Brother Ron, and it is Brother Ron who heals us." "

"We just seemed to have been hit."

Kana breathed a long sigh of relief and said fearfully, "Lisanna is right. "

"We just seemed to be controlled and manipulated."

"Fortunately, at the last minute, I also felt Ron's power, and it was Ron who saved us again."

Rebbie held up the frame and explained, "It's a spell." "

"The power that just controlled us is a spell, a spell, this is the power of the devil."


Everyone suddenly realized!

It was Serra who made the move!

Today, Sierra is still too tough for them.

In the face of Serra's shot, they had no resistance.

This is the Cool Moon Sky Serra of the Gate of Hades!

Without Ron's shot, the spell "order" just now would have been enough to destroy Miraj, Elusa, Kana, Rebbie and the others.

This is Serra, absolutely arrogant strength.

Suddenly, Makarov came to Miraj, Elusha and the others, his deep eyes were slightly dazed, and he said seriously: "Let Ron deal with Serra." "

"It's up to this."

"I can only trust Ron."

"This is a showdown between generals."

It is also the final showdown.

Kildas changed his usual lazy look and said solemnly: "Yes." "

"Haha, Ron will win."

"I bet 100,000 J~!"

"Until then, let's Fairy Tail protect you."

Laxus folded his arms and followed behind Makarov and Kildas with a grim expression, and the actions spoke for themselves.

After Serra did it against the Dragon Empire, against Elusa, Miraje, Kana, Lisanna and others.

Fairy Tail also reacted in time and immediately rushed to protect Lisana, Kana, Rebbie and the others.

Avoid letting Serra catch a weak point and let Ron suffer.

After all, this is already the final battle.

Dragon Empire vs Dark Ghost Dominator Master Showdown, Ron vs Serra!

The final showdown also determines the final victory or defeat, and the key to the rise of the Dragon Empire.

At this moment, on the surface of the sea, Serra is still standing on the boundless sea, on the sparkling endless sea.

Seeing the spell "order", which was easily cracked by Ron, Serra's expression changed slightly, her beautiful eyes froze, and her pupils reflected the figure of the blue-eyed boy in front of her, and she muttered in her mouth: "Ron... Can spells be cracked too? "

"Is this divine power?"

"It's good, you caught my attention."

"You deserve me, go all out!"


Serra is like a Super Saiyan, full of spell power, roaring like a tsunami, as endless as an ocean, surging and worshiping!

The spell frenzy is surging, and from Serra's body, the fire is full and crazy to attack!

Followed by!

Use the spell [command. Self-breakthrough】

Command yourself, break through your limits, and manifest yourself as a demon.

Not only that! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Face the mighty Ron!

Serra continues to break through!

【Magic Eye Open】!

Liberate all spell power, open the magic eye, the destructive power is amazing, and the strength directly reaches the peak!

Liberate all the spell power, transform into the demon form of the Book of Jelf, the demon form of Cool Moon Sky Serra, and directly open the spell!

Intend to fire out and take Ron in an instant!

At this moment, Serra under the demon posture was full of boundless malice, his eyes were shining with golden light, and he said coldly: ".. Goodbye boy! "

"Don't worry, your corpse, I will receive it, transform it into a demon, you are the strongest demon, your destiny should be a demon..."

Until this moment, Serra is still thinking about Ron, wanting to transform Ron into a demon.

It has to be said that the devil is simple.

Simple evil, simple evil, the purpose is also very simple, once locked, it is locked, not dead!

In an instant, Serra, who was full of spell power, no more nonsense!

The big move is directly activated, [Spell Light]!

With his hands in front of him, he created a huge spell array, condensing an ocean of spell power, condensing it into a cannon and condensing into a shock wave!

Boom! (of Lee's)

A large shockwave released by the spell that shook the heavens and the earth slammed towards Ron, and when it swept across the sea, it rolled up the water column that reached the sky, rippling the sky and splashing the sky, and the scene was like a heavy rainstorm.

As he went on the offensive, Serra roared, "Despair, Ron! "

"My moves are spells, spells, not magic, you can't bounce them back!"

In the face of Serra's furious attack, Ron looked indifferent, his forehead swayed slightly, and his azure eyes reflected the spell shockwave that was getting closer and closer, and he muttered, "Is it?" "

"Unfortunately, I didn't plan to use Full Counterattack either."

Between raising his hand, Ron's boundless divine power sprayed into the sky from his right hand.

Under Ron's call, the firmament suddenly changed, blood turned into the sky, dark clouds were thick, and thunder roared!

This scene once again shocked everyone's hearts!

Without waiting for everyone to react, the artifact blood spear tore through the dome, fell from the sky, and fell straight into Ron's hands.

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