God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 429: Chaizi warehouse is coming!

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At this time, it was Zheng Minghe who was responsible for guarding outside the grain depot. He looked at the crowds around the grain depot, and his heart was cold and sweaty, and his heart was full of pressure. (full text e-book free download)

That is, there are more than 100,000 people who have been provoked and gathered in this area. It is a little bit swaying, and it may cause a riot of more than 100,000 people in the grain warehouse for a long time.

Once there have been tens of thousands of people rushing into the grain riots, there will be blood flowing into the river, and the entire grain depot may be burned.

"I am Zheng Minghe is the great elder of Qingshibang." Zheng Ming and the crowd who looked at the secret hemp stood up and stood up and said loudly: "We have not killed Du Shanxiong! You are all here. Otherwise we will not You're welcome!!"

"Dog hybrid!! He is threatening us!!"

"Don't be afraid!! We have tens of thousands of people here!! He doesn't dare to move us!!"

"Don't kill those dogs!!"

"Everyone rushes together!! Grab the food!! Whoever grabs the grain is who they are! They dare not shoot!!"

"There are so many people here, and they drowned them all by one spit!! Everyone rushed!!"


Among the crowds, Tianlongbang and Qingzhubang’s gangsters screamed loudly.

"Everyone rushes together!! The food is ours!! Let's go back and grab it!!"


Under the provocation of the Dragon Gang and the Qingzhu Gang, many survivors rushed toward the grain depot.

Zheng Minghe looked at the crowd who was coming in and the mind was suddenly blasted and I didn’t know how to be good.

At this moment, there was a voice of Hu Yi’s incomprehensible command: “Just shoot!!! Give me all the fire!!”

The machine gunners deployed on the grain bank also looked at each other and looked at the survivors who were rushing to be overwhelmed. If they are zombies and mutant beasts, they will never be soft. They will immediately execute orders to shoot those monsters. But the following are human beings, and they are their living compatriots.

Hu Yi’s eyes flashed a cold light and the soldiers around the grain store held a big knife and said: “I am the deputy company commander appointed by Yue Zhong’s leader! Didn’t you hear my order? I ordered all shots. Shoot the mob!! Defend the military commander!"

A soldier couldn’t help but say: "But Hu Lianchang!! They are a living human being, and they are our compatriots. (The free download of the full-text e-book) is not a zombie, nor our enemy! They were just some unarmed before. Civilians!"

Hu Yi glanced at the soldier and his eyes flashed and continued: "I know! But now I don't shoot!! We all have to die without a burial place!! Shoot immediately!! Otherwise I will execute the military law!! ”

Hu Yi turned to look at Zheng Ming and Shen Sheng "" Zheng Yingchang! ! You have no objections? ”

In Yue Zhong’s own system, the title of military service has been adopted. The strong title of the gang and the rudder master is not conducive to the formalization of the reorganization.

"Shooting!" Zheng Minghe stunned Hu Yi and closed his eyes, and issued this cruel order.

If you don't fire yet, those angry survivors will rush into the grain store here to destroy everything in the grain store!

In a flash, the twelve heavy machine guns on the grain store opened fire, and the frantic barrage ran through the survivors who rushed to the side of the madness and smashed them.



"They shot!!"


With a scream of horror, the violent crowd looked at the survivors who fell in the pool of blood, and they became fearful and collapsed.

The number of hundreds of thousands of survivors has been greatly integrated into a group of stretches for several kilometers. At this time, when the gunshots were heard, countless survivors fled themselves and fled in all directions.

Even before the end of the world, the DPRK had precedents to open tanks to suppress the people, not to mention the end of the collapse of the order. The survivors completely collapsed when they heard the gunshots and fled in all directions.

In that escape, countless survivors trampled on their own in order to escape, and countless deaths and injuries, all over the road can see the survivors who were trampled to death.

I don't know when Yue Zhong appeared on the grain depot. He looked at the many bodies that fell in front of the grain depot, and his face was very gloomy.

"The leader!" Zheng Minghe looked at Yue Zhong, who was out of thin air. He was shocked and went forward. He looked at the gloomy Yue Zhong, and looked at Hu Yi who stood and stood up and said. : "The leader! This is my order! I am willing to take all the responsibility!"

Hu Yi is the buddy of Yue Zhong. This is basically not a secret in the small forces built by Yue. Hu Yi is also an evolutionary and has a second-order skill. He has also made great contributions in the town. In the future, it will definitely be used greatly, so Zheng Ming and nature dare not push the fault to Hu Yi.

Yue Zhong patted Zheng Minghe's shoulder and said: "What's wrong with you!! The wrong thing is to provoke the chaos of Tianlong and Qingzhu! The wrong ones are those who are provoked!! As long as it is our enemy You can shoot and kill each other, no matter what they are before. However, your handling is still a bit problematic. At the very least, you should shoot the police, if they are stubborn, you will shoot! Drop your level and drop to the deputy camp. Long, the position remains the same as the first battalion in Guining City."

Zheng Minghe was just an ordinary person before the end of the world. He had never dealt with this, so it was very rigid. If a person with a stable experience can handle it, he may do better than him.

"Yes!" Zheng Ming and his eyes were slightly red, and this moment was full of gratitude. He also thought that this time he would be reduced to a small soldier by Yue Zhong. After all, they shot and killed dozens of human survivors, while the rest of the human survivors trampled on themselves, killing more than 200 people.

After all, Yue Zhong’s power is still too young and has been fighting. There are many people in combat, and there are still fewer people with rich political experience.

Hu Yi then stood up and said to Yue Zhong: "The leader, you should not blame Zheng Yingchang! That is my order!"

When there were outsiders, Hu Yi had changed the name of Yue Zhong to the leader. Only in the absence of outsiders would he be called the great brother.

Yue Zhong slammed Hu Yi and said: "If this is the case! If you drop two levels, it will be the platoon leader! The rank is also reduced to a small number."

Hu Yi’s face is abruptly directed at Yue Zhong: “Yes! The leader!!”

Hu Yi asked Yue Zhong: "The leader!! What do we do now? Guining City has fallen into turmoil, are we also plugging in one leg?"

Bai Xiaosheng's speed is extremely fast. He has already returned to the grain depot, and told Yue Zhong that the high-level assassination of Guining City was completed.

Hu Yi did not understand the nature of Yue Duo’s decisiveness. Why did he keep moving and he was wasting a very precious two hours?

Yue Zhong smashed Zheng Ming and glanced at the sky: "Well! Zheng Minghe! This grain depot will be handed over to you! You must keep the grain depot for me. Anyone except me, close to the grain depot, will give me a killing." !"

This grain depot is the biggest killer of Yue Zhong, and there is absolutely no loss. Once the grain depot falls into the hands of others, it may become the biggest killer against him.

Zheng Minghe vowed to Yue Zhong solemnly: "Yes! The leader! As long as I am Zheng Minghe still alive, this grain depot will never be taken away!"

"Very good!!" Yue Zhong's eyes flashed a touch of relief.

Just as Yue Zhong was preparing to start, Hu Yi looked outside and said to Yue Zhong: "The leader! Someone has come!!"

"Oh?" Yue Zhong turned his head and saw that he had let go of the firewood warehouse and held the white flag and walked toward the grain storage.

Yue Zhong looked at the firewood warehouse and saw a move in his heart: "Let him come in!"

A firewood warehouse in the district could not cope with the entire grain depot, and he did not pose any threat to the grain depot.

As soon as Chai Zicang came to Yue Zhong, he said, "I am willing to work for the leader. I also ask the leader to take it in!"

Yue Zhong took a look at Chai Zicang, and he was very quick and responsive: "Good! What are your conditions, open directly!"

The recruitment of Chaizi warehouse has great significance. On the one hand, it can set a model for surrender. On the other hand, Chai Zicang knows the relationship between the generals in Du Shanxiong. With his full help, Yue Zhong can make a better response.

Chai Zicang looked at Yue Zhong and said: "I am weak in strength. I hope that the leader can give my brother away!! Let me work with your brothers."

Du Shanxiong’s death and his commanding army immediately split into countless small groups. In the beginning of this year, there are guns and talents who have the right to speak. There was no Du Shanxiong, no one had no guns, and he was thinking about it for a while, so he came directly to Yue Zhong. In the hands of Yue Zhong~www.readwn.com~ there are hundreds of fighters who surrendered.

Yue Zhong brows slightly wrinkled: "Do you have the confidence to convince your brother?"

Chai Zicang said: "If Du Shanxiong is here. I am not sure to convince the brothers to work for you! But Du Shanxiong is dead. I have seven layers of confidence to convince them to work for you."

Yue Zhong smiled at Chaizi Cangjie: "Good!! Chaizi Cang, from now on, you are the ninth reinforcement company of my majesty! Your warriors are your old brothers. How?"

Chai Zicang was overjoyed, and he kneeled in front of Yue Zhong’s body: "I will die for the leader!!"

When Chai Zicang came over, he became a company commander, and he still had a force that could be used as an arm. This makes him not excited.

This year's big fist has the right to speak. Once Chai Zicang got back to the old men, he would be able to master them soon. I made my voice in the power of Yue Zhong.


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