God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1191: Take control of the Golden Dragon King City!

Cai Wei looked at Yue Zhong's eyes and couldn't help but screamed from the heart: "Master, you wake up, great!!"

Yue Zhong is the biggest backing of Cai Wei. If he died, Cai Wei’s future is only dark. So yesterday, when she saw Yue Zhong suddenly exploding, and countless gold sè blood poured out, when the real heart was terrified.

When Yue Zhong was in a coma, Cai Wei was always taking care of him.

After Yue Zhong’s evolution to the eighth-order peak, the body of the demon has been so hard that few people can hurt him. And on the other side, there is also the loyal and sly look of the silver scorpion king. Cai Wei, a second-order ordinary woman whose physical quality is only wanting to start with him, is absolutely only a dead end.

And Cai Wei's strength is too weak, Yue Zhong even lying on the ground to let her cut, she can not cut.

"You are very good. Cai Wei, I will give you a terracotta warrior. You brought the terracotta warriors and horses to destroy all the saints in the entire city of Kings, and maintain the order of mankind in the kingdom of Kings." "..

With a heavy wave of Yue, a group of intelligent robots appeared out of thin air and covered the entire treasure house.

When Cai Wei heard Yue Zhong’s words, she panicked and refused: "Master, I! I can't. I don't have that experience."

Yue Zhong double eyes, staring at Cai Wei Shen Sheng: "No! I said you can do it, you will do. The army I handed over to you will kill all the alien warriors in the Golden City, you have to do, Just order. Maintain the order of the Kingstown, all the enemies who are trying to fight against us, just kill them. I still have things to do. When I finish the matter, I will come back to pick you up. This army is enough Protect your life."

The main force around the Kingstown of Kings has been killed by Yue Zhong. Although there are a large number of Jinxi and Qiang strongmen in the entire Jinzhao Wangcheng, they do not have a strict structure and no organization. As long as Yue Zhong left behind 200,000 intelligent robots, he could kill the Jinxi people in the Golden City.

The large number of mutant beast nucleus seized in this Golden City is also sufficient to support such large-scale operations.

Cai Wei felt the firmness of Yue Zhong's tone, and then looked at the famous intelligent robot around him. He could only swear on the scalp: "Yes!!"

Yue Zhong’s cold command: “When I come back, I hope to see the animals that have once hunted humans in the Golden City, and all have become a body.”

Cai Wei heard the face suddenly changed. Lost channel: "Master. If this is the case, in the Golden City, the number of people who die is only more than 10 million people. Do you really want to do that?"

The King City of Jinyu is the king city of the Kingdom of the Golden Jubilee. Most of the human beings here are the running dogs of the Golden Jubilee family. Many humans are involved in the cruelty of hunting compatriots. There are hunting groups that hunt humans everywhere. If Yue Zhong is determined to kill all these people, the number is absolutely more than 10 million people.

Yue Zhong’s eyes are cold and chilling: “These animals who have no one should not live. Let’s execute the order!”

Lai Wei can only lie down slightly, and Gong Gong said: "Yes!"

After the Golden Dragon King City was handed over to Lai Wei and 200,000 intelligent robots. Yue Zhong’s figure flashed and disappeared directly from the place.

Just after Yue Zhong’s disappearance, 200,000 intelligent robots with various war weapons immediately entered the battle. The intelligent robots formed a cluster and directly entered the Jincheng Wangcheng, madly strangling. Inside the Jinshu family is strong.

The saints in the kingdom of the Golden Jubilee were immediately killed and killed. Many saints cried and discarded everything and fled to the distance.

In an alley, dozens of intelligent robots holding particle guns are walking, and suddenly they turn around and madly sweeping into a room.

A beam of light directly penetrated the room, and the six golden scorpions who were hiding in the room and preparing to attack were smashed into sieves.

Those intelligent robots are loaded with the most advanced biological scanning instruments, and the strong ones of the Jinxi people will be easily smashed into fragments by wherever they hide.

There are also many brave gold and strong people trying to attack the intelligent robot army, but they just turned back and were smashed by countless lights.

Those intelligent robots have a huge advantage over creatures. As long as they have sufficient crystal core supply, they can fight forever, and they will not be exhausted. They are the best soldiers.

The 200,000 intelligent robots, with 500 people as a battalion, were divided into forty camps and rushed in forty directions. They madly slaughtered the saints in the kingdom of Jinyu, and each moment there were a large number of saints. The slaughter, the screams of sternness, reminisced in the city of Kingstown.

“The C765 area has been purified! The 345th Battalion is moving towards the C767 area and is expected to be cleaned for 30 minutes.”

“The C723 area has been purified! The 312nd battalion is moving towards the C728 area, and the purification time is expected to be 30 minutes.”


Cai Wei sat in a temporary command center, and a huge display screen was placed in front of her. She could clearly see that the intelligent robots of the 40th Battalion were killing the saints in a highly efficient manner and pushing them in all directions.

Cai Wei looked at the intelligent robot that constantly cleaned up the area in the display screen. The heart was excited and thought: "It's so powerful, this army is really an invincible army. It is really unbelievable that the saints are vulnerable." In this way, it is not impossible to eliminate all the saints in the Golden City."

Originally, Cai Wei was still worried that she had no military experience at all. Even if she gave her a big army, she would not command, but her current fears were completely swept away.

“There was a large-scale human team in the B436 area. Their owners were Duke Anji. They were members of the slain group under the Duke of Anjie. The 211st Battalion applied to purify the Duke of Anjie and its subordinates. .Please approve!"

Just then, a request suddenly came out of the communicator.

After hearing the request, Cai Wei realized why Yue Zhong had handed over the command to her hand. This is to let her judge whether those human beings should kill.

Yue Zhong is not familiar with the situation in the Golden Dragon King City, he can only rely on Cai Wei to judge.

Between Cai Wei’s thoughts and the electric turn, the teeth gave the order: “Approved, purify them!”

The Duke of Anjie is the most loyal running dog of the Jinluo family in the Golden City, and the number of humans who die in their hands exceeds 10,000. Even Cai Wei was forced to die by the Duke of An Jie, and finally grabbed it and dedicated it to the King of the Golden Jubilee.

After receiving the order of Cai Wei, five hundred intelligent robots immediately turned and attacked directly toward a luxurious human residence.

Under the incomparable beam bombardment of the road, the Duke of Anjie was easily crushed into a crush, and a thousand of them were smashed by the intelligent robot.

Under the mad attack of the intelligent robot, countless nobles of the Sanctuary and the aristocrats of the human slave group were purged and destroyed.

The entire Jinxiu Wangcheng was caught in fear, and Cai Wei took the opportunity to announce the fall of the Golden City and set up a new human zhèngfǔ to take over all the rights in the Golden City.

Under the armor of the 200,000 intelligent robots, most of the remaining human beings in the Golden City remained silent, leaving Cai Wei to establish the new human zhèngfǔ institution.

The new human zhèngfǔ institution of the Golden King City did not have too many civilian humans to come and respond to this new zhèngfǔ. Most humans are afraid that once they join the new zhèngfǔ, they will be slaughtered when the Jinluo family is killed.

However, there are also a large number of human beings who have deep hatreds and hatreds among the saints in the kingdom of the Golden Jubilee. Most of them are humans who serve as saints or their loved ones are eaten by the saints. After these human beings joined the new zhèngfǔ institution, they quickly built the new zhèngfǔ institution, controlled the size and power of the Kingstown, and maintained the order of the Kingstown.

The Honglong Holy Land is the king capital of the Honglong Empire and the core of the Honglong Empire.

The Honglong Holy Land covers an extremely large area, and its area transcends Russia above the earth. Thousands of mechanical fortresses are suspended in the sky of the Honglong Holy Land~www.readwn.com~The thirty fleets are patrolling around the Honglong Holy Land.

Among the Honglong holy places, the geniuses of the various ethnic groups of the Honglong Empire are gathered together. The masters are like clouds, the strong ones are like rain, and the number of seventh-order powerhouses is more than one million.

At the same time, among the Honglong holy places, in addition to the saints, there are a large number of inferior people who are humble and human like, and the aliens are handsome and beautiful. The ugliness of ordinary life or the ordinary aliens are not executed, but become the delicious taste of the saints.

Those handsome and beautiful aliens are the playthings of the saints. The beast family, born xìngyín. Swing, even if it is a mother beast, also like a lot of beautiful men, no men are not happy, after the joy, like to bite the throat of those human beautiful men directly, fierce.

In the center of the Honglong Holy Land, there is a crystal floating island covering an area of ​​900 square kilometers. Under the crystal floating island is a tumultuous rolling dragon that shows the infinite number of dragons.

Near the vitality of the dragon's pulse, the vitality is extremely high, and it can be compared with most parts of the earth that are undergoing mutating evolution. The floating island at the top of the vitality dragon vein is a sacred place on earth. It is full of vitality, and there are countless exotic flowers and plants, exotic trees, and precious and precious fruits. It is a holy place for cultivation.

In the crystal floating island of zhōngyāng built a red crystal palace up to 100 meters, the red crystal palace, is the first person of the Honglong Empire, the ninth-order emperor has the place where the real dragon blood half **** Aji Hong lived.

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