God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 651: Chasing in the night!

> I suddenly got into the anger and said: "What? He actually caught up!! How much is it? What is he doing??"

Just as the amount of anger was raging, a general man stepped forward and squatted in front of him and said: "Khan!! Guto, Fernand, Adolf, and the winter and the end of the four thousand The men’s team attacked the monster army of Yue Zhong’s commander, and they all had heroic sacrifices. Their men were being slaughtered by Yue Zhong’s devil. Please show your sweat!!”

Suddenly, the color of the face is greatly changed: "What? Guto, they are all evolutionists, and they have a thousand subordinates. How can they sacrifice so quickly? How is it possible?"

The four of them are evolutionary, and with their commanding four thousand cavalry, they are capable of killing even the top evolutionaries. Such a horrible army was killed by Yue Zhong’s troops in such a short period of time, which made the eyes of the ignorant unbelievable.

In fact, Yue Zhong was only the one who defeated the 7,000 cavalry of the four generals of Gu Qi and Gu Tu, and did not fully squat the 7,000 cavalry.

It takes a lot of time to get all the 7,000 cavalry with the horror of those tree monsters. Of course, hand-to-hand combat is the most tragic and rapid battle of death and injury. The tree monsters manipulated by Yue Zhong can kill the Mongolian army in large numbers. If it is a modern gun battle, I am afraid that there will be a day of fighting, and the number of people killed and injured will be a big fight.

A general came to the front of the dyed body and said: "Khan, the riot has spread to our army, please give instructions!!"

The violent slaves have developed more and more seriously because they have not been suppressed in time, and more than 10,000 slaves have been liberated. The violent slaves attacked the Mongolian army and killed hundreds of Mongolian fighters.

The masters of the Mongolian army who tried to suppress the riots often just rushed to the front line and were smashed by a small knife that protruded from the darkness.

Tiangong Sakura was engaged in assassination work in Gaotianyuan. After joining Yue Zhong’s armpits, she also took Ou Ming No. 1 evolutionary agent to raise a skill agile cure to second order. The current chaotic situation is her favorite environment. In such a chaotic environment, she is so easy to kill the Mongolian military masters who came to support.

Tiangong Sakura makes a means of assassination, even the top evolutionary strongman at the level of Gao Tianyuan ghosts will be afraid. Not to mention that many of the masters of the Mongolian army are far less than her. Every time she shot, she was able to easily kill a strong man or officer to the Mongolian army and became a huge mess. The riots of the slaves of all ethnic groups can be more and more smoothly and inseparable from the behavior of Tiangong Sakura.

Suddenly dyed is not the overlord over the grassland. He quickly made a decision: "This time I made a mistake! Amish, you bring a blood eagle to fight against the insurgents, don't worry about the lives of the rioters. Boss, you take a goshawk ride The Ministry is responsible for the back of the temple, and concentrates on the troops to camp. Don't rush to charge. You stick to the daytime, then spread out and break through in the Golden King."

The blood eagle ride and the goshawk ride are all well-equipped tens of thousands of tribes with strong combat power. As long as they hold the group defense, it is difficult for them to destroy them.

Suddenly dyed the two thousand elite soldiers to the temple, has already made the determination of the strong man to break the wrist.

"Yes!! Your Majesty!!"

Boss, Amushy, and then immediately went out to take out orders with the Ministry of Armed Forces.

"Kill! Kill them!! Kill these rioters!" Amusi squad led a 10,000 blood eagle to ride and rushed to the rioters.

The rioters are all slaves of all ethnic groups. Everyone is hungry and skinny, and basically does not have much strength. The reason why they rioted was entirely based on the number of people who killed hundreds of Mongolian fighters.

At this time, the well-equipped Amusi scorpion handsome blood eagle ride into them, and the more than 10,000 unorganized rioters collapsed.

Countless slaves of various ethnic groups cried and yelled at the attack of Amusi. Crash directly and flee in all directions.

A large number of slaves of all ethnic groups fled into the darkness, and a mighty slave riot was easily disintegrated by the blood eagle ride.

The 10,000-goose eagle, which was commanded by Bob, was carefully formed into a formation, and a firebomb was raised to illuminate the surrounding area. They were carrying rifles and grenade to the long-range attack of the tree monsters led by Yue Zhong to stop Yue Zhong from forcing into their camp.

Yue Zhong looked at the stern eagle's brow eagle and wrinkled his brows, so he guarded the well-equipped and modernized troops. Even if he used the tree monsters to forcibly attack, he even took the attack. The tree monster in his hand will also be seriously injured. In addition, there are 10,000 blood eagle riding on the side of the tour. If he is attacking the goshawk, he will only be destroyed by the other party after the huge army and the army cause huge casualties.

The melee in the melee has a huge advantage in the dark. But directly charge a position with defense, that is to take the tree monster as a consumable to waste.

These tree monsters, as a weak night fighting force in the hands of Yue Zhong, did not want to waste it here.

Yue Zhong saw the goshawk riding on the side and immediately sneaked into the darkness with the tree monster army.

"It's a tough enemy!!" Bozi did not wait for Yue Zhong to send a soldier to attack the brow in the camp of the goshawk to wrinkle and feel the tricky.

If Yue Zhong is a strong attack, Boss even if he knows that he will not be able to mobilize the army and die, and Yue Zhong will weaken the fighting power of Yue Zhong. Reduce the pressure on the evacuation of the rear army.

However, Yue Zhong actually took the tree monster army into the darkness, and Bo Zizi had to be afraid, and always let the army stay on standby.

Yue Zhong defeated the army of the Manchurian Empire with an assault of those tree monsters and his majesty. This made Bo's heart highly appraised for Yue Zhong's troops. Bo Zizi himself is also full of jealousy for Yue Zhong, he will never despise Yue Zhong.

After Yue Zhong led the army of the tree monsters into the darkness, he immediately circumvented the troops of Bozi to the main force of the Mongolian army.

Those tree monsters have amazing physical strength, and Yue Zhong is also a strong and powerful man. In the darkness, they quickly circumvented the Boss's troops and chased the main force of the Mongolian army.

"Stop them!" Yue Zhongyi caught up with the main force of the Mongolian army. The fierce light flashed and the horse first rushed into the Mongolian army. He took out a black knife with a blade length of two meters, and the knife flashed. Four or five Mongolian fighters were easily cut into two by one.

"Hey!! The bad guys are going to die!!" Silver Cream also jumped out of Yue Zhong's arms and rushed into the crowd like a hurricane to start a crazy killing, where she passed. The head of a Mongolian warrior blew directly, **** and fierce. Although she was screaming at the enemy in a madness, her smile was so happy that she looked like a fierce and beautiful little banshee.

The ten third-order tree monsters each had a speed of thirty-four people, and they almost rushed into the crowd at the same time as Yue Zhong. These tree monsters have the horrible power of horror, the terrible speed, and the casually punching the bodies of the Mongolian warriors, all of them can smash the ordinary Mongolian soldiers and directly kill them. But they prefer to use the sharp claws to dig the hearts of the Mongolian warriors and swallow the hearts of those warriors.

The six senior tree people and more than eight hundred tree monsters (killed by the Mongolian cavalry more than 100 heads) also rushed into the Mongolian army to carry out a crazy attack.

Those Mongolian fighters were not in the midst of an urgent march. They suddenly suffered such an attack and fell into chaos. Some Mongolian soldiers are very heroic and immediately take up arms to resist. These resistant Mongolian fighters will be killed by those tree monsters in the first time. More Mongolian fighters collapsed directly. They cried and fled in all directions, avoiding the slaughter of those tree monsters.

Under the heavy attack of Yue Zhong, a large number of Mongolian fighters were killed and fled and fled, and the collapse of the soldiers, causing a chain reaction, will sweep toward the Mongolian camp.

At this time, two cavalrymen of 3,000 people were killed from both sides of the battalion. The two cavalry circumvented the squadrons and rushed from both sides toward the heavy squad of Yuezhong. .readwn.com~ Flourishing dyeing has vaguely guessed that Yue Zhong may bypass his remaining troops and continue to pursue his main force, so he transferred 10,000 cavalry as a motive force to support all localities.

After the establishment of the Prairie Empire, he searched for cattle and horses and other animals. He found a large number of cattle and horses, and also obtained a large number of black scale horses, which was able to form such a large cavalry regiment.

In the face of the charge of the six thousand cavalry, the white bone struck by Yue Zhong stepped forward, and the two claws penetrated into the earth. The bone blade in its body extended to form a sharp two hundred meters. The bone blade is in the darkness.

One of the three thousand cavalry teams was difficult to see in the dark, and they slammed into the huge bones of the white bones with a horrible impact. Under the huge force, the sharp bone blade easily cut off their horse's head, and the homeopathic smashed their bodies. The bones and limbs are tightly embedded in the earth, resisting the impact of those horses.

A charge came down, a large number of cavalry directly smashed by the bone blade, blood splashed, internal organs scattered, the entire battlefield turned into a hellish scene. The three thousand cavalry, an assault, actually more than 1,400 cavalry as if they committed suicide and died under the sharp bones.

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