God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 613: Love Xinjue Luo. Xuanzhen!

>Tiangong Sakura is the master who has just joined the top masters of Yue Zhong’s madness and chased the masters of the holy wolf, killing fifteen masters of the wolf. The rest of the sacred wolf riders used various skills to escape the chase of Tiangong Sakura.

When the St. Wolf rides back, Yue Zhong picks up a heavy machine gun and continually shoots at the golden wolf.

Those golden wolves who just rushed into Tianmu Town did not have the open path of the St. Wolf, and they could only die in the attack of the bunker, the evolutionary leader of Yue Zhong and the top ten gang masters.




Gu Guani immediately issued an order to retreat when he saw the situation.

The golden wolf rides the order to hear the retreat, and immediately throws away a lot of corpses and flees the town of Tianmu.

The Golden Wolf rides back the 613th chapter of Ai Xinjue Luo. Xuan Zhen! Yue Zhong immediately ordered Ximeng’s organization to quickly collect the weapons and equipment left by the Golden Wolf. At the same time, the survivors of Tianmeng Town, Ximeng, organized various fortifications.

Although the Golden Wolf rides out of Tianmu Town, it only retreats a few kilometers away and does not really leave Tianmu Town.

Gugani looked at the broken Armmore, and asked a little bit of a tone: "What happened to Wintermore?"

This withdrawal, the cost of the Golden Wolf before the ride was all in vain, they lost a total of seven hundred bodies in the town of Tianmu. At the thought of the death of seven hundred elite warriors, Gugani was full of fear.

The elite warriors riding on the Golden Wolf are the core strength of the Grand Turk Empire. They killed 700 gold wolves in one fell swoop, which is also a big blow to the Grand Turk Empire. What makes Gugani even more afraid is that they have paid such a big price and have not yet attacked Tianmu Town. When they return to the Turkic Empire, he will be severely punished.

Wintermore stunned Gugani with a loud snarl: "Shut up! You rely on a hybrid hybrid that sends a woman's superior! In the town of Tianmu, there is a master with advanced technology in the hands of super technology. Our cavalry is already Not good at siege, the 613th chapter loves Xinjue Luo. Xuanzhen! How do you want us to attack the city forcibly?"

Wintermore, this is the responsibility to push Gu Gani completely, in fact, he was the first to rush into the town of Tianmu, but also he took the Holy Wolf to attack Tianmu Town. If it wasn't for Yue Zhong, the Dahan League would be able to integrate the scattered sands. Tianmu Town may have been attacked by him at this time. Now unable to attack Tianmu Town, he blamed the anger and defeat on Gugani.

Gugani flashed a sigh of relief in his eyes, then silently lowered his head. He is a hybrid of Han Chinese and Uighurs. Before the end of the world, there was no such thing as anyone cares.

But in the big Turkic Empire. Very particular about the purity of blood, Gu Guani because half of the Han people's blood is very repulsive, if not he is very clever, presented a few top beauty to Ur. Plus his ability to be outstanding, he simply can't climb this position.

Even if Guggani climbed to this position, the other Uighurs still looked down on him very much, and when he opened his mouth, he called him a hybrid. Only in front of Ur. Those generals will only converge a little.

In the eyes of Wintermore, there was a fierce light in the eyes: "Tianmu Town can't fight now!! We are temporarily withdrawing and going to attack the town of Agaya."

Gugani made a cry: "Agaia town! That is the power of Manchuria, attacking the town, Manchuria can not sit idly by!!"

Wintermore missed Guggen and said: "Manchuria, it is just a group of wastes that have been finished. They can't compare with our big Turkic empire. They are all garbage, locusts. I am General, Gugani, are you dare to resist?"

Wintermore was filled with anger by Yue Zhong’s heart. He wants to vent his anger through a massacre and mention the morale of the Golden Wolf ride. The Holocaust was a disaster for the people killed, but it was able to boost the morale of its troops. In the midst of the war, many generals will let their subordinates kill the aliens. Improve morale. Even the US military, known as the civilized country of democracy, had planned to kill the Vietnamese in the Vietnam War.

A staff member came in and panicked: "General!! The general is not good!! We found an armored unit at our rear that is approaching this side quickly."

"What?" Wintermore and Gugani changed their faces.

At this time, the Golden Wolf had just lost a battle and lost more than 700 soldiers. The morale was extremely low. There is now an armored unit that has been killed from behind them. Obviously, it is not good.

Gujani asked: "Who are they?"

The staff officer said: "They are Manchuria Eight Flags Army!!"

Ten kilometers away from the Golden Wolf riding camp, a mechanized unit consisting of 30 infantry fighting vehicles, eight tanks, forty machine guns, ten 122 self-propelled artillery pieces and one thousand motorcycles is facing this side. Galloping.

Except for the completely mechanized unit. There are also 4,000 cavalry regiments riding ordinary horses and black scale horses. Thousands of troops who walked on their legs crossed the mighty golden wolf army of Wintermore.

The Golden Wolf Army’s retreat has been cut by more than 10,000 people, and the semi-mechanized forces have been completely cut off. In front of them is Tianmu Town, and behind it is the sudden killing of the Manchuria Eight-Flag Army.

In the center of the army, a man wearing a crown, wearing a robe, is tall. The middle-aged man with his hands thick and his face filled with wind and frost flashed a smile. "The Han Chinese still have some skills, and they are able to drive out the beast of Wintermore."

A handsome middle-aged man with respect to the handsome man in the robes respected him: "Your Majesty, in addition to the strength of the tyranny, is a coward. Only knowing to win with brute force, actually Using cavalry to attack the city, to attack the enemy with a short period of time, it is difficult to attack in an eager eagerness. Only they are so defeated so quickly, it is still unexpected."

The middle-aged man wearing a robes is the emperor of Manchuria, Ai Xinjue Luo. Xuan Zhen. The handsome middle-aged man is Xuan Zhen’s right-handed, right-handed dog, the head of the military, Shang Mingde.

Xuan Zhen’s eyes are full of excitement and fanaticism: “This time, as long as the winter wolf ride of the Wintermore is extinguished, our Manchuria will be able to become the second largest force on the grassland. After the annexation of the Turkic forces Our Manchuria country will become the grassroots power. The grassland is the base, and it will not be a dream to unify the country in the future! Haha!"

The vast majority of the prairie is sparsely populated, surviving survivors far more than anywhere else. If you can really bring together all the survivors in the grassland, you can definitely form a powerful force.

"His sacred Ming!! The vastness of your eyes, the slaves are incomparable." After Shang Mingde slammed his ass, he suddenly turned his words: "Your Majesty! Killing the enemy a thousand losses of eight hundred. Even if we swallowed the Turks, our own losses are also It will not be small, it will only be taken by the Mongolian king."

Xuan Zhen’s eyes flashed a chill in the channel: “Mongolian King? Hey! He has his own way to destroy him. Mingde!”

Shang Mingde squatted on the floor with a pair of slaves: "The slave is here!"

Xuanzhen majesticly slammed Shang Mingde and said: "When you will kill Wintermore, you go to Tianmu Town to recruit the Han people there. As long as they are willing to join the Manchurian country, you can let them carry them. Enter the flag for the Manchus and let them become the general soldiers."

Before the end of the world, Xuan Zhen was an ordinary Manchu. He was not a descendant of Xinjue Luo, but an ordinary migrant worker. However, he is very fond of watching the drama, madly admiring the Daqing 12 emperors who were rendered by the TV.

After the end of the world, after Xuanzhen awakened to become the top evolutionary, he changed his name to Ai Xinjue Luo. Xuan Zhen, and created the power of Manchuria. All the systems he used were systems of the past Qing Dynasty, and some modern systems were very chaotic. However, Xuan Zhen always believes that the Manchu is the highest race. He basically encounters talents who value other peoples and will recruit them. The students will become those of the Manchu.

In order to win over the masters, Xuan Zhen has gathered a lot of his masters. He saw that the Han people in Tianmu Town were able to repel Wintermore, and the mind gave birth to the meaning of solicitation.

Shang Mingde squats and says: "Yes! The slaves obey!"

As time went by, the Eight Banners of Manchuria became more and more close to the troops of the Golden Wolf.

Gugani looked at the more and more Manchuria Eight Flags Army with anxious eyes: "What should I do?"

In the eyes of Wintermore, the fierce temper of a flash of murder: "Breakout!! Everyone listens!! Kill with me! Break out!! Only by killing a **** road, we can live alive! Kill! Kill !kill!!"




Those golden wolves ride under the encouragement of Wintermore, and they are full of murderous screams ~www.readwn.com~ with me! ! "Winter Morey rode the black scale horse toward the Eight Banners Army."

The more than three thousand golden wolves rode and flew away and followed the tires of Wintermore, with a smog of smoke and nowhere to rush to the Eight Banners.

Although Wintermore was fierce and fierce, he was not stupid. He did not charge the mechanized units, but the most vulnerable piece of the Eight Banners, and the ordinary infantry rushed over.

Thirty infantry fighting vehicles, eight tanks, forty machine guns, and ten 122 self-propelled artillery guns rushed toward the golden wolf. In the countless bombs, a soldier riding a golden wolf was directly blasted. The fried bones are broken.

The cavalry and infantry of the Eight Banners Army also shot at the Golden Wolf and fired many soldiers from the Golden Wolf from the immediate shooting.

However, most of the horses that the Golden Wolf rides are black scale horses. They are running at full speed twice as fast as ordinary horses. Almost instantaneously, after paying hundreds of casualties, Wintermore led the troops directly into the positions of the infantry.

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