God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 614: The Manchurian army that won the tragic victory!

>Where Wintermore was broken, but he was still fierce, and the three-meter-long giant mace in his hand slammed the infantry into the meat sauce on the infantry.

Most of the infantry were exposed to the wild, and they had not received too much formal militarization training. Most of them were holding wooden spears. They were rushed by the golden wolf. They jumped down and lost their helmets. Abandon the armor and flee towards the surroundings.

boom! boom!

The ten 122 self-propelled artillery pieces were continuously launched, and a shell of artillery shelled on the golden wolf, and a large number of golden wolf riders were blown into pieces. The ferocious gunfire poured over the infantry and smashed the infantry together.

As winter Moore attacked the infantry, a thousand motorized infantry with a rifle on a motorcycle also rode a motorcycle around the flank of the Golden Wolf ride to continually shoot the Golden Wolf and those entangled in The infantry together was shot.

The three thousand infantrymen were slave soldiers. They were completely cannon fodder composed of Han Chinese and other minorities. Xuanzhen used them to attract the attention of the Golden Wolf, and gave them to the Golden Wolf to slaughter and consume their physical strength. horsepower.

Wintermore, the commander of the Golden Wolf, easily collapsed the three thousand infantry but was violently killed by the flanked Eight Banners.

The 4,800-flag cavalry cruised on both sides of the Golden Wolf, ready to launch a shocking blow. Most of the 4,800-flag army cavalry used a knives. Their role is to prevent the Golden Wolf from riding away, to contain the Golden Wolf ride, and to pursue the pursuit of expansion when necessary.

The ones that were actually used to kill the enemy were the 1,000 motorized infantrymen riding motorcycles and the armored battalions.

Under the attack of a thousand motorized infantry with a gun, the golden wolf was constantly shot from the ground and screamed on the miserable cry.

"Come with me!!" Wintermore's eyes screamed loudly and loudly, and then the commanding more than 80 remaining St. Wolfs took the lead and stopped slashing those infantry instead of attempting to break out.

"Kill!!" The commander of the four-five eight-flag cavalry, Jia Jiaguo, roared and led the cavalry of the Eight Banners to face the numerous strikes, and only the more than 1,800 rides of the Golden Wolf ride rushed over.

The top cavalry on the two grasslands collided, carrying the most brutal and cruel melee. If it is about strength, the quality of the warriors riding from Xinjiang to Mongolia's Golden Wolf ride is much better than the full eight-flag cavalry. However, the soldiers of the Golden Wolf ride were first defeated by Yue Zhong in Tianmu Town, and their physical exertion was huge. He was also a man-made artillery and tank by Manchuria. The motorized infantry attacked and suffered heavy casualties, and was forced to kill those slave soldiers. Their physical strength and morale were low to the extreme. An assault has a large number of golden wolves riding down the horses of the Eight Banners.

In the golden wolf riding, Wintermore is fierce like a meat grinder, and the huge mace in his hand is like a whirlwind. The full eight-flag cavalry that blocked the road was bombarded into a meat sauce, and no one could stop him. He used the more than 80 sacred wolves as arrows to smash around the four thousand-eight-flag cavalry, bringing huge casualties to the Manchu Banner.

"Winter Morey!! Go to hell!" Just as Wintermore was rushing to the right, and holding a slashing knife, Yan Jiaguo screamed and rushed toward Wintermore.

As the leader of the cavalry of the Manchu Banner, Qi Jiaguo is also a tyrannical power evolutionist. He is also a member of the Manchuria.

"Where is the miscellaneous fish! Go to hell!" When Zhai Jiaguo rushed to the front of Winter Moore, Wintermore looked fierce and smiled and launched a skill giant. The huge mace in the hand is like a mountain and slams toward the country.

Yan Jiaguo held a knife in front of his own body.


Along with a loud noise, Yan Jiaguo himself was smashed into a bolognese with the huge mace by his black scale horse.

"The general is dead!!"

"The general is dead! What should I do? What should I do now?"

As the leader of the full eight-flag cavalry, Jia Jiaguo was killed by Wintermore, and the morale of the eight-flag cavalry fell into chaos.

The Golden Wolf rides here is a morale. Under the commander of Wintermore, the left-handed and right-handed cavalry of the Eight Flags collapsed.

After Wintermore killed the cavalry of the Eight Banners, he did not pursue it. Instead, he fled to the distance with the remaining eight hundred golden wolves riding the wolf.

Although Wintermore is fierce, it is not an idiot. In Manchuria, there is also a master like a cloud, and there is an armored unit. He continued to fight here with the eight hundred golden wolves, and there was only one dead end.

Among the heavy guards, Xuan Zhen looked at the winter Moore who was leading the Golden Wolf to fight the encirclement. He was filled with hatred: "Winter Moore. You must kill you!!"

This war Xuanzhen mobilized all the elites of Manchuria to come to kill Wintermore. They eliminated the elite of more than 2,000 golden wolves and suffered heavy losses. The three thousand slaves were killed and collapsed. There are only less than a thousand people, and the four thousand full eight flags have also been killed by more than a thousand people. At the same time, there are more than a dozen senior intensifiers such as Yu Jiaguo who died.

With more than 3,000 troops forcibly breaking through the 10,000-strong force, and also killing the two troops, showing the horrible fighting power of the Golden Wolf riding under the command of Wintermore. Under the same strength, the Manchuqi will definitely be defeated by the Golden Wolf in the case of field battles.

Xuanzhen’s voice is cold and murderous: "Shang Mingde. You are desperate to recruit Tianmu Town. You tell them that if you drop it, you will be given a wealth and wealth. If you don’t drop, you will immediately mobilize the army. Tianmu Town. After breaking the town, the dogs will not stay!"

Shang Mingde’s heart slammed down in the underground hoe: “The slaves understand!”

Shang Mingde soon took a white flag into Tianmu Town.

When Shang Mingde entered Tianmu Town, he was brought to Yue Zhong and the remaining six gang leaders. The original top ten gangs had only six gangs left by the massacre of Wintermore.

Shang Mingde looked around at all people and said: "I am the Shang Mande of the Manchurian Empire Ministry of Rites. Who are the leaders of Tianmu Town?"

Manchuria is one of the three major forces on the grassland. Tianmu Town is nothing but a group of people. The Shangmingde has Manchuria as the backing and is naturally proud.

Yue Zhong slammed Shang Mingde's cold-eyed command: "Take him down, cut him first! Let him learn how to learn!"

Li Guang waved two soldiers and grabbed Shang Mingde and dragged them out.

Shang Mingde screamed and said: "Don't!! The grown-ups are forgiving! The adults are forgiving!! The two countries are fighting for each other!! The two countries are fighting for it!"

Ximenglio stood up and stared at Yue Zhongdao: "Slow!! The lord!! The two countries are competing to make a fuss, how can he spare him this time?"

Yue Zhong’s gaze fell on Ximen Lie’s body and his eyes were cold and cold.

Ximengli was stared at Yue Zhong by the cold hair straight, his heart was cold and sweaty, and his body shook slightly. Regret yourself to jump out and talk.

Yue Zhong’s performance on the battlefield has already made people look. Wintermore, who was invincible on the battlefield, was beaten hard by him. At the same time, Yue Zhong has just recruited ten guards (two dead and war dead) are also top players, no one is worse than their leaders, and even more powerful than a lot of helpers.

After all, as a leader of power, in addition to force, he still has to play with women. Manage gangs and deal with some messy things. Can not be like a lone ranger to kill the mutant beasts everywhere.

Coupled with the many lone rangers Li Guang has mastered, now Yue Zhong has become the ally of the Dahan Alliance. Not only does it have the right force to match it, but it also has the same tyrannical power. At the same time, the heart is hot, the murder is not blinking, the decisiveness is decisive, and it is stared at by such a hero. Simon was very afraid that he would be killed by Yue Zhong on the next second.

Yue Zhong did not move to Shang Mingde: "Okay! I will give you a face to Simon. Shang Mingde, since you are the messenger of Manchuria, let’s talk! If you don’t want to, I can let People help you!"

Yue Zhong did not intend to kill Shang Mingde, but he wanted to suppress Shang Mingde's arrogance, so that Shang Mingde was a traitor who was a running dog for Manchuria.

Shang Mingde was scared by this arrogance. He didn’t have the bones to squat on the ground, and his body trembled: "The great Manchuria loves Xinjue Luo. His Royal Highness makes you surrender." As long as you are willing to surrender, everyone can be sent to the flag and become a great banner. In the future, the rich and the rich will be inexhaustible, and the beautiful women will not be rewarded. If you refuse to take the offer, you will command the 10,000 army. After launching the attack, the dog will not stay after the destruction of Tianmu Town."

After listening to Shang Mingde's words, many people have changed their faces. Manchuria has mobilized 10,000 troops. The number of troops is more than the number of people in Tianmu Town. They also have heavy weapons such as tanks and heavy artillery. Hard to win with it is extremely low, and many of the leaders who heard Shang Mingde’s recruiting of the six gangs have a heart.

The reason why the six gangs will form this big Han alliance is just to warm up and avoid being defeated by the three forces to become slaves. Now Manchuria is willing to recruit them and give them high officials and great money. They naturally also wavered in their hearts and wanted to rely on Manchuria.

Yue Zhong's eyes flashed coldly, raising the poisonous thorn in his hand and pulling the trigger over Shang Mingde's head.


Shang Mingde’s head immediately burst like a watermelon, and the headless body fell to the ground. He didn't think that he would die when he didn't say a word.


"Lord, what are you doing?"

The helpers of the six gangs looked at this scene, and everyone’s face changed. Things happened too fast, they couldn't even stop the sound, and they could only make a few sounds afterwards.

Yue Zhong coldly said: "I am directly killing the messengers of Manchuria. I am sure that some of you have only feared that I hate to die. But I have already killed people. According to the style of Manchuria, you are surrendering now, and only dead. One. Manchuria will definitely launch an attack on Tianmu Town. After the town breaks, the chickens and dogs will not stay. If you want to live, now give me a 12-point spirit to fight against death. There is still a way to live. Ximen Lie, you go Telling the survivors in Tianmu Town, I have killed the messengers of Manchuria, and will wait for Manchuria to attack the town. Everyone will die after the town breaks. Organize them and immediately build the fortifications. The rest rest well, waiting for orders. Soon, we will definitely have a hard fight."

There is bitterness in the mouth of Simon's mouth: "Yes! The lord!!"

Now everyone in Tianmu Town has been kidnapped by Yue Zhong. If the town is broken, everyone will only have a dead end. The leaders of the forces, the lone rangers can only find ways to resist. The attack of the Great Manchuria.

The survivors in Tianmu Town were also shocked by the news brought by Ximeng, who was organized by Ximengli and began to build various kinds of fortifications in Tianmu Town and set up various obstacles.

All kinds of discarded vehicles, beds, sandbags, stones, discarded TV sets and other miscellaneous items were transported to the front of Tianmu Town to serve as shelters.

Just when the people were busy, Pink Gang helped Zhao Li to find Yue Zhong: "The lord, we are pink to master the trap production, I have a sister who has trap production skills, I hope you can allocate some people to help us make traps. ”

It is a matter of life and death, Zhao Li, the helper of the Pink Gang, can only use the pink trap to make the trap of the bottom of the box to fight the enemy. If Tianmu Town is broken, these women will be killed and abused once they are caught by the people of Manchuria.

Yue Zhong ordered Ximen Lie: "Good! Ximen Lie, you adjust a thousand people to Zhao Li to help her make traps."

Ximeng nodded and quickly mobilized a thousand people to Zhao Li.

Tianmo teaches the master Fei Tu also found Yue Zhong: "Allies ~www.readwn.com~ Our Tianmo Church makes simple land mines, please allocate 200 people to cooperate with us to make mines."

"Ximen Lie, transfer 300 people to Fei Tu, help him make mines."

Under the command of Yue Zhong, Ximeng Lie transferred another 300 people to the Tufa to lead the production of mines and buried them at the entrance to the town.

Everyone in the whole Tianmu Town has come up with their own skills to transform Tianmu Town to contribute to their own survival.

"What's the matter? How can Shang Mingde's dog slave not come?" After waiting for an hour, Xuan really frowned, and his heart flashed an ominous premonition: "Is it because those guys buckled him, or he? I was bought by someone inside, and I am playing a woman inside?"

After hesitating for a while, Xuan Zhen called a Han Chinese to come over: "Yu Dazhong! You go to Tianmu Town to recruit them, and then see what Shang Mingde’s dog slave is doing!"

"The slaves follow the purpose!" Yan Dazhong knees on the ground and walks toward Tianmu Town after heading to Xuanzhen.

The soldiers of Tianmu Town were very polite to bring Yan Dazhong to Yue Zhong.

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