Class 10 Clinical Medicine (1).

On the podium.

Chen Yu was giving a lecture to the students.

He spoke without a script and said,”Surgery is the first subject in clinical medicine to come into contact with clinical patients. Therefore, it is a subject that combines basic medicine with clinical practice. It also examines the knowledge of anatomy, pathology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, etc. that has been learned previously. If students want to learn this subject well, they must first master the basic theoretical knowledge and secondly, have hands-on practical skills.

Only by combining theory and practice can we learn surgery well.

Basic theoretical knowledge is the foundation of everything.

There are many knowledge points in medicine that need to be memorized, and this depends entirely on your self-consciousness.

《The general introduction of Clinical Surgery mainly includes 17 chapters, including aseptic technique, fluid and acid-base imbalance of surgical patients, basic principles of clinical treatment of water and electrolytes and acid-base imbalance, blood transfusion, surgical shock, anesthesia, intensive care monitoring and resuscitation, pain treatment, perioperative management, metabolic and nutritional treatment of surgical patients, surgical infection, trauma, tumors, transplantation, etc.

Please follow my thoughts and quickly review these theories.……”

Chen Yu did not read from the textbook.

Instead , he explained the knowledge points to the students in the most simple and easy-to-understand words according to his understanding of”Clinical Surgery”.

At first, the students did not take it seriously.

After all, this kind of theoretical class is very boring.

But soon, they found that Teacher Chen’s class was very interesting, humorous, and full of golden sentences.

Not long after, many students in the class stopped playing with their mobile phones and various small movements and immersed themselves in Chen Yu’s lectures.

They took notes while listening, very seriously, and their eyes were full of desire for knowledge.

Time passed slowly.

When the bell rang, the students realized that a class had passed.

In college, it is usually two small classes that are connected into a large class.

After a simple ten-minute break between classes, Chen Yu continued to teach the students.

At this moment, two middle-aged teachers from the School of Medicine of Soochow University walked in from the back door of the classroom.

One is called Zhao Ting, an associate professor of the School of Medicine.

The other is called Wang Quan, a teaching and research member of the school.

Chen Yu is a new teacher.

It was the first time for Zhao Ting and Wang Quan to attend the class , mainly to observe Chen Yu’s teaching level.

The two found a seat and sat down, without affecting Chen Yu’s teaching.

On the podium.

Chen Yu began to speak:”In the last class, I took everyone to review the theory again.

This class will talk about the sub-theory of”Clinical Surgery”, specifically increased intracranial pressure, brain herniation, and craniocerebral injury.

I need everyone to master the diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment principles of increased intracranial pressure, the clinical manifestations and treatment principles of brain herniation, the clinical manifestations of skull fractures, the clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis of intracranial hematoma.

It sounds like the content is difficult, but it is actually very simple.

You only need to remember a few key points.

First, the consciousness and consciousness of neurosurgery patients directly reflect the intracranial situation.

Therefore, in the hospital, when doctors face neurosurgery patients, they are not afraid of him making a fuss, but they are afraid that he will not say a word.

Second, the breathing of neurosurgery patients is very important.

When the emergency department doctor receives a call and judges that there may be intracranial hypertension, he asks the patient to tilt his head to keep breathing unobstructed.

Some people will not die, and those who will not die can wake up quickly, and those who can wake up quickly can live better.

Third, it is abnormal for a neurosurgery patient to have normal blood pressure.

For patients with craniocerebral injury, their blood pressure should not be normal under stress.

Fourth, the treatment of craniocerebral injury is a long process.

It requires going through five levels and six generals: surgery, survival, waking up, complications, and sequelae.

Re-bleeding, cerebral edema, lung infection, epilepsy, electrolytes, hydrocephalus.

Fifth , there is no minor operation in neurosurgery.

But if you are proficient in anatomy and hemostasis, there is no forbidden area for brain surgery for you.

Sixth, craniocerebral injury is afraid of light, not heavy.

Seventh, craniocerebral injury medication: antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, mannitol, which is commonly known as three dishes and one soup.

Eighth, when the patient has symptoms of cerebral ischemia such as dizziness and vertigo, it is necessary to do angiography or three-dimensional reconstruction of nuclear magnetic resonance from the blood vessels in the neck to the brain.

It cannot be done on only one side, and the common carotid artery and internal carotid artery must not be ignored.


Swish, swish, swish!

The students in the classroom wrote down the key points in their notebooks.

In university classrooms, the speed of lectures in the classroom is often very fast.

It is a great challenge for students to listen to the lectures. However,

Chen Yu’s lecture speed is a combination of fast and slow.

As long as they listen carefully, students can keep up with his lecture speed.

Of course, Chen Yu takes into account the students’ attention and cannot always be highly focused.

He will take advantage of the students’ distraction to use humorous language to talk about some interesting medical cases or medical jokes to interact with the students.

Chen Yu began to speak,”A few days ago, I saw a father and son on the Internet, talking about the development of medicine.

The father said that my relative was hospitalized for acute appendicitis and spent more than 8,000 yuan. In those days, an appendectomy could be done for more than 1,000 yuan.

The son immediately retorted,”

You have been away from clinical practice for 20 years, right?

At that time, you were drinking with your classmates and were still saying that the electric knife was not practical. I am afraid you didn’t even know what a ligature stapler was.

Machinery has brought about progress in productivity.

It used to take half an hour to close the abdomen for an appendectomy, but now we can do three gallbladders in an hour!

20 years ago, it took ten hours to do a stomach surgery in the county hospital, and each bleeding point needed to be clamped and sutured.

The ultrasonic knife coagulates the blood vessels in less than a second.

Even if there are 300 bleeding points, it will take less than ten minutes.

Now people can get out of bed and walk on the first day of a stomach surgery, and they can meet the discharge criteria in a week. The appendix and gallbladder are even now part of the day surgery.

Money is spent a lot, that’s social progress.

People suffer much less than before.

Is this comparable to your era?”

Speaking of this.

Chen Yu added:”From this example, we can see that medicine is always improving.

As long as you are a doctor, you must live and learn until you are old. Only by learning theoretical knowledge thoroughly can you adapt to this ever-changing era!”

Hearing this, the students present all nodded secretly.


As Chen Yu continued to lecture,

Zhao Ting and Wang Quan, who were sitting at the back of the classroom, were full of praise.

Chen Yu’s lectures were very subtle, easy to understand, good at giving examples, and easy to explain without any hesitation.

In the eyes of Zhao Ting and Wang Quan

, although Chen Yu was young, his lectures were very advanced.

He was like a senior professor, constantly explaining the essence of clinical surgical knowledge in class.

Even they benefited a lot.

Not to mention the students present!

In addition, both of them were teachers and knew very well where the limits of the classroom were.

A class lasted 50 minutes, and most people could only concentrate for 30 to 35 minutes. After that, even good students would be distracted more or less.

But in today’s classroom,

50 minutes later, this did not happen at all.

The two looked at their notebooks.

The content above was not the knowledge points of clinical surgical knowledge, but Chen Yu’s ideas for lectures.

After listing the ideas.

They realized that Chen Yu was able to explain complex knowledge in a simple and in-depth way, all thanks to his profound theoretical foundation.

These things, even if you want to make them into teaching plans, will take a lot of effort.

But Chen Yu has been explaining without a script on the podium.

Such a high level.

Soochow University Medical School is really a treasure!

In fact… what Zhao Ting and Wang Quan don’t know is that

Chen Yu has the aura of a famous teacher.

Under the aura

, the teaching effect of his class is doubled.

Every student can get an unprecedented high-quality education in the classroom!

At the same time, teachers’ teaching and answering questions have the function of sorting out their own knowledge and improving their professional level.

Chen Yu was a professor before his rebirth.

His teaching level was already very high.

Now with the aura, his class brings an unparalleled classroom atmosphere to students!

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