God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1048: Big base city concept!

At the entrance to the gates of Hell, more than a dozen soldiers who were replaced by rotations leaned against a chariot and were chatting.

A soldier with a laser gun on his body turned to another dark-skinned man. The burly man smiled and said: "Pharaoh, I heard that you married a wife. Before, it was a female anchor of the G city. OK, you, When will you bring her out to give us a look?"

Another soldier also smiled and said: "I heard that it is still posted. After hearing that Pharaoh is the second lieutenant of our Central Army, more than a dozen beautiful women come together to chase our Pharaoh."

Pharaoh proudly smiled and said: "You only need to work hard to become a lieutenant. At that time, with the treatment of our Central Army, a lot of women, just pick."

The Central Army is the strongest armed force directly under Yue Zhong. The most advanced weapons such as ray guns, reapers, sky fortresses, and holographic scanning helmets are all equipped by the Central Army.

The officers and men of the Central Army are also very good. They are conservative in the end, and most of the women who survived hope to marry an officer of the Central Army. In this dangerous time, new governments will come forward to protect them.

At this time, after the baptism of the last days, the number of surviving female survivors is much larger than that of male survivors. Because most of the female survivors are caught, they will be used as playthings, filling into the harem of the strong, although they live without dignity, but most of them can survive. It is not uncommon for a force to dominate a party in the last days to occupy hundreds of women.

The male survivors are mostly recruited by a force to serve as warriors, fighting zombies, fighting mutant beasts, fighting humans, and the casualties are extremely heavy.

After the establishment of the Xinhua Xiaguo, although the situation is a little better, but every day there are male warriors, bounty hunters, adventurers, hunting zombies, mutants, evolution of the lone man died. The number of men is constantly decreasing. Most of the women stay in the base city, and only a small number of them are eager to become strong. Women who attempt to control their own destiny will go out and kill zombies as well as men.

Under such circumstances, a strong adult man becomes a toon, and there are often several women who chase a man. As a young lieutenant in the Central Army, this Lao Wang has a large number of beautiful women.

Lao Wang sighed: "It's still a good life! A year ago, it was hell. It's thanks to Yue Zhong's leader. If it weren't for him, we would only live in hell, like a dead body."

A year ago. Pharaoh is still an ordinary survivor of low status in a gathering place, and even wanting to eat a meal is very difficult. Not to mention a woman, even if he is given a beautiful beauty, he can not afford it.

A short, brown-eyed warrior took out a cigarette. The greedy smell smelled, and there was a hint of intoxication in his eyes: "Yes!! More than a year ago, it was not a human life. This cigarette is more expensive than human life, and now it is also a luxury. However, everyone in our Central Army can afford it."

Cigarettes, which were common before the end of the world, have become a luxury after the end of the world. Even after the establishment of the Xinhua Xia, cigarettes are still a luxury. It is entirely dependent on the inventory before the end of the world.

After all, after the establishment of Xinhua Xiaguo. Yue Zhong almost tilted all the resources toward the military units, and established a large number of arsenals and military-related factories. If not, Yue Zhong could not produce so much military supplies.

Although the establishment of the new China Xiaguo, regaining a large number of national land, but Yue Zhong is very clear. His roots are still very weak, and the Xinhua Xiaguo, and even the entire Terran people, are in a state of turmoil, once they are defeated by the zombies, mutant beasts and saints. The Terran has only one dead end.

A soldier on the side looked at the cigarette in the soldier's hand, and there was a greedy radiance in his eyes: "Old Hou, give me half!!"

Lao Hou smiled and said: "Old scene, rolling! Every month, we have a quota of two cigarettes, to pump your own."

The old scene is annoyed: "Two, I have already finished it. Too little, not enough."

Just among the few warriors chatting, suddenly a soldier’s eyes screamed and shouted: “Look, what is that!!”

The soldiers immediately turned their eyes and looked in the direction of the gates of hell, and then let them see the strange sights they had never seen in their lives.

I saw twelve sacred Guardian warships that only had the size of a palm. They flew out of the gates of **** and flew toward the sky. Every time they climbed up, the twelve holy Guardian warships doubled and eventually expanded. It has expanded into twelve huge, infinitely majestic air battleships.

Pharaoh grabbed the ray gun around him, slammed it down, pulled down the holographic scan helmet above his head, and tactically avoided the action, hiding in a bunker: "Ready to fight!!"

The warriors who were bragging and bragging also showed an elite side. They showed a tactical movement very quickly, hiding in the bunker, holding a laser gun, and watching the twelve huge ones in the sky. The Holy Land Guardian Battleship.

Although the Pyongyang and other Central Army soldiers were shocked by the majesty of the Holy Land Guardian warships, they experienced a lot of battles and they had the courage to fight regardless of their existence. Because they are the most elite, outstanding, and have a high sense of honor and belief in the Central China Army. They are also the most elite human warriors on this planet.

"All units pay attention to the car that is flying from the door of Hell is the leader of Yue Zhong. No attack! No attack!"

In the holographic scan helmets of the Central Army soldiers, there was a rapid warning.

"That is the car of Yue Zhong's leader! It's so cool!!"

"It’s really cool, even the aircraft carrier is not so prestige!"

"Haha, with these twelve air battleships, the air force of our Huaxia country has become stronger again."

"Rely, the air force's mixed ball is cool this time."


Looking at the twelve huge sacred Guardian battleships in the sky, the soldiers on the lower faces showed a fascinating color. The stronger China is, the more happy they are. The twelve holy land guardian warships are obviously extraordinary, and they are naturally happy.

Twelve huge air battleships landed on the ground from the sky. A famous human came out of the air battleship and looked at the strange environment around them. They were somewhat afraid.

Yue Zhong took the silver cream and walked down from the air battleship. He saw the Qing dance, wearing a military uniform and a heroic look.

Ji Qing dance also came to Yue Zhong with a rare smile on his face. Chen Yao also followed her to come to Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong swept Chen Yao and immediately issued a series of orders: "Chen Yao, there are 120,000 people here, and you bring people to arrange them. In addition, two thousand central troops are stationed here. The rest are going back. The twelve warships I brought back left two guards here, one as my car, the rest into the air force, and some people arranged to get familiar with the operation."

As a high-ranking person, many things do not have to worry about Yue Zhong, just need to arrange the people to deal with.

Chen Yao, who is also very capable and beautiful, said: "Yes!"

Yue Zhong smiled slightly and extended his right hand to Ji Qing dance: "Go. Come with me to see my spoils."

Ji Qing dance smiled gently, holding out the jade hand and holding Yue Zhong’s right hand.

Looking at this scene, there was a trace of dissatisfaction in the silver frost on one side. Some fiercely glanced at Ji Qing, and swelled a small face, and hugged the left arm of Yue Zhong.

The three men immediately walked in the direction of a holy land guardian battleship.

Chen Yao’s eyes looked at the Yue Zhong people who had left and looked at him. One turned and left, and began to issue a series of orders.

In a room above the Guardian of the Holy Land, Yue Zhong slammed the silver frost and Ji Qing dance, and said his encounter in the Urostar.

After listening to Yue Zhong’s experience in Yue Zhonghuai’s Ji Qing dance, the brow suddenly wrinkled: “Yue Zhong~www.readwn.com~ I think our current model is very dangerous, and a large number of survivors’ divisions are In different cities, our protection power is spread too much. At present, the zombies are not too harmful, but once the target is alienated, the people in the small cities will They are completely shaped as bait foods and become their nutrients."

Yue Zhongwen’s brows are also slightly wrinkled. Now the survivors of Huaxia are indeed distributed in different cities. Once the aliens invade, the small cities with weak defenses will become alienated and become the nutrients and hosts of the aliens. .

Yue Zhong asked: "What good way do you have?"

Ji Qing Dance: "Build a large base city, put everyone into the base city, and then establish a sound defense system, identity authentication mechanism, regular body scan, you can effectively manage all people, and gather all The power to withstand the alien attack."

Yue Zhong brows a wrinkle: "But to build a large base city, we must shrink the defense line, give up many places, some areas with rich mineral resources will be abandoned. And establish a large base city, once the large base city is broken, we will Ruined."

Ji Qingwu said: "I know. In those areas with rich mineral resources, we can use robots to collect resources. And we can build large base cities near the mineral-rich areas. As for the problem of large base cities being broken, that There is nothing at all. The large base city has gathered the strongest power of our human beings. If even the strongest forces are defeated, then we humans will be defeated, even if they are scattered again, they will eventually be eliminated, but die early and die late. The difference is." (To be continued.)

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