God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 228: Da Hang meritorious!

The second two hundred and twenty-eight chapters of the big pit meritorious service!

That outside the Qingfeng Village was originally a layer of wooden fence as a protection. After Yue Zhong took over the Qingfeng Village, he dug the pit outside the Qingfeng Village and used the pitted soil to tamper the wooden fence. Therefore, the gate was much more solid than in the past, and it was not ruined by the mutant pig.

However, the wooden fence was only three meters high. The mutant pig killed himself in the vicinity of Zhaimen and left more than 100 bodies, forming a corpse.

The mutant pigs jumped into the village in a mad way along the body of the companion.

Zhuo Yazhen had already received the order of Yue Zhong. Before the corpse, the mutant pig just jumped from the corpse, and she was cut into two by her gorgeous knife.

After Zhuo Ya smashed a mutant pig, she upgraded to the ninth level again. She assigned the reinforcement point to the strength and gave her more power.

A head-changing pig continually jumped up from the corpse and was killed by Zhuo Yazhen.

Looking at Zhuo Ya, a woman dared to kill the mutant pig. The first company of Yue Zhong’s warrior gave birth to a **** heart. Ten first soldiers armed with imitation Tang knife rushed under the command of Yue Zhong. In the past, he stayed on the corpse, and Zhuo Yazhen did not have the ability to stop the mutated pigs.

Seeing that a head-changing pig was killed by Zhuo Yazhen and the first company's warriors, the second company's warrior must have a higher shooting rate.

Only the form has just improved. The mutant herd has already filled the corpses of more than a thousand mutant pigs with a large pit dug by more than 2,000 people.

The fierce pigs slammed into the fence from all sides, and they smashed their brains and died on the spot.

Yue Zhongzhong immediately ordered the “one petrol bottle” to be thrown into the other pigs.

The men who were used as reserve teams did not dare to fight the mutant pigs, but the job of throwing gasoline bottles was very competent.

The burning gasoline bottles were thrown out by them, dropped on the ground, and immediately rose up a group of flames, burning the bodies of the mutant pigs. The smell of a bit of stinky continually rises, and at the same time, the smoke is rising.

More than a hundred mutant pigs rushed into the fire, and were immediately swallowed by the flame, giving off a stinking smell.

The pig king among the mutant pigs made a loud cry of pigs, and the mutant pigs retreated.

"Is there a pig king?" Yue Zhong quickly climbed up to the machine gun tower and looked up, hoping to find out the existence of the mutant pig king. Just looking at it, the white one is full of mutant pigs, and did not see the particularly striking mutant pig king figure.

Most of the mutant pigs have retreated, allowing others to breathe a little.

However, the main road leading to the Qingfeng Village was not thrown with a petrol bottle. Zhuo Yazhen still kept killing a head-changing pig. Her rank was also mad at the time of killing the mutant pig. Soaring, it has been upgraded to level 13. At this time her strength has exceeded Yue Zhong.

The first company soldiers around Zhuo Yazhen have changed three waves. They don't have the good weapon system weapons like Zhuo Yazhen, and they are power-type intensifiers.

Power-type intensifiers have an advantage over these ordinary monsters because they are so powerful that the physical strength needed to kill those ordinary monsters is less, and the natural combat power lasts for a long time.

"A very good woman is really a woman of the boss." After Xiong Zheng shot a mutant pig, he took a look at Zhuo Ya, and his heart jumped slightly. He didn't have the kind of skill.

Zhuo Yazhen has been killing mutant pigs. Her physical strength is also consumed very quickly. After killing more than 60 mutant pigs, her physical strength has already consumed more than half, and her body has been sweating. The evolutionists are not invincible, they will also be exhausted by the sea tactics. High-intensity continuous combat is the most energy-consuming.

"I will replace it, go on a break." Yue Zhong stepped forward and blocked it on the passage, yelling at Zhuoya.

Zhuoya nodded and stepped back.

After Yue Zhong took over the position of Zhuo Yazhen, he immediately took out two knives and split the mutant pigs that had been thrown at both ends into two pieces. The dark magic knife in his hand is several times sharper than the Tang knife in the hands of Zhuo Ya, and it is as easy to kill those mutant pigs as ordinary people cut paper with a knife. However, to the level of Yue Zhong, the low-level existence of killing mutant pigs can also obtain the aura, but want to upgrade, at least kill hundreds of lines.

Gu Manzi and Tong Xiaolan asked about the envy of Zhuo Yazhen’s side. “My sister, really good, can’t tell me, how did it become so strong?”

In this end of the world, powerful and capable people can live with dignity and dignity. Although Gu Manzi and Tong Xiaotong are determined to seize Yue Zhong, they also want to become stronger. As long as they also have the power, they can naturally be more valued by Yue Zhong.

Zhuoya smiled and looked at Yue Zhong’s back slowly: “My strength is that the people he gave me want to become stronger, just ask him to be better.”

Gu Manzi and Tong Xiaolan looked at Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed.

Tong Xiaotong bit his teeth, regardless of the danger ahead, rushed to the front of Yue Zhong, loudly: "Yue Da Ge I want to become stronger, I want to fight side by side"

Yue Zhong took out two knives and split the two mutant pigs into two pieces. Then he looked at Tong Xiaotong, who was standing beside him. He was attracted by the eagerness of power in Tong Xiaotong's beautiful big eyes. He turned his hand and directly threw a copy of the Tang knife to Tong Xiaotong.

"After holding it and upgrading it, all strengthen the power"

When Yue Zhong’s words just fell, the bones lost a mutant pig.

Tong Xiaolan picked up the imitation Tang knife and walked over to the mutant pig that was nailed to the ground.

The mutant pig was nailed to the ground, madly struggling, and at the same time sent a threatening pig to the voice of Xiao Xiao.

Tong Xiaotong’s desire for power overcame the fear in her heart. Before she reached the head of the mutant pig, she held up the imitation Tang knife.

Tong Xiaotong is an ordinary girl who has not been strengthened and has weak manpower. Although the imitation Tang knife is sharp, in her hand, it is only cut into the mutant pig's head, and the mutant pig's blood is constantly struggling without death, and the screaming pig is constantly screaming.

Tong Xiaolan looked at the continually struggling mutant pig, and gritted his teeth and raised the imitation Tang knife to the mutant pig's head. He slashed the pig's head, and the pig's head was smeared with blood and breath, and he struggled for a while.

After Xiao Xiaoying killed the mutant pig, he was also tired and panting. She also deeply understood how huge the gap between herself and Yue Zhong and Zhuo Yazhen.

When the mutant pig died, a large group of glory did not enter the body of Tong Xiaotong, letting her rise to two levels and become a level 3 intender.

"I have also become a fortifier." After Xiao Xiaoying strengthened the strength with four points of reinforcement, he felt the power of the body and filled with joy.

The bones of the bones shrank, and the four men came over and towed the body of the mutant pig and threw it directly under the high platform.

A white bone spur was picked, and another mutant pig was picked up in front of Tong Xiaotong. Tong Xiaotong’s excited hand-painted Tang knife went to the mutated pig. After strengthening her strength of 4 points, she had a strength of 10 points, which is comparable to that of an adult male. She has experience and strength. This time it will be very smooth. The mutant pig was killed.

As time went by, those burning gasoline bottles went out. With the sound of a pig whistling, the crazy mutant pig continued to rush toward the body of his companion.

In the face of the mutated pigs that are constantly charging, a famous man on the high platform of the village grabbed the burning bottle in his hand and threw it at the mutant pigs, and the flames of the pigs burned again.

Only this time, the number of burning bottles is much less than the first time, and the flame created by the burning bottle can't stop the huge pigs from charging.

A head-changing pig cast four passages with his own body, and a head-changing pig jumped into the wall from the passage.

This time, Zhuo Yazhen could not rest. She immediately picked up the Tang knife and rushed to a channel to start killing the mutant pigs.

"The first connected" Yue Zhong slammed the two mutant pigs and shouted loudly.

The first company of 12 soldiers with the imitation of Tang knife reinforced the other three channels. The rest of the people were shooting with rifles toward the mutant pigs in the direction of the three passages.

A head-changing piglet was screened, or died ~www.readwn.com~ or a painful struggle to fall on the ground. There are still more than a dozen mutant pigs breaking through the blockade line and jumping into the Zhai Gaotai.

Those mutant pigs jumped into the high platform, and most of them were strangled by others. However, in the far right channel, a mutant pig jumped into the high platform when the companion had just been killed. He rushed and slammed two first soldiers armed with the imitation Tang knife directly to the ground.

The strength of the mutant pigs directly knocked the two first soldiers into the leg bones. This is not over yet. The mutant pig rushed to the body of a first company soldier, showing a sharp steel tooth, bowing his throat and biting the throat of the soldier. The hot blood spattered it. Face, make it look awkward.

A head-changing piglet jumped up from the passage and rushed toward it.

Looking at the horrible mutant pig, the first close melee unit that was built soon was overwhelmed by fear and completely collapsed. Six soldiers turned and fled. These ugly people are playing with the wind and the wind is okay, and the anti-wind war can hardly hold the pressure.

The second two hundred and twenty-eight chapters of the big pit meritorious service!

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