God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 247: Meeting teacher!

The second hundred and forty-seventh chapter will be a teacher!

Yue Zhong glanced at Lu Ning faintly: "Military training! If you send instructors to help me train tankers and gunners! Train a battalion artillery I will give you three thousand tons of grain. (!. win q coins)"

After Yue Zhong got the weaponry of the mechanized infantry division, the ammunition equipment was not lacking. Heavy weapons are also lacking, and the only thing missing is the soldiers who can control the weapons.

"This is impossible! Please change a condition!" Lu Ning directly refused. They cannot create a new and powerful enemy for the military in this area.

"That will let me think about it!"

Yue Zhong threw Lu Ning to the side and rushed directly into the corpse, waving the dark magic knife to smash the evolutionary zombies in the corpse.

In five days, Yue Zhong dispatched four battalions in Ningguang County to launch successive attacks on the 100,000 corpses across the main passages in Ningguang County and Qingyuan County.

In the Qingyuan County, Chi Yang also mobilized the forces of the three battalions to attack the main road. Finally, after five days, the two troops smashed the 100,000 zombies.

The four battalion fighters of Yue Chongning County were also reborn, and all became low-level intensifiers. Both Zhuo Yazhen and Tong Xiaotong are evolutionary, and the equipment of the magic system is also very good. After a big battle, Zhuo Yazhen became a 24th-level intensifier, and Tong Xiaotong became a 21-level intensive. Because the evolutionary has more evolutionary potential than the ordinary intensifiers, the combat power is much higher than the ordinary intensifiers. As long as there are enough high-level zombies to hunt, they are also fast.

The 100,000 zombie wreckage left over from the battlefield was also ordered by Yue Zhong to be transported to the mechanized infantry brigade, and fell under the kiwifruit tree that he named the snake fruit tree. In addition, some of the remains of the zombies were transported to Qingyuan County to use as fertilizer for the life-saving grass.

The resident of the mechanized infantry brigade has been occupied by the Yuezhong people, and at the same time it is listed as the top secret. Except for Yue Zhong, others have no order to enter. Those who violate the order will be directly killed by the guard.

After the passage between Qingyuan County and Ningguang County was opened, Chiyang took the lead of the first battalion, the second battalion and the high-level of Qingyuan County to the side of Yue Zhong for the first time.

Yue Zhong has been leaving the core of Qingyuan County for some time. When the general leader leaves the core of rights for too long, his influence will decline and the human heart will begin to float. Chi Yang brought those high-level leaders to show his openness and no disagreement. Even though Chi Yang is Yue Zhong’s buddy, he still pays close attention to these details.

Yue Zhong looked at Chi Yang in front of him, and thanked him warmly in his heart: "Chiyang has been working hard for you during this time!"

Although Chi Yang is not as good as Yue Zhong, he is working hard to find everything that can swallow other forces and expand his power. He was very calm and stabilized the hearts of people floating after Yue Zhong suddenly left. This is already very powerful. If there is no Chiyang sitting in the town, after Yue Zhong’s disappearance, I am afraid that he will stay in the many subordinates of Qingyuan County and fear that he will immediately split and fight.

Chi Yang nodded directly and said: "I will go back to Qingyuan County first! I have been away for too long, I am worried that there is a problem!"

This time, Chiyang came to Qingyuan County to see Yue Zhong’s loyalty. (The most stable,,) After the loyalty of the table, Chi Yang, who has always been a doer, wants to go back and preside over the various affairs of Qingyuan County.

Yue Zhong handed a pink snake to Chi Yang: "This is for you. After eating this, you should have a day of fever and coma. If there is nothing unexpected, you should be able to become a fever." An evolutionary."

Chi Yang took over the pink snake's fruit, and even thanked him for not saying a word. He just nodded to Yue and then left the Ningguang County car and headed back to Qingyuan County.

"Xu deputy battalion commander, can these things be used by armored companies?" Yue Zhong led the people to the arsenal he got from the mechanized infantry brigade. He pointed to the war weapons in the arsenal and asked Xu Zhenggang. Road.

Wu Guang looked at the modern weapons and his eyes were shining, as if the pervert saw a peerless beauty and almost left his saliva: "Tank!! 69 tank! 122mm self-propelled howitzer!! Red Arrow 9 rocket launcher!! 40 Tube 122mm rocket gun! Yue team, where did you get these good equipment?"

The rest of the people saw that all kinds of new armored vehicles, tanks, self-propelled artillery, and missile launchers were flashing in the eyes. If those equipment can exert their combat power, the strength of Yue Zhong troops can be turned over ten times.

Many high-level officials such as Kong Tianyu, Liu Wei, and Chen Shi looked at Wu Guang and Xu Zhenggang as former professional soldiers. They themselves will not play with these powerful weapons of war, and only hope that Wu Guang, Xu Zhenggang, and the wolf, they are former professional soldiers.

"Infantry fighting vehicles can be used directly. 122mm self-propelled howitzers in our armored company, there are also three fighters who have learned how to operate. 69 tanks I have driven twice, as long as I give me 3 months, I should be able to train out A group of 69 tank tankers..." Xu Zhenggang looked at the modern weapons, and his eyes flashed a sizzling glow.

Xu Zhenggang is a very good warrior. He is proficient in the use of various weapons and equipment. In addition, among the former professional soldiers of Qingyuan County who were accepted by Yue Zhong, there are also many talents. Some of them will manipulate mortars, some will drive infantry fighting vehicles, and some will use red. Arrow 9 rocket launch vehicle. After the troops were equipped with these weapons, Yue Zhong’s armored company truly had a powerful combat power.

Kong Tianyu saw the 69 tank eye in the arsenal cry out loudly: "Yue!! Let us even have a 69 tank!!"

Zhao Xing couldn't help but scream: "Yue! Let's even have two infantry fighting vehicles!!"


The company's company commander and deputy battalion commander also followed suit and wanted to get some weapons and equipment. Even a single infantry fighting vehicle is also a great fighting force. In addition to those second-order mutant beasts, there are no creatures that can withstand the zpt90 25mm cannon loaded on the infantry fighting vehicle.

Yue Zhong brows a cold wrinkle and said: "Give me quiet!"

Yue Zhongyi, the unruly company commander and the battalion commander were all quiet. This unit was hand-picked by Yue Zhong. In the army, Yue Zhong’s prestige was extremely high, and none of them dared to spur. It is necessary to know that Yue Zhong is no longer a good gentleman before the end of the world, but has grown into a sultry and sinister hero.

Yue Zhong’s commanding voice said: “When Xu’s battalion commander trained a group of qualified fighters, I will distribute those weapons to your hands. Now, you all have to go back and take a break. Two days later, let’s go. That large arsenal."

After Yue Zhong opened the passages of Ningguang County and Qingyuan County, he could use the large amount of weapons and equipment on the side of Ningguang County to equip the elite soldiers of Qingyuan County, so that his subordinate combat power could be improved several times. The weapons and ammunition that Yue Zhong got from the mechanized infantry brigade was extremely abundant. Even if the soldiers of the two regiments in Qingyuan County and Ningguang County were armed, the arms were extremely valuable resources in the last days. Yue Zhong only It will be less, it is definitely not too much. He will never let go of the large arsenal that Xia Yue told him.

After listening to Yue Zhong’s words, Kong Tianyu, these company commanders, then dispersed and relaxed. Five days of continuous fighting, the soldiers on both sides have been exhausted to the extreme, they need a good rest to relax.

Yue Zhong stopped the Ji Qing dance that came over and handed a pink snake to the Qing Dance: "Qing Wu, this is the fruit of the snake. After eating, there is a great chance that it will become Evolutionary. But you have to pay attention, eat the snake fruit, you will have a fever for a day, unable to move."

In the special combat camp, they are all masters. Ji Qing Dance can become the battalion commander of the special war camp. On the one hand, her own strength is indeed tyrannical. On the other hand, Yue Zhong is somewhat selfish, which allowed her to master the special battle camp.

After Ji Qingwu took over the pink snake's fruit, he took a deep look at Yue Zhong and swallowed the pink snake's fruit a few times.

Not long after, Ji Qing dance was pretty red, dizzy, and Jiao Pian went down to the ground.

Yue Zhong took her to the arms in front of her, and the quiet fragrance of a girl was uploaded from the body of Ji Qing Dance, which made his heart sway.

Ji Qing dances slightly gasping, licking Yue Zhong, and then closes his eyes with great peace of mind.

Yue Zhong took Ji Qing Dance back to his villa in Ningguang County, personally took care of Ji Qing dance, wiped her sweat, wiped her delicate body, and kept her by her when she had a fever.

Tong Xiaotong saw Yue Zhong carefully taking care of Ji Qing dance. Some embarrassed asked: "Who is that woman? Yue brother seems to like her very much."

Zhuo Yazhen looked at Yue Zhong, who was taking care of Ji Qing dance carefully. The heart was sour and sorrowful: "You brother did not say that he built a survivor base in Qingyuan County? That woman should It’s the woman who is at the base of the survivor there. It seems that he likes her very much.”

Zhuo Yazhen has long been psychologically prepared for Yue Zhong’s other women, but after she actually saw it, her heart was still sour and sorrowful. After all, no woman can generously share her man with other women. What makes Zhuoya especially special is that she can see that Yue Zhong really likes Ji Qing dance not just like her face and body.

The next morning, Ji Qing, who had a high fever in the evening, finally recovered her calmness. She opened her eyes and saw Yue Zhong sitting in front of her. Yue Zhong also kept her all day at the side of Ji Qing Dance.

Yue Zhong saw Ji Qing dance woke up and smiled at her slightly: "Have you got better?"

"Well! I became the evolutionary of the spiritual system, and realized a skill sword!" Ji Qing dance looked at Yue Zhong sitting next to her, and the movement in his eyes flashed past.

Suddenly, Ji Qingwu threw a question: "Yue Zhong, do you like me?"

In the face of this sudden problem, Yue Zhong seems to be somewhat uncomfortable. He is silent, explores his own heart, and finally finds the answer. He liked this heroic battle when he fled with Ji Qingwu. A girl who is as elegant as the wind. Even more like Lu Wen.

It’s just that Ji Qing dance is not only the girl that Yue Zhong likes, but also the classmates who have fought many times with him and have experienced many battles. He was not willing to force her to be his woman in his hands. He is also somewhat afraid of confessing to Ji Qing. If he is rejected, he does not know whether he will do something terrible. Therefore, he has always been keeping friends with Ji Qing Dance and watching her quietly. Growth.

Yue Zhong only felt that it was harder than the second-order mutant water snake in the war. He hesitated and struggled for a while before he bite his teeth and said, "Yes!"

Ji Qing dance, the twin eyes of the stars, the beautiful big eyes directly stare at Yue Zhong, and the eyes flashed with incomparable light: "If I followed you, can you leave other women for me?"

Yue Zhong looked at Ji Qingwu's big eyes like stars. He said honestly: "No! They have followed me. It is my woman. Although I like you very much, I can't give them up for you." ”

Ji Qing dance closed his eyes and said: "I know! I want to take a break, go out!"

Yue Zhong stood up a bit heavy, knowing that he is very likely to be cool with this heroic, the first school of Yunhua University in the past.

"If you promised to give up for me, I will despise you!"

When Yue Zhong had just left the room where Ji Qing Dance was, there was a voice of Ji Qing Dance from inside.

Yue Zhong heard the words, his brow wrinkled, but he did not know what Ji Qing dance meant and attitude. For the creature of the girl, he did not understand it when he came back.

After two days of rest, Yue Zhong took two battalion fighters, four infantry fighting vehicles, two loaded double-mounted 14.5 mm high-altitude machine guns and a large number of armored personnel carriers to the direction of the large arsenal. Www.readwn.com~ came to the forest full of mutant beasts, Yue Zhong arranged the main force outside, and he was carrying a chasing horse with three evolutionists, Ji Qing Dance, Zhuo Yazhen and Tong Xiaotong. The forest is galloping deep. The four of them are responsible for clearing small-scale mutant beasts and detecting whether there are more violent large-scale mutant beasts.

If there are a few terrorists in the vicinity of the arsenal, there are a few second-order black-scale murderous pigs. If they do not find out, they will rush to the ruin, which will lead to the demise of the entire team.

The sound of the Hummer engine quickly caught the attention of the mutant beasts in the forest.

Suddenly, the grass moved, and the four-headed mutants that jumped more than two meters jumped out of the grass, and jumped directly to the thunder horse that was galloping. Hundreds of pounds of heavy weight were in the car. Above the Hummer, let the Hummer be a shock.

Zhuo Yazhen used a force to brake, and the fierce violent force was swept away from the Hummer by the huge inertia force, and fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

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