Nathan Blackrose finds himself just on the verge of enacting his revenge. After years of devotion and suffering to build his company from the ground up, he was betrayed by his "friends" and co-founders. They were going to launch the product of his geni
Nathan Blackrose finds himself just on the verge of enacting his revenge. After years of devotion and suffering to build his company from the ground up, he was betrayed by his "friends" and co-founders. They were going to launch the product of his genius, the world's first VRMMORPG, as their own. Several years and countless hours have passed since his exile. His entire existence has been...
- 1 1 C1 - Bleak Beginnings
- 2 2 C2 - M.C.H Mental Connection Helme
- 3 3 C3 - Transported to my world
- 4 4 C4 - System Menu and revoked privileges
- 5 5 C5 - Lost Hope
- 6 6 C6 - My First Power Word
- 7 7 C7 - Impossible Sho
- 8 8 C8 - Total Victory
- 9 9 C9 - Unexpected Friends
- 10 10 C10 - Uneasy Union
- 11 11 C11 - Group's Reunited
- 12 12 C12 - Legends of the Eira
- 13 13 C13 - Fertility's Growth
- 14 14 C14 - The Valley
- 15 15 C15 - Climbing To The Source
- 16 16 C16 Ancient Water Temple
- 17 17 C17 My Luck Will Shine!
- 18 18 C18 No Luck Required.
- 19 19 C19 Mistakes Made
- 20 20 C20 Let The Water Flow
- 21 21 C21 Auryn's New Gif
- 22 22 C22 The Fruit Tree and The Flying Fish
- 23 23 C23 The Fool Falls Fas
- 24 24 C24 War Of Words
- 25 25 C25 Time Visits
- 26 26 C26 Look to the Future.
- 27 27 C27 Expanding Her Power
- 28 28 C28 Never Look Back
- 29 29 C29 The Valley Blooms with gold.
- 30 30 C30 The Valley of Miracles
- 31 31 C31 Planning for the Future.
- 32 32 C32 Setting Ou
- 33 33 C33 The Corrupted City
- 34 34 C34 Four Companions
- 35 35 C35 Ticking Time Bomb
- 36 36 C36 Friendship and Planning
- 37 37 C37 Deep Divine Friends
- 38 38 C38 Frozen In Time
- 39 39 C39 Unjust Ending
- 40 40 C40 Marching Tides
- 41 41 C41 Ten Floors Of Insanity
- 42 42 C42 Lurking In Darkness
- 43 43 C43 Facing Death
- 44 44 C44 Impossible Future
- 45 45 C45 Heart of Death
- 46 46 C46 The Encroaching Sands
- 47 47 C47 The Town of Baski
- 48 48 C48 Crimson Hot-springs
- 49 49 C49 Inside the Den
- 50 50 C50 Old Acquaintances
- 51 51 C51 Dark Offer
- 52 52 C52 What Lurks Below
- 53 53 C53 Ratmen Hollows
- 54 54 C54 Descending Depths
- 55 55 C55 Into the Caves
- 56 56 C56 Fleeing from Madness
- 57 57 C57 Fighting the Parasite
- 58 58 C58 Thousand Light Hope
- 59 59 C59 Time and Attendance
- 60 60 C60 Budding Business
- 61 61 C61 Hot springs Adventure.
- 62 62 C62 Emptiness
- 63 63 C63 Two for the price of one.
- 64 64 C64 We Plan At Dawn
- 65 65 C65 Racing Against the Dawn
- 66 66 C66 Sanctuary Growth
- 67 67 C67 Splitting Up
- 68 68 C68 The Future
- 69 69 C69 Old Wounds
- 70 70 C70 Dark Skies
- 71 71 Annoucment and Thanks
- 72 72 C71 Blushing Summer Day
- 73 73 C72 Celebrating Summer
- 74 74 C73 Inner Struggles
- 75 75 C74 War of Words
- 76 76 C75 Sengi Situation
- 77 77 C76 Testing Truths
- 78 78 C77 Eye Avoidance
- 79 79 C78 Proof Of Fertility
- 80 80 C79 Into the town of Sengi
- 81 81 C80 Full Bloom
- 82 82 C81 To the Inner City, The Council Awaits.
- 83 83 C82 Council Debate
- 84 84 C83 Senoa or Bus
- 85 85 C84 Choices Made
- 86 86 C85 Nees to Know Basis
- 87 87 C86 Divine Faith
- 88 88 C87 Cannibalizing a Goddess
- 89 89 C88 Leader of the Outcas
- 90 90 C89 Entering Into West Senoa
- 91 91 C90 Making an Entrance
- 92 92 C91 Never Test Fate
- 93 93 C92 The Kind Pries
- 94 94 C93 Kindness Returned.
- 95 95 C94 The Orphanage
- 96 96 C95 Time Returned
- 97 97 C96 The Journey
- 98 98 C97 The Devours
- 99 99 C98 Extinction and Exile
- 100 100 C99 Talking to the Pas
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