God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 979: encounter!

"I just grabbed the leader and seized it. I was lucky." Yue looked at Li Tian, ​​who had been dominated by him, and smiled softly. His original intention was to crush the past with absolute strength, and to turn all the officers into shackles. There is always an officer who knows the position of the top.

After Yue Zhong became the strongest of the fifth-order peak, this has the ability to take the first level in the army. If he only has the third-order strength, there is no preparation, and alone to come to the enemy's battalion, there is absolutely only one dead end.

Just then, there was a loud roar from the outside: "The people inside are listening, you are now surrounded, and immediately give up resistance, hold your head with both hands, and surrender. Otherwise we will fire."

Yue Zhong looked at the outside and saw that at this time, there were more than a dozen infantry fighting vehicles and several tanks around the luxury extended Rolls-Royce. Tens of them were sharp and they were not good at first sight. The warrior is staring at him.

Yue Zhong smiled lightly and glanced at Li Tian's life.

Li Tian was willing to know, and he snarled in front of him: "I will give it back. This is the guest of our destiny. Rogan, you immediately take people back, otherwise the canon will be disposed of."

Li Tian’s life was also a character in the teachings of Heaven. Under his command, the soldier around the Rolls-Royce looked at him and reluctantly retreated.

At this moment, suddenly there was a loud voice in the crowd who used the Chinese-speaking voice: ",, don't quit!! Don't quit!! Your leader is controlled. Don't retire, kill that person. Save Go back to your leader."

The foreign men who used the Chinese-inspired blonds were the military instructors sent by Heavenly Kingdom to help them in training.

After the fierce defeat of Heavenly Kingdom to Yue Zhong, the direction was adjusted. Instead of sending the main force, they took the method of sending military instructors to cultivate the forces around Yuezhong to create trouble for Yue Zhong.

Li Tian’s life was a smile, and the cold command: “Through my order, I immediately killed those white pigs, and one did not stay.”


Most of the cadres of the Destiny Church know that Li Tian is only using the Kingdom of Heaven. After the event, he will definitely turn his face with the **** of heaven.

At this time, upon receiving the order of Li Tianming, many cadres of the destiny of the gods immediately shot at the paradise of the paradise.

boom! boom! boom!

Along with a series of gunshots, most of the military instructors sent by the heavenly kingdoms fell into a pool of blood.

"Damn!! Li Tianming, you will pay for what you are doing today. Our heavenly kingdom will never let you go." The cadres of the Destiny Church are clearing the military instructors of those heavenly kingdoms. At that time, a military instructor suddenly launched his skills and became a huge werewolf. After it uttered a whistling whistle, the figure flashed, and the two claws turned into heavy claws, tearing up a large number of destined soldiers around the smash, and in the **** fog, madly fleeing outside.

After the military instructor of the Heavenly Kingdom changed into a werewolf, he had the power of the third-order peak. The ordinary people could not stop the pace of its assault, and soon they were killed.

Just as the werewolf escaped a hundred meters, Yue heavy hand turned over, a single soldier electromagnetic gun appeared in his hand, his eyes cold and directly triggered the trigger.

A dazzling electromagnetic gun light smashed the void directly onto the head of the werewolf, exploding the head of the werewolf directly.

Looking at the powerful tyrannical paradise, the instructor of the heavens was easily beaten by Yue Zhong, and all the masters of the destiny around him were rewarded with joy, jealousy, fear and fear.

Li Tian ordered a loud voice: "Through my command, the troops will be in the same place. After Yue Zhongjun and Lao Maozi have won the game, we will march again."

Many cadres in the life-threatening mission were puzzled by the attack on Tianjing. After hearing the words of Li Tianming, they sighed with relief and began to stop marching.

When the upper beam was not under the beam, Li Tian’s life brought a lot of women when he was fighting. The following cadres also had the same kind of learning. Many cadres took women and wine and enjoyed themselves.

Soon this number of troops in 20,000 people immediately entered the arsenal, and the horse was placed in Nanshan, stopping on the main road.

Shortly after the release of the order, in a luxurious camp, the songs were loud and screaming, and many people were swaying.

Suddenly a Zhang Zizheng came to a tent and said to the people who were looking for joy in the camp: "The teacher has orders, let you go to the command center."

A drunken desperate cadre asked some dissatisfaction: "Lao Zhang, what is the teacher? Is it really calling us at this time?"

When the cadres of these destiny teachers were playing well, they were suddenly interrupted and naturally dissatisfied.

Zhang Zizheng brows and wrinkles coldly: "Teach the master of the world, only the intention. You are ready, go."

After the speech, Zhang Zizheng immediately left and walked toward another camp.

A desperate cadre drank too much, and couldn't help but yell at him: "Hey, what is magical, this guy who sells ass. If there is no support from the leader, he is nothing. It is disgusting to turn around the leader all day."

A cadre of the destiny teacher stood up and said: "Forget it, Pharaoh. Don't say it, if it is heard by the teacher, it will be troublesome. Let's go."

Among the embarrassment, a cadre named Mingtianzhi walked out of his own camp and entered the temporary command center of this day.

The pharaoh had just stepped into the camp, and he hadn’t reacted yet. He immediately stunned his head and fainted.

Yue Zhong stood on one side and waved, and a sly character flew into the head of Lao Wang, turning the pharaoh into a skeleton.

The cadres of the Destiny Church constantly entered the camp and were directly smashed by Yue Zhong.

After all the cadres of the Destiny Church were turned into shackles, Yue Zhong used the flight technique to leave the Hebei Army, which is dominated by the Destiny, and flew away in the distance with a Thunder fighter circling in the sky.

At the junction of Guizhou and Guangxi, a number of 20,000 people, the army of many armored vehicles, such as tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and personnel carriers, are moving rapidly toward Guangxi.

This number is very different between the 20,000-strong army and the destiny of the destiny. One thousand of the two people are Germans with pure Aryan origin, in addition to 5,000. The first Chinese people to receive training in the Kingdom of Heaven.

After two years of rigorous training, the 5,000 Chinese people are the most warrior and the backbone of this army. The remaining 14,000 people are the jīng sharp warriors trained by the Kingdom of Heaven in this year and the fighting power is not weak.

This armored force of 20,000 people is the killer of the gods of heaven. They march very fast and aim at the heavy industrial city of Yanzhou, Guangxi.

At this time, Yanzhou has become the second largest heavy industry base in China, and it has continuously produced various weapons and ammunition for its respective troops.

A new generation of advanced weapons laser guns, laser cannons, shè line guns, electromagnetic guns, and enhanced armor research are also being carried out in Yanzhou. Because in Yanzhou, there are a large number of heroes who have been plundered from the localities. With the help of those scientists, they were able to quickly develop advanced weapons.

At this time, Huaxia has two large-scale scientific and technological research and development centers, one in Tianjing and one in Guangxi. Many survivors of Tianjing are jīngying in all aspects, while Guangxi has a large number of scientists who have been plundered by Yue Zhong from the Rì, which can form two scientific and technological research and development centers.

At the beginning of the last days, scientists were the most useless people. Most of them were physically weak, and they couldn’t beat zombies. They couldn’t even compare to a migrant worker. However, once the society is stable and the order is built, the role they can play far exceeds that of migrant workers.

The Kingdom of Heaven is intended to destroy the production base and technology R&D base of Huaxia in Guangxi. As long as it can slow down the development of China, their purpose has been reached.

Unlike the lazy Destiny, this expeditionary army, which is only from Guizhou, maintains a high degree of jǐng惕.

An investigation unit, like a tentacles, constantly inspects the enemy in all directions, and there are also unmanned reconnaissance planes flying around in the sky for investigation.

In a command vehicle, a middle-aged man with a short hair, wearing a military uniform and a serious face stared silently at the electronic screen in front of him.

This very serious middle-aged man is the general of the expeditionary army, General Randy. He was a lieutenant colonel before the end of the world and received strict military training. After the end of the world, he fought for the paradise of the gods of heaven and set up a heroic feat. He is a general with military talent.

"The corpse!! A lot of corpses were found in front!!...... ah!!"

Suddenly, a scream of a reconnaissance squad was heard from a communicator.

Randy's face quickly changed the command: "The corpse? Immediately switch, the image of the location where the KF43 team is located."

The main electronic screen quickly switched, and on that screen, there was a horrible scene.

I saw in front of this expeditionary army, the dense corpses rushed toward the side like the ocean, and at first glance, they could not see the margins, like the ocean of black.

The most terrifying thing is that in the sky above the black sea, there are also a large number of evolutionary zombies with spurs. The flying evolutionary zombies quickly flew over an unmanned reconnaissance plane in the sky. (To be continued.

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