God and Devil World

Vol 7 Chapter 755: Underground hall!

Yue Zhongyu waited for five seconds in the bottom of the cave, like a lone wolf, watching the deep underground cave. Within five seconds, no mutants jumped out of the underground passage.

Yue Zhong took a deep breath, flashed a ray of light in his eyes, and launched a skill step. At the same time, he shot a small stone like a bullet and hit the entrance of the building.

The crisp voice sounded, and the eight mutants looked at the sound and turned their heads toward the direction of the sound.

Taking advantage of that moment, Yue Zhong’s figure flashed, and between one breath, he jumped into the underground passage.

Among the underground passages, there are moss everywhere, and there is a smell of rancid and stinky.

After Yue Zhong jumped into the underground passage, he went all out to the depths of the underground like a ghost.

Through the long passage, Yue Zhong came to a vast underground city.

The underground city is wider than any underground city that Yue Zhong has seen. In this underground city stands a modern building with a height of several tens of meters. In addition to the tall, modern building, there is a residential building, shops, schools, hospitals and other buildings. It’s just that all the buildings are a dark and ruined scene.

There is no light in the entire underground city. If it is not the ability of Yue Zhong to have dark objects, I am afraid that nothing can be seen in this underground city.

When Yue Zhong appeared in the underground city, he saw dozens of mutants gathered together, led by a third-order mutant with a crystal corner.

Yue Zhong’s figure flashed like an arrow and fell behind a building.

Just then, a third-order mutant came out of the building and appeared in front of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong had already prepared for the battle that had already been done. The third-order mutant had just appeared. The flame knife he held was with a blast of sound and slammed on the body of the third-order mutant. The human body of the order variant is directly cleft and the blood is splashed.

The third-order mutant's vitality is tense, but even if it is slashed by Yue Zhong, it does not die for the first time. Instead, it sends out a scream of screams with its undestroyed upper body.

"Damn!!" Yue Zhong took a knife and cut the head of the third-order mutant into two halves and then took the crystal angle on the head of the third-order mutant.

The third-order mutant was dead, and a group of vitality once again flooded into Yue Zhong’s body through the magic system.

“Congratulations, gain a strong intensity enhancement.”

A stream of heat surged in Yue Zhong’s body, and a pleasant reminder sounded again.

Yue Zhong took a deep breath and started the skill step, the speed was full, and he rushed away in the direction of the mark of the magical system in his hand without any scruples.

The screams of the third-order mutant caused a great sensation. In this underground city, countless mutants rushed in this direction like ants.

Yue Zhong had just rushed forward less than three hundred meters, accompanied by a burst of smashing glass, dozens of mutants broke through the window and rushed toward him.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the light flashed, and the black tooth knife with a blade length of two meters was pulled out for a moment. The mutants who rushed over a dozen heads were easily twisted into a large number of corpses.

When Yue Zhong stopped, it slowed down so slowly, and dozens of mutants quickly jumped over. At about the same time, there were four third-order mutants who also jumped wildly toward this side.

Once the four third-order mutants are close to them, Yue Zhong can only be killed by them.

At this time of crisis, a large hole appeared in the void, and a stream of light flew out of the big hole, and it fell into the body of Yue Zhong and became a bone.

Yue Zhong’s feet blew two spurs to support him and jumped over to a building 40 meters high.

The spur of the Yuegong legs of the building jumped instantly.

In the eyes of a mutant person, the fierce light flashed, and the speed of the speed of the beautiful sound appeared in the place where Yue Zhong originally stood. It stretched out the big hand and grabbed the spur that Yue Zhong was shrinking.

At the same time, Yue heavy hand turned over, the single soldier electromagnetic gun appeared in his hand. He pulled the trigger toward the bottom. An electromagnetic gun directly hit the head of the third-order mutant person, and the third-order one. The head of the mutant person is directly blasted.

A vitality of life also fell into the body of Yue Zhong along the mark of the demon system, but this time there was no hint of intensive reminder.

The third-order mutant was dead, and dozens of third-order mutants around him leaped like a meteor. The third-order mutant who was closest to Yue Zhong from the three heads also jumped over the building as if the spider had climbed up quickly along the building.

This underground city is the nest of the mutant people. Although the main force of the third-order mutants follows the fourth-order mutants to hunt the masters of the various races, there are still many third-order mutants in the outside world.

Yue Zhong looked at the third-order mutant who was surrounded by all directions and looked at him. He jumped and jumped outside the building.

In the mid-air, the wing of the dark wind alloy appeared, and the magic lines appeared on the wing of the dark wind alloy. The powerful hurricane suddenly appeared, pushing Yue Zhong to fly at low speed with sonic speed.

Below, a head-changing person looked up at Yue Zhong, who was flying at low speed with sonic speed, and made a sharp scream.

A group of fireballs, bone spurs, ice cones, poison arrows and other long-range attacks skyrocketed, and shot at Yue Zhong, who manipulated the wings of the dark wind, but only wiped the shadow of Yue Zhong.

For objects flying at supersonic speeds, the range of long-range attacks is extremely low, and those attacks are mostly attacks by ordinary mutants. Their attack speed and attack power are far less than those of third-order mutants.

Just as Yue Zhong was galloping in the sky, a sharp whistling sound came from there.

More than a dozen mutants with fleshy wings have risen from the air, and flew in the direction of Yue Zhong. Among those mutants, there are few variants that can mutate the flesh wings, but there are still some . At the same time, only the second-order mutants can drive the flesh to fly.

Only those who can fly are the fastest and only close to the speed of sound. Their speed is far from being comparable to that of Yue Zhong. They can only eat dust in the back of the early Yue.

"Is there there?"

Yue Chong followed the guideline of the magical system and flew all the way. After flying for nearly 100 kilometers, he saw an extremely large, elliptical super-large laboratory in the center of the city.

Yue Zhong’s heart fell to the entrance of the laboratory like a meteor.

The entrance to the lab had been destroyed, and Yue Chong rushed in with the breach.

Soon after, six third-order mutants with fleshy wings also flew to the entrance of the lab. They hovered around the lab, and they were carrying a fearful color on their faces. Half of the room.

In the laboratory, there were electronic instruments and transparent broken glass tubes that Yue Zhong had barely seen. Except for the broken glass tubes, the laboratory was intact and was not damaged. Just under the erosion of time, many instruments are covered with a thick layer of lure.

Yue Zhong glanced around the lab and forced the curiosity of searching the lab to rush toward the direction of the magical system.

In this laboratory, if you search carefully, there will be no small gains, but Yue Zhong only wants to leave the demon system imprinted to guide his things and get away immediately.

Through the heavy corridor, Yue Zhong followed the call of the demon system and finally entered a hall.

When Yue Zhongyi entered the hall, he immediately turned his face and couldn't help but step back. His eyes fell on the corner of the hall.

I saw in the hall, there are all kinds of advanced electronic instruments everywhere. In the center of the hall, the center of numerous electronic instruments links is a sphere electronic instrument with a diameter of up to one meter. Twenty meters to the right of the sphere electronic instrument, a height of two meters ~ www.readwn.com ~ head with a red crystal corner, with a long silver hair, handsome to the degree of enchanting, with a pair of souls They all inhaled the beautiful blue scorpion, with a pair of male mutants flashing silvery metallic wings, dragging a silver tail, standing quietly in a transparent glass bottle and smiling at Yue Zhong.

"Good!! Good dangerous guy! Damn, there is such a dangerous guy here, why don't you go up?" Every cell in Yue Zhong's body is warningly insane, just looking at the long The mutant of the silver wings, he felt a horrible pressure, as if the other side can kill him with a look, countless sweat from his back, wet his clothes.

Even if Yue Zhong is still facing the fourth-order mutant, he still has the confidence to resist the fourth-order mutant. But in the face of the silver mutant, the horrible danger premonition tells him that he can’t even hit the other side. Can't stop it.

"Hello! A friend who has the imprint of the demon system. I am Redis! I am very happy to see you here, you don't have to be afraid, I am like you, hundreds of years ago, a human with the imprint of the gods! What is your name? "The silvery, beautiful and mutated person smiled slightly toward Yue Zhong and extended his right hand. The silvery cuticle faded, revealing a magical system mark, just the magical system mark in his hand. It is very bleak, as if it is a gray line.

Yue Zhong looked at Radis without the meaning of killing him. His heart sighed with a sigh of relief: "Hello, my name is Yue Zhong."

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