God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 246: The end of Tao Zheng!

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The second one of the forty-sixth chapter of Tao Zheng's end!

"Don't leave me here, I beg you, I beg you."

In the place where the traffic lanes of Ningguang County and Qingyuan County are full of zombies, Tao Zheng was tied into a scorpion, and he pleaded with the bear in front of him.

At a distance of ten meters from Tao justice, the corpse formed by more than a hundred zombies is slowly coming towards Tao Zheng.

Xiong Zheng smiled coldly and kicked himself on Tao Zhengyi’s body. He kicked Tao Zhengy out two meters away: “Damn fat pig, you dare to betray us at the most critical time and give me death”

"No, I curse you, help."

A zombie fluttered on Tao Zheng’s body, opened his mouth and opened his mouth, and bitten into the face of Tao Zheng, biting a large mouthful of flesh and blood. The rest of the zombies also rushed to Tao Zheng’s body, biting the body of Tao Zheng’s body and swallowing his flesh and blood. Tao Zheng suddenly issued a painful and sorrowful voice.

"Is it not too cruel to be a sister?" Xiao Xiaolan looked at the scene where Tao Zheng was alive and was eaten by the zombies. Some of them could not bear to ask Zhuo Yazhen.

On one side, Xiong Zheng glanced at Tong Xiaolan and shook his head and smiled: "Hey cruel? Miss Xiao Xiao, you are too kind. If you follow the crime of the dog thing, you will die ten times. You know that when we searched his home, we found that What is it? In the cellar among his villas, there are ten little girls who are much younger than you. Ten little girls have already turned into six bodies, such scum, you still It’s ridiculous to sympathize with him."

Tong Xiaoyu listened to Xiong Zheng’s words and did not want to believe it. But when she thought of the **** factory in the Qingfengzhai villa group, her petite body was slightly trembled, holding the big hand of Zhuo Yazhen tightly.

Zhuo Ya’s beautiful flashes flashed a complicated light, and patted Xiao Xiao’s handcuffs: “Xiao Xiao, if these people are gaining strength, our end is only more miserable. The world is different from the past, you want Try to adapt to it."

"En" Tong Xiaotong held the big hand of Zhuo Yazhen and nodded.

"We Go" After the screams of Tao Zheng’s screams completely stopped, Zhuo Yazhen took the lead with Tong Xiaotong and took the first company’s soldiers to charge the zombies.

Yue Zhong’s first warrior has replaced the imitation Tang knife (Tao Zheng also has a lot of stocks), all wearing a variegated water snake leather armor, rushing into the corpse will be like a tiger into the flock, arbitrarily killing those zombies , gained reinforcement.

The second company’s fighters were armed with 03-type rifles and used the zombies to shoot live ammunition. Rows of zombies are generally *dropped like targets.

Yue Zhong stood in the back and quietly observed the movement of the corpse, standing next to him, Shen Xue, Lu Ning, and Gorina.

Lu Ning smiled at Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong, how do you think about it? As long as you bear all our ammunition consumption, pay us 5,000 tons of food. We can help you with these zombies."

Among the military, there are many marksmen. Help Yue Zhong clean up these zombies, not only can play the role of training, but also get valuable food. Lu Ning believes that this sale is very cost-effective.

Yue Zhong faintly said: "No need"

These zombies that lie across the main thoroughfare of Ningguang County and Qingyuan County do not have the appearance of Z-type zombie command, so it is not dangerous. It is a good place for mass production to strengthen and train soldiers. Yue Zhong naturally will not In vain, the food was used to let Lu Ning take the shot.

Three thousand tons of grain is not a small amount. Yue Zhong did not promise to be responsible for transporting food. The military can only transfer the vehicles and transport the 3,000 tons of grain back to the SY survivor base. However, it takes a few days to deliver food. Shen Xue, they followed Yue Zhong and watched Yue Zhong’s action of clearing the zombies.

Shen Xue smashed the soldier who was shooting the first battalion of Yue Zhong, and the two soldiers stood cold and smiled: "With your subordinates, without our help, I am afraid that I will not be able to reach the passage of Qingyuan County for a week. ”

The second shooting company of the first battalion of Ningguang County of Yuezhong Department was extremely poor in shooting techniques. Even if it was shot within 100 meters, it was difficult to shoot the zombies, and a bullet was hit in various parts of the zombies. It is impossible to completely kill those zombies. Compared with the military's elite, Yue Zhong's second battalion is only the level of the militia.

Yue Zhong slammed Shen Xue and looked cold and cold: "This is our business has nothing to do with you."

Because of Shen Xue's sake, Yue Zhong lost most of the first battalion's first elite, and he did not have a good impression on this beautiful iceberg beauty. If Shen Xue had a strong military background, he might have returned to the woman with a shot.

Shen Xue took a look at Yue Zhong, and smiled coldly, no longer saying anything. She also has no good feelings for Yue Zhong. If she didn't know that she was far from Yue Zhong's opponent, she would definitely have a shot in front of this man.

Yue Zhong suddenly asked: "Is there any shortage of food in SY city?".

Shen Xue’s three women were slightly surprised.

Lv Ning took a look at Shen Xue, and he smiled and wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by Yue Zhong.

"You can't say it, but I have my own way of knowing that I can know this information for as long as three days at the latest." Yue Zhong said coldly.

Lu Ning hesitated a moment and said slowly: "Yes, the food supply in SY City has begun to have problems."

Yue Zhong browed and asked: "Why? I remember that there is not a large grain depot in the vicinity of SY City that was occupied by you. The food supply should not be right."

Lu Ning smiled a bit, and said the reason for the lack of food in SY City to Yue Zhong.

There is indeed a grain storage of 150,000 tons of reserves near the city of SY. The SY city military captured the large grain depot for the first time. Although there are all kinds of bad things such as stolen food, shoddy food, and mildewed food as normal food, this grain depot still has a grain reserve of 100,000 tons.

With the efforts of the government and the military, the city of SY has saved a total of more than 100,000 people. 100,000 tons of food has been saved, and enough for them to eat for two or three years. The supply of food was not too tight.

Not long ago, the son of a senior government official robbed a beautiful good-looking woman to go home, and after taking drugs, one accidentally killed the woman. In this end of the world, the death of a woman is nothing, and the son of the high official is not in the heart. Just bad luck, the husband of a good woman is a powerful evolutionary. His wife was killed and let the evolutionary who was deeply in love with his wife full of anger.

The evolutionary responded upwards, hoping to punish the son of the senior official. An unsuccessful fart person tried to pull down the senior officials of the base, and the results can be imagined. Instead, he was arrested and thrown into the cell.

The evolver murdered and escaped from jail, and his heart was swaying, killing the military soldiers who guarded the grain depot in the night, set fire everywhere in the SY grain bank, and set aside a fire of 100,000 tons of food in SY City. Burned more than 80,000 tons. The evolutionary also rushed out of the SY city base, and the SY city base was also in a state of lack of food.

The remaining 10,000 tons of food is only enough for the hundreds of thousands of people to eat for a few months, naturally the SY city government and the military are in a panic. In this case, Shen Xue was sent to attack Ningguang County, attempting to occupy Ningguang County, and using the grain reserves of Ningguang County to let SY City survive. This incident also made the SY city see the terrible of the crazy evolutionary.

Yue Zhong faintly asked: "Aroused such a big disaster, did the son of the senior government official die?"

Lv Ning hesitated, and smiled bitterly: "He was confined for two months."

"Two months" Yue Zhong sneered a little, stunned Shen Xue and said: "In this way, I want to let me rely on the SY city base. If I was killed by the guy, would he be closed for a few days? Is it three days? one day?"

"You can't go anywhere here." Shen Xue sang Yue Zhong's cold retorted remark: "The sin is not sinful to the wife and children of the insurgents. You have not dealt with them and those ass. What is the difference between the privileged class, which country, and which power is not. If you are robbing women in Ningguang County and who can stop you, who can punish you? You fight to fight, but it is only to protect you. Your own interests, your own privileges."

Yue Zhong said coldly: "Since you said so clearly, I am too lazy to argue with you. Shen Yingchang, what else do you have? Nothing, can you leave here? I don't have much time to chat with you. ""

Shen Xue took a look at Yue Zhong’s cold eyes and turned away: “Do you think that I am very rare to talk to you? It will only split the warlords of the country”

Gao Lina also left here after Shen Xue.

Lv Ning apologized to Yue Zhong and said: "Sorry, the head of the regiment, Shen Ying, has a temper. If she is offended, please don't worry about her. www.readwn.com~Lv Ning is a small team in Shen Xue. Among them, he is mainly responsible for matters related to diplomacy. Shen Xue’s temper is not suitable for doing things related to diplomacy.

Yue Zhong slammed Lu Ning and said coldly: "If there is anything, just say it."

Lu Ning has not left now, and obviously there is something to talk to Yue.

Lu Ning smiled at Yue Zhongying Ying: "I hope to exchange 500 tons of gold for 5,000 tons of food."

Yue Zhong slammed Lu Ning and said coldly: "It is impossible for the 3,000 tons of grain to be my biggest concession. I will not give in another second."

Lu Ning said with some regrets: "So what do you want. I hope that we can establish a stable trade relationship, steel, knives, clothes, shoes and other goods, as long as you need, we can bring you over. Of course you need to pay Our corresponding food and transportation fuel consumption."

The second one of the forty-sixth chapter of Tao Zheng's end!

The second one of the forty-sixth chapter of Tao Zheng's end! To the URL

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