February 17.

Suzhou University.

Dushu Lake Campus, School of Medicine.

First Clinical College.

Chen Yu strolled around the campus with a book in hand.

Young boys and girls were talking and laughing on the road, full of vigor and vitality.

Seeing these college students,

Chen Yu couldn’t help but sigh that it was great to be young.

He looked at the time and quickened his pace to walk into Class 10 Clinical Medicine (1). Class

10 Clinical Medicine is the abbreviation of the 2010 clinical medicine major.

From 2010 to 2014, these students have entered the second semester of their fifth year.

Compared with ordinary four-year college students, medical students have to study for five years to graduate from undergraduate studies. Class

10 Clinical Medicine is a (5+3 integrated) program, which means a continuous undergraduate and master’s degree program.

During the five-year undergraduate stage, students complete the prescribed courses of the clinical medicine major. Those who pass the exam do not need to take the postgraduate entrance examination and can directly enter the professional degree master’s degree postgraduate education stage connected with the standardized training of resident physicians. The two stages of integrated training are cultivated.

At this moment, there was a lot of noise in the classroom.

Chen Yu walked into the classroom with a calm expression and came to the podium.

Seeing this scene, the students’ attention was focused on Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was tall and wore a black windbreaker, like a model.

Under his black hair was a face with delicate features and a fair complexion, which looked very bookish.

“Wow, this male teacher is so handsome!”

“The new male teacher is so handsome!”

“Liliyuanshangpu! Do you have to be so handsome?”

“Too handsome, right? He is simply a male god!” The girls in the class had no resistance to Chen Yu’s appearance and immediately started to whisper. The boys’ attention was on the other side.

“I heard that the new teacher is a PhD graduate of the 8-year clinical medicine program at Fudan University School of Medicine!”

“WTF?! A bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree program? I heard that the 8-year clinical medicine program has a 100% employment rate after graduation!”

“There are about 220 colleges and universities in China that offer 8-year clinical medicine programs, but only 19 universities offer undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs.”

“Yes! In Suzhou University, the clinical medicine major only offers undergraduate and master’s degree programs, but not undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degree programs.”

“Are you focusing on the wrong thing? The new teacher graduated from Fudan University, a top student in the C9 League!”

“The minimum admission score for the 8-year clinical medicine program at Fudan University School of Medicine is 664 points. Only top students can study for a bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree!”

“Wait… I heard that the new teacher is only 25 years old this year. Doesn’t this mean that he was admitted to Fudan University when he was 17? He is a 25-year-old PhD student!”

“I heard that the new teacher once published a paper in the Lancet. You know, those who can publish papers in the Lancet are all top-notch. If you go to any tertiary hospital, people will treat him as a god!”


While everyone was discussing.

Chen Yu cleared his throat:”Ahem.”

Hearing this, the class instantly fell silent.

He first used chalk to write the words”Chen Yu” on the blackboard.

Then, he turned around and said:”Let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Yu, Erdong Chen, and Yu of the universe.

I graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine of Fudan University School of Medicine with a doctorate degree. I am currently a lecturer at the School of Medicine of Soochow University.

Teacher Xu, who originally taught you”Clinical Surgery”, has gone home for maternity leave due to pregnancy.

So, starting from this semester.

I will be your”Clinical Surgery” teacher, responsible for the teaching of your class.” As soon as the voice fell.

The female students who were chattering just now became even more excited!

Teacher Xu took a good maternity leave!

If she didn’t take maternity leave.

How could their class welcome such a handsome male teacher?

Chen Yu looked around and asked,”Who is the monitor of your class?”

A female student stood up and said,”Teacher Chen, I am Qin Shuang, the monitor of Class 10 Clinical Medicine (1).”

Hearing this, Chen Yu asked,”Student Qin Shuang, where did Teacher Xu teach you about Clinical Surgery?”

Qin Shuang said carefully,”Teacher Xu taught us the general theory and some of the individual theories. We were supposed to learn the individual theories this semester.”

“”Okay, please take a seat.”

Chen Yu nodded, knowing what was going on.

《”Clinical Surgery” is one of the main courses in the clinical medicine major and is studied by fifth-year students.

Due to the large amount of content and the large number of class hours, it takes two semesters to complete the teaching tasks of the entire course.

Teachers usually divide the course into two parts, namely general theory and specific theory.

The general theory mainly describes the basic knowledge, basic theories and basic skills of surgery, allowing undergraduate students majoring in clinical medicine to transition from basic medicine to clinical medicine.

The specific theory mainly discusses the etiology, occurrence, development, pathology, clinical manifestations, auxiliary examinations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention, perioperative management, prognosis judgment, etc. of common surgical diseases to enhance students’ initial clinical practice ability.

Chen Yu said,”Nowadays, the requirements for recruiting doctors in hospitals are getting higher and higher.

County hospitals all require graduate students.

Class 3 general hospitals even require doctoral graduates.

Therefore, all undergraduate students majoring in medicine have to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

You are a clinical medicine major, and you do not need to take the postgraduate entrance examination to study for your bachelor’s and master’s degrees. You have an innate advantage. When you are in your fifth year

, you have to start clinical practice after learning almost all the theories.

I studied at the Medical School of Fudan University for 8 years, with a total of 16 semesters.

The first 5 semesters are the preparatory stage for medicine, which is mainly based on theory.

The next 3 semesters are the basic medicine stage, which is mainly based on theory.

The last 4 semesters are the clinical medicine stage, and I will go to Hospital practice.

The last 4 semesters are for clinical internship and scientific research training.

The 8 months before graduation are for scientific research training courses. Under the guidance of a doctoral supervisor, you must independently complete a scientific research topic and pass the defense. After successfully completing 16 semesters, you can get a graduation certificate, a doctoral degree certificate, a regular training certificate, and a practicing physician certificate, four certificates in one.

This semester, I will teach you”Clinical Surgery” well, so that everyone can master certain clinical practice skills.

If there are any omissions, please forgive me.

As for today’s first class.

I will first take you to review the general introduction of”Clinical Surgery”.

Okay, now start calling the roll!”

“Chen Yao?”


“Wang Qi?”


“Liu Fei?”



Chen Yu’s voice of calling out names echoed throughout the classroom.

As the students called out one after another, he felt very happy.

There were a total of 50 students in the 10th Clinical Medicine (1) class.

Chen Yu was already looking forward to how much knowledge feedback he would get from the students after teaching them this class.

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