August 8.

Sucheng Industrial Park.

Chen Yu took Professor Li Shengyi, Tang Hua, President of Xiaguo Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and project team students Ding Fan and Huo Ting to visit the newly established Huanyu Agriculture Co., Ltd.

Media reporters accompanied and filmed.

In the company, brand-new R&D buildings and new factories rose from the ground and stood majestically.

Looking around, it was shocking.

Chen Yu introduced to everyone:”Everyone, Huanyu Agriculture Co., Ltd., covering an area of 5 square kilometers, is an enterprise based on agricultural technology.

The company has 8 high-rise administrative office buildings, 24 independent factories, and hundreds of laboratories in the agricultural field.

The company’s supporting resources are very complete.

It is currently mainly responsible for the production of sub-nano fertilizers, sub-nano pesticides, and sub-nano feeds.”

As early as when he went to Jinling University as a part-time professor.

Chen Yu had already begun to prepare for the relevant matters of Huanyu Agriculture Co., Ltd.

With the blessing of the god-level teacher system.

He is very confident in developing epoch-making agricultural technology products.

Because of this.

After the Spring Festival.

Chen Yu found Xiaguo Construction Group Co., Ltd. to build Huanyu Agriculture Company.

After half a year, the company has been built.

The outside world does not know about this.

It is mainly because he did a good job of keeping it secret.

Li Shengyi, Tang Hua and others praised the new administrative building and laboratory.

They asked at the same time:”Academician Chen, Huanyu Agriculture Co., Ltd. is so large, the total investment should be over 10 billion, right?”

“That’s right!”

Chen Yu smiled and nodded,”The total investment in Huanyu Agriculture has exceeded 20 billion yuan, and I plan to invest an additional 30 billion yuan in the future for the company’s daily operations and laboratory expenses.”


Everyone present couldn’t help but gasp when they heard this.

A total investment of 50 billion yuan?!

This is too much!

Of course, considering that Chen Yu is the richest man in the world.

They also felt that spending 50 billion to set up an agricultural company didn’t seem to be a big deal.



Everyone walked and talked.

Soon, they found that in the middle of the four buildings, there was an open-air farmland of 10 acres.

The seedlings in the farmland grew very lush.

It was obvious that a lot of sub-nano fertilizers and pesticides were used.

If they are used all the time.

It is estimated that in another week, the 10 acres of rice fields will be harvested.

It is worth mentioning that in the center of the 10 acres of rice fields, there is a 5-meter-long rectangular pole, which is a bit like a street lamp.

Chen Yu introduced:”This farmland is a demonstration test field of our Universal Co., Ltd.

You should have seen this pole, right?

It is the latest Universal meteorological device developed by me and the students of the research group. It has a very high technological content.”


Tang Hua, president of the Xiaguo Academy of Agricultural Sciences, immediately became interested:”Academician Chen, can you tell me in detail?”

Chen Yu nodded and said,”As we all know, agriculture depends on the weather.

Once the climate is bad, it will lead to reduced agricultural production or no harvest.

For this reason, the students in my research group and I brainstormed and developed this device.

The Universal Meteorological Device has dozens of functions such as environmental detection, lighting street lamps, intelligent lighting system, intelligent air pressure system, intelligent wind system, intelligent irrigation system, fog forest system, video surveillance, unmanned automatic airport, constant temperature and humidity, etc.

If the weather is very dry, it will start the intelligent irrigation system to keep the farmland around it hydrated.

If the weather temperature is very high, it will start the fog forest system, spraying water mist for 1 minute every 15 minutes to keep the rice fields cool.

If the weather temperature is very low, it will start the heating system to keep the rice fields in a suitable growth environment at all times.

If it rains continuously.

Then it will spray aerosol particles into the air, allowing these particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei, resulting in an increase in the number of cloud droplets but a decrease in the volume of each droplet, thereby reducing the possibility of raindrops growing to a degree large enough to fall.

The Universal Meteorological Device cannot really change the weather, but it can still change the weather of the surrounding 10 acres.

At the same time, it will also start the intelligent lighting system and the constant temperature and humidity system to simulate sunlight and heat up the area around the rice fields.

There is a drone inside it.

When necessary, it can automatically fly outside to spread pesticides or fertilizers.

There is a weeding robot at the bottom of it.

When necessary, it can automatically come to the rice field to remove various weeds.

After relevant tests.

The Universal Meteorological Device can solve most meteorological disasters, thereby maximizing the growth of rice fields!”

After the words fell, everyone nodded in admiration. There are many types of weather.

There are showers, snow, sleet, hail, dew, frost, fog, thunderstorms, haze, sandstorms, blowing sand, dust, typhoons, tornadoes, etc.

The Universal Meteorological Device can isolate most natural disasters, which is already very powerful!

If the device can be popularized throughout the country, even if a large-scale natural disaster occurs, the loss of crops will be minimized.

This is a real good thing!



Chen Yu led everyone to a large factory.

The factory was extremely spacious, with hundreds of magnetorheological polishers and ion beam polishers placed inside.

Chen Yu looked at Li Shengyi and raised his hand and said,”Professor Li, please introduce them to everyone.”

Li Shengyi nodded.

He looked at the large equipment on the left and said,”The machine you see is 3 meters long, 2.5 meters wide and 2.8 meters high. It is a magnetorheological polisher.

Its total weight is up to 6 tons. It is the latest product developed by our precision engineering project of the National University of Defense Technology.

Although it is not impressive, one machine costs 10 million yuan!

Magnetorheological polishing, as a key technology for high-precision surface treatment, has been widely used in high-end manufacturing fields such as optics, semiconductors, medical devices and aerospace.

Its unique processing advantages, such as no sub-surface damage layer, controllable polishing rate and applicability to a variety of materials, make it an indispensable part of precision manufacturing.

This magnetorheological polishing machine can perform sub-nanometer processing accuracy and achieve ultra-high precision processing of surface shape RMS 1 nanometer.”

After that.

Li Shengyi looked at the large equipment on the right and said,”This machine you see is 3.8 meters long, 3.2 meters wide and 2.6 meters high. It is an ion beam polisher. It weighs up to 9 tons and is also the latest product developed by our precision engineering project of the National University of Defense Technology.

This equipment also costs 10 million yuan! The ion beam polisher uses an ion beam to grind the surface of the sample at high speed.

During the polishing process

, the ion beam accelerates and focuses the ions ejected from the ion source, and then generates plasma by injecting gas. These charged gas ions will collide with the surface of the sample and remove surface impurities and dust.

After polishing, the surface of the sample will become smoother and can even reach a sub-nanometer finish.

At present, ion beam polishers are mainly used in material preparation, electronic device manufacturing, microelectronics, optical devices, solar cells and other fields.” As soon as these words came out, the scene was a little quiet.

Everyone looked around.

They found that there were at least hundreds of magnetorheological polishers and hundreds of ion beam polishers in the spacious workshop.

Calculated at 10 million yuan per machine.

200 ultra-high precision polishing machines, the total price reaches an exaggerated 2 billion yuan!

Li Shengyi continued:”At present, our National Defense University Precision Engineering Team has delivered 100 magnetorheological polishing machines and 100 ion beam polishers to Huanyu Agriculture Co., Ltd.

And the order we previously received was 500 magnetorheological polishing machines and 500 ion beam polishing machines.

The total order amount reached 10 billion yuan!

The remaining machines, our team will deliver them in the future.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tang Hua, the president of the Xiaguo Academy of Agricultural Sciences, saw these machines that can produce sub-nano pesticides, sub-nano feeds, and sub-nano fertilizers, and his eyes lit up.

After looking at them for a while, he joked:”Professor Li, Academician Chen has reached a 10 billion order with you, why don’t you give a discount?”

“I really can’t give this……”

Li Shengyi said truthfully:”Ordinary magnetorheological polishers and ion beam polishers can be manufactured by companies outside.

But this kind of sub-nanometer scale can only be produced by our precision engineering team.

People from all walks of life think that we manufacture it alone.

In fact, it is not!

To be precise, it was developed by the precision engineering team of the National University of Defense Technology, the Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, the Xiaguo Aerospace Science and Technology Group, the Xiaguo Aviation Industry Group and other companies. There are many interests involved.

The price we can give Academician Chen for one unit is 10 million yuan, which is already a conscience price and a friendly price.

After all, this thing is a priceless existence in China!”

“What about foreign ones?”

Tang Hua asked.

Hearing this, Li Shengyi smiled and said,”Dean Tang, if you can have foreign channels, I will buy as many polishing machines of this level as you have!”

Tang Hua frowned and said,”From what you said, it seems that the prices abroad are more expensive?”[]

“That’s right!”

Li Shengyi nodded and said,”On the one hand, foreign ones are more expensive, the price is several times higher.

On the other hand, countries around the world attach great importance to this thing, which is a strategic resource.

It will not be exported to our Xia country.”

“So that’s it!”

Tang Hua nodded in sudden realization.

Now it seems that the most precise magnetorheological polishers and ion beam polishers are equivalent to photolithography machines.

Western countries don’t sell them to Xiaguo at all.

Tang Hua looked at Chen Yu and asked,”Academician Chen, with 200 polishing machines working at full capacity, how many sub-nano fertilizers, pesticides, and feeds can be produced in a day?”

He saw a lot of news.

Every time the news said that large-scale production is not possible at this stage.

But the media reporters don’t know exactly how much can be produced every day.

Chen Yu said bluntly:”Whether it is sub-nano fertilizers or pesticides and feeds, a machine can only produce 1 catty in 1 minute.

If you do a simple calculation.

1 machine can produce jin in 1 hour.

1 machine can produce 720 catties in 12 hours.

This kind of high-precision equipment needs maintenance every day and cannot work at super-intensity.

Therefore, the maximum amount per day is 0 catties.

200 machines, that’s 14.

4 catties!

” Tang Hua asked again:”14.

4 catties, is it a lot or a little?

“Very little!”

Chen Yu did not hide it and said truthfully:”Let me take rice as an example.

One mu of rice requires one catty of sub-nano fertilizer and one catty of sub-nano pesticide every day.

If you want it to mature in 10 days, you need 20 catties.

144,000 catties is equivalent to harvesting 7,200 mu of rice fields once, which is equivalent to 864 catties of rice.”

“That’s too little!”

Tang Hua did some calculations in his mind.

Last year, the amount of rice imported by Xiaguo was 3.377 million tons.

If converted into rice, it is 4.824 million tons, equivalent to 9.648 billion catties.

The use of sub-nano fertilizers and pesticides can only produce 3.153 billion catties of rice a year.

It can only reach one-third of the amount of imported rice… even in the future.

300 polishing machines, all put into use, can at most cover the gap in the country’s imported rice.

This is only the production of pesticides and fertilizers.

Without producing any feed!

Academician Chen is right!

It is indeed impossible to mass-produce sub-nano pesticides and fertilizers for the time being.

Chen Yu saw Tang Hua’s thoughts and said bluntly:”President Tang, the current production is indeed not keeping up, but our company will purchase more ultra-high precision polishing machines in the future. If

500 polishing machines are not enough, buy 5,000.

If 5,000 polishing machines are not enough, buy 50,000!

As long as there are more production equipment.

The output of sub-nano pesticides, fertilizers, and feed will be more.”

“That’s the truth!”

Tang Hua nodded in agreement.



Everyone continued to visit Universal Agriculture Co., Ltd.

There are hundreds of laboratories in the agricultural field in the company.

The Universal Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Laboratory, the Universal Shennong Seed Industry Laboratory, the Universal Crop Genetic Resources and Germplasm Creation Key Laboratory, the Universal Wheat Biology and Genetic Breeding Key Laboratory, the Universal Agricultural Product Processing Key Laboratory, the Universal Modern Agricultural Equipment Key Laboratory, the Universal Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Key Laboratory, the Universal Animal Nutrition and Feed Science Key Laboratory, the Universal Agricultural Remote Sensing Key Laboratory, etc.

, are varied and all-encompassing.

Seeing so many laboratories.

It is clear without thinking.

In the future, Universal Agriculture Co., Ltd. will definitely produce a large number of agricultural innovation results and help Xiaguo become an agricultural power.

Finally, the group came to the company square and held a grand and grand opening ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The media reporters kept flashing their flashlights and took pictures of this scene.


When the news was broadcast, netizens were discussing it.

“WTF?! The richest man Chen now owns another large enterprise!”

“Awesome! In the future, Universal Agriculture will probably make a lot of money just by producing sub-nano agricultural products!”

“That’s right! But you should have also seen that the initial investment of Huanyu Agriculture is also an astronomical figure!”

“I only knew about sub-nano fertilizers, pesticides, and feeds, and the production was very small. I didn’t expect it to be so small.……”

“Don’t worry! After Universal Agriculture Co., Ltd. purchases more ultra-high precision polishing machines, it will definitely generate a large amount of sub-nano agricultural products!”

“We just need to wait patiently! When the production increases in the future, all farmers across the country will have the opportunity to use these epoch-making agricultural products!”

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