God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 411: The beast tide attacked the town!

Just when most of humans are in a deep sleep, under the cover of that moonlight, the group of mutant beasts gather around the town.

Among the dark grass, a green-colored pair of glasses is staring at the human being patrolling at the door of the town, just like staring at a delicious prey.

There was a burst of sound around the sound that could not be heard by the human ear. Under the guidance of the sound waves, the mutant beasts that had been lurking outside suddenly rushed toward the town.

Humans in the city of Guining have been hunting many times, and they have simple sirens in various corners outside the town. As soon as the mutant beast moved, countless sirens rang loudly.

"Enemy!! Enemy!!"

The sound of the alarm rang, and the human warrior above the wall immediately shouted loudly.

Almost a moment, the human warriors who were sleeping were crawling out of bed, grabbing the weapons around them and rushing toward the door.

When hunting the herd, the night attack of the mutant herd is the most dangerous, and the slightest carelessness is the situation of the whole army.

After the human warriors got up, they quickly rushed toward the front of the town under the leadership of their respective leaders.

This town is a small town built by many forces in Guining City to be able to hunt and kill mutant beasts. There are all kinds of traps everywhere in the town. Many mutant beasts have just rushed to the nearby town, and they immediately fell off. Falling into a trap.

Yue Zhong also came to the forefront of the town with the masters of Qingshi Gang.

"A lot of mutant beasts!!" Yue Zhong glanced outside the town, a big shock in his heart.

I saw the mutated mountain rat being hunted everywhere outside the town. Those mutated mountain rats rushed to the side and rushed to the side, using their bodies to fill the traps one after another in the town.

After a long time, the mutant mountain mouse will break through the trap line and appear in the town.

After entering the town, all the forces were divided into zones, as long as they adhered to the zone. There is a large number of unrelated forces in this small town, and this method is currently the best way to deal with it. It is the four gangs in Guining City that can only mobilize their subordinates and affiliated gangs. Other strong people can't move at all.

Yue Zhong smashed the intensive mutated mountain mouse group and glanced at the white bones and shouted: "Bone bones! Give it to me! Try to get those mutant muttons back!! Try not to let them break the trap!"

The bones received the order of Yue Zhong, holding a big axe and rushing toward the mutant mountain mouse.

After the bones rushed into the dense mutant rat group, a spur of the bones continued to shoot through the mutant mountain rats, and then they were sent to the rear.

The famous inferior of Yue Zhong’s lower class was to use the imitation Tang knife to directly kill the mutant mountain rats and then strengthen them.

It was at the side of Yue Zhong’s little loli, Xiang Xiangling, who also took the sharp magic knife to kill the mutant mountain rats.

With the help of the bones, the physical qualities of the low-level intensifiers under the heavy weight of Yue Zhong have been rapidly strengthened, and the level has been continuously improved.

As for the masters of Yue Zhong’s majesty, they are quietly standing behind him waiting for his orders.

Yue Zhong has the ability to strengthen the night, he can see far behind the mutated mountain mouse. And there are countless monsters with green eyes flashing and watching this side. If he puts all the power into it, and the subordinates' physical exertion is too large, there is no way to resist the monsters at the rear.

After the bones were promoted to become dark, the combat power was amazingly improved. It stands alone at the forefront of the Yue Zhong defense line, and it blocks all the attacks like a mountain! Those mutated squirrels were just near their side, and they were immediately stabbed by the bones from their bodies, pulled to the rear, and slaughtered.

Yue Zhong slammed for a while. Commanded Xin Jiarou: "You go to rush for a while! Come back after upgrading to level 16! All the free reinforcement points are all added!"

Those mutant mutans have a morphological grade of up to 18, which is a very suitable mutant for Xin Jiarou.

"Yes! Master!!" Xin Jiarou took the dark magic knife and leaped toward the mutant mountain rat. She quickly broke into the mutant mountain mouse group and easily killed the mutant mountain rat.

Yue Zhong has a white bone on the side of the dark dome in the forefront, for a moment of peace of mind, there is room for those low-level intensifiers to advance.

However, the position near Yuezhong was a weak gang. The dense mutant rat group filled the traps with the body and finally connected with the small gangs near Yuezhong.

On the left side of Yue Zhong is a gang called the Knife Club. Among the gangs, only the gang and the 20 core masters came. Their gang, Cai Qingliang, was an agile evolutionary man. His knives flew in the air, and a mutated mountain rat was directly killed by him. The level of improvement of the 20 masters around him is not high, most of them are only about 21 or 2 and the equipment is not good. It is very difficult to fight against the mutant mountain rats.

Suddenly, the six mutated mountain rats rushed over to a knife holding a Tang knife and killing two mutated mountain rats.

"Ah!! Boss save me!!" The knife will master a knife to cut a mutant mountain mouse into two pieces. The other five mutant mountain rats are thrown on his body, open a sharp mouth and bite. Above his body, let him make a tragic sorrow.

"Wang Yue!!!" Cai Qingliang flashed a red crimson in his eyes and instantly launched his skills. As a ghost, he rushed to Wang Yue’s front. The 16 mutated voles that blocked the road were directly blocked by the waist, and the blood and internal organs were sprinkled. One place.

Cai Qingliang came to Wang Yue and immediately took out five knives. The five mutated mountain rats broke into two pieces.

"Wang Yue!!" Cai Qingliang fixed his eyes to Wang Yue and couldn't help but utter a cry of anger. The Wang Yue’s throat has been bitten by a mutant mountain mouse. He has now become a corpse.

"Boss!! Save me!" A knives master screamed in horror, he was also besieged by four mutated moles at this time, and the defense was in jeopardy.

Cai Qingliang flashed a few times and appeared in the side of the master of the knife. The knife and the light flashed and killed the four mutant mountains.

"Save me!! Save me!! Ah!!!"

It’s just that Cai Qingliang’s strength is only one person. He acts as a firefighter to rescue the players, but his role is limited. He has his peers dying in front of him.

Luo Shi, the deputy gang of the knife knives, screamed a mutant mountain rat and cried to Cai Qingliang: "No!! Boss!! This way we can't stand it! Help the Qingshi to help!!"

Cai Qingliang gasped loudly: "But now!! Is the bluestone gang sure to open an unacceptable price? What if he wants to swallow our knife?"

Luo Shi’s loud screams and another knife killed a mutant mountain rat: “Boss! Let’s go on like this. We’re afraid that we’re all dead! If we die, can it still make sense that the knife will exist?”

"Boss! Save one. Ah!!" The master of a knife knives just made a sound, and was thrown to the ground by several mutant mountain rats, directly killed.

Cai Qingliang saw that the master of a small knife club was divided into corpses. One of the masters of a knife knives ordered a command: "Hong Ming!! You go to Qingshi for help. We say that our knife will be willing to merge into the bluestone gang. Please be sure to send someone to save us!!"

Everyone’s line of defense has been delineated, and no one can take a step back before they have been ordered by the four gangs. If someone, or a force, dares to abandon their defense zone, anyone can kill them directly. After returning to Guining City, the families of the deserters had to be killed together.

It is under such a cruel decree that those intensifiers will continue to fight if they know that they are invincible. Otherwise, they will be tired of their help and pro in the city of Guining.

Hong Ming soon came to the Qingshibang camp of Commander Yue Zhong.

"It's amazing!! It's too strong! There is such a master in this bluestone gang, no wonder it can be one of the four gangs!" After Hong Ming came to the camp of Qingshibang, he saw that Yue Zhong had more strength. Let those low-level gangs smash the mutant squirrel to upgrade, and then glance at the white bones in the forefront like the devil, the big shock in the heart.

The white bones alone held the defense zone on Yue Zhong. You must know that the Qingshi Gang, who is the commander of Yue Zhong, is one of the top ten gangs in Guining City. Similarly, the position he needs to guard is ten times larger than the ordinary gang.

The white bone is made up of special 骷髅up, advanced to become dark 骷髅. After it is advanced, it is also about twice as strong as the ordinary Diablo, and its combat power is amazing. It can already rival some weak second-order mutant beasts. It is even more dangerous than some second-order mutant beasts. However, compared with the real second-order mutant beast, it is still much different in speed, strength and physical strength.

Hong Ming came to Yue Zhong and squatted on the ground, and even screamed: "Yue Boda!! I am Hong Ming of the Knife Club! I beg you to send a soldier to save our knife. I am here to give you a hoe." !"

Yue Zhong stunned Hong Ming with a bit of coldness: "Hong Ming! We have already planned the defense zone in advance! Our defense zone guarded by Qingshi is ten times bigger than your knife! I also need people very much here. Please stick to it again. For a while, I will send someone to help you later."

Yue Zhong has already known about the agile evolution of the Knife. With the evolutionary present, the knife will be able to support at least twenty minutes.

After Yue Zhong plans to spend twenty minutes, try to consume the power of the knife and then send troops to save their lives. In this way, the power of the knife will be consumed too much, and there will be no power to compete for the third-order mutant beast.

Hong Ming did not hesitate to directly open the conditions: "Yue Boda, as long as you send troops to save our knife! We will be willing to merge into the Qingshi Gang, become part of the Qingshi Gang!"

Yue Zhong immediately changed his tone and said: "Good! I will bring soldiers to save you!"

Once the Knife will join the power that Qingshi Bang·Yue Zhong can use, he will become more points. He naturally has to go all out to save.

Yue Zhong said to Larman: "Lalman! Come with me!"

"Yes! The leader!" Lalman followed the former Judges Corps tightly behind Yue Zhong and rushed toward the direction of the knife keeper.

Yue Zhong brought people to the defense area of ​​the Little Knife Club. I saw it in the defense area of ​​the Knife Club. At this time, there were all kinds of mutant mountain rats. Cai Qingliang, their twelve people gathered together tightly and formed a The small round formation is supported on one side.

Yue Zhong pulled out the black tooth knife with a blade length of two meters and rushed into the rat group. The black tooth knife in his hand waved, and the head of the four mutated mountain rats was blown away.

To deal with the intensive, low-grade mutant rat, the black tooth knife in Yue Zhong's hand is the best weapon to kill. He waved, and the variegated voles flew into the body and turned into a corpse.

"Call with me!!" Lalman screamed and pulled out a dark magic knife as an arrow rushing toward the mutant mice.

The soldiers of the former Judges Legion of the platoon also took out the imitation Tang knife and rushed to the past with those mutant mice. The most powerful of these judges' fighters is their shooting skills, modern war experience, and skilled manipulation of modern weapons. However, their melee ability is also very strong, and it is not a problem to kill the mutant mountain rat.

On the other side, Cai Qingliang also brought people to quickly kill them. Together, they joined forces and hardened the mutant mountain rat.

Cai Qingliang came to Yue Zhong’s front and his eyes were very complicated. Yue Zhong’s eyes sighed: “Cai Qingliang has seen Yue Lao Da! This time, thanks to Yue Lao, you will help each other in time. Otherwise, I will have more than a dozen brothers. I am stuck here!"

Yue Zhong nodded slightly and said: "Know it! Take your people! Immediately build the fortification!!"

Yue Zhong and his entourage are carrying a lot of tools to come here~www.readwn.com~ If you want to stabilize the front line of Cai Qingliang, the fortifications are less. Cai Qingliang's reason why they are so difficult is because of the construction of the work they despise. Fortunately, I believe that the mutant beast will not attack the town so quickly, which is a big loss.

Wherever Yue Zhong goes, with a lot of simple work and equipment, he can build some simple fortifications at any time. A simple fortification may save many soldiers’ lives.

Almost after the retreat of the mutant mountain mouse group, Yue Zhong’s men began to pick up a piece of steel bar and nailed it to the ground. The wooden piles were driven into the ground, and a layer of sharp steel wire was tied between the wooden piles, and simple work was built by them.

"Yes! Boss!!" Cai Qingliang looked at the ones that were very targeted and lethal. They responded with respect to Yue Zhong and took his subordinates to help build the simple fortifications.

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