God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 650: The army retreats!

> Under the cover of the night, the 60,000-Mongolian army began to retreat to the far side.

It is very clear that the second day of the day, Yue Zhong will lead the army to attack him under the cover of 36 armed helicopters. If it was at that time, his main force was defeated by Yue Zhong, and the entire prairie would no longer have a complete force to withstand the expansion of Yue Zhong.

"Escaped! This Mongolian king seems to have a bit of skill." In the darkness, Yue Zhong rides on a black scale horse and looks at the Mongolian army who is retreating in an orderly manner toward the rear.

In this dark night, the combat effectiveness of the All-Mongolian coalition forces was greatly weakened. The same darkness also weakened the combat power of Yue Zhong’s elite troops. The only ones who are not affected by the darkness are Yue Zhong, Silver Cream, Tiangong Sakura, Green, and so on.

"Attack! Give me killing them!" Yue Zhong pointed to the cold command of the three thousand cavalry commanders.

"Yes!" The green hand waved a wave of spirits over the tree monsters. The tree monsters blinked red and the eyes rushed toward the tens of thousands of cavalry commanders. past.

Yue Zhong himself also took the silver cream and galloped to the charge of the three thousand cavalry commanders of the multi-layered Muge. He had more than one infantry battalion and was fierce.

Duomuge quickly saw the army that was dominated by the tree monster. He snarled and waved the saber to the tree monsters and then commanded the three thousand cavalry to launch the charge toward the tree monsters: "For the great Mongolian Empire, for the day. Khan! For our brothers and sisters, everyone kills me!!"

Those tree monsters are not tall, and many tree monsters are hit by the cavalry charge, and then stepped into a meat sauce by the cavalry.

Three thousand cavalrymen with a decisive heart pierced into the group of tree monsters like a sharp knife, killing a lot of tree monsters.

At this moment, six tall trees of eight meters tall were blocked by the three thousand cavalry. The cavalry slammed into the huge tree and hit the blood. The huge tree man took a shot, and a dozen cavalrymen were immediately photographed as bolognese.

The cavalry slammed into the huge tree people as if they had hit the reef, as if they had committed suicide. The ten third-order tree monsters were also fierce, and they directly slammed into the galloping black scale horses. The black scale horses were blasted, and then the claws of the cavalry above the black scale horses were dug into the abdomen.

After the cavalry's charge was blocked by the huge tree, the three thousand cavalry fell into the slaughter of the tree monster. In the dark night, the vision of those cavalry was limited. Their reaction is also much weaker than during the day. Those tree monsters are unaffected, and those tree monsters are still level 30 mutant monsters. They are extremely agile. They are like a monkey in the crowd, and the heart of a cavalry is dug out and the head is cut. Off, the scene is extremely bloody.

"Go to death!! Monster!! Go to hell!!" After the break, the multi-wooder is a fierce evolutionary. He waved the knife and turned it into a heavy knife to the low-level tree monsters. His agility is also as fast as fifteen people, with all the strengths of a knife, and the speed of the knife light surpasses the speed of sound. Under such a horrible knife, a large number of tree monsters were crushed.

Just as Dougmu’s crazy killing of those tree monsters, his heart suddenly gave birth to an extremely dangerous feeling. It felt like a newborn, and a sharp little knife was shot from the darkness toward his neck. One stroke.

The head of Duomuge’s head rolled down from his neck to the ground. His eyes flashed with horror and unbelief. He couldn't believe that a strong man like him died silently in the hands of the assassin.

The two thousand cavalrymen who survived the death of Duomuge completely collapsed and they lost their courage completely. The horse knife in the hands was thrown away and tried to escape to other places.

"Leave three hundred tree monsters to continue to kill here! Other tree monsters rush with me!!" Yue Zhong glanced at the three thousand cavalry who had completely collapsed and lost their courage.

The green and slightly nodded his hand and waved a wave of spiritual ripples. Five hundred low-level tree monsters continued to slaughter the fallen Mongolian cavalry here. The rest of the tree monsters and the six tree-headers were followed by Yue Zhong. The main force of the amount of dyeing is chased.

Mongolian warriors armed with sabers are not fighting well in modern warfare. Almost everyone in Mongolian herders is a hero on horseback. With a little training, they are good cavalry. The annihilation of these three thousand Mongolian cavalry is not too great for the Mongolian king. What Yue Zhong wants is to destroy the weapons and food that the Mongolian king has suddenly dyed.

The 57,000-strong army of the Mongolian king’s smuggling army marched extremely slowly in the dark. Because they still have a lot of food, heavy artillery, weapons and ammunition and other materials in their army.

In addition to the 57,000 troops, there are nearly 30,000 slaves of all ethnic groups in the army. These slaves are used by Mongolian kings to transport materials, repair various fortifications, and do all kinds of chores. Can also be used as cannon fodder when necessary. Fill in the traps with their lives.

More than 80,000 people have formed a long snake that stretches for more than a dozen miles.

Eight cavalry cavalrymen swam around this long snake, and the Mongolian king flicked out eight thousand cavalry to prevent Yue heavy sneak attack.

"Kill!!" Yue Zhong commanded the tree monster army and quickly chased after the Mongolian king suddenly dyed the army, he carefully observed the long snake and attacked the tail from the tail of the long snake.

At the end of the long snake are mostly slaves of various ethnic groups. Only a few hundred Mongolian warriors are armed with scimitars to monitor those slaves. Those slaves changed a little, and the Mongolian soldiers directly cut them down and killed them.

Those third-order tree monsters were extremely horrible. They rushed straight into the tail of the long snake and unscrewed the head of the Mongolian warrior.

"Enemy!! Enemy!!"

There was a flustered cry in the camp.

Seeing that the guarded Mongolian soldiers were killed, the slaves of all ethnic groups began to riot. They either rushed together to kill the guarded Mongolian soldiers, or fled directly to the wilderness in the night.

The Mongolians treated the slaves one by one, and no one wanted to be a slave to the Mongols. Although they are equally dangerous in the wilderness, they at least have the hope of freedom.

Yue Zhong saw that the end of the Mongolian army was in chaos and immediately let the tree monsters quit the battle. Only a small knife was flashing in the night to kill the Mongolian soldiers one by one. When the Mongolian soldiers died, the weapons in their hands were taken by the slaves of all ethnic groups. The raging slaves went crazy and formed a horrible counter-current charge to the Mongolian soldiers.

There were always Mongolian warriors killed, and there were constant slaves who joined the riots. The riots of those slaves seemed to be a chain reaction, and the tail of the Mongolian army was chaotic.

The four cavalry stalking around the Mongolian army rushed toward it like a hurricane.

"Destroy them!!" Yue Zhong pointed to the cavalry of a thousand people, and then rushed toward the thousand cavalry on a black scale horse.

All the tree monsters and tree people followed Yue Zhong to the cavalry of the thousand people.

Yue Li Huaizhong’s Loli Silver Cream rushed the fastest. She jumped out of Yue Zhong’s arms and turned into a hurricane and rushed into the thousand cavalry. She waved a small white fist and directly took a famous cavalry. The head of the violence was incomparably directly blasted.

Then the ten third-order tree monsters rushed into the cavalry and slammed the black horses of the cavalry, and then clawed the hearts of the cavalry.

The six senior treemen also rushed into the cavalry like tanks. Each time they swung a big hand, there were more than a dozen cavalry made into bolognese.

The leader of the Thousands of Cavalry was robbed of a heart by a third-order tree monster.

After the Thousand Cavalry lost their leader, they died under the attack of the third-order tree monster and the six senior treemen. They quickly fell into a state of collapse and collapsed.

Yue Zhong had just defeated the thousand-man team. The three cavalrymen had already rushed in from all directions. They were very embarrassed to launch an assault on Yue Zhong’s troops under their own tie.

The three cavalry rushed into the group of tree monsters and killed a lot of tree monsters with the power of terrible assault, but under the fierce attack of the six senior treemen and ten third-order tree monsters, the three The cavalry of the cavalry was quickly torn by the ferocious tree monsters~www.readwn.com~ and went straight away in all directions.

The six senior trees were almost invincible in the battle of the cold weapons, and the heroic cavalry slammed into them as if they were hitting the wall and just looking for a dead end.

Those who can eliminate these six senior tree people are heavy artillery, large-equivalent incendiary bombs, anti-tank rocket launchers, tank main guns, missiles and other heavy weapons.

In addition to the most powerful heavy weapons, other weapons smashed in the six senior tree people can not hurt them a hair. These six senior tree people and ten third-order tree monsters are a terrible force in the hands of Yue Zhong. In order to defeat the Mongolian army, Yue Zhong put them into battle. This terrible force appeared on the battlefield and it showed a terrible power.

After defeating the four thousand cavalry, Yue Zhong led the tree monsters to slaughter the 4,000 Mongolian soldiers and not let them have the opportunity to gather.

A general quickly came to the knees under the sound of a single knee and was filled with anxiety: "Khan!! Khan!! Yue Zhong, the mad dog caught up, he manipulated a group of horrible monsters to be slaughtered. The rear of us. The slaves in the rear are now launching riots. How to deal with them, please also give instructions to the sweat!"

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