God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 245: Repression of the rebellion!

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Chapter 245 suppresses the rebellion!

Twenty policemen armed with grenade launchers pointed at Zhang Bao, and their eyes were full of hatred. The three brothers died in the hands of Zhang Bao. If they didn't care about the life of the policeman in Zhang Pan, they had already shot Zhang Leoping into a slag.

The skills of the werewolf madness made Zhang Leopard's six physical attributes soar, and even ordinary rifle bullets can withstand. But if he was bombarded with a few guns, he could also be smashed into slag.

Wang Jian was silent, watching the subordinates in Zhang Pan’s hands slowly say: “Let him go, let me leave”

For Wang Jian, his one-handed policeman is equivalent to his child. He will not give up any one of his children.

"I don't believe you, I will give me back." Zhang Leong shouted loudly.

At this moment, in a high-rise building not far away, Zhuo Yazhen held a Bartle on the top of the building and quietly aimed at Zhang Bao, directly pulling the trigger.

A slamming shot, a penetrating armor like a meteor directly through Zhang Bao's head, the Zhang Baobao's head turned into a werewolf directly blasted like a watermelon. The red blood white brain burst into the ground.

Tao Zheng’s body trembled and yelled on the ground and shouted loudly: “I surrendered and killed me. He made his own claim to kill, and has nothing to do with me.”

When Zhang Bao died, Tao Zheng never had any reliance, and there was no threat.

"Catch him up," Wang Jian said coldly.

The four policemen rushed up again, rudely removed the Tao justice joints, stuffed them into a car and pressed them into the cell.

Solving the problem of Tao Zhengyi, Wang Jian continued to take people to suppress the rebellion in Ningguang County.

Zhuo Yau on the tall building is beginning to look for another goal.

The evolutionary natural awakenings are geniuses, and they can quickly accept and learn a lot of knowledge and abilities. Although Zhuo Yazhen is a powerful evolutionary person, under the training of Yue Zhong, she quickly mastered shooting techniques and sniper techniques.

Of course, Zhuo Ya's sniper technology can't compete with the ability to attack the specialization, but there is no problem in killing ordinary people. Therefore, Yue Zhong removed her from the most dangerous frontline battlefield for the first time, allowing her to act as a sniper to stabilize the situation in the county.

As soon as Tao Zheng’s rebellion was resolved, the entire Ningguang County slowly recovered its calm.

After Shen Xue’s infantry battalion was forced to retreat by Yue Zhong for five kilometers, Yue Zhong returned to Ningguang County.

Guo Quanqiang endured tremendous grief and went to Yue Zhong’s body to walk a military ceremony: “Head, our first company has not lived up to your expectations and completed the task.”

Guo Quan’s first battalion first resisted Shen Xue’s first fierce attack, but they paid a lot of casualties. When the battle stopped, the first 90 soldiers had already killed 47 soldiers. Twenty-six fighters were injured in different weights. Only 17 soldiers were alive and the company was almost disabled.

Even with the protection of the water snake skin armor, under the heavy weapons of Shen Xue’s first company’s rocket launchers, mortars, howitzers, etc., Guo Quan’s first company’s soldiers still suffered heavy casualties. If there is no protection against water snake skin, then the first company of Guo Quan commander is afraid that all of them will be killed.

Yue reorganized and built four battalions of troops, the most able to fight, the will to fight is also the strongest company, was crippled by a company of Shen Xue. The strength of the military's regular army is evident.

Yue Zhong Shen said: "You have done a good job. This time you can hold Ningguang County. You are the first to be the first. I want to expand the first line into 5 rows. The soldiers can be from the other four main camps. Just pick the wounded soldier, I will let people do their best. The brothers who are dying to collect their bodies, I have to bury them well."

"Compared with the soldiers of the military, there is still a big gap between my soldiers and the soldiers of the military." Yue Zhong is also somewhat uncomfortable. This time, he was the one who killed his elite warriors. Even in the battle of the 100,000 zombies in the Qingyuan County, the elite of his majesty was not so badly injured. Most of the dead were prisoners of cannon fodder and scum.

"It is the head of the group." Guo Quan's heart was a little calmer. He went to Yue Zhong for a military ceremony and took people to collect the remains of his brother.




Yue Zhong came to the medical center where the wounded soldiers were treated. The wounded soldiers saw Yue Zhong coming in and they were excited and shouted.

"All are well rested and treated by doctors." Yue Zhong looked at the soldiers and glanced.

At that time, there were doctors and nurses everywhere in the medical clinic, and they were treating the wounded soldiers. There are more than 15,000 survivors in Ningguang County, including more than 30 professional doctors. These doctors have raised their talents and turned them into battlefield doctors, mainly treating their wounds and diseases for their soldiers. This is also a welfare for the soldiers.

After hearing the orders of Yue Zhong, the soldiers were calmer.

Yue Zhong took out a large package of life-saving grass powder from the storage ring and gave it to the medical staff. They ordered them: "Immediately use these drugs to treat my warrior. External application of internal medicine, the dose is a small packet for everyone. ""

Arms, food, medicine, non-staple food, and other necessities. Yue Zhong’s storage ring is full of these things. Among them, the life-saving drugs such as the life-saving grass, Yue Zhong can hoard a whole two cubes, enough to save many people.

An old doctor, Wang Yenian’s brow wrinkled directly and bluntly and said to Yue Zhong: “What are these medicines for you? Please tell me if you don’t make it clear, please forgive me for the soldiers. I Be responsible for my patients."

Wang Yenian is a surgeon. With decades of experience in medical practice, his temper is hard and straight, even though there is still no change in this last age.

Seeing that Wang Yenian dared to hit Yue Zhong, the rest of the doctors and nurses changed their faces and looked at Yue Zhong with trepidation. The end of the world was like an ant. When Tao Tao ruled Ningguang County, he once saw a woman with his doctor's eyes. He shot the doctor and let them see the cruelty of the last days. They were afraid that Wang Yinian had angered Yue Zhong and led to being shot by Yue Zhong.

Although Wang Yenian has a hard and straight temper, he does have real skills and his medical skills are very clever. Those doctors and nurses need him very much.

Yue Zhong looked at Wang Yenian, his brow slightly picked, and there was no difficulty in Wang Yi Nian. He used a dark magic knife to draw a long hole in his hand, and then sprinkled a life-saving grass on the wound.

Under the help of the life-saving grass and Yue Qiang's own powerful vitality, Yue Zhong's wounds quickly recovered with the speed visible to the naked eye and quickly healed.

Yue Zhong asked Wang Yenian: "So, can you take the medicine?".

"According to the instructions of the head of Yue, I went to the soldiers to take medicine." Wang Yenian immediately saw the magical effect of the life-saving grass and ordered it to other doctors and nurses.

The soldiers who had been put on the life-saving grass suddenly felt a lot better, and the wounds that were bleeding were beginning to stop bleeding.

Wang Yenian looked at the wounds of the soldiers and quickly stopped bleeding. His eyes were straight. He couldn’t help but ask: "What is these magical medicines? Can you tell me?"

Wang Yi-nian has been practicing medicine for many years for the first time.

Yue Zhong faintly said: "These names are called the life-saving grass, which is a drug formulated with several precious drugs. It is my exclusive secret recipe and cannot be easily told to others."

The life-saving grass, a treasure that can quickly cure the injury, is also a card that Yue Zhong has mastered. His rule in Ningguang County is still not stable. He will not expose the true face of the life-saving grass to other people's eyes.

Wang Yinian was disappointed for a while, but he still left to choose to take care of other soldiers.

After Yue Zhong saw that the first company’s soldiers were in stable condition, they left there.

Chen Ming came to Yue Zhong and took a statistical report and asked Yue Zhong: "Master, this time the insurgents have a total of 193 people. What are you going to do?"

Yue Zhong issued a series of ruthless orders: "The first evil Tao justice threw him into the zombie pile, let the zombies eat the direct subordinates of his Tao justice, and the deputy of the benefactors in the hands of the rest of the insurgents. The adult scum of human life is used as a cannon fodder for fighting zombies."

Chen Ming nodded and asked a key question: "What are the plans of the insurgents?"

Yue Zhong cold and cold road: "As long as the people involved in the rebellion, adult men over the age of 16 entered the scum camp ~ www.readwn.com ~ women sent to the female camp, waiting for the fall. As for the underage children, compiled Dark camps, educate them about the right ideas."

No matter when, what era, what regime. The treatment of the rebellion is the most brutal suppression. If the elements that carry out the rebellion are successful, if they are suppressed, there is absolutely no good end.

With the order of Yue Zhong, forty-six men who followed the Tao justice rebellion were directly brutally cut off their heads in the eyes of the public. Thirty-two violent elements who had killed people were also directly cut off their heads. Blood is stained with the execution ground. The survivors of Ningguang County were greatly shocked, and they realized the sultry means of Yue Zhong.

Tao Zheng looked at his men and was directly beheaded. He was scared to pee on the spot, his eyes filled with fear and despair.

The rest of the remnants of the rebellion were incorporated into the scum camp, locked in the cell, and their women were sent to the women camp to wait for the fall, and those who supported their rebellion were also arrested and sent. In the scum camp, for a time, the cell was almost full of people.

Chapter 245 suppresses the rebellion!

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