God and Devil World

Vol 7 Chapter 756: 5th-order **** warrior Redis!

Radis asked with a thoughtful look: "Is it heavy? Is the door to **** open again?"

Yue Zhongdao: "Yes! The door to **** is open again. []"

Redis heard a sigh of sighs and flashed a trace of sadness: "Is it? This planet will also usher in the day of silence!"

Yue Zhong’s heart was curious and asked: “What is the meaning of the day of silence?”

Radis looked down and said: "The so-called day of silence means that this planet will soon usher in an ice age, the sky will not have sunshine, the earth will be covered by snow and ice, and the temperature will drop to Below minus ten degrees, most animals and plants will be frozen to death. This climate will last for three hundred years, and the planet will return to its original ecology three hundred years later."

Yue Zhong heard that the heart was slightly cold. The environment of this planet was already bad enough. There were radiation everywhere, the sun was scarce, the food was scarce, and the materials were in short supply. If the temperature suddenly drops to minus ten degrees and lasts for three hundred years, the creatures above the planet are afraid that 99% will die.

Yue Zhong asked: "How could this be?"

Redis laughed and laughed: "Because our group of people failed, all of them became defeated. From the day our game failed, our planet is destined to usher in the day of silence. The reason why The day of the solitude is entirely because our planet will be a test of your planet."

Redis sighed and sighed: "After the day of the solitude, most of the creatures on our planet will be frozen to death. Those high-intelligence creatures that evolved from the zombies to have the power of the fourth-order **** warriors are not afraid of the cold. However, once they stay on this planet, they will die because of the collapse of the gene chain. Death forces them to find the next habitat. Your planet will become their target. Defeat their invasion, then your victory If it fails, then you will end up with the same as us. [] Not become a mutant, it will become other monsters. We are all just God's dolls, and once they fail, they will have no value."

Yue Zhong thought for a while and asked: "Can humans in this world live in our world?"

Radius said: "Yes! Any species can survive in your world."

Yue Zhong continued to ask: "Is it yours to call me? Mr. Redis?"

Redis smiled and pointed to the ball: "No! It was my hope that the treasure is calling you, it is it! My past treasure of hope - super artificial intelligence."

Yue Zhong’s gaze immediately fell on the round sphere.

"Your world should have just been severely damaged. If power is absolutely impossible to compare with our world."

Yue Zhong heard his words in the heart and secretly nodded. All the human forces on Earth now cannot be the opponents of the saints. It is the combat power of the saints today that can sweep the elite forces of any force on the earth.

"In order to make up for the gap between the absolute forces of the two worlds, there is a prop of the treasure of hope. You have the imprint of the demon system, and it must be a member of our world in advance. As long as you can support us in this world for one year, Then go back alive. You can also get a treasure of hope."

"Hope treasures, as the name suggests, are the last hope of our human beings. Every treasure of hope is different, but they all have extremely powerful and magical power. The treasure of hope that I have in the past is super artificial intelligence. The ability of this super artificial intelligence is operation. Most of the electronic devices, and have powerful analytical capabilities. For example, the central computer of the RH2 master robot currently used by the wisdom zombies is a small part of the program that uses my super artificial intelligence." Reddy Road .

Yue Zhong heard the words finally flashed a dignified look, watching the hope of the treasure of super artificial intelligence flashed a craving. [WWw.YZUU point m]

The system used in the RH2 main station robot is extremely advanced and magical, and all the operations have turned into the flow of information into the driver's mind. And if it is not the fire system of the body is too bad, the body is too backward, the fire system built by the central system will not be so simple to be broken by the third-order **** warrior.

Redis smiled slightly: "Let's say it! As long as you master this super artificial intelligence and equip it with the appropriate electronic equipment. The radio waves it emits. All RH2 robots that use a central computer will be You control."

Yue Zhong heard the ecstasy in his heart. If he had this super artificial intelligence, the horrible RH2 robots would become the power in his hands. At the crucial time, the strike against the saints would definitely make the other party suffer a lot.

Yue Zhong politely asked: "Mr. Redis, I need this super artificial intelligence. Can you give it to me?"

That artificial intelligence is too important for Yue Zhong. Only by mastering this super artificial intelligence, Yue Zhong has one or two points to grasp the saints. Otherwise, with the power of the saints, a fourth-order **** warrior can easily pinch him to death.

Redis looked at Yue Zhong’s eyes and flashed a dignified voice: "Yes! I have left this hope treasure to be originally intended for you. I just hope that you can promise me a condition."

Yue Zhongdao: "You please say!"

Redis looked at Yue Zhong’s eyes and flashed a sigh of relief: “Except for those of us who are defeated, most of the mutants are humans that are eventually swallowed up by radiation due to long-term radiation erosion. The third-order variants are all Unreasonable, only know the monsters of killing and destruction. But after the fourth order, those fourth-order mutants have already opened up the wisdom, their wisdom does not lose humanity. When the gate of **** really opens, I will bring Some variants come to you, I hope that you can treat us equally and not discriminate against our variants of fourth or higher order."

The mutant person is a kind of monster. This view is deeply rooted in people's minds. After all, those mutants are ugly and murderous. Even the humble and low-lying people see the mutants as long as they have the ability to kill each other, even the semi-variant will not let go.

Radis was sealed here as a defeated man for hundreds of years. After he survived, he was eager to live as a human being. After all, he has been a human leader for hundreds of years.

Yue Zhong smiled and said: "You can rest assured that as long as you come to me. I will definitely treat you equally, and will never discriminate against you from the fourth or more variants. On the contrary, I very much welcome you to come to me."

At this time, Yue Zhong’s majesty has a sea, a tree monster, a zombie infected with a child born by the mother, and so on. He does not care about this. As long as he can help him and is willing to work for him, he will treat him sincerely. they. As long as the mutant person can help him fight, he will never reject each other.

Redis carefully looked at Yue Zhong and found that Yue Zhong did not have any reluctance. He showed a smile: "Thank you!"

Yue Zhong asked curiously: "Now can't you come out?"

With the horrible strength of Redis, once he gets out of trouble, becoming a partner of Yue Zhong is absolutely terrible. The fourth-order **** warrior above the killing is absolutely no problem.

Redis shook his head and said: "No! I am now sealed as a defeated person. Only the fifth-order **** warriors of the saints come here, I can shoot and fight them. Only after the gate of **** is opened can I Break through the seal and leave here, free action."

Yue Zhong asked: "How many heroes are you now?"

"I am now the peak of the fifth-order **** warrior."

“Is it less than six orders?” Yue Zhong’s heart continued to ask: “Is there a sixth-order **** warrior among the saints?”

"Yes!" Redis smashed the railroad: "At the beginning, the six sixth-order **** warriors evolved in the ancestors defeated us humans. We used a lot of nuclear bombs, which killed three people and seriously injured them. Slightly hurt one person. The ancestral family has a life span of more than a thousand years and a strong resilience. Without the enemy, as long as they are not stupid to kill each other, the saint should have more than three sixth-order **** warriors!"

Yue Zhong’s heart continued to ask: “Can you resist a sixth-order **** warrior?”

Redis smiled bitterly: "I will try my best to resist a sixth-order junior warrior for 20 seconds. This is the ideal situation. In fact, it is very likely that I will be killed by the other side. ”

Yue Zhong brows a wrinkle, his face is very ugly. If Redis is killed by the other side of the face ~www.readwn.com~ he is not like the ants in front of the sixth-order **** warrior. He couldn't think of any way to reach such a terrible enemy.

Redis said: "You don't need to worry too much, Yue Zhong! The strength of the sixth-order **** warrior is too strong and against the sky, so within the two years between the opening of the gates of hell, they are unable to act. Only in After two years, their seals will be unlocked before they can type in your world. That is to say, from now on, you still have three years. If you don’t find a way to fight them within three years. Then your game will fail."

"Three years?" Yue Zhong's face finally looked a little better. If it was three years, he still had some hope. After all, the magical system imprint in his hands also had extremely magical power.

Yue Zhong looked at the round sphere and asked: "This super artificial intelligence, how do I collect it?"

Redis reminded: "With your magic system imprinted on this sphere, you can put it into your mark. But if you want to fully play the role of this super artificial intelligence, you must give it The corresponding equipment. At least there must be a supercomputer, the more advanced the computer, the stronger the computing power, then the super artificial intelligence can play a stronger role." (To be continued) RQ

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