July 15th.

In the evening.

A residential area in Suzhou.

Guo Zhe was watching”Suzhou News” at home as usual.

In the news screen.

The host reported:”In recent years, new agricultural production models have moved from laboratories to the fields.

From traditional farming that depends on the weather and experience.

To relying on data and technology, to achieve refined management, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and to provide effective solutions to agricultural production problems such as who will farm and how to farm well.

Farmers only need to open the mobile phone APP to view real-time data such as farmland temperature, humidity, insect conditions, soil moisture conditions, etc., and understand the growth of rice.

Similar scenes are becoming more and more common in today’s agricultural production.

Next, please watch the detailed report……”

The camera panned.

Sun Man, a field reporter from Suzhou TV, appeared in Yangjia Village, Wuzhong District.

The rice in the village is growing well and is about to have a bumper harvest.

Next to the rice field.

High-tech equipment such as the automatic collection system for insect monitoring information, crop growth monitoring station, field remote insect catcher, water and fertilizer integrated machine room, reverse osmosis pure water unit, meteorological monitoring station, Internet of Things smart pole, 4G sensor, etc., quietly guard the rice.

These devices can monitor the soil temperature, humidity, light intensity and crop growth of the field, and transmit data to the background once every 2 hours.

Next to Sun Man, a young man about 27 years old appeared.

The young man’s name is Jiang Xing. He is a student of the Agricultural Science and Technology Research Group of the Universal Science Laboratory and a doctor of the Agricultural College of Jinling University.

Sun Man interviewed:”Dr. Jiang, I heard that you call these farmlands in Yangjia Village smart farmlands?

Can you explain it to us?

How smart are smart farmlands?”

Jiang Xing nodded, pointed to a machine about the size of a vertical air conditioner next to the farmland, and introduced:”It is called the automatic collection system for insect monitoring information.

It uses image recognition technology and big data technology to automatically identify more than 40 common types of insect pests and their degree of impact.

The algorithm will analyze the pest and disease data and farmland data in a timely manner, find out the source of pests and diseases, and match them with the preset 500 common pest and disease control strategies one by one.

If the monitored insect situation exceeds the database recognition range.

The members of our research team will negotiate and discuss to solve the problem.

If the insect situation is within the database recognition range.

The background will control the remote insecticide in the field to automatically Insecticide.”

He pointed to the integrated water and fertilizer equipment in the field and introduced:”In the past, farmers tended to over-fertilize, and they basically relied on feeling.

The equipment collects soil data through sensors deep in the land, and combines the characteristics of crop varieties, terrain, etc. to achieve precise quantitative fertilization, saving water, fertilizer, and labor.

When crops need irrigation.

The intelligent irrigation system of the integrated water and fertilizer equipment can accurately control the irrigation amount and time by real-time monitoring of soil moisture, crop growth conditions and climatic conditions, thereby achieving water saving and emission reduction.

This not only helps to protect water resources, but also reduces the impact of agricultural production on the environment.


After we developed the Universal Smart Farmland Management Platform.

These farmlands in Yangjia Village can save more than 50% of agricultural water, more than 30% of fertilizer, and increase farming efficiency by more than 5 times!”

“Technology changes agriculture!”

Sun Man nodded in admiration.

She asked,”Dr. Jiang, where is the backstage you mentioned many times just now?”

Jiang Xing said truthfully,”The backstage I am talking about refers to the data center of the Universal Science Laboratory Agricultural Technology Base.

All data on the farmland will be summarized in real time on the smart farmland management platform of the data center for us to integrate and analyze.

The base relies on the Universal supercomputer.

The data analysis capability is very powerful!”

Sun Man asked again,”In addition to the smart farmland management platform, what other functions does your data center have?”

“That’s too many!”

Jiang Xing smiled and said,”The first function is called Smart Summer Farming!”


The camera panned.

The two appeared in Lijia Village, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City.

The early rice harvest period in Lijia Village is much faster than that in Yangjia Village. The early rice harvest has been completed in the village, and the rice fields have completed the ridge preparation, and the water leveling work.

I saw a rice direct seeding machine shuttling in the rice fields filled with water.

The direct seeding machine does not refer to the network live broadcast equipment, but the farmland machine used for transplanting rice.

The machine consists of a seed box, a seeding device, a seed delivery pipe, a furrowing and covering device, etc. The rice seedlings in the seed box are discharged into the seed delivery pipe by the seeding device, introduced into the seed furrow opened by the furrowing device, and covered by the covering device to complete the direct seeding process.

Jiang Xing introduced:”The equipment in front of us is called an intelligent unmanned rice precision direct seeding machine.

It is equipped with an intelligent navigation system and an intelligent turning system.

After the seeds are installed, they can be sown automatically.

Compared with manual operation.

The intelligent unmanned rice precision direct seeding machine can make sowing more controllable, which not only improves the work efficiency, but also saves a lot of manpower, making agriculture more precise and refined.”

The voice fell.

There was a humming sound accompanied by the rotor.

Sun Man looked up and saw an intelligent drone carrying fertilizer, which quickly took off and hovered over the paddy field, applying fertilizer back and forth.

Wherever the drone passed , the fertilizer was spread into the soil.

Jiang Xing explained:”This is a powerful tool for smart spring farming – an intelligent fertilization drone!

In addition to this equipment, we also have a series of efficient agricultural machinery such as intelligent weeders, intelligent sprayers, unmanned remote-controlled tractors, side deep fertilizer applicators, cruise drones, etc.”

The camera turned again.

The two appeared in an intelligent seedling raising base.

In the base, there are ten new intelligent seedling raising production lines.

Jiang Xing introduced:”As the saying goes, a good seedling is half the harvest, and a good seedling is seven-tenths of the harvest.

Raising seedlings is a key link in rice production.

In the past, the traditional method of raising seedlings required 12 people to work together, and the entire assembly line could only meet the seedling needs of 300 acres of fields in a day.

The intelligent seedling raising assembly line we have newly developed has a full set of production processes such as automatic tray separation, soil covering, watering, sowing, covering, tray stacking, and stacking. A set of processes takes only 10 seconds.

With the help of this intelligent seedling raising assembly line.

Only 2 people are needed to operate it, and 3,600 trays of seedlings can be raised per hour, which can meet the seedling needs of 1,800 acres of fields a day.

The loss rate of traditional manual seedling raising is as high as 10%, that is, 10 trays are lost for every 100 trays.

The mechanized seedling raising assembly line, with its soil screening function, effectively reduces large pieces of soil for raising seedlings, has high sowing accuracy, and evenly distributes seeds, with a loss rate of only about 1%.

This not only reduces labor costs, but also improves the efficiency of seedling raising, injecting new vitality into the modernization and efficiency of agricultural production.”

Hearing this.

Sun Man was amazed.

One assembly line can meet the rice seedling demand of 1,800 mu of farmland in one day.

Ten assembly lines can meet the rice seedling demand of 18,000 mu of farmland in one day.

And the manpower required is only 20 people.

This is incredible!


The camera switched.

The two returned to the data center of the Agricultural Technology Base of the Universal Science Laboratory. Sun Man noticed that there were many flashing red dots on a screen in the data center.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

She asked,”Dr. Jiang, what are these red dots?”

Jiang Xing explained,”This is a digital agricultural supervision service platform.

We cooperate with the Sucheng Agricultural Agency and let them gather all the agricultural machinery on the platform.

Remote monitoring of agricultural machinery operation trajectories, operation content, operation area, and operation quality is achieved.

Each red dot represents an agricultural machine that is working online.

The denser the red dots, the more active the agricultural machinery.”

“”I see!”

Sun Man nodded in sudden realization.

Jiang Xing continued,”All the functions you just saw belong to Smart Xiageng.

Now I’m going to show you the second function of the data center, which is the sky-air-ground stereoscopic observation system.

The Huanyu Science Laboratory has recently added a new large scientific device, Huan.

The full name of Huan is the Earth System Numerical Simulation Device.

In agricultural production, the impact of climate is crucial.

Can we accurately predict climate and food production in advance?

And with the support of Huan’s computing power.

This idea is gradually becoming a reality. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Huanneng can bring the Earth system into the”laboratory” and use numerical values and algorithms to simulate the physical, chemical and ecological processes in the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, vegetation, sea ice and other spheres. Its scale and comprehensive technical level are at the forefront of the world.

We mainly use Huan’s subsystem – the global major agricultural production area food crop drought simulation subsystem.

This subsystem realizes the functions of global near-real-time agricultural land use monitoring, global food crop dynamic simulation and daily yield forecast.

On the global 0.5 degree grid scale.

The real-time simulation and drought prediction accuracy of the three staple food yields of corn, wheat and rice reached more than 80%.

Relying on the large scientific facility Huan and the supercomputer Huanyu.

We launch satellites at high altitudes to provide remote sensing images and intelligent identification Surface features.

We use drones equipped with hyperspectral equipment at low altitudes to diagnose crop growth, pests and diseases in real time.

We use automatic sensors on the ground combined with manual sampling to gain a thorough understanding of the soil’s nitrogen and carbon content, temperature, near-ground light, photosynthesis, and other conditions.

The data collected from observations are accurately connected to the farmland biogeochemical model, and with the help of a series of advanced algorithms, ultra-high-precision simulation of grain yield and farmland carbon emissions is achieved, thereby providing strong support for the optimization of agricultural production. A detailed analysis of Suzhou’s meteorological data and agricultural production data over the years was conducted.

We only need to substitute the real-time monitoring data of a piece of farmland and the current meteorological data to form a forecast of the region’s future grain yield and farmland carbon emissions.”After the words fell,

Sun Man exclaimed in admiration.

If the previous intelligent spring farming equipment such as drones and rice precision direct seeding machines were still within her understanding,[]

The current sky-air-ground three-dimensional observation system has completely exceeded her imagination!

Sun Man asked:”Dr. Jiang, what other functions does Huan have?”

“That’s too many!”

Jiang Xing smiled and said,”It can do a lot of things. It can calculate and simulate the changes in the earth’s weather.

It takes 7 billion people in the world four years to calculate in one second. It only takes 5 seconds to simulate and predict the production fluctuations in the main grain-producing areas of the whole country when drought occurs. It can accurately predict extreme weather events such as strong typhoons, high temperatures, heavy rains, droughts, and cold waves, as well as global climate change.

In short,

Huanneng can perform large-scale numerical calculations to reproduce the earth’s past, simulate the earth’s present, and predict the earth’s future.”

Sun Man asked again,”Wouldn’t it be a waste of talent to use such a national tool for smart agriculture?”


Jiang Xing said with a smile:”Science cannot be just a theory that is put aside. People hope that it can become a helpful helper.

When large scientific devices are closely related to a grain of rice or a bowl of noodles on people’s tables, the power of science and technology can be embodied in front of every ordinary person!”


Seeing this,

Guo Zhe in front of the TV nodded in admiration.

Using the power of science and technology to engage in agricultural production can improve production efficiency and quality.

If all parts of the country can carry out advanced smart agriculture like here, then even if sub-nano fertilizers and pesticides are not suitable for the whole country, the agricultural level of Xiaguo will also usher in a qualitative change!


In the TV screen.

Jiang Xing took Sun Man to visit the third function of the data center – the smart agriculture application demonstration scene.

Inside the Universal Agricultural Technology Experimental Demonstration Base.

It is equipped with greenhouse skirt intelligent control visualization management function.

The base has built more than 10 types of greenhouses such as high-standard solar greenhouses and factory-based smart greenhouses, and has developed and promoted three-dimensional cultivation and soilless cultivation, which can meet the test verification, demonstration and promotion and data collection of various vegetable planting modes.

It is the largest, most greenhouse-type and most technologically advanced vegetable standard test verification in Suzhou.

The base should have hundreds of patented technologies.

The greenhouse adopts an intelligent time-sharing external insulation system, an energy transfer system between greenhouses, field intelligent operation equipment and visualization cloud services to solve the problems of high energy consumption in winter production of smart greenhouses and strong dependence on imports of control systems.

At the same time, high-tech technologies and equipment such as positive pressure filtration, disinfection, temperature regulation and air conditioning integrated environmental control system, efficient intelligent precision water and fertilizer system, and base visualization intelligent control cloud service system are adopted to achieve high standards for the full process cloud hosting and remote intelligent visual control of solar greenhouse vegetable production management.


Inside the Huanyu Nursery, Fruit and Vegetable Demonstration Base, there is an intelligent planting system.

The base relies on the crop growth model, adopts a water-fertilizer integrated precision irrigation system, an advanced energy management system, a pre-control system, an automatic ventilation control system, etc., and realizes the automatic control and intelligent management of flower, vegetable and fruit production through precise environmental control technology.

The products in the Nursery, Fruit and Vegetable Demonstration Base are pollution-free and zero-emission.、AA+Color Standard


Inside the Huanyu Tomato Vegetable Greenhouse.

It is equipped with a 4G tomato planting system

(Li Wanghao) The system has a built-in tomato planting data model.

Environmental data is collected through sensors installed in the planting greenhouse.

Automatic adjustments are made according to the growth needs of tomatoes, realizing the refined management of tomatoes in different growth stages and the automatic control of temperature, light, air, water and fertilizer.


Inside the Huanyu Smart Unmanned Digital Farm.

It is equipped with satellite precision positioning and high-resolution remote sensing technology.

The farm has developed unmanned agricultural machinery, a three-dimensional agricultural perception network, and intelligent decision-making management applications to create a model room for smart agriculture solutions from intelligent agricultural machinery to the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, and then to the digital management of the entire farm.


Inside the Universal Seedling Base.

It is equipped with a seedling intelligent control center.

The base is responsible for the research and development of new seedling technologies, seedling growth models, the application and promotion of digital seedlings, the breeding, screening, and promotion of new varieties, as well as the experimentation, display, and promotion of new greenhouses.

The intelligent healing room, intelligent remote detection system, and digital water and fertilizer monitoring system of the seedling intelligent control center use precision sensors to detect and collect temperature, light, humidity, and gas concentration data in the climate room, and use intelligent control terminals to analyze, calculate, and control, realizing the automation and intelligence of seedling grafting and healing.


At the end of the news, the host concluded:”The agricultural technology research team of the Universal Science Laboratory is skilled in using modern technology to lead the innovation of Suzhou’s agricultural production and tell the exciting melody of agricultural modernization development… Grave”

Seeing this,

Guo Zhe, who was in front of the TV, was filled with emotion.

Let’s not talk about the sub-nano pesticides and fertilizers that made a sensation in the country a few days ago.

The agricultural technology research team formed by Academician Chen Yu has truly combined agriculture and technology perfectly.

It perfectly interprets what true smart agriculture is!

It perfectly interprets what”technology is the primary productive force” means!

Previously, he only thought that Academician Chen was the first in the medical and life science fields.

Now it seems that

Academician Chen is also a top player in the agricultural field!.

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