God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1049: American dragon disaster!

Yue Zhongzhong calculated: "Yes, if we gather the power of our humanity, we can't resist the attacks of those aliens, then the ultimate demise is also the fate of mankind. Now humans are scattered, once they are alien, dinosaurs, vampires, they launch a sneak attack. Offensive, there is no small city in the small city where the strong people are stationed. Only when they are dying, it is better to concentrate them and manage them better. The pressure on the troops will be relatively small."

Yue Zhong thought for a while and immediately said: "Well, just follow what you said, we started the establishment of a large base city. We will move the people of Huaxia to the big base city."

If the big base city plan is before the end of the world, it will definitely not work because the population of China is too much. But after the end of the world, this plan is very simple.

The capital of China, the capital of China, can accommodate tens of millions of people before the end of the world. After the end of the world, the population of the entire Xinhuaxia country is not so much.

Yue Zhong only needs to pick out a key city, and then use the technology he has acquired from other worlds to build that one of the key cities into a steel fortress that is a beautiful blood fortress.

Yue Zhong suddenly looked away and asked directly to the white blouse in the laptop: "Yes, white, above the earth, in addition to the door of hell, there are several new doors of hell?"

In the white eyes, a burst of data flow, quickly replied: "Based on satellite scans on the earth, it has been determined that there are up to 63 new hives on the earth. According to the location and distribution of those **** gates. According to the analysis, the number of undetected gates of **** should be between 163 and 345. This is only the number of **** gates on land. If there is a door to **** in the ocean. Then there will be more doors to hell."

"We are dangerous on earth!"

Yue Zhong heard his brows and jumped, and he felt a heavy feeling in his heart. A gate of Hell with a different shape already has the terrorist power to extinct the entire human race.

The door to **** above the earth. There have been so many episodes, and I am afraid that countless ferocious races will come to Earth through the gates of hell.

When I think of countless horrors, a powerful race on the earth, and the future scene of the massacre, even if Yue Zhong has been promoted to become a seventh-order **** warrior, there is still some shudder in my heart.

After Yue Zhong was promoted to the seventh-order **** warrior, he mastered the strength of the heavens and the earth, and possessed the second-order gods and devils. He was proficient in a variety of secret methods, and he was extremely tyrannical among the seventh-order powerhouses. Even if there are countless powerful races, he will not be able to. You can also run away.

However, among the Huaxia countries, there are countless Yuezhong loyal subordinates, life and death brothers, favorite women, countless compatriots. He can't leave all this and run away. He can only walk forward step by step with difficulty and defeat all enemies. Once he fails, the entire Huaxia country will become a hell. As soon as I think of the terrible future, a heavy pressure will flood the heart of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong’s mind was extremely determined. He quickly regained his firmness and thought: “I must not fail! For my own sake, for millions of people in China, I will defeat all enemies. I will finally win.”

A wilderness center in Canada with a huge door to hell.

When the door of **** appeared, it was already detected by the US surveillance satellite.

At this time in front of the gate of hell, a US military elite armored division has been gathered, in addition to this. There are also one hundred American superheroes and five hundred super warriors wearing nano-mechanical armor.

A large number of heavy artillery, rockets, missiles, and even human final nuclear weapons have been directed at this door of hell. Once the door to **** has a monster that humans cannot resist, they can only use the final nuclear bomb!

Canada has been identified by the federal government of the Earth as being divided into the sphere of influence of the United States. They are naturally reluctant to appear in countless powerful horrible monsters within their sphere of influence.

If it weren't for the hard door of Hell, even the missile bombardment would not leave a trace of scar on it. The United States had already blown up the door of hell. No country is willing to let this kind of spreading death and horror appear in its own country.

The door to **** can't be destroyed, and it can't be closed. Even the seventh-order powerhouse like Yue Zhong has no way to take the mysterious door of hell.

The leader of the Superhero League, Leo, one of the three great masters of the Earth, also stood on a hillside, looking at the door of Hell in a complex look, and quietly thought: "The other side of the door to hell, I don't know what the world is. What kind of power and technology do you have. Do you want to look at it in the past? But if the door to **** can only enter, can't come out, what should I do? There is more than that on the earth. The door to hell, once I left, causing the United States to be swallowed up by those monsters, I became a sinner in the United States."

Just as Leo’s heart was very tangled, the door to **** suddenly burst into a twist, and the body was covered with scales, dragging a tail, a dinosaur head, a spur on the back, and a fierce radiance in both eyes. The Stegosaurus man jumped out of the door of hell.

"Open fire!!"

The Jianlong people who flashed fierce brilliance in the eyes just appeared, and the US military officers immediately issued an order for the attack.

In an instant, countless US soldiers pulled the trigger, and the metal storm, like a raindrop, turned into a horrible metal storm and shot directly at the sword dragon.

Those American soldiers were also transferred to become soldiers through the magic system, and they had strong incomparable shooting techniques. Most of the bullets hit the head of the Jianlong who suddenly appeared.

when! when! when!

With a loud sound, the bullets that were shot in the head of the Sword Dragon were immediately blown away, and could not hurt the Sword Dragon.

"There is no gun!!"

Seeing that scene, all the high-ranking officials of the US military immediately frowned.

One of the guns is a big killer of humans against zombies. Except for the L-shaped zombies, the other models of low-level zombies will be killed by gunshots. If the guns are not effective, it will be more difficult for humans to fight the rest of the aliens.

He was bombarded with foreheads by countless bullets, and the sword dragon was furious. His body flashed and the speed suddenly soared to the speed of sound, disappearing from the place and rushing toward the position of the human army.

Suddenly, from the human beings, a laser broke out and directly slammed into the eyebrow of the Sword Dragon, and blasted the head of the Sword Dragon into a big hole, letting it out of the air. It fell.

In the Superhero League, a rebellious teenager with a yellow hair was holding a laser gun and whistled: "The laser gun produced by Huaxia is really easy to use. Just kill this big guy. Right, Collet, when will we be able to build these laser guns without relying on imports?"

A white superhero, Collet shrugged: "Vini, do you think that making a laser gun is as simple as planting a potato? Even if we get the technology, it takes a few months to make a batch."

At this time, the entire earth, and only China State, can mass-produce individual laser guns. Although the United States and the Paradise Gods exchanged technology with Yue Zhong. However, it takes a certain amount of time to transform technology into physical objects.

Just as Yue Zhong got the production method of the beastized warrior, but his beastly warrior is still less than 500.

Pooh asked curiously: "Why don't you import more?"

Collet Road: "Huaxia's own laser guns are not enough. It is good to be able to sell us a thousand laser guns."

Leo looked at the door of hell, and a feeling of heart was born, he couldn't help but violently said: "All shut up, the real enemy is coming! Ready to fight."

Leo was angry, and the rest of the people stopped chatting, but fell on the door of hell.

Soon after the Sword Dragon was killed, the one-on-one Sword Dragon came out of the gates of Hell.

This time, the human warrior had experience. A top-notch shooter equipped with a laser sniper rifle took out, and when the Jianlong people came out of hell, they immediately shot themselves.

Dozens of Stegosaurus people have just appeared, and have not responded, they were directly shot to kill ~www.readwn.com~ into a body.

Suddenly, from the door of Hell, thirty Jianlong people jumped out of the door of **** at the speed of supersonic horror.

Those Jianlong people jumped at supersonic speeds, and even the top snipers of humans could not kill them.

The top American shooting masters in the Super League of Heroes have shot, killing more than 20 Stegosaurus people, but they are escaping back to the door of **** by the Eight-headed Sword Dragon.

After seeing the eight-headed Sword Dragon man escape to the door of Hell, Leo’s face changed slightly, and there was a hint of ominous premonition in his heart: “Not good!”

Shortly after the eight-headed Sword Dragon escaped to the gates of Hell, between the breaths, countless Stegosaurus rushed out of the door of Hell at the supersonic speed and rushed straight toward the human position.

"Open fire!! Open the gun!!"

The Jianlong people rushed out of the door of hell, and the US military officers immediately roared wildly.

Numerous heavy artillery clusters that have already been prepared have opened fire, and numerous rocket launchers have also blasted a large number of rockets in the designated direction.

In the horrible artillery, many Jianlong people were directly blown up and crushed. However, those Jianlong people are the monsters of the third-order peak. One by one is terrible. There are still many Jianlong people who broke through the fire line and came to the front of the human warrior.

The heroes of the Superhero League wearing nano-mechanical armor have come forward to fight with those Jianlong people. Under the leadership of high-ranking human powerhouses, they have barely enemened the Jianlong people.

(ps: 1000 words owed, make up tomorrow. No strength, today!) (To be continued.)

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