God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 985: The Vietnamese army is completely destroyed!

The ninth and eighty-five chapters of the Vietnamese army are all destroyed!

The little turtle did not rely on his own strength to crush the enemy, but launched a powerful source of power, condensing out numerous ice cones as the raindrops shot toward the Vietnamese army. Www.мdyzww.м网мmм

A large number of Vietnamese soldiers were stabbed in the ice cone, and the body was cold, and eventually the blood freezed and died.

The three fifth-order mutant beasts cooperated with each other to stop the retreat of the Vietnamese army. Every moment there was a large number of Vietnamese troops killed.

Yao Lihua looked at the soldiers of the Yuexing Association and was constantly slaughtered. There was no hope. Finally, his face was pale and he pleaded with a loud voice. "Yue Zhong leader, I am willing to surrender. I am willing to take people to give up resistance and surrender to you. Be your slave. Please, let us live a life!!"

Yao Lihua is also a hero who can bend and stretch. In that year, he killed his comrades and used his comrades' heads in exchange for the opportunity to sign a peace treaty with Yue Zhong. Now he wants to reapply. As long as he can survive, he has a chance.

Yue Zhong looked coldly at the cold voice: "It's late, I said, don't promise to surrender, then you all have to die. Today you all have to die here, no one can save you."

Yao Lihua flashed a scream of desperation and loud voice: "Yue Zhong, do you really have to do that? We still have more than 10,000 people. If we are desperate, I am afraid that you will not feel good."

Yue Chonghan said: "Whatever you do, anyway, all of you will die here today."

Yao Lihua’s eyes flashed a savage light, and he yelled loudly through the loudspeaker: “Everyone heard it, they want to kill us, everyone is fighting for it.”

Those Vietnamese soldiers were forced to reach the road. After hearing Yue Zhong not accepting the surrender, they suddenly went crazy and madly attacked the reapers and the fifth-order mutant beasts.

However, the weapons in the hands of the Vietnamese soldiers are too bad to pose any threat to the existence of those horrors. On the contrary, a large number of Vietnamese soldiers have died at every moment. The screams of screams are endless, and the whole land has become The most cruel slaughterhouse.

Gan Tao, whose eyes were dug by the Vietnamese, looked at the army of the Yuexinghui and was slaughtered by Yue Zhong. His eyes flashed with excitement, with endless joy, and unscrupulously laughed and shed two lines of tears: "Good! Good! Good!! Good death, good kill. Killing really happy, killing these Vietnamese beasts. Long live the leader!!! Brothers, have you seen it? The leader has helped you revenge."

Pan Jinyong, who was seriously injured, was lying on the bed and watching the live broadcast on the front line. He was shocked and stunned: "It's too powerful. The leader is enough to match an army. How can humans be tyrannical to this point?"

At this time, Yue Zhong could easily kill 20,000 troops without the help of the troops in Taiyuan City. Such a terrorist force was comparable to the legendary **** before the end of the world.


"Too strong!!"

"This is too horrible."


In the Taiyuan city, many warriors of the Huaxia Army looked at the scene, everyone was shocked and stunned, can't believe their eyes.

After the end of the world, human beings have continued to evolve, and the strong have come forth in large numbers. It is the power of one person to fully arm a 20,000-strong army armed to the teeth. Yue Zhong is still the first.

The cruel and slaughter has been going on for three hours, and all the Vietnamese soldiers in the encirclement have been killed.

When Yao Lihua was also running away, he was torn off his head by the fifth-order Taishan, and he could not do it at all.

After smashing Yao Lihua, the main force of Yuexinghui, Yue Zhong directly mobilized 500 soldiers from Taiyuan City, and went straight to the old nest of the Yuexing Club in an armored car.

All the way to gallop, and soon Yue Zhong and his party killed the nest of the Yuexinghui.

At this time, the most elite troops of Yuexing Club have been slaughtered and cleaned by Yue Zhong. The left-behind homes are all a mixture of people. Most people even use cold weapons.

The weapons and ammunition of the Yuexing Association mainly rely on the support of the gods of heaven, and they can only guarantee that 20,000 soldiers have guns. Most of the rest are only able to use cold weapons.

Although the gods of heaven support the Yuexing Association, their focus has shifted to the European headquarters, and the assistance that can be given to the Yuexing Association is limited.

The main force of the Yue Xinghui was slaughtered by Yue Zhong, and most of the Yuexing army, which used cold weapons, was even more vulnerable. After killing hundreds of people, it immediately collapsed completely and fled in all directions. go with.

Since Yao Lihua has already slashed the strongest elite of the Yuexing Association, there are not many masters in the nest of the Yuexing Association, and he was quickly controlled by Yue Zhong.

After fully controlling the old nest of Yuexinghui, Yue Zhong immediately implemented a curfew policy, prohibiting any Vietnamese from leaving their homes and completely cutting off their contact with other people. Then some Vietnamese were forced to leave their homes and move in the direction of Taiyuan City.

Yue Zhong was also irritated by the whims of the Vietnamese. He has made up his mind to take the 400,000 Vietnamese people into slaves, all of them forced to emigrate to Vietnam and send them to various factories to serve as coolies. If those Vietnamese are integrated into their Chinese, then he will be promoted to become civilians. If there is resistance, then let those people be slaves of a lifetime. Anyway, with the reconstruction of order, all kinds of factories need a large number of workers. These Vietnamese who are slaughtered as slaves are the cheapest workers.

After the end of the world, the population is sparse. The 400,000 people who have become more and more happy are the ones that Yao Lihua has worked hard, and he has done everything from a few gathering places. Once the 400,000 people were forced to migrate and left. In northern Vietnam, there will be very few pure-blooded Vietnamese.

Among the five-way army launched by the Kingdom of Heaven, the four roads were defeated by Yue Zhong or smashed. Only the Indian army that sent troops from India did not suffer.

Soon after the Indian legion just entered Tibet, they received news of the fiasco and surrender of the Russian Empire. They immediately retracted to India like a tortoise.

The gods of heaven are extremely powerful among the Chinese countries. There are many bananas and spies hidden in the Yuezhong army, serving as their eyes and ears.

The sky fortress destroyed the fierce scene of the Russian Empire, which greatly shocked the elevation of the Kingdom of Heaven. They are reluctant to let the most infiltrated and most faithful obedient Indian legion be devastated.

India is a country with abundant products and a vast population. In the year of the world's variability, the Kingdom of Heaven penetrated India very deeply.

The outstanding genius among India is not relying on the gods of heaven, or being suppressed, and the ruthless land of the whole country is under the control of the kingdom of heaven.

Of course, because of the huge number of zombies in India, the power of the gods of heaven cannot cover the whole of India, so there are countless warlords of various sizes in places where they are not as powerful.

Russia's Novosibirsk has now replaced Moscow and became the temporary capital of the Russian Empire after the end of the world.

At this time, outside the temporary capital, the densely packed zombies were everywhere, and the gunshots rang and the guns rumbling.

A steel torrent formed by a tank, infantry fighting vehicle, and machine gun ran across the corpse, tearing large pieces of zombies directly into pieces.

Among the areas, a very high-altitude machine gun spurts fierce fire tongues and explodes large swarms of zombies in the sky.

The steel torrent that rushed back and forth among the corpses was destroyed by h2 and h3 from the zombies from time to time, and the devourers directly tore.

At the same time, a flying zombie in the sky often landed in the city, licking the soldiers and civilians inside, infecting the virus.

The fierce and fierce battles have been going on, and every moment there are people who die, and at the same time, a large number of zombies are smashed into ashes.

The Russian Empire inherited many of Russia's military heritage, rocket launch vehicles, and rockets are very abundant. When a large number of zombies launch a charge, a rare rocket like a raindrop will cover the body.

After a horrible bombardment, the dense corpse will have only a few evolutionary zombies left.

The fierce battle continued for a whole period. After the huge corpse dropped hundreds of thousands of zombies, it finally slowly retreated.

Those wisdom zombies have become more difficult after they have wisdom, and they have learned to preserve their strength. Anyway, as long as their main force evolves zombies and does not die too much, they can quickly gather enough cannon fodder. And that huge corpse is also a magic weapon for them.

After the huge corpse retreats, a tall, short-haired, handsome-looking, middle-aged man wearing a European armor walks into the sofa of a living room and sits down, closing. eye.

A young man in a military uniform took a document and entered the living room~www.readwn.com~ I saw the middle-aged man and hesitated.

The blue-haired middle-aged man slowly closed his eyes: "Sano, what?"

The young man in a military uniform hesitated a moment before he slowly said: "Your Majesty, our expeditionary army was defeated by the Huaxia Army. General Gourf surrendered to China."

The blue-haired middle-aged man was the new emperor of the Russian Empire, André I.

Upon hearing the news, Andrei, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes in an instant, his eyes flashing with sparkling light, like two sharp sharp knives stabbing on Sanno: "How did Gulf lose?" ”

"Huaxia Army has used such weapons."

Shano took out a laptop and quickly transferred the horrible scene of the sky fortress killing the Russian army.

Andre looked at the horrible sky fortress, his face was dark and sullen: "The **** paradise of the gods, they concealed this information. We were jealous of their **** Germany." (To be continued.

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