God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1190: Evolution half step 9th order!

Yue Zhong picked up the disc of the gold sè, and his mind was moved, and a force was directly injected into the disc.

The golden sè's disc flashed, and a strange wave of waves immediately spread in all directions.

when! when! when!

"Your emergency call!"

The Jinsong army, which was deployed around the entire Jinxiu Wangcheng, suddenly sounded a loud jǐng newspaper, and the heads of the army’s sergeants changed, and they gathered together their own army, pedaling the flight board, and facing the gold. Flying in the king city.

The King City of Jinyu is the capital of the Kingdom of the Golden Reign, and its area is wider than that of the Chinese nation of the Earth. The number of saints in the country is more than 40 million, and the number of human beings is more than 500 million. The army of the saints deployed around the city of Kingstown is also more than two million.

After receiving the order of the King of the Golden Jubilee, the two million troops all over the place suddenly flew on the board, flying like a locust in the direction of the King of the Golden Dragon. ..

A large army descended from the sky and landed in the vast expanse of the imperial palace. It was orderly and not chaotic. They have also undergone many drills and are very clear about their position.

At the same time, four ships formed by a huge warship also flew over the palace, waiting for the order of the king.

In the palace, Cai Wei stood behind Yue Zhong and looked at the army of a family of Jinsong who was constantly descending in the sky. His eyes flashed a horror. The oppressive feelings of the thousands of gold-powered strongmen and the pressure of several golden-powered strongmen are completely different.

It was only Cai Wei who saw the calm and heavy weight standing in front of her. The original feeling of panic immediately calmed down. When the sky fell, there was Yue Zhongding in front, and she just stood behind him.

Yue Zhong looked up at the sky and watched the army of countless Jinsong families descending from the sky and smiled lightly: "Good, the big troops have basically arrived, and they can be harvested!"

Almost in an instant, a group of boundless magical fields suddenly emerged, sweeping toward the army of the Golden Monks. In an instant, the field of magic that has expanded to 50 kilometers in diameter is about to be the most gold. The army of the Yi family shrouded it.

In the realm of the devil. Countless devils are flying. To the strong men of the Golden Jubilee, in an instant, those devils are about to tear the smashers of the golden scorpions directly and smash them, sucking their blood. Let them become a dry corpse.

In the sky. That huge ship-type battleship was also eroded by the magical spirit that emerged from the field of the devil. When the magical gas entered the ship, it immediately turned into a demon head and flew directly toward the soldiers of the Jinluo family, directly swallowing the soldiers of the Jinluo family.

Just over a dozen breaths. In the field of the demon, nearly two million gold squadrons were swallowed up by the devils in the realm of the devil and turned into a corpse.

A warship where all the people were killed was dragged into the star ring of Yue Zhong’s right hand by the devil in the magic field.

After the killing of most of the Jinyi army, the magical flames in the endless field of magic have condensed a troll of up to 60 kilometers.

The 60-kilometer-old troll opened his mouth and slammed into the Jinyi warriors who were flying to the kingdom of the Golden Dragonfly. A horrible whirlpool appeared out of thin air, and the golden scorpions who were flying were coming out. The soldiers all took their breath.

The horrible troll that was so hopeful that it was desperately sucked in a circle, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of Jindong warriors were all sucked into the mouth and turned into a dry corpse falling from the sky.

Looking at the horrible troll that madly slaughtered the army of the Golden Jubilee, the chaos in the kingdom of Jin Yu became a mess, and countless people fled outside the city of Jin Yu, and the entire Jin Yu Wang Cheng was in chaos.

Cai Wei stood on one side and watched the trolls condensed by Yue Zhong to kill the golden scorpion in the sky like a locust. The heart was full of shock: "It's so strong!! He is too strong. Follow him. I am right."

After evolving to the peak of the eighth-order peak, Yue Zhong’s strength and the previous changes have become more tyrannical and horrible. As long as he is fully committed, he alone can kill some weak races. He is really in the ranks of the strong.

After killing the two million jīnghua troops of the Jinluo family in the Jincheng Wangcheng, Yue Zhong could feel that his body strength gained another point. In addition, his sneak attack on the life of the four-and-a-half-step ninth-order powerhouse has made him a breakthrough.

"Go!" Yue Zhong turned and walked straight to the depths of the Golden Palace.

All the way, there are a lot of surviving Jinsong strongmen, but those who are still in the Jinshao nationality have not had time to take a shot on Yue Zhong and his line. Yue Zhong will play with one hand, and a Yuan cyclone will bring the strong brains of those Jin Dai people. Explosive, the body is also shattered by the earthquake.

Under the guidance of the white clothes, Yue Zhong passed through the cloisters and came to the treasure house of the Golden King.

Before the treasure house of the King of the Golden Jubilee, two golden strongmen with half-step and eight-step power were sitting. When Yue Zhong came to the treasure house, they opened their eyes in an instant, and the forest’s eyes were cold. Overlooking Yue Zhong, the three men yelled: "Who are you?"

Yue Zhong did not mean the nonsense of the Jinxi people. He directly slammed a bullet, and the two swords of vitality burst into the head of the two gold-powered strongmen, and they would be the two golds. The head of the Qiang strongman blew directly: "Go to death!"

Then facing the gate of the treasure house, which is full of various defensive equipments, Yue Zhong directly hit the gate of the treasure house, and the terrorist power of the demon body broke out instantly, and the gate of the treasure house was directly bombarded. Into the crush.

Yue Zhong's homeopathic stepped into the treasure house of the King of the Golden Jubilee.

Among the treasures of the King of the Golden Jubilee, there are a large number of various gems, mutant beast nucleus, magical genius treasures, all kinds of advanced war weapons, and weapons of the gods, which are full of richness and richness.

Yue Zhong glanced at the treasures and did not care too much. The things in the treasure house of the King of the Golden Jubilee are a little useful to him, but most of them are not very useful and cannot change his combat power.

Although the treasures in this treasure house are very rich, they are not worth mentioning compared with the treasures that Yue Zhong got in the mechanical imperial city. After all, one is the treasure house of the nine-order powerhouse, and this one is only the treasure house of the half-step nine-order powerhouse.

Yue Zhong’s gaze was skipped among the many treasures. Suddenly, his gaze was firmly attracted by a treasure in the treasure house of the Golden Crown. I saw a lot of treasures in the center, but there is a clear spring water. In the center of the spring, there is a plant with seven colorful leaves and three colorful fruit plants.

After seeing the three colorful fruits, Yue Zhong flashed a sizzling glow in his eyes: "This is a colorful dragon fruit. This fruit is said to grow only on the earth that has the blood of the dragon and the blood of the god." The precious fruits that have grown out after 10,000 years are extremely rare. In the sacred heaven, there is only information recorded, and there is no physical sale. Even if the ninth-order strongman swallows it, it is good for strengthening the body. I did not think that I actually I will meet such treasures here."

Yue heavy hand waved, and the Tao Yuan gasification into an invisible hand grabbed all the treasures in the entire treasure house in his hands, and then directly plugged the storage ring in his hand. The entire treasure house is empty.

"There is one less, it seems to have been eaten by the King of the Golden Jubilee." Yue took a glance before the colorful dragon blood fruit, I saw it on the colorful dragon fruit, there is an obvious The traces have obviously been picked up by one.

Yue Zhong reached out and grabbed the three colorful dragon blood fruits, and then stuffed them into his mouth, chewed it for a while, then swallowed it directly.

The three colorful dragon blood fruits fell into Yue Zhong’s abdomen, and immediately turned into a colorful dragon-shaped qi, which ran rampant in Yue Zhong’s body.

Awkwardly, Yue Zhong’s body exploded in many places, and the blood of Jin Sè flowed out of his body, dyed him into gold.

Colorful dragon blood fruit medicine xìng is extremely intense ~www.readwn.com~ Even the half-step nine-order powerhouse such as the Golden Dragon King also needs to digest for a long time to fully refine the medicine of the fruit. Ordinary people take one, only burned into coke by the strong medicine.

The three colorful dragon blood fruits continue to ravage in Yue Zhong's body, breaking Yue Zhong's body, and then nourishing and reorganizing, becoming more tyrannical.

The huge vitality that was originally accumulated in Yue Zhong’s body was also motivated by the vitality of the colorful dragon blood fruit at this moment, directly rushing into Yue Zhong’s knowledge of the sea, and he was directly recognized by the gold sè The transformation turned into a golden sè and the energy of the colorful dragon blood fruit brought together, and fell into the bones of his body.

Under the erosion of the golden sè, the roots of the body of Yue Zhong quickly transformed into a golden sè.

Evolution has been going on for a day and a night.

"I finally evolved into a half-step nine-level situation!!"

Yue Zhong opened his eyes, and the two gods of light immediately came out of his eyes. He could feel that his body became more than a few times stronger than the past. He finally broke through again and advanced to the half-step and nine-step situation. As long as he comprehends the law of space and accumulates enough power, he can step into the sky, promote to become the ninth-order powerhouse, dominate the world, and truly become the top-ranking powerhouse in the world.

When Yue Zhong’s eyes swept, he saw Cai Wei, who was sitting next to him. The girl was holding a moist jinpa in her hand and was wiping the face for him.

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