Jinling, Xinhua Daily.

Omnimedia Center.

In the editor-in-chief’s office.

Dong Jian is scolding the young man standing in front of him.

“Wu Yao, look at yourself, what are you reporting all day long?”

“You keep shooting trivial news all day long. How can we publish them in the integrated media center?”

“Of course, we don’t necessarily require breaking news, but you should at least maintain positive energy, right?”

“I know you are still an intern reporter, but you also need to understand the difficulties of our Omnimedia Center.”

“The advent of mobile Internet has brought great impact to all newspapers. For this reason, even our Xinhua Daily must transform.”

“The Omnimedia Center was established not long ago, and it is time to make achievements. We must report breaking news at this time. Do you understand what I mean?”

After hearing the editor-in-chief’s words,

Wu Yao nodded quickly:”Editor-in-chief Dong, I understand!”

The advent of the new media and mobile Internet era has made life more and more difficult for traditional media.

In the past two years, many newspapers have been delisted.

For example, Yanjing’s”Jingbao”.

For example, Shanghai’s”Tiantian Xinbao”.

For example, Jibei Province’s”Miscellaneous Essays”. For example, Shanghai’s”Real Estate Times”.

For example, Shanghai’s”News Evening News” of Shanghai Newspaper Group.》

As a nationally renowned newspaper, Xinhua Daily will not be delisted, but its sales volume will definitely be affected.

《Xinhua Daily was forced to transform in order to complete the interactive integration and innovation of traditional media and new media in the field of news information dissemination where the competition is fierce.

The newspaper has added hundreds of terminal media such as mobile clients, public accounts, Weibo accounts, live broadcast accounts, short video accounts, community accounts, and mobile newspapers.

The omnimedia center is responsible for analyzing and capturing real-time hot information, tracking the source and development of hot spots, perceiving the trend of hot changes in real time, and better completing the topic planning.

Thus, the news report will be broadcast on all terminal media of Xinhua Daily.

After being reprimanded by the editor-in-chief.

Wu Yao understood what kind of news he should report next!

Not to mention heavy news.

At least it should be a hot topic of social concern.

Dong Jian took a sip of water and said,”Xiao Wu, you are a top student who graduated from the journalism major of Jinling University. There must be no problem with your ability.

I hope you can continue to work hard and don’t let me down!

Of course, if you really can’t adapt.

I can only transfer you away from the omnimedia center.

There are so many departments in the newspaper, and there must be a place for you to display your talents.”

Wu Yao was shocked and said quickly:”Editor-in-chief, rest assured, I will definitely work hard!”

“Go get busy!”

Dong Jian waved his hand and said,”Before choosing a news topic, think about it carefully.”


After leaving the office,

Wu Yao looked solemn.

He came from a small county town in the 18th tier. With his own efforts, he was finally admitted to Jinling University, a top-tier university in the country.

After graduation,

Wu Yao became an intern reporter for Xinhua Daily.

As long as he becomes a regular employee, he will be able to gain a foothold in Jinling, the provincial capital.

The Omnimedia Center was established only a short time ago, and there is a lot of room for advancement.

If he is transferred to other departments, he will basically lose the opportunity for promotion.

Therefore, he must not lose his job at the Omnimedia Center!

With this thought,

Wu Yao took a deep breath and suppressed the negative emotions that he had just felt from being scolded by the editor-in-chief.


After work,

Wu Yao called his friend Ding Fan.

He asked,”Ding Fan, are you in Jinling? I want to meet you for a drink tonight?””

“What a coincidence, I’m in Suzhou!”

On the other end of the phone,

Ding Fan said apologetically,”Ayao, I’m very busy with scientific research projects recently and I really can’t get away.

How about next week, I’ll treat you to a drink!”

He is a doctor from the Agricultural College of Jinling University.

Although he is not in the same major as Wu Yao, they often play basketball at school.

Over the years, the two have become close friends who can talk about anything.

“”Okay then!”

Wu Yao nodded in understanding.

This is the downside of leaving school.

Sometimes when you want to find someone to drink with, you have to calculate the other person’s time.

Ding Fan asked with concern:”Ayao, I see that you are not in a good mood, what’s wrong with you?”


Wu Yao originally wanted to meet and talk to Ding Fan.

But he was too depressed.

In the end, he told Ding Fan the whole story over the phone.

After finding out the whole story,

Ding Fan said directly:”I can help you with this matter!”

“How can I help?”

Wu Yao was a little confused.

One of them was a newspaper reporter, and the other was a scientific researcher in the agricultural field. They were in different industries.

How could his good friend help?

Ding Fan smiled and said,”My research group is about to make a big news that will shock the agricultural industry.

It just so happens that you need breaking news.

I might as well give you this overwhelming wealth!”

Breaking news?

Abundant wealth?

Wu Yao was slightly stunned.

Soon, he said excitedly,”Ding Fan, wait for me, I will buy a high-speed rail ticket from Jinling to Sucheng and come to see you overnight!”

“What tickets do you want to buy?”

Ding Fan continued,”Tonight at 19:00, one of my junior students will drive back to Suzhou from Jinling University.

I’ll tell him to take you back to Suzhou.

If it’s fast, you can arrive at 22:30.

I’ll treat you two to a midnight snack!””

“OK, let’s meet in Sucheng tonight!”

Wu Yao nodded excitedly.


After hanging up the phone, he immediately took action. He first applied to the editor-in-chief Dong Jian, saying that he wanted to go to Suzhou for an interview.

Then, Wu Yao went back to pack his things.

In addition to his personal clothes, he also had to bring various equipment for shooting news.

After everything was ready,

Ding Fan’s junior also came to the entrance of Xinhua Daily and drove Wu Yao to Suzhou.


Five days later.

Inside the all-media center.

Editor-in-chief Dong Jian looked at Wu Yao, who had rushed back from Suzhou, with a solemn expression.

He asked,”Is your report all true? Have you investigated and collected evidence? It’s not a headline party, is it?”

Wu Yao said seriously,”Editor-in-chief, don’t worry. In addition to text reports, I also have videos, which can fully guarantee the authenticity of the news!”

Hearing this,

Dong Jian nodded.

Because the content of this report is so shocking.

If it were just a text report, it would look a lot paler.

Fortunately, Wu Yao had already prepared the video.

He spent some time watching the video in detail.

He couldn’t help but nodded with satisfaction.

Dong Jian smiled and said,”Wu Yao, you did a great job. I would like to congratulate you on your regularization in advance!”

“Thank you, editor-in-chief!”

Wu Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief while thanking him.

Good luck and help from heaven!

It must be said.

This time, his good friend Ding Fan really helped a lot!


July 30th.

An ordinary day.

On the hot search list, there was a storm.

There was no celebrity cheating in the entertainment industry, and there was no major news worth paying attention to.

However… at this time

《A report in the Xinhua Daily,”Sub-nano feed comes out, Xiaguo’s breeding industry takes off”, suddenly set off the Internet and topped the hot search list.

With curiosity, countless people began to pay attention to this news report.

The report has text and video.

The text content mentioned that

Academician Chen Yu’s nano feed research group has developed a magical feed called sub-nano feed.

This feed is similar to the sub-nano fertilizers and pesticides that were previously popular on the Internet.

Sub-nano fertilizers and pesticides can increase the yield of crops by ten times and the growth rate by ten times.

Sub-nano feed can increase the growth rate of chickens, ducks, fish, meat, pigs, cattle and sheep by ten times. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For example, ordinary pigs need 6 months to grow up and mature, and after taking sub-nano feed, they can grow up and mature in just 18 days.

For example, ordinary beef cattle need 12 to 18 months to grow up and mature, and after taking sub-nano feed, they can grow up and mature in 36 days.

For example, freshwater perch takes one year to grow and mature, but after taking sub-nano feed, it only takes 36 days to grow and mature.

There is a one-hour video as evidence.

At the beginning of the video.

Feng Tao, a fish pond farmer in Qingfeng Village, Sucheng, is organizing villagers to pull nets to catch fish.

“”Fish caught!”

With an excited shout, the big net was pulled up, and the lively perch hit the net vigorously.

Each perch is 30 to 40 centimeters long and weighs 1.5 kilograms. It has thick back meat, a long and high tail stalk, and is covered with gray, silver or light yellow fine scales, shining in the sun.

Water birds are flying around, pecking at the small fish that have jumped out…

The scene of a good harvest is being staged in the fish pond.

The freshwater perch that has just been caught is directly loaded onto trucks and sent to the aquatic product market.

Feng Tao did not load the truck himself.

The fishmongers in Suzhou were in charge of the special truck.[]

They weighed the fish on the spot and settled the bill immediately based on the weight of the perch.

After the payment and delivery, a car drove away.

The next fishmonger began to weigh and then settled with Feng Tao.

From the audience’s perspective,

Feng Tao made money very easily!

The camera switched.

Wu Yao appeared next to Feng Tao and interviewed him.

He asked,”Boss Feng, can you tell me about your personal experience?”

“Of course!”

Feng Tao nodded and said slowly:”With the change of people’s consumption patterns and the change of market conditions, conventional aquaculture is gradually going downhill.

Often we work hard for a year and have almost no income, and some are even losing money.

I have been engaged in conventional aquaculture for 30 years.

But since last year, more and more people like to eat freshwater perch, and the market is very good.

So, I started to think about introducing aquaculture.

I won’t say much about how difficult it is to breed freshwater perch.

As a result, I only farmed 60 mu in the first year and made a net profit of more than 2 million yuan.

Two months ago.

The nano feed research group formed by Academician Chen Yu came to me and said they wanted to conduct a feed test.

I respect Academician Chen Yu very much and agreed immediately.

The 60 mu fish pond was divided into two halves.

One half continued to feed the fish with conventional feed.

The other half fed the perch with sub-nano feed.

As a result… an amazing scene happened.

In just one month.

The perch that took sub-nano feed had grown up and matured, each 30 to 40 cm long and weighing 1.5 kg.

I was stunned at the time.

I thought, what kind of feed is this?

It’s like a magic pill!”

Wu Yao asked:”Boss Feng, have you investigated the reason why these fish grow so fast? Also, have these sea bass been tested?”

Before Feng Tao could answer,

Ding Fan, the leader of the nano-feed research group, appeared on the camera.

He answered for Feng Tao:”The 30 acres of sea bass are still raised in the same way as Boss Feng raised them before, except that the feed is different.

As for the sea bass after they grow up and mature, we have conducted professional tests at relevant institutions.

There is no problem at all!”


The video ends here.

The scene switches again.

Wu Yao and Ding Fan appear in a pig farm in Suzhou.

The environment of this pig farm is very clean and comfortable.

It has functional areas such as breeding houses, farrowing houses, nurseries, and fattening houses.

Pigs live in single rooms, and feeding and cleaning are done with one click.

The automatic environmental control system is equipped with technological facilities such as fans, automatic manure scraping systems, automatic feed line systems, intelligent video monitoring systems, and organic fertilizer fermentation systems.

The pig farm has realized the mechanized and intelligent production of the entire process from feed raw material processing to live pig delivery.

The owner of the pig farm is named Tao Zheng.

At this moment, he thanked Ding Fan excitedly.

“Team leader Ding, thank you very much for choosing to conduct the sub-nano feed trial in our pig farm!”

“In our industry, raising pigs takes half a year, which makes many people shy away from it.”

“Reporter Wu, you may not know that sub-nano feed is really a magical feed!”

“Pigs that used to take half a year to grow to maturity can now be mature and marketed in just 18 days!”

“I have 5,000 pigs in my pig farm. After they were fed with sub-nano feed, they all matured and were marketed, making me a lot of money.”

“All this is thanks to Team Leader Ding! Thanks to the Nano-feed Research Group! Thanks to Academician Chen Yu!”

After the three chatted for a while,

Wu Yao asked,”Boss Tao, can you let me see the surveillance video and pig breeding log of your pig farm?”

“Of course!”

Tao Zheng nodded and took Wu Yao to watch the surveillance video.

Playing it at high speed

, Wu Yao could clearly feel how fast the pigs were growing. They were different every day.

In the breeding diary, he could also clearly see the growth curve of this batch of pigs and various data.



Wu Yao and Ding Fan appeared in the cattle farm again.

Compared with ordinary cattle, cattle taking sub-nano feed grow ten times faster!

At the end of the video,

Wu Yao interviewed:”Team Leader Ding, how did you come up with the idea of ​​using sub-nano feed to feed livestock?”

Ding Fan smiled and responded:”In fact, sub-nano fertilizers, sub-nano pesticides, and sub-nano feed are all the scientific research ideas of Academician Chen Yu.

These projects of the research group were also launched at the same time.

However, due to the early and late time of the experiment, the sub-nano feed has not been exposed on the Internet.

Now the time is ripe.

We should naturally inform all sectors of society.”

Wu Yao asked again:”Team Leader Ding, I know that sub-nano fertilizers and pesticides cannot be put into large-scale production for the time being, what about sub-nano feed?”

“Not at the moment!”

Ding Fan said bluntly:”Due to production issues, sub-nano feed cannot be popularized on a large scale.

Next, we will speed up the growth of sub-nano feed.

We will strive to make sub-nano feed available to farmers across the country as soon as possible!” After the words fell,

Wu Yao concluded to the camera:”Dear audience friends, if the birth of sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides will bring about changes in the planting industry, then sub-nano feed will also bring about earth-shaking changes in the animal husbandry and aquaculture industries!”


On the Internet, all the netizens who watched Wu Yao’s video report were filled with regret.

Ever since Academician Chen Yu became a part-time worker in the agricultural field of Jinling University, the agricultural sector of Xia Country has undergone tremendous changes.

Smart agriculture!

Sub-nano fertilizers!

Sub-nano pesticides!

Sub-nano feed!

Let’s not talk about the others for now.

The breakthroughs in these four agricultural fields alone are enough to make Academician Chen Yu the world’s top agronomist.

Throughout the scientific community, gifted and talented experts and scholars are like a swarm of carp.

But the most dazzling star is still Academician Chen Yu!

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