God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 980: destruction!

(In the electronic screens, the last image is that the evolutionary zombies with shredded wings flew to them, and then the screen was spent, nothing.

In the heart of the command center, there is a sinking in the heart. They know that those inaccessible investigators are afraid that they have been completely destroyed by the flying zombies.

Randy quickly made a judgment and issued an order: "" Order the entire army and immediately retreat. The first division is behind the temple. ”

Under the command of Randy, there are 20,000 troops in armor, equipped with good equipment, sufficient ammunition, and tank units. If you deal with the millions of zombies that have just changed in the world, you can defeat them and destroy them.

However, after two years of evolution, those zombies have undergone tumultuous changes, and evolved a variety of terrible monsters. The two-in-one armored forces and the millions of corpses were facing the field. The final result must have been swallowed up by the millions of corpses after the elimination of more than 100,000 zombies.

Under Randy's orders, the armored troops turned around very quickly and rushed away in the direction of coming.

"Back!! There are zombies behind!! Lots of zombies!!!"

Shortly after Randy retreated, the rear investigative forces immediately returned information that was frightened.

At the same time, Randy’s non-intrusion reconnaissance aircraft deployed in the rear also found that the zombies, like cháo water, were being copied to them.

Shashasha! !

Soon after the non-intrusion reconnaissance plane had just returned the information, it was directly destroyed by the evolutionary zombies flying in the hollow, leaving only a few images.

Randy's face was pale and couldn't help but screamed: "Damn! These zombies are so embarrassed. Damn!"

In the eyes of Randy, the zombies are synonymous with stupid, stupid pigs. Even a simple to the extreme trap, you can kill a lot of ordinary zombies.

In the last two years of this last year, Randy repeatedly used inferior forces to defeat and destroy more than a million corpses. Even the evolutionary zombies like Z2 and Z3 are just a bunch of idiots in his eyes. He never put the corpse in his heart.

But the stupid pigs that Randy didn't have in mind, rushed to cover the back of his troops, which made him angry and desperate.

Once surrounded by the corpse, the 20,000 jijng here will become a delicious dish in the zombie mouth.

At this moment, a correspondent quickly said: "General, the headquarters has a communication request."

"Receive." Randy yīn calmly squats sāo: "These idiots with full brains, are you coming to me now? What are the idiots of the intelligence department?" So many zombies have their eyes stunned. Or is it that the satellite is already smashed. Damn bastard."

Just when Randy made a sāo, a display screen lit up, a hair was gray, wearing a military uniform, and his face was covered with old patches, showing an old man with a powerful position.

Randy looked at the old man's face and changed his mind: "General."

The old man in front of him is Udell, the giant of the military department in the ancestral temple. Before the end of the world, he was a major general of the German side. After the end of the world, the army that commanded the ancestral temple of the gods destroyed countless zombies and into the class, and the prestige in the army was extremely high.

The apostle is an evolutionary with special power and arrogance. His status is sublime and he is the servant of the gods entering the world. However, most of the apostles have no military endowment, and their tyranny is mainly based on their strength.

Above the military, the ancestral gods mainly rely on regular military officers before the end of the world.

Udall looked tired and said: "Randy, the elders will order, let you withdraw immediately. Take our Aryan's great boys to retreat to the Indian base."

Randy smelled his face and suddenly changed his voice: "What? General, do you know what you are talking about? If we are now retreating. The fifteenth legion of the Asian Division will be completely destroyed in those zombies, 20,000 The young man will die because of your decision."

Udall said coldly: "I know that this order will make you very uncomfortable. But around you, you have been surrounded by countless zombies. Continue to fight, it is only a matter of time before you are all over. We are a good boy of Aryan. You shouldn’t die there, bring them back. As for the fifteenth legion of the Asian branch, it’s just that some Chinese have entered, and they die when they die. We saved them and they have raised them for so long. Now they use their lives. It’s time to return us."

In Udell's mind, among the fifteenth legions of the Asian Division, the martyrdom of the sacred warriors, except for the purely **** Aryan warriors, are the targets that can be abandoned.

For the ancestral gods, Aryan was the first noble seed. The rest of the entries are the squatting races, and they are only the objects they use. Among the army of the ancestral gods, senior officials are all Aryan, and only some middle and low-ranking officers are the entry of other races. And the promotion of officers of other races is far less relaxed than that of Aryan.

Most of the senior management personnel and Taiwan middle-class enterprises from Taiwan to the mainland are Taiwanese. Rì Originally, the investment company executives and the middle-level ones in China are mostly Rì. Such country, race, and discrimination are not eliminated until the end of the world, not to mention the end of the world.

Not to mention Udell, even if it is Yue Zhong, in the face of choice, it will give priority to those foreigners who have no relatives with him. If there is no way, they will give up those Chinese survivors.

Randy fell into silence. He has been working in the fifteenth legion of the Asian branch for many years. He watched the army grow from weak to strong and had deep feelings. He is also an entry, not an animal without feelings. If he wants to give up his loyal subordinates, even if they are Chinese, he can hardly make a decision.

Yudell frowned and was full of majesty: "General Randy, this is the order. This is the order of the military, please execute the order immediately!"

Randy trembled in his heart and marched to Udall in the screen for a military ceremony: "Yes!"

Randy returned to normal and quickly issued a series of orders: "All the troops immediately went to the hill to gather and set up fortifications on the spot. Notify all Aryan fighters to board the plane quickly."

Under the orders of Randy, the fifteenth legion of the Asian branch of the Ancestral Temple quickly assembled on a small hill and began to quickly build various fortifications.

The fifteenth legion of this Asian branch received strict military training and a large number of vehicles. It quickly built a simple fortification with the large truck, tank and armored vehicle as the core.

Only after the fortifications had just been formed, suddenly a large helicopter was flying out of the fortification center and flew away from the distance under the guard of one of their ace thunder fighters.

"what is that?"

"Escape, they escaped!!"

"Damn, those **** foreigners are leaving us to escape!!"

"Are we not comrades-in-arms? Why should we abandon us!! Why!!"

"The bastard, the beast!!"


I saw that a large helicopter, the Thunder fighter, took off and flew away. The soldiers of the fifteenth legion of the ancestral temple of the lower court entered the face and became desperate.

"Damn beast, go to hell!!"

In anger and despair, many soldiers directly picked up the assault rifles in their hands and heavy machine guns to sweep the madness in the hollow.

More than a dozen cāo warriors who were paired with a 14.5 mm high shè machine gun also desperately rushed toward the hollow.

The two sides turned into vengeance by their comrades in a flash.


One of the slowest-moving large transport helicopters was bombarded with a 14.5 mm high shè machine gun. The unfortunate fuel tank was exploded and directly exploded. It turned into a large fireball and fell from the hollow. .

"Damn Chinese dog."

There are more than 65 Aryan fighters among the large transport helicopters. Seeing the death of his compatriots, the drivers of several Thunder fighters were in a state of anger. They quickly turned around and thundered the Thunder fighters and flew to the fifteenth legion's position and threw a piece of incendiary bombs.

boom! boom! boom!

With a piece of incendiary bomb falling into the fifteenth legion's position, the fifteenth legion's position was completely swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire, and a large number of soldiers issued a scream of sorrow.

At the same time, from the Thunder fighters, a rocket was fired and bombed on the tanks and armored vehicles on the periphery of the fifteenth legion. ~www.readwn.com~ directly bombed those tanks and armored vehicles into a group of fireballs. The perimeter line of the 15th Corps tore open a hole.

"The animals, these white pigs really can't stand!! It's a group of animals!!"

The sacred warriors who were angered but kept restrained suddenly became angry. A long-range anti-aircraft missile vehicle loaded with surface-to-air missiles quickly rushed out. One piece was originally intended to deal with the place of Yue Zhongjun. The air missiles rose from the air and rushed toward the Thunder fighters.

The large-caliber air defense guns on the ground were also madly spewing fierce fire tongues and rushing toward the hollow.

After a Thunder interceptor intercepted several surface-to-air missiles, a Thunder fighter was finally hit by several surface-to-air missiles. The explosion blew and turned into a huge fireball. Among them fell to the ground.

The remaining Thunder fighters were quickly pulled up and flew into the sky, flying towards the main force of the ancestral temple. They have already destroyed the defense line of the 15th Army. The 15th Army has already died. They are not willing to waste time with death.

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