God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 428: Assassination! turmoil!

The whole text has no advertising, the forty-eighth chapter is assassination! turmoil!

Just when Shan Hong was negotiating with a group of people in Shen Ying to discuss the details, the two discipline inspection staff took Li Jiu Ming to a room.

Suddenly, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and four men armed with special forces rushed into the room, carrying a dagger to the two discipline inspectors.

Almost a few breaths of time, the two disciplined staff immediately fell on the ground with two daggers wearing a heartless force.

Seeing the **** scene, Li Jiu-ming’s face paled, his body shivered slightly, his hands were numb, and his teeth were asked to the four men wearing special forces costumes: “Who are you?”

At this moment, a body of elegant elegance, Gao Minghao, who is very sturdy, led a big step in the green bamboo gang and walked in to reveal a very charming smile to Li Jiu-ming: "Mayor Li Don't you recognize me?"

At the beginning of the battle between the town and the mutant herd, Gao Minghao also fled quickly. He decided to break, fled quickly, and had good luck, but lost more than 100 gangs. The evolutionary of the Qingzhu gang did not die. The strength in his hands is even stronger than the Tianlong gang.

Li Jiu-ming’s face replied with a **** stare at Gao Minghao’s cold and cold road: “It turned out to be Gao Minghao!! What are you doing for me? I have been deprived of the mayor’s position!”

Li Jiu-ming is not an idiot. He has already guessed Gao Minghao’s intentions between vagueness.

Gao Minghao said in a tempting voice: "Mayor Lee, would you be willing to be deprived of power and finally killed? If you don't want to kill the enemy, don't you want to report it?"

When Li Jiu-ming thought that his own baby son had died in the hands of Yue Zhong, his eyes were filled with anger and anger, and he said, "Of course!"

Gao Minghao said with a smile: "There is a good chance to be in front of you now! Mayor Li, as long as you cooperate with us, join hands to win the city of Guining. At that time, kill a Yuezhong, as long as you move one The roots can pinch him!"

Li Jiu-ming’s refreshing response: “Good! What do you want me to do?”

Gao Minghao asked with a sigh of relief: "If the people in the conference hall are all dead! How many times do you have the masters of the armed police force and the government?"

The police, the armed police, and the government-sponsored masters are also a huge force. It is enough to crush the gangs such as Tianlongbang and Qingzhubang. After all, the biggest and strongest force in Guining is the government and the military. If they do not recruit masters, it is a miracle.

Li Jiu-ming thought for a while and said: "I have 100% control over the armed police force in Nanning and 40 masters who have a level of reinforcement above level 30. I can't get into the hands of Guining City. There is no grasp. Solicit them!"

As one of the giants of Guining City, Li Jiu-Ming naturally recruited a lot of subordinates. In his capacity, someone is willing to take the initiative to rely on him and beg him to take it.

Gao Minghao said directly to Li Jiu-ming: "Okay! Then please come and conquer those troops!! This is handed over to us! But after the event, our Tianlong Gang and Qingzhu Gang will become legal gangs in Guining City!"

Li Jiu-ming’s bold response is: “Good! I promise you!”

It is the most crucial thing to seize power now. As long as he can win power, Li Jiu-ming is now willing to sell anything.

The plan has been decided, Li Jiu Ming quickly left the guard under the guard of the two masters. (full text e-book free download)

The two teams in Guining City, together with the military squad, can not be underestimated.

Twenty elite warriors, thirty intensifiers of level 30 and above, and six evolutionists were deployed near the government office. Such a luxurious lineup, if it is not the master of this series of Yue Zhong and has many masters of powerful equipment, it is absolutely impossible to be hard. If the response is not good, luck is not good. Even Yue Zhong, the master of this series, is likely to die.

At this time, six men in ordinary clothes strode in the direction of the government office.

"Who?" A soldier with a gun watched the six people shouting loudly.

A middle-aged man with glasses and a very gentleman handed a work permit to the soldier. "I am the secretary of the municipal party committee, Tan Teng. This is my work permit. The air conditioning in the conference hall on the fourth floor is broken! These are the repairmen. I just reported it today, you can check it out!"

"Please come in!" After the soldier looked at Tan Teng's work permit and record, he immediately let the road open.

Tan Teng immediately took the five men and walked in.

Tan Teng pleaded to the five men: "This is ok!! I beg you to let go of my daughter. She is innocent!!"

A burly big man coldly said: "Tan Secretary! You can rest assured!! As long as you honestly help us to do this. We absolutely guarantee that your daughter and wife are safe. Go!"

Tan Teng had no choice but to bite the five men to come to the conference hall.

The five men kicked the door of the conference hall and rushed in.

One of the men armed with 05 micro-rushed crazy to the high-ranking officials of the Guining City in the conference hall for a crazy scan.

A man mobilized his skills and pulled out a big knife and rushed toward Du Shanxiong as a ghost.

When the two men came in, they also took out the guns and madly directed at the officials present.

A man pulled out a pair of cyan daggers and continued to shorten the distance from Shen Ying at a strange pace.

The change was too sudden, and many high-ranking officials in Guining City couldn’t touch the defense. They were shot by bullets and fell into the **** mooring.

Bai Xiaosheng’s reaction was extremely rapid, and the change just happened. He pulled a single macro and slammed the window and jumped out of the window and shouted loudly: “The enemy attack!! The enemy attack!!”

Bai Xiaosheng’s combat experience is very rich. He can see that the five masters are all evolutionists. Although each one is slightly inferior to him, he has a chance to fall for life and death. Moreover, he did not like the officials of the city of Guining, and he escaped and did not help the high officials of Guining City.

As soon as I heard the scream of Bai Xiaosheng, the masters who were all over the villa moved up and gathered together.

In the rain of the bullets, the senior officials in the city of Guining fell into the pool of blood.

Almost at the same time, from behind Du Shanxiong, a burly man with a height of one meter and nine wearing a military uniform and a large knife was jumped out.

The burly warrior with a big knife named Du Ziming is one of Du Shanxiong's nephews, an evolutionary of the power department. The combat power is terrible, and it can kill a weak second-order mutant beast.

Du Ziming was in front of Du Shanxiong, and a normal rifle was shot on his body and then flew away. The leather armor of the second-order mutant beast is also worn on his body.

As long as it is not an idiot, after touching the mutant beast, the wise man will use the tough animal's tough leather to make the leather armor.

Du Ziming screamed at the shots of the bullets and slammed the evolutionary with the big knife.

The double-knife attack, a loud voice, the fire splashed, the evolutionary man holding the big knife was actually a knife flying by Du Ziming, back a few steps, the mouth bleeding, apparently suffered a little injury.

Although Du Shanxiong was assassinated by humans for the first time, he did not panic, but went under the table. He is an ordinary person, even if he wears a second-order mutant leather armor that is invulnerable, he hits his head and he is dying.

Just as Du Shanxiong bent down, an evolutionist smiled and launched his skills.

A sharp and sharp thorn was suddenly shot from the ground, and the bang was on the head of Du Shanxiong, smashing his head.

If you are a strong enough master, you can escape if you feel dangerous. Although Du Shanxiong is the head of a division, he is only an ordinary person, and this has captured his life.

"Uncle!!!" Du Ziming saw Du Shanxiong being assassinated, smashing his eyes, his eyes reddish, and if he was a mad tiger, he took a knife and went to the evolutionary with the knife. He is extremely powerful, and every knife has a terrible force of a few thousand pounds. The evolutionary person with the knife has been regressing and his face is horrified.

"Get it! Go!!" Seeing the death of Du Shanxiong, a master of the head shouted loudly.

The next moment, the other four evolutionists have left their own goals and turned to flee outside, even killing Shen Ying can not care.

The five evolutionists withdrew, and an agile evolutionary who stood in front of Shen Ying was slightly relieved. He guards Shen Ying very hard, if the other five people, on the attack for 20 seconds, Shen Ying will definitely die.

But the five evolutionary as assassins have just retired, and those who are on the periphery have rushed over and fought with the five evolutionists.

After a fierce battle, after the five evolutionists left three bodies, two people fled the city government.

Shan Hong soon returned to the conference hall. As soon as he saw the body of Du Shanxiong, his face changed dramatically. He shouted to Bai Xiaosheng, who was around him: "Go back!! Go back and tell the leader!! Du Shanxiong is dead!! Most of the government officials are dead!! The city of Guining is going to be chaotic!!! The city of Guining is going to be chaotic!!"

Who is Du Shanxiong? That is the stalwart pillar of Guining City. It was he who led the army to destroy more than a million zombies and rescued 900,000 survivors. He is the leader of the field army in Guining City and a very good old soldier.

At this time Du Shanxiong died, and there was no leader in the field army who could survive the scene. Naturally, he would split into countless small factions. At the same time, in the conference hall, the official residence of Guining City was almost killed.

Without those bureaucrats, the operation of Guining City will definitely be stagnant. As long as there is a heart-warming one, the entire city of Guining will become chaotic.

Although the single official is not high, but the political sense is still very keen, he felt a great storm is brewing in Guining City, a careless fear that the storm can blow him and Yue Zhong.

Bai Xiaosheng did not say anything, and immediately ran to the direction of Yue Zhong.

In a very secret villa, after hearing the report from his men, Di toothed a cold smile and ordered: "Do it!!"

"Du Shanxiong Du is dead! He was killed by Yue Zhongren!!"

"Yue Zhong now has occupied the grain depot!! The food stamps in everyone's hands must be turned into waste paper!!"

“Everyone is going to find Yue Zhong’s account!! Otherwise, everyone’s food stamps will be scrapped!!”


A famous Tianlong gang who hides in the crowd and the helpers of the Qingzhu Gang constantly release rumors, flashing those survivors.

"What? Du Shanxiong Du Shichang sent people to assassinate? What a good man Du Shi is, why did Yue Zhong send people to assassinate him? It is a beast!!"

"Oops!! Is the grain ticket in my hand going to be waste?"


Under the support of those who are motivated, a large number of survivors fell into a panic and rushed in the direction of the grain depot.

If the government’s function still exists, the rumor will never spread so easily. However, Tianlongbang and Qingzhu help killed nearly two-thirds of the high-rises in Guining. The function of the Guining Municipal Government has been smashed by more than half.

And Liu Jiuming came forward to conquer a large number of armed forces originally belonging to the Nanning Municipal Government, and used the armed forces to start attacking the armed forces of the Guining Municipal Government.

The two armed forces originally belonging to the government are killing each other wildly, and naturally no one is in charge of those survivors.

The military commanded by Du Shanxiong also began to split into a ministry such as the Guining School, the Border Army School, the Strengthener School, the Nanning School, the Younger School, and the Middle School. In order to compete for the command of the army left by Du Shanxiong, those factions are equally noisy. Some even hit it directly.

Various mobs rushed to the streets, killing and looting things without evil. There was a blossoming flame everywhere on the street, and the cry of the woman’s crying, the temporary screams of men, and the laughter of the mobs. Many of the survivors were huddled in their own rooms, watching the shivering outside like hell.

confusion! ! Big mess! ! The entire city of Guining has fallen into a terrible mess. The city of Guining, which lost its order, became a **** on earth~www.readwn.com~ Under the provocation of Tianlongbang and Qingzhubang, hundreds of thousands of survivors came from all directions and gathered to form a mighty The people flowed before Yue Zhong’s grain depot.

"Yue Zhong, give us out!!"

"Yue Zhong! You are a beast! Why do you want to assassinate Du Shanxiong Du Shi?"

"Yue Zhong!! Open the grain store and put food!!"

"Open the warehouse and put food!!"

"Open the warehouse and put food!!"


A large number of survivors gathered in front of the grain depot, filled the passages near the grain depot, and the fields were full. They screamed and shouted slogans loudly. If they were not driving a dozen heavy machine guns before the grain depot, they would A swarm of bees rushed into the grain store to grab food.


(full text e-book free download)

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