God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 948: Kill the 5th ancestor!

Seeing this terrible scene, everyone in the room was stunned. Wientems was the fifth-order ancestor, and it was easy to break the horror of a tall building-like giant robot to be broken into countless parts. The hegemon-class powerhouse was actually seriously injured by Yue Zhong, a human being, and they could not believe their eyes.

"How is it possible? How can a human being in your area have the power of the fifth order? I don't believe it!!"

The incredible anger of the entanglement of the entanglement of the entanglement of the enthusiasm of the body, which was snarled by Yue Zhong’s fist, was surging, and between the moments, the blood of life was surging, turning into countless vampire bats at supersonic speed. Yue Zhong rushed to the past.

As a vampire, Wientems is far less powerful and invincible than the dinosaurs. It can be said that resilience, speed and surprise are beyond the dinosaurs.

"Hey! Give me all!"

Yue Zhong snorted, his body was dark and vindictive, like the powerful power of the demon **** spewed out, stepping forward, and the sky shadowed the sky toward the vampire bats.

When the knife light flashed, countless blood splashed, and a large blood-sucking bat turned into a blood clot that fell from the sky.

More than a dozen vampire bats in the periphery saw this scene, flapping their wings and madly fleeing outside.

This vampire bat is a secret of the vampire's offense and defense. As long as a vampire bat escapes from the place, even if the rest of the vampire bats are killed, Wientems can be reborn again.

Of course, the more vampire bats that are killed, the more weak Wiemmates will be in the future.

"Yue Zhong, go to hell!!"


With the sound of roaring, the fourth-order masters of the two people, the cannibals and the vampires who were watching the movie, couldn’t help but rush from the ground and rushed toward Yue Zhong.

For Viennems to fight for a chance to escape.

The masters of the cannibals and vampires just moved, and a black sè appeared suddenly. The dagger in the hand was like a poisonous dragon.

In an instant, the position of the heart of the masters of the cannibals and the vampires directly appeared a huge blood hole, and the heart was completely shattered.

The heart and the skull are the only important points of the two people, the cannibals and the vampires. The key points are directly smashed through the smashing. The two squadrons who are arrogant and arrogant have finally become a corpse.

"Want to escape? Give me to die!!"

In the face of the vampire bat that suddenly fled to more than a dozen directions, Yue Zhong’s ten fingers bounced, and a group of magical smog flew directly out of the dozen vampire bats like a cannonball, between the flashes of fire, the dozens The head vampire bats are all turned into ashes.

When the last vampire bat was turned into an ashes, a scorpion's vitality was lost in the mark of Yue Zhong's demon system and stored in his body.

Yue Zhong easily evaluated the fifth-order vampire ancestor directly in his heart and quietly evaluated: "The melee spirits of these vampires are far less than those of intermediate dragons."

In the box, all the women of all sizes looked at Yue Zhong, and their eyes were filled with shock. They all knew the power of the fifth-order ancestor. Then the horrible monster was directly blasted by Yue Zhong’s three fists and two feet, and even the escape could not be done, which is far beyond their cognition.

The phantom came to Yue Zhong’s side and asked the little girls to ask: “What about these women?”

Yue Zhong stunned Sima Bing, who was put aside by him. "You take them out, I have something to do."

At this time, Sima Bing under the burning of that, once again opened the beautiful eyes, she entangled Yue Zhong, like a snake, uneasy twisting, pretty face dyed red, eyes blurred looking at Yue Zhong And countless incense sweats flowed out of her body.

The phantom glanced at Yue Zhong silently, then coldly said to the rest of the woman in the room: "Go!"

The beautiful girls and little girls in the room honestly followed the phantom words and walked behind her.

These women have undergone cruel and strict training, and have fully understood the importance of obeying the strong, they will fully obey the command of the strong who master their fate.

Yue Zhong couldn't help but bow his head and kissed Sima Bing's lips.

Sima Bing felt the breath of the man on Yue Zhong, and the heart was completely ignited. Her enthusiasm wrapped her waist full of elastic limbs on Yue Zhong’s body, as if desperately and deeply kissed Yue Zhong.

The two sides were entangled in a big bed that fell in the box, and the crazy intertwined entangled together, madly asking for everything from the other side.

Just as Yue Zhong enjoyed Sima Bing's beautiful and beautiful body, he had been attacked into the ghost city by the 10,000-strong human army under the command of Luo Qingqing.

The human warriors equipped with the most advanced weapons in the third world are unstoppable. Many cannibals and vampires have just appeared, and they are directly bombarded into a sieve by laser, electromagnetic gun, and shè.

The fifth-order powerhouse is extremely rare in this second world. Most of the fifth-order powerhouses live in the holy city, and only one of Wientems is in the ghost city.

This Wientems was also in order to destroy the human resistance army fighters and to use the little girl of humanity to play some metamorphosis games, which came to the ghost city.

Soon, this ghost town was easily suppressed by Luo Qingqing.

Sun Weiwei immediately took a group of civil servants to take up the post, quickly set up a new zhèngfǔ organization, and began to maintain the operation of ghost town.

After the break, Sima Bing was soft in Yue Zhong’s arms, and he gasped slightly. The white jade arm glared at Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed with complicated and difficult light. She did not even think that she would become a woman of Yue Zhong.

Sima Bing also had some good feelings for Yue Zhong before, but that was the worship and admiration of the strong. It was not a love. Suddenly she became a woman of Yue Zhong, and she was somewhat uncomfortable.

Yue Zhong was embarrassed to be stared at by Sima Bing. He smacked Sima Bing into his arms and stroked her white and smooth skin and asked, "How come you are here?"

Sima Bing heard a brow, picking up a tender body, and a cold resentment with a thick resentment: "A certain person suddenly disappeared, leaving a mess to us. Cannibals, vampires Both families have tried their best to clear our forces. Many of our brothers and friends have died in battle. Why don't you come back later? When we are all dead, isn't it better to come back?"

Yue Zhong brows slightly wrinkled and asked: "I remember, I arranged it before I left, let everyone first lurk down, how can things become like this?"

Sima Bing sighed and sighed: "The means of eating cannibals and vampires is too toxic. They use our compatriots to make bait, n* we come out. Many people can't watch their comrades being killed by those monsters. I went out of the fierce battle and lost my hand. There were also many traitors among those people. I was betrayed by traitors and caught here."

Yue Zhong is not a god. He can't do everything without hesitation. Although he made arrangements in advance, he could not guarantee that those people would fully obey his orders.

The members of the Rebels are also human beings with flesh and blood. Naturally, they cannot completely obey the orders of Yue Zhong like scorpions and robots.

Yue Zhong asked: "Now can you still contact Jess them?"

Sima Bing shook his head and said: "No! In order to prevent the traitors from selling, once the organization begins to shift, the lower organizations cannot know the position of the high-level except for the transferred high-level organizations. Since I have lost my hand, they must have moved to a position I know. other than."

Yue Zhong silenced and said slowly: "That's it? Then forget it! Let them take the initiative to come to me."

Sima Bing suddenly asked some questions: "Yue Zhong, are you now a fifth-order **** warrior?"

Yue Zhong did not hide it at all: "Yes, I am now a fifth-order **** warrior."

Sima Bing is not reconciled: "It is unfair. We used to be only third-order **** warriors. Why can you evolve so fast? Can you really get the gods' care?"

Yue Zhong gently kissed Sima Bing's forehead and smiled: "Maybe!"

After easily capturing the ghost city, Yue Zhong’s corps did not stop, but was divided into six arrows, under the command of Han Han, Marley, Xiao Yun, Liu Tai, Luo Qingqing, and Han Ziyan. Mtlnovel.com~ attacked the surrounding cities.

Under the attack of the third world jīng sharp warrior armed to the teeth, the surrounding cities were easily captured, and the city guards inside were easily annihilated.

A large number of humans who migrated from the third world entered the city and barely settled down.

This second world has experienced the cruel world after the nuclear war. The natural environment is worse than the third world. Except for the city, the rest of the place is full of spree, mob, spy ghost, mutant beast, living corpse. Such monsters are difficult for humans to survive.

Under such circumstances, Yue Zhong had to madly attack the surrounding cities and attacked one city.

Under the fierce attack of Yue Zhongjun, in a short time, more than 20 cities were attacked by Yue Zhongyi one by one.

More than 20 cities were captured and finally caught the attention of the Holy City.

In the holy city, inside the White Tower, among the splendid courts, a fifth-order ancestor sits on the chairs of the two gold sè.

On the golden sè chair where the four saints sat, four holy saints who were rarely seen by the saints sat on it.

A fifth-order ancestor focused on the holy kings.

King Willen slowly said: "Today I will bring you together, I want to inform you of an intelligence. Yue Zhong has emerged and brought back a large number of human beings from another world. Those human beings have far more than this world technology. The ultimate weapon, while the master is like a cloud, we have already 28 cities have fallen."

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