God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 227: The mutant herd is coming!

The second hundred and twenty-seventh chapter of the mutant herd is coming!

Xiong Zheng pointed to a town in Shishi Town on the map and pointed to Yue Zhongdao: "We have not opened this town yet"

Yue Zhong took a look at the Qishi Town and thought about it for a while. He planned to open the town to practice a training.

"It’s not good for the master, there is a situation of enemy attack, enemy attack."

At this moment, Chen Ming ran in a panic and yelled at the loud voice of Yue.


Seeing that Chen Ming was so flustered, Yue Zhong said with a loud voice, striding out to the outside.

Xiong Zheng also followed the body of Yue Zhong and walked outside.

Yue Zhong quickly climbed up to the machine gun tower at the gate of the village and looked out. He saw a distant, white-squeezed mutant herd that was chasing a horse and galloping towards it.

The white-pressed mutant pigs couldn’t see the margin at first glance, but the number was over 10,000.

"Eleventh-level mutant monster: mutant domestic pig. Has sharp teeth and great strength." Yue Zhongyi saw the mutant pig group, and there was such a line of information in his mind.

"Bastard" Yue Zhong looked at the mutated herd of a densely packed piece of white, and his face was iron and blue, and he gnawed his teeth.

If there is only one mutant pig, it is simply to send delicious pork to Yuezhong. However, after the number of mutant pigs reached 10,000, it was a disaster for the Qingfeng Village. In the Qingfeng Village, there is a lack of weapons and ammunition, and the lack of training in armed groups is only to restore the vitality under the nourishment of the mutant beast. Under such circumstances, Yue Zhong does not have much confidence in the face of the 10,000-headed mutant pig. Hold this village.

The Qingfeng Village was broken, and more than 2,300 people in the village would die in the mouth of the mutant pig.

Yue heavy hand turned over, a QJ8 meter heavy machine gun appeared in his hand, he took the QJ8 meter heavy machine gun to the Hummer burst of crazy shooting. No matter who the man in the Hummer is, he will kill the people inside. The lives of more than 2,300 people were put in a desperate situation by the owner of the Hummer. Yue Zhong’s heart was full of murder.

Nami’s heavy machine bullets easily smashed the Hummer into a sieve. A silhouette surrounded by a hurricane quickly shot from the Hummer, and compared to Yue Zhong’s middle finger, a cold smile, toward A few flashes on the side of the field disappeared instantly.

Yue Zhong saw that the owner of the figure was the Li Tianyang who was defeated by him.

After ten days ago, Lie Tianyang was defeated by Yue Zhong and drove out of Qingfeng Village. He had always hated it. He found a mutant herd that had been found in the past but has been helpless. After killing a few mutant pigs, he brought it to Qingfeng Village. .

The large group of mutant pigs is a domestic pig raised by a large pig farm before the end of the world. After the end of the world, the pigs in the pig farm all mutated, and in turn feed on the zombies. In the world where zombies are everywhere, they are not eating and drinking, and there is no reduction in ethnic groups. Instead, they have added nearly a thousand people.

"Shen Tianyang damn" Yue Zhong heart angered in the sky but did not have the slightest way to take Li Tianyang. At this time, Lie Tianyang has already fled. If he wants to kill Li Tianyang, he must go to chase. He is the backbone of this Qingfeng Village. When he leaves, he is afraid that the entire Qingfeng Village will collapse.

At this time, the soldiers of the first battalion of Qingfengzhai have gathered together according to Yue Zhong’s orders. From the camp, they looked at the ferocious mutant pigs outside, and everyone’s face became pale and many people took them. The gun's hands are shaking.

Yue Zhong issued a series of orders to Chen Ming: "Chen Ming went to organize all the people in the village. Organize a group of people to block the other places except the main passage." Organize a group of people to make gasoline bottles immediately, and then send them to the front line immediately. Then organize a group of people to pile up various flammable materials to the west of the department store. Organize a group of 400 men to send them to the front line. As a reserve team, weapons, you can find what you can find."

"Yes," Chen Ming heard Yue Zhong’s order, and the somewhat flustered heart began to calm down. He respectfully responded and then stepped back.

Chen Ming is not good at responding to emergencies, but he is able to complete the orders ordered by the upper level. As soon as he retired, he found a person who managed to assign Yue Zhong’s orders layer by layer.

The entire Qingfeng Village has moved, and everyone knows that they will face the siege of a tens of thousands of mutant beasts. Everyone was organized and started to move in four batches.

A large amount of debris was moved out of the room in the town and piled up in front of the lanes and roads, blocking those roads.

Hundreds of women in a room constantly poured precious gasoline into plastic bottles and glass bottles to make a simple gasoline bottle. There are some things like petrol bottles in Qingfeng Village, but not many. Because fuel is also a precious and non-renewable resource in the last days, there is no fuel. The team that searches for supplies in the base has no vehicles and cannot leave the base too far. This is extremely detrimental to searching for supplies.

A celebrity girl was also organized, carrying wooden boards, discarded newspapers, plastic sheets, foam, etc., piled up in the west of the town department store.

Four hundred of the strongest men were organized, and shovel, hammer, chopper, bat, watermelon knife and other grotesque cold weapons were sent to the front line to serve as reserve teams.

Yue Zhong looked at the 800 men under his majesty, murderous and arrogant: "I will not stop talking nonsense. Now that it has reached the point of life and death, if the village is broken, we will be torn in the wild by those animals. Not many people can If we live, we will only have a living path. From now on, without my orders, who dares to retreat without permission, directly guarding the village, I let them eat meat every day, eat for a month."

After listening to Yue Zhong’s words, all my hearts are a glimpse.

After the completion of the language, Yue Zhong set foot on the high platform that was built with soil from the Zhaimen. Zhuo Yazhen also took Yun Caiwei, Gu Manzi, and Tong Xiaotong to the side of Yue Zhong.

Zhuo Yazhen is a power-type evolutionary. In order to maximize the power of Qingfeng Village, she has also been transferred by Yue Zhong to fight. Zhuo Ya murder may not work, but killing monsters, she has a huge advantage.

Xiong Zheng also led his second company to the high platform of Qingfeng Village to start arming.

Among the three company commanders under Yue Zhong, Xiong Zheng’s strength is the best. The second company of Xiong Zheng’s commander is also the most able to play in Qingfeng Village.

The densely mutated herd swept into the area of ​​Qingfengzhai like the ocean, and Yue Zhong could even see the appearance of the mutant pigs.

Compared with the domestic pigs before the end of the world, the mutant pigs are a whole circle, while the eyes are red, the limbs are strong and strong, the muscles are firm and tight, and they have a fierce breath. When they are galloping, the speed can be comparable to the end of the world. Wild boar.

As soon as the group of mutant pigs came to this area, they smelled a lot of human breath in the Qingfeng Village. They became more excited and rushed toward Qingfeng Village.

These mutant pigs are mainly zombies, but if they can eat people, they prefer to eat a living human.

Yue Zhong organized a large number of manpower in this Qingfeng village to dig a lot of deep pits up to three meters in diameter and up to four meters in diameter. In addition to the main roads around the Qingfeng Village, they were dug up by Yue Zhong. Those big pits played an amazing role in the face of the pigs. A head-changing pig fell directly into the big pit at the time of the charge, and the latter mutant pig jumped into the big pit without a chance to stop. in.

There are constantly mutated pigs falling into the big pit, and then killed by the mutant pigs behind, trampled to death. The two sides have not yet officially contacted, and hundreds of mutant pigs fell into the pit and were killed by their companions.

Even though Yue Zhong dug a lot of big pits, above the main road, the mutant pig rushed over to the side, and soon appeared within 100 meters of the Qingfeng Village.

"Free shooting, point shot" Yue Zhong Shen Sheng ordered.

Xiong Zheng began to shoot with a company's strength, and a bullet flew on the mutant pig, killing and damaging those mutant pigs for more than a dozen.

"Catch the three heads to come up" Yue Zhong ordered the bones

The right hand of the white bone shot three spurs, and the three mutated pigs were pierced, and then they were picked into the village.

"Cut them." Yue Zhong ordered the four first soldiers who held the imitation Tang knife.

The four first-ranked warriors held the imitation Tang knife and slashed the three mutant pigs and killed the three mutant pigs. Killing three mutant pigs, even with the help of Yue Zhong, the three first-class fighters were promoted to be intensifiers.

"All give me physical strength ~www.readwn.com~ then change people" Yue Zhong Shen channel.

The three first-ranked warriors handed the imitation Tang knife to other people and then silently retired.

In the next moment, three mutant pigs flew into the village and were killed by the three first soldiers.

The bodies of those mutant pigs were dragged down by the men who were filled with the reserve team and then thrown aside.

The bones are constantly hunting and mutating pigs, turning them into aura, and constantly strengthening the first company.

However, the bones alone could not stop the vast pigs, and the mutant pigs that rushed from the main road ran into the door of the village, and they burst into brains and broke their blood. The rear of the mutant pigs also went to the back of the Zhaimen, and directly killed.

A head-changing pig crashed into the door of the Zhaimen, forming a corpse road, constantly raising the terrain.

The second hundred and twenty-seventh chapter of the mutant herd is coming!

The second hundred and twenty-seventh chapter of the mutant herd is coming! , arrived at

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