God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 949: 8 Road Army!

"What? How could this be, how many troops are there in the hands of the King of Power?"

"Welling the Holy King, Yue Zhong himself has a strong strength?"


Those fifth-order ancestors had a big change in their faces.

These fifth-order ancestors passed through the last war with humans, and they knew that the possession of the demon system imprinted humanity. Human beings with the imprint of the demon system are either quickly taking risks and being swallowed up by other powerful beings. Either it will become powerful and terrible in a short time.

If Yue Zhong’s strength reaches the sixth-order **** warrior, the entire saint will be unable to destroy it, waiting for their end will be easily killed by Yue Qiang, who is rapidly becoming stronger, or driven to those areas of heavy radiation. .

A handful of Wynn's hand, a **** woman dressed in tights, is about to put a document in front of the fifth-order ancestors: "This is the information of Yue Zhongjun, you can take a look."

Those fifth-order saints quickly looked at the information in their hands.

The physical fitness of the fifth-order **** warrior has been comprehensively strengthened, and most of the intelligent creatures in this series are able to look at the lines and easily count those data readings into their minds.

A fifth-order saint has combined the information in his hand, and his face is heavy and slow: "I didn't think he developed so fast, even the fifth-order powerhouses were recruited."

Luo Qingqing is brave and unparalleled. Even the vampire of the fourth-order peak is easily stabbed to death by her. Those who fight with her easily judge that she is a fifth-order powerhouse.

The eyes of Gu Mu, who had a long braid, flashed a fierce radiance: "So, you must kill him! You must kill him before he becomes a climate! I propose to concentrate all the troops to break the Yue Zhongjun. Kill all of their human beings."

"I agree!!"

"I also agree that it is absolutely impossible for him to develop and he must act decisively!!"


A famous saint has murdered. They have all experienced the last war, and they are all very ferocious and determined. It is very clear that the lions and rabbits also use their full strength. They must not be able to imprint the human development opportunities with the magic system.

King Willen quickly made the decision: "Okay! Just set it, and immediately levy the army. Destroy Yue Zhong."

Baitayi made a decision and the entire holy city moved.

Numerous human warriors who have been washed by the cannibals and vampires have been quickly armed, and a human army has been formed under the command of the cannibals and vampires, and the soldiers are divided into eight ways to the ghost city. The direction launched the offense.

At this time, Ghost City has become the temporary capital of Yue Zhongjun, and a large number of people have poured into Ghost City. Let the population of Ghost Studios skyrocket to reach 600,000. Everywhere is crowded with people. Above the street, people come and go, the most prosperous. The scene of the depression with the vampire's reign was completely different.

Yue Zhong stood on a high building and looked at the bustling crowd below. There is a sense of pride in my heart.

A soldier came to Yue Zhong’s side: "Your Majesty, someone asks for it!"

Yue Zhong faintly said: "What person?"

In the identity of Yue Zhong at this time, not everyone will see. Among the ghost towns, there are 600,000 people, and everyone must see him. He spends all his time in the process of meeting other people.

The soldier said: "One of them claimed to be Luo Chen."

"Let them come over."

Soon, two men and two women and three men came to the room under the leadership of the soldier.

Yue Zhong swept the two men and two women, and his eyes flashed a touch of joy, stepping forward, facing one of them with short blue hair, crystal clear, wearing a military uniform, looking handsome and cute little girl hugged up From the heart of the smile: "Fichnia. You are fine, great!!"

This beautiful and cute blue-haired little loli has the ability to read the heart. If this rare power is used well, it can even rival the hope of a silver series.

The heart is unpredictable, and people get along with each other. It is also the most difficult thing. There are countless officials under His Majesty, but he does not know who is loyal to him, and who is the **** that other people have placed here. If he had Fisiniya, he would be better able to control the one he created. A mixed organization of dragons and snakes.

Fichnia was very sensitive to the joy of Yue Zhong, and she also curled up in the arms of Yue Zhong like a docile cat. Feeling the atmosphere of Yue Zhong, a sense of peace poured into her heart. In Yue Zhong’s arms, she showed a charming smile and continued to spoil: "Yue Zhong brother, I miss you too. How come you come back now? I want to die, I want to die!"

Lisa, another beautiful woman standing on the side, looked at Fichnia's cute look like a spoiled cat, and almost her eyes were protruding.

When Yue Zhong left, the hearts of the people were turbulent. The Philippine Fiji ruthlessly ruthlessly stalked the traitors and traitors. More than two hundred people died under the orders of Fisiniya. Many people in the rebel army feared that Fissia was a small devil in the back. When they faced Fisiniya, their legs were soft, cold and sweaty, and they dared not stay longer. Only Jess, Luo Chen, and Lisa have a firm will, and their hearts are bright and open. No one who is afraid of fear dares to stay with Fisiniya.

If it weren't for Fijiana to clear up a large number of traitors and swaying figures in the Rebels, the rebel army had long since disintegrated and collapsed under the strong pressure of vampires and cannibals.

Luo Chen swept the room and his eyes fell on Yue Zhong’s body. His eyes were actually the color of his sigh: “The leader, you really are the savior of our humanity, just leaving, you can be able to harness such tremendous power. In the hands, it’s amazing."

The guards in this room, a total of eight fourth-order masters, this is already a tremendous force.

You must know that before Yue Zhong joined the Rebels, the eight fourth-order masters could directly defeat most of the armed forces of the Rebels.

Now those eight fourth-order masters who are terrible and terrible are only the guards of Yue Zhong, and naturally let Luo Chen marvel.

Yue Zhong smiled softly: "When I left, I worked hard, Luo Chen."

After Yue Zhong’s departure, the burden fell on Luo Chen’s body. Luo Chen wanted to support the huge rebel army organization and coordinate various aspects. I don’t know how much energy was consumed.

Luo Chen did not care: "This is all I should do. As long as I can destroy those **** cannibals, I will do whatever I want."

Luo Chen looked awkwardly: "Right, the leader of the adults, you have captured twenty-eight cities in a row, the movement is too big, the holy city has already dispatched a large army, the soldiers are divided into eight roads, a total of one million troops toward the ghost city. Attacking. Please ask the leader to prepare for you."

The second world is different from the third world. In this second world, the natural environment is extremely harsh, and there are radiation areas everywhere. The road is not suitable for the army. And unlike those dinosaurs, humans are sending troops to the field, the logistical pressure is extremely heavy, the millions of troops are dispatched, and the rear also needs the support of numerous logisticians, so they can only divide the eight roads. Otherwise, it is the logistical pressure that can make the millions of troops collapse.

Yue Zhong smiled at Luo Chen: "I already know this thing. If you come, I will have an important job for you."

Yue Zhong is also a long-time warrior. After he has captured 28 cities, he immediately dispatched masters to spread electronic equipment such as mechanical flies and mechanical cymbals. At the same time, there are four-level investigators who lurked near the holy city. The holy city army has just moved, and he already knows it.

Luo Chen saw the appearance of Yue Zhong’s calm, and the somewhat uneasy heart was calmed down. He firmly believed that Yue Zhong would be able to lead them to overcome all difficulties: “Yes! Your Majesty.”

In an endless area, everywhere in the black stone wilderness area, a transport vehicle is full of human warriors galloping around the transport vehicles, densely packed machine guns, heavy tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, multi-barrel rocket launchers, large caliber heavy artillery, etc. Various heavy weapons.

In the sky, ~www.readwn.com~ also flew more than one hundred armed helicopters. These helicopter gunships have already removed the central computer and switched to a manual mode, even if it is white.

The things that have heavy artificial intelligence in Yue Zhong’s hands have already been mastered by the saints, and they naturally will not make such mistakes.

A fourth-order cannibal screamed through the radio loudly: "Everyone listens, I am here to announce that as long as you take down Huangmucheng and disband the military for five days, within these five days, you can casually in Huangmucheng. Do anything. And the first person in the Huangmu City, the official level 3, promoted to become a noble, and the ancestors personally converted you into a sacra, longevity, rich and rich!!"

The voice of the fourth-order cannibal ghost spread through the broadcast in all directions, so that everyone who heard the war was full of blood.

Disbanding the military discipline means that after these soldiers have broken through Huangmucheng, they can kill and provoke arson and smuggle in the Huangmucheng. At the same time, if it is transformed into a saint, it is truly a nobleman of this world, with a long life to enjoy.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"


On that chariot, the human warriors excitedly screamed like a beast, and morale climbed to the top.

The leader of the army, the fifth-order vampire Denier looked at the excited human warriors and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad! Morale is available, this army will attack the Huangmu City and will be as powerful as the beast. A district of Huangmucheng, How can I keep it under the attack of my 150,000 army!"

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