God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 986: Confession of the tsar!

The 186th chapter of the confession of the tsar!

Shano asked Andre respectfully: "Your Majesty, what should we do next?"

Andre closed his eyes, leaning back on the sofa, ten fingers gently point the arm of the sofa, whispered to himself: "Novosibirsk is not able to stay here... that guy just sent out The Pioneer Force has already caused us to suffer heavy casualties. When its main force arrives, we will only have one way."

Suddenly, Andre opened his eyes and asked Sharon: "How about the outer Mongolia?"

Andre has been fighting at the forefront these days, and he has been continually dispatching troops to fight against the zombies' attacks. He is already exhausted and has a lax grasp of the outside intelligence.

Shanuo Road: "We have established a solid base in the outer Mongolia. The base is working well and the defense system is being established."

Andrea closed his eyes and silenced for a long time. He finally said slowly: "Through my orders, Grugau was immediately ready to retreat. Ten days later, he gave up Novosibirsk and moved to Mongolia."

Shanuo was shocked and his voice trembled: "Your Majesty, do you really want to give up Novosibirsk? If we retreat to Mongolia, it will be difficult for us to recover our country."

Outer Mongolia is a relatively backward country, and its technological level and industrial base are far less than Russia. If the Russian Empire retreated to Outer Mongolia, they lost a heavy industrial city and lost hope of regaining Russia.

The reason why the **** of heaven can quickly create super-technical weapons such as Thunder fighters, and can use a large amount of weapons and equipment to support the forces everywhere, because they can recover a few heavy industrial cities in the first time, they can continue to produce. A large amount of weapons and equipment, in the battle with the zombies to prevail.

In China, Yue Zhong also captured several heavy industry cities. After absorbing a large number of scientific and technological talents, it was able to create super-technical weapons such as Sky Fortress and Laser Cannon.

Once the Russian Empire retired to Outer Mongolia, they would have difficulty recovering Russia. It is very difficult to rebuild the bases of various heavy industries.

Although the Russian Empire relies on the legacy of Russia to maintain strong military force, as the fighting continues, weapons and ammunition will eventually be exhausted, and their fighting power will be reduced with constant fighting. It is because of this that they sent the expeditionary army, hoping to capture the heavy industry base of the Huaxia state.

Andrei said: "Today's battle, we have 3,000 soldiers killed, two thousand residents infected with viruses, turned into zombies. Plus the 20,000 elites lost by the expeditionary army. We are currently only six Wan Jing Rui Warrior. If that guy takes the main force and comes to attack us, with our current strength, we can only hold for 10 days at most. Shano, we can only hope if we live."

Super Wisdom Zombies is extremely horrible. At the beginning of the Huaxia Guotianjing, Fengbo and other super-wisdom zombies gathered more than 10 million-scale zombies, forcing Yue Zhong to use nuclear bombs to destroy them.

Andrei had no luck and did not control Russia’s nuclear bomb silos. At this time, Russia's super evolutionary zombies drove to Novosibirsk.

Once the Russian zombie king controls the zombies of Russia, he only needs to mobilize a four-million-year-old corpse to be able to smash All Andre.

Andre’s eyes flashed in the cold, and swearing: "And, those **** German cockroaches dare to play us. Then let them fend off the guy's corps."

Shanuo wondered: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, will the next military wing of Helu will point to Europe?"

Helu is the king of zombies in Russia, and it is also a nightmare for Russia. His Majesty has more than 10 million zombies, almost invincible.

In the battle with Helu, Andre initially relied on a strong firepower advantage to occupy a slight advantage. However, it is now completely at a disadvantage, and it is no longer an opponent of Helu.

Andre’s eyes flashed with a different light. “Yes. After we left Novosibirsk, there is no human being in this area. It has to replenish its forces and expand its power. The best direction is Europe. With its current wisdom, it will definitely choose to move to Europe. Because of its goal, it should now be to expand its own power and eventually become the real king of zombies."

The Russian population and major cities are concentrated in this region of Eastern Europe, and on the east are large areas of snow and ice, sparsely populated. The best way for the wisdom zombies to replenish their troops as soon as possible is to move in the direction of Europe.

After the constant evolution of Helu, its wisdom is even stronger than many human beings, and naturally understands which direction should be extended.

Suno understood the meaning of Andre: "Yes!"

Andrea was silent for a while, adding: "Let Alexei visit Yue Zhong and discuss with them the prisoners."

Shanuo is somewhat worried: "Your Majesty, Yue Zhong is very difficult to deal with, I am afraid that he will not release our prisoners as simple as that."

Andrea said: "No, he will promise to release our prisoners. As long as we recognize that Yue Zhong is the real government of China, and then form an alliance with them, they should agree."

Shanuo Gongsheng responded with a sentence, turned and retired and said: "Yes!"

Shortly after Shano’s departure, Andre’s right hand slammed on the table next to it, and a loud bang, the table was blown up, and his face was full of anger, as if an injured beast Generally roaring: "Damn German cockroach, **** Yue Zhong. Really should not listen to those **** German cockroaches, really damn, beast, 婊. Son."

The 20,000 expeditionary army was completely annihilated, and Andrea’s heart was filled with anger, and the power was lost. The power of the Russian Empire would be greatly weakened. Just in front of Shano, he must remain calm. In fact, his heart has long been angry and regretted to the extreme.

After a long mad madness, Andrei regained his calmness, closed his eyes and fell on the sofa, and fell asleep.

Europe, the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Presbyterian Church once again fell into controversy and confusion.

"Yue Zhong, he is back. He is back from the second world."

"Those robots are the technological crystallization of the second world. No, those rh2 main battle robots are indeed the products of the second world. But what are the combat robots that can use the energy shield? Too scary, that kind of robot can Fight against an army. Oh, God, why are these robots in the hands of the barbarian?"

"This monster, God, its body length is more than two kilometers. This is a fifth-order mutant beast. From the appearance, this is Liang Long, this is the fifth-order mutant Liang Long. It is terrible, he is actually taming. The fifth-order mutant beast."

"A person who has destroyed an army, has he evolved to this point? It is terrible."

"No, the horrible thing is not his own strength, but his summoned beast. His summoned beasts are too powerful."


In the center of the Presbyterian conference hall, a projector showed the images they had obtained through the spy, and watched the cards that were revealed by Yue Zhongzhan. Everyone changed their face and talked.

When Yue Zhongyi returned to the earth, he was almost crushed by the power of one person, crushing the three-way army attack of the Heavenly Kingdom of God, which greatly shocked the Heavenly Kingdom Presbyterian Church.

"How to do?"

A elder said: "Negotiation. With peace talks with him, the door to **** has been opened, the second world of vampires, cannibals will enter our planet. Now is the time when all the earth people must unite, as long as he has the big picture The view will definitely be with us."

Another elder said: "No, I don't think we need to pay any attention to him. The gates of **** have been opened, and the vampires and cannibals have entered our world. Our current priority is to build the European Common Defense Front. We are too far away, when the sea has been blocked, they can't give us any support. We just need to ignore him."

"Yes, I also think that we don't have to pay attention to him."

"There are so many people in China, and the number of zombies is more than one billion. He can't give us any help. We won't have any problems as long as we don't attack him."

"He has a lot of advanced technology in his hands. If we form an alliance with him, we will be able to get a lot of technology in his hands."

"Those technologies, Edwards have also brought them back. We don't need them at all."

Edward is the first apostle of the Kingdom of Heaven and the strongest evolver of the Kingdom of Heaven. Before the end of the world ~www.readwn.com~ Edward is a person with super powers. Before the end of the world, his super powers were not too strong. After the end of the world, he became the natural awakening evolution of the five attributes after he awakened. His super powers before the end of the world also gained metamorphosis and became the strongest existence in the heavenly kingdom.

The twelve apostles of the Kingdom of Heaven are all geniuses in genius, and the evolvers of natural awakening are not convinced. But all the apostles acknowledge that Edward is the strongest of them.

Unless the eight apostles join forces, they will only have a dead end when they face Edward.

After the opening of the Second World, the twelve apostles of the Kingdom of Heaven entered the Second World one by one.

After the Second World was closed, the twelve apostles of the Kingdom of Heaven returned eight, and four died in the Second World. But the eight apostles who came back from the second world all had the power of terror, and the weakest apostle also had the fourth-order power.

And the apostle Edward, who is headed, has won great adventures and brought back the power of many second world technologies and even the other world to the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, the **** of heaven has the refusal to refuse and Yue. Re-alignment. (To be continued.

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