God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1192: Semi-God Akihiro!

The light of a silver sè descended from the sky and flew in the direction of the floating island.

With the sound of two loud bangs, two Jinxi strongmen with half-step and eight-order tyrannical strength jumped out from the side and looked at the screaming loud voice: "Come in and stop!"

The horror of a half-step, eight-step rumor came from all over the floating island, and there were not many thousands of shares.

After the light of the silver sè fell from the hollow, it quickly formed into a shape, and the shape of the silver scorpion king appeared: "I am the king of silver enamel, there are important things to report to the great Aki Hong!"

A strong person from the Jin Dai family said: "Wait a minute, let's go through."

Another strong man of the Jin Dai people flew directly into the red crystal palace, and soon flew out: "The king of silver, you want to see you, come with me."

Under the leadership of the strong Kim, the King of the Silver Jubilee stepped into the Red Crystal Palace.

Among the red crystal palaces, the strong ones are like clouds, and the weakest guards are the seven-order powerhouses that are rarely seen outside. They can definitely be the city's city owners, but here they only Just a small guard.

Passing through the cloister, under the leadership of the guard, the King of Silver Jubilee entered the deepest part of the palace.

In the deepest part of the palace, there is a palace decorated with countless dragons. One is wearing a real fascia and the upper body. In the arms, there are two giant rǔ beautiful women, and the strong horror-stricken person sits on a crystal throne. On top of it, a pair of dragon eyes that flashed in endless majesty looked cold and overlooked the silver king who walked into the palace.

This is the strongest person with a true head and the upper body. It is the strongest person in the entire Honglong Empire, and the half-god Aji Hong, who has the blood of the dragon.

When the King of the Silver Jubilee saw Aki Hongkuo, he immediately slammed on the ground and said: "The courtiers have seen you, and you will be immortal!"

Aki Hiroshi’s eyes are cold and high, and he is tall, overlooking the King of Silver Jubilee, and does not let the Silver King stand up, cold and cold: "What is the matter, let's talk!"

The king of the silver plaque shouted loudly on the ground: "Your Majesty, the king of the Golden Jubilee was killed, and my kingdom of silver is destroyed."

Aji Hong heard his eyes condensed, and the voice had already brought a cold and cruel killing: "What is it?"

Akihiro's killing action, the two in the arms of his class, the beautiful woman, the breathing became quick, the heartbeat accelerated, the body was cold, as if to die, the face became pale.

The ninth-order powerhouse is a half-god, and between the minds, you can enter.

The silver cymbal king opened his right hand, and an image crystal capable of recording images immediately flew out and flew in the direction of Aji Hong: "Your Majesty, Chen has recorded all the images of that battle on this record crystal. Please take it down. In this record crystal, there is also the secret of the gold-level treasure. Please kneel down and watch it again."

The behavior of the King of the Silver Jubilee was somewhat overstepped. Akihiro’s eyes flashed a touch of dissatisfaction, but as soon as he heard the secret of the gold-level treasure, he immediately moved his heart and stopped thinking about the Passover of the Silver King: “Golden treasures Secret?"

The treasures of the golden ranks are the precious treasures that can be made by the true god-level powerhouses. Many of the nine-order powerhouses do not have a gold-grade treasure in their hands.

When the recorded crystal was about to fly to the front of Aji Hong, he always wore stealth armor, as if the transparent Yue Zhong suddenly violently burst into a fist, like a mountain, with a power of crushing the vacuum, direct bombing toward Aji Hong The past.

Yue Zhong’s speed is too horrible. Aji Hong did not respond at all. He was hit by a heavy fist on the abdomen.

When Aki Honghong spurted a large amount of blood, the body retreated, like a sharp arrow hitting the red crystal palace on the back, and the red crystal palace was smashed.

The body of the semi-god-level powerhouse is really hard and extraordinary. If it is the other half-step nine-order powerhouse, eating Yue Zhong’s full-strength punch, the body will be smashed into pieces. But Aki Hiroshi just squirted a large amount of gold, and there was no break in the bones.

The two beautiful women who were around Aki Hong were shattered by the proliferation of terrorist forces.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the cold flashes and continues to fly directly to Aji Hong.

"Damn, you hurt me!! It’s a sin, I want to burn you alive, roast and eat!!"

Aki Hung’s eyes flashed a raging anger, and a roar, a void, a space crack suddenly appeared, appeared in front of it.

As soon as the crack in the space appeared, a huge force of attraction immediately came from the crack in the space, and shrouded toward Yue Zhong, pulling Yue Zhong into the turbulent flow of space.

The power of the nine-order power can zìyóu's cāo vertical space, they can easily open the door to close the space, fight and defense, this is the most critical gap between them and the eighth-order powerhouse.

Yue Zhongxin thought of a move, the brilliant battleship far away in the different space immediately shè a light tearing the void and blasting over the space crack, the space crack immediately closed, he passed through the space crack, suddenly appeared In front of Aji Hong, he slammed into Akihiro.

"Get out of my way!!"

Aji Hong is a genuine nine-order powerhouse. It roars, and the right-handed claws are smashed in the right hand of Yue Zhong with the law of true dragons and a peerless will torn the void.

A loud bang, Yue Zhong was shocked by hundreds of meters, crashing countless palace crystals, a powerful will to launch an impact on his knowledge of the sea. After his tempering and baptism, his will at this time was even more arrogant than the will of Akihiro. His will to know the sea was twisted, and the will of Akihiro was smashed.

On the other hand, Aji Hong was also shocked by hundreds of meters away, directly squirting a blood of gold, his face full of shocking sè: "Your flesh can compete with me hard, absolutely extraordinary. Among the many worlds, only the gods who are baptized by the demon system can have such a sturdy body. You are the first **** of the earth, Yue Zhong!!"

Aji Hong is a semi-god-level powerhouse. The brain's computing speed surpasses the light brain. Between the thoughts, he guesses the origin of Yue Zhong.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the cold flashes, and the two-step eight-step powerhouse that is surrounded by two people directly shoots the meat sauce. The cold channel: "You know so much information. It seems that you have a Honglong Empire. Invaded the earth."

"Yes! Yue Zhong, you are really daring. The body of the demon is indeed unparalleled. If you evolved to the ninth stage, I saw you absolutely turned and fled. But now you are only half-step, nine steps, Just dare to provoke me, it is just looking for death. Just right, I just swallowed you, and after a long time of hard work, I have the opportunity to evolve into a tenth-order powerhouse. Let me die!!"

"The real dragon is coming!!"

Aji Hong looked at Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed a greedy sè, taking a deep breath, and in the blink of an eye, he played the strongest secret.

Aji Hong’s instant incarnation has become a kind of endless majesty. Every dragon scale has a true dragon in the shadows, and the body length is more than 100 meters. It contains the true dragon of the endless true dragon rule. One claw with the power of openness, directly to Yue Zhong.

The real dragon is the secret of Akihiro, who is looking for a ninth-order powerhouse in the advanced stage, and the magical power of the true god-level powerhouse that is found in this Honglongxing, Wei Neng, under the full force, the mountain smash The earth is cracked, the sea is boiling, and within the scope of power, all life will be destroyed.

When the real dragon came out, the entire floating island was constantly shaking, the earth was cracked, and a piece of boulder lost its support, falling directly from the hollow to the ground below.

In the face of Aki Hong's shocking attack, Yue Zhong could clearly feel that the space around him had been completely blocked, and the whole depression was repelling him. He only had a hard fight to make the dragon come to the world.

"Aki Hong! I want to kill me, you are not qualified enough. You will be the stepping stone of my evolution, let me die!!"

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a slap in the face of the universe, playing the fingers of the universe, numerous stars condensed, and the shadows of the universe containing the truth of the world appeared out of thin air, rushing upwards and directly blasting toward the hollow.

"Good jīng wonderful secret technique ~ www.readwn.com~ But you have not even integrated into the field, this mysterious jīng marrow, you have not even mastered one or two of the two. The trick is jīng wonderful, but it is a waste Come in, break it for me!"

Aji Hong was cold and cold, and the real dragon of the incarnation was directly grasped with one claw. The countless real dragons suddenly burst out and shattered, and the microcosm virtual shadow was directly smashed.

The ninth-order powerhouse has completely integrated the field into itself, and they themselves are their own fields, invincible existence. Therefore, Yue Zhong had just directly bombarded Aji Hong, but Aki Hong was not seriously injured.

One claw crushed the fingers of Yue Zhong’s universe, and Aji Hong’s eyes flashed a murderous murder. The real dragon 狠狠 狠狠 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重 重

"The nine-order powerhouse is really extraordinary! However, you are still in my hands! Dress!" Faced with the invincible fierceness of Aki Hong, Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed cold, and a low drink, a golden sè The armor immediately appeared around his body, completely covering his body.

After being embedded in the gold armor, a nine-order crystal nucleus, thirty-six eight-order crystal nucleus suddenly shines brightly, and the whole armor immediately rushes out of boundless power and injects into the body of Yue Zhong, bringing his strength. Crazy improvement, directly breaking through the bottleneck, reached the ninth-order situation.

"Aki Hong, give me a defeat!"

After the armor of the gold sè, Yue Zhong faced Aji Hong, who appeared in front of him, and smashed a thousand punches in an instant, like a golden torrent flowing toward the real dragon that evolved from Aji Hong.

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