God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 412: Chen Hongye’s assassination!

The whole text has no advertising, the forty-two chapter Chen Hongye's assassination!

The defenses in other parts of the town are also very strict. Under the guardianship of many powerful people in the town, the mutant mountain rats that are rushing toward the town like the tides are constantly being killed. Full text without ads

There are also several orientations in the town that have been broken by the mutant mountain rats, and the intruders stationed there have been smashed by the mutant mountain rat.

The number of mutant muttons killed in the entire town was more than 3,000, but more than 60 human fortifiers were directly smashed under the attack of the mutant voles.

Not waiting for everyone to breathe, the mutant herd hidden behind the mutant squirrel rolled over to the town.

After the mutated mountain rat, there is a group of mutated civet cats. The mutated civet cats have a level of enhancement of up to twenty levels, and they are as strong as wolves, and the two claws are sharp. After the mutated little civet, it is followed by a mutant leopard cat. After the mutant leopard cat group, there are also mutant Vietnamese golden monkeys, mutant pangolins and many other mutant herds that are crushed toward the town, as if they were extinct mutants.

Yue Zhong looked at the group of mutant herds that had come in, and his face changed greatly: "Damn!! How can such a scale be kept?"

During that night, only Yue Zhong and a few intensifiers and evolutionists with night vision ability could see the scene outside the town. No matter who sees the group and then a group of almost endless mutant herds, there will be fear and despair in the heart.

The huge mutant herd broke into the town for the first time, and the battle became hot.

Ice cones, swords, swords, fireballs, wind blades, and thorns all burst out of their skills, and they bloomed on the front line. Countless mutant herds died directly under the various attacks, and at the same time, humans died in the hands of those mutant herds.

Yue Zhong’s first time to withdraw the bones and Xin Jiarou, let Raman with the troops holding the modern firepower crazy shooting the mutant beasts rushing to his camp.

Yue Zhong was worried that he would encounter a large number of mutant herds, thus bringing ten heavy machine guns of 12.7 mm.

The ten 12.7-mm heavy machine guns faced the huge herd and finally exerted their horrible power. Under the dense metal barrage, a piece of mutant beast was not screened near Yue Zhong’s position. The power of heavy machine guns can only be blocked by the thick and thick fleshy beasts of forty grades or more. The ordinary mutant beasts will also die under the heavy machine guns. Full text without ads

"What to do? This way, our group of people is afraid to die in the mouth of these mutant beasts." Yue Zhong looked at the current situation and looked blue.

In Yue Zhong’s hand, there were only 50,000 bullets of heavy machine guns, and the bullets that were intensive into the sea were dealt with, and the bullets would soon be lighted. Once the close combat, Yue Zhong’s men are afraid of losing a lot.

At this moment, a giant rat with a height of five meters and a scale of rock was leaping out of the herd, and a large number of mutant beasts rushed toward Yue Zhong. A large number of heavy machine gun bullets hit the body of the giant mouse and they flew away.

"Fifty-three monsters: second-order mutant mountain rats. With super hard scales and terrible power."

"Grenade Launcher! Shoot!!" Lalman looked at the loud rumor of the second-order mutant mountain rushing over.

Six warriors armed with grenade launchers headed straight forward, and the m4, armed with a grenade launcher, pulled the trigger against the second-order mutant mountain mouse.

boom! boom!

A series of explosions exploded on the second-order mutant mountain rat. The grenade that destroyed the armored car was bombarded on the second-order mutant mountain rat. It only blew a two-finger-sized blood hole and could not endanger the end. The variability of the mountain rat's life, but it makes it more violent, with a terrible momentum, eyes reddish toward Ralman and his men rushed over.

Looking at the second-order mutant mountain rat that rushed over, Ralman and his subordinates all changed their faces. If they were rushed into their positions by the second-order mutant mountain rat, they would be seriously injured.

At this moment, the white bone stepped forward, and a bone thorn was shot, supporting it to jump over the head of the second-order mutant mountain rat. Its right arm turned into a sharp bone drill, facing the head two. A small wound that was blasted above the head of the mutated mountain rat stabbed.

The sharp bone drill stabbed on the wound, frantically spinning, and hardly drilled a small wound into a sharp cave. The sharp bone drill pierced the second step. The crazy rotation in the head of the mutant mountain mouse smashed the brain of the second-order mutant mountain rat into a paste.

The brain smashed, and the second-order mutant mountain mouse fell to the ground, bursting out two skill books and 100 survival coins. The two skill books are the three-level skill book physical solidification and the third-level skill book agile solidification.

The second-order mutant mountain rat died, and the remaining hundreds of mutant mountain rats collapsed and fled in all directions. Among the small towns, there are a large number of natural enemies of mutant mutans, such as mutant leopard cats and mutant civet cats. If they were not dominated by the majesty of the second-order mutant beasts, they would have escaped.

"This is!! Maybe we still have hope!" Yue Zhong saw that the mutant mountain mouse collapsed in all directions, and finally a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, a phantom shadow like a blast, jumped out of the mutant leopard cat group, and flew the bones to the ground, opened the blood bowl and bite to the neck of the white bone.

"Five-level mutant beast second-order variation small civet!"

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the light flashed, and the figure flashed to the second-order mutant civet.

Just as the second-order mutant civet opened his mouth, he shot a sharp spur from the neck of the bone to the throat of the mutant civet.

At the same time, a bone blade burst out from the body of the white bone, directly locking the limbs of the mutant civet.

The second-order mutant civet also relied on the terrible speed of the neck, avoiding the thorn that the bones would kill, but its freedom is still firmly locked by the bones.

Yue Zhong rushed to the front of the second-order mutant civet, and his right hand condensed a magical spear to the second-order mutant civet, and pierced the second-order variability. The civet's head burns the brain of the second-order mutant civet to ashes.

The second-order mutant civet fell to the ground and turned into a corpse, bursting with a cyan treasure box and 100 points of survival coins.

“Congratulations on your upgrade to level 53 and two points of free reinforcement points.”

The second-order mutant civet was killed. All the mutant civet in this area collapsed and fled in all directions.

Yue Zhong has a large number of mutated civet cats. At this time, they collapsed and fled, and Yue Zhong’s pressure in this direction was slightly reduced.

After Yue Zhong killed the second-order mutant civet, his heart was slightly loose, and he felt the hope of victory: "Sure enough, you must kill the second-order mutant beasts as the leader. Otherwise we have no trace of the mutant herds." Win the game."

Just at the moment when Yue Zhong’s heart was slightly relaxed, a figure burst out from a dark corner, and the knife seemed to tear the sky. With a daunting black knife, the knife was tied to Yue Zhongyu. Come.

At this time, Yue Zhong was the most relaxed moment, and he did not have any precautions. His dangerous perception had just started to warn, and the black knife had almost appeared in front of him.

Yue Zhong launched the shadow step, madly hiding to the right, while the left arm stretched out in front of him.

The black knife squatted on the left arm of Yue Zhong, and opened the leather armor of the third-order mutant beast. At the same time, Yue Zhong’s left arm flew together and the blood splashed.

At the same time, a terrible knife gas passed from the wound to Yue Zhong’s body, and Yue Zhongzhen flew out six or seven meters away, and spewed out a blood.

"Lalman! I am Chen Hongye! Come help me to kill Yue Zhong!! Just kill him! We can also rebuild Hongmen!" A knife will fly Yue Zhong’s left arm and fly Yue Zhong’s body Flying, the black knife mans collapsed, revealing a middle-aged man with a four-level treasure black sand knife, handsome and handsome.

This middle-aged man is the Hongmen lord Chen Hongye. Just the knife was Chen Hongye's collection of all the spirits, which consumed most of his physical strength and mental strength and smashed the second-order skills.

The destructive power is unparalleled, and even the scales of the third-order mutant beast can be opened. However, the consumption is also very large, almost exhausting Chen Hongye's physical and mental strength. Let him have to ask for Lalman.

Just as Chen Hongye jumped out~www.readwn.com~ from a room at the back of the town, suddenly 20 masters were rushed out. The 20 masters were the four elders of Hongmen brought by Chen Hongye, and The heart of his hand is sharp.

At this time, Yue Zhong only had white bones, Lalman and his men. Cai Qingliang's knife would help the public. If Lalman is now rebellious, Cai Qingliang's knife will help the public and will also betray, then Yue Zhong is in danger.

Chen Hongye has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. If Yue Zhong stayed in his camp, Chen Hongye did not have any chance. He waited for a long time, and finally waited for the best assassination of Yue Zhong, and hit the left arm of Yue Zhong with a single blow, creating a golden opportunity.

After listening to Chen Hongye’s words, the subordinates around Ralman floated and looked up at Lalman. They are all willing to listen to the high quality of Lalman, and they were the orders of their chief officials.

Cai Qingliang also blinked and looked at Lalman. Ralman’s decision may affect his decision. His friendship with Yue Zhong is not deep, and he is far from the point where he is dead for Yue.


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