God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 981: Destroy (2)!

(Abandoning the main force of the 15th Army, Randy and his party quickly flew in the direction of India.

India was also a big country before the end of the world. However, in addition to the import and nuclear weapons, this country has only the greatest gap between the rich and the poor, serious and unscrupulous.

After the end of the world, the ancestral gods quickly went to work in India, took a large number of India into control, and defeated the counterattacks of local forces in India, turning India into their home base.

As long as they can return to India, Randy and their team can quickly get a large number of soldiers to supplement, once again with this Aryan into the warrior to expand into a jīng sharp force.

In the distance, there are countless hollows, and the short stature, like a gnome-like flying zombie, has a burly body with perfect muscles. The skin is like wheat. It looks handsome and has two pairs on the back. A wisdom evolution variant that looks very evil.

The wisdom of the zombies with two pairs of shredded wings flashed with white light, and looked at Randy, who was far more than 20 kilometers away, and suddenly made a sharp whistle.

In an instant, the 70,000 flying zombies that surrounded the wisdom zombies quickly flapped their wings, flying like a huge bat toward Randy.

The 70,000 flying zombies were extremely fast, and they were quicker than those of the heavy-duty helicopters, and they soon caught up with those heavy transport planes.

Randy’s crazy roaring: “Get off the ground!”

Under Randy's crazy roar, those heavy transport planes and Thunder fighters quickly rose toward the hollow.

The higher the altitude, the colder it is and it is not suitable for living. At the same time, due to the severe cold, the flight of many creatures will be affected.

If these flying zombies fly too high, they will be frozen by the cold in the sky.

Although Randy’s order was quite correct, it was late.

The corpse sea, like the water of cháo, has flown crazy toward this group.

The Thunder fighters guarding the two sides of the fleet greeted them. These heavy-duty tanks in the air were madly spewing fierce fire tongues, and they were exploding a large number of flying zombies.

I saw a flash of fire, the body of a flying zombie, the head immediately burst open, flesh and blood, bursting open.

In the hollow, there are thirty-five Thunder fighters and sixty-eight Tiger helicopter gunships. This nearly 100 armed helicopters opened fire indiscriminately, forming a horrific metal barrage that would directly explode hundreds of flying zombies.

However, the flight zombies went on and on, and they rushed toward the group regardless of life and death. After paying nearly 10,000 dead bodies and deaths, they finally got close to the fleet.

Those flying zombies rushed toward the armed helicopters. Many flying zombies slammed into the propeller of the helicopter gunship, and were directly twisted into pieces by the propeller and scattered on the ground.


Some flying zombies were flying at high speed. They crashed into the windshield of the helicopter gunship and directly smashed the windshield into the interior of the helicopter.

A flying zombie in the rear, like a cannonball, crashed into the interior of the helicopter gunship, madly licking everything he saw.

Under such an attack, a Tiger-type armed helicopter lost control, fell from the hollow, fell to the ground, and turned into a large fireball.

Those Thunder fighters resisted the zombie attacks with powerful armor. Many zombies hit the bullet-proof glass of them and they were all smashed, only to knock their windshield out of the giants. The flying zombies that hit the propellers on their propellers were smashed into pieces of meat and scattered away in all directions.

After the armed helicopters were held down, a large number of flying zombies flew like a locust on the helicopter.

Many flying zombies slammed into the propellers of the helicopters, and they were cut into pieces, but the propellers were also twisted and twisted. The helicopter transported directly from the hollow to the ground.

After more flying zombies flew to the helicopter, they used the sharp claws to bite the armor of the helicopter. They tore the straight conveyors and drilled them inside.

boom! boom! boom!

Those flying zombies had just drilled into it, and they were slammed into a sieve by the Aryans armed with assault rifles, and they fell directly.

But soon, the helicopter was directly torn by the siege of the flying zombies, and numerous zombies rushed in. There was a scream of screams, and in a short while, the helicopter The transport plane immediately fell to the ground.

In that huge number of flying zombies, like the ants, the flying bats were on a helicopter, and the screams of the helicopters immediately followed, and then fell from the hollow.

In a Thunder fighter, Randy watched the transport plane fall to the ground, and a flash of sorrow in his eyes was saddened: "I will break out immediately!!"

At this time, the only thing that has the ability to break through is the Thunder fighter. The rest of the armed helicopters are only lingering, and they are basically doomed to death.

The Thunder fighters no longer guarded the transport helicopters, and quickly took off and flew toward the sky. At the same time, the airborne guns and air-to-air missiles did not stop for a moment, and madly flew to the flying zombies.

Large swaths of flying zombies were bombarded by machine guns and air-to-air missiles, and they were broken into pieces.

Those Thunder fighters are taking the opportunity to climb. A huge body dragged a lot of zombies and flew past the sky.

The flying zombies climbed over the Thunder fighters, using sharp claws, rowing on the armor above the aircraft's body, scribing a lot of scratches and removing countless metal debris. However, within a short period of time, it was impossible to tear the armor of the Thunder fighter.

The armor on the Thunder fighter is the super armor made after the end of the world, using the technology of the last days, the defense is extremely horrible, although much thinner than the front armor of the tank, but the armor's defense is only better than the front of the tank. The equipment is slightly inferior. Even large-caliber anti-aircraft guns are difficult to penetrate, and naturally it is not the ordinary flying zombies that can be destroyed.

After the Thunder fighters gave up the task of guarding the transport helicopter, with the driver's driving skills and the powerful and powerful power of the fighters, the fierce firepower was used to tear a large number of flying zombies into pieces, and the ordinary flying zombies were connected. They can't touch those Thunder fighters and they will be blown up.

At this moment, the wisdom zombies with two pairs of shredded wings flapped their wings and turned into a streamer, flying to the windshield of a Thunder fighter, and hitting the windshield of the Thunder fighter. Above.


With a loud sound, the Thunder fighter's bulletproof glass, which can withstand 14.5 mm high shè machine guns, immediately turned into countless glass crumbs and collapsed.


The driver of the Thunder fighter made a scream of despair and horror at the moment the windshield broke.

The wisdom of the zombie smiled and suddenly disappeared from the place.

The next moment, the heads of the two Thunder fighters fell to the ground in a strange way, and a famous jīng warrior in the Thunder fighter was easily unscrewed by the wisdom zombie.

Not much, the wisdom zombie immediately took the head of a Thunder fighter and quickly flew out. The smart zombie grabbed the first level of the entry, and the bite bite down as if Eating apples is generally a slap in the face, extremely fierce.

The Thunder fighter that had all died was suddenly unable to fall from the hollow to the ground.

After killing a class of Thunder fighters, the wisdom zombies shuttled through the hollow like lightning, directly breaking into a Thunder fighter, and all the players in the Thunder fighter. Kill.

Under the attack of the horror and wisdom zombies with half-step and fifth-order combat power, a Thunder fighter directly fell. In the end, only the Thunder fighter and the other six Thunder fighters flew four kilometers. Among the high altitudes, hiding in the clouds, I escaped the chasing of the wisdom zombies~www.readwn.com~ The wisdom zombies have evolved wisdom at this time, it is very clear that the cold of the sky is coming for it. It is also a threat. Before it has evolved to the fifth stage, if it is flying high for several kilometers, it will slow down because of the cold. At that time, it is possible that they will be killed by Randy.

"Damn beast!! The idiots of the intelligence department, waste. Everything is eaten, so the huge corpse, the eyes of the satellite are smashed?" On the Thunder fighter, Randy looked at only a few The Thunder fighter escaped, and his heart was filled with bleakness and sorrow. He slammed his hand on the side of the table and screamed. He couldn't figure out how to make a big deal, so how did he fool the eyes of their satellites? To know that for this war, the spy satellites in the hollow should be constantly monitoring the area here.

In a cloud, Yue Zhong indifferently glanced at the direction of Randy and his entourage in the distance, and then his eyes fell on the body of the fifteenth legion of the ancestral temple of the ancestral temple: "Escaped seven, forget. Below What should I do with the guy? Can't save or not?"

It was Yue Zhong who used the white clothes to disturb the spy satellites of the ancestral gods and misled the spy satellites. This allowed Randy to enter the encirclement of the corpse sea without any consciousness. If they have the support of spy satellites, those zombies will never be able to surround them.

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