Drug testers refer to clinical trial volunteers.

When developing new drugs, hospitals or scientific research institutions will find healthy people to participate in Phase I clinical trials to determine whether the test drugs are absolutely safe and whether there are any side effects.

Drugs are three-point poisonous!

After normal people take drugs, they will metabolize them out of the body within a certain period of time, but there will always be trace amounts of residues.

In other words, every drug tester is under different degrees of risk of drug residues.

Clinical trials are risky.

Therefore, hospitals or scientific research institutions will give volunteers generous remuneration, and also provide food and accommodation, nutritious meals, etc.

It is easy to make money quickly.

For this reason… professional drug testers came into being!

Shen Yan and Wu Hao are professional drug testers.

The reasons why they became professional drug testers are different.

Shen Yan spends money lavishly, often overspending, and is heavily in debt.

Wu Hao’s mother died of cancer because of his experience.

He joined the drug testing industry and wanted to contribute to other patients and provide them with a protective umbrella!

Shen Yan and Wu Hao are good friends.

But they have different ideas.

Shen Yan thinks that drug testing is a precarious career.

The body can collapse at any time.

The higher the salary, the more attractive it is.

If you don’t pay to sacrifice your body, it’s bullshit!

Wu Hao is very noble.

He believes that professional drug testers are the cornerstone of clinical trials!

Every time I test drugs, I just want to contribute to medicine.


July 1.

At the wine table.

Shen Yan drank a little too much and said loudly:”You are amazing, you are noble! Among ten thousand people in the drug testing industry, is there one person like you, Wu Hao?”

“I am willing to take the risk and test the drug on myself!”

Wu Hao said firmly.

Hearing this,

Shen Yan shook his head and said nothing more.

Every time he tested the drug, he was very scared.

He was afraid that he would have incurable sequelae.

Shen Yan took a sip of wine and said sincerely:”I will do a few more drug tests, pay off my debts, and then return to a normal life.”


Wu Hao smiled and nodded.

The general public does not understand professional drug testers, and even regards them as”guinea pigs”.

But it is undeniable.

Drug testers use their own personal safety to conduct experiments on many patients, just to allow more people to use drugs safely!

In ancient times, Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs.

Today, there are professional drug testers.



Two WeChat notification sounds rang out.

Shen Yan and Wu Hao both looked at the chat on their phones.

The chat message was the latest drug testing information released by the host.

【The artificial blood research group of Suzhou University is recruiting 20 drug testers! 】

Network information: National network, enter physical information in the national clinical trial system.

Drug test field: Hematology.

Drug test site: First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

Cost subsidy: 20,000 yuan in cash on the day of discharge, 2,000 yuan in cash on the day of each follow-up, and 20,000 yuan in cash after the last follow-up, a total of 50,000 yuan.

Schedule: Antibody test on July 3, physical examination on July 4, drug test cycle of three weeks, group release on July 26.

Follow-up arrangements on August 4, August 11, August 18, August 25, August 31.

Inclusion criteria:

1. Age 18-50 years old, male or female.

2. Body mass index (BMI) between 19 and 27 kg/m (including the boundary value).

3. This project has a smoking test, as long as the person has never smoked.

4. Please do not disturb those with poor compliance, those who do not comply, and those with low quality.

Project Notes: During the drug trial process, if any sequelae or adverse reactions occur, they will be treated free of charge at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University!

After reading the drug trial information in detail,

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
Shen Yan and Wu Hao looked at each other and were a little surprised.

In the past drug trials, hospitals or research institutions were not responsible for treating sequelae!

In addition, the drug trial remuneration of the Artificial Blood Research Group of Soochow University is very generous.

Shen Yan immediately decided,”Wu Hao, I plan to go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University for drug trial, what about you?”

“Of course!”

Wu Hao nodded with a smile


July 5th.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

In a ward.

Shen Yan and Wu Hao were playing with their mobile phones.

The environment of the ward they were in was quite good.

The ward had an independent bathroom where they could take a shower.

They could eat nutritious meals with a combination of meat and vegetables, and they could also play with their mobile phones.

This drug trial lasted for three weeks.

Blood was drawn intensively every day, and artificial blood was injected.

After the injection, 4 ml of blood was drawn every 15 minutes, and then the intervals were slowly lengthened, half an hour, one hour, two hours…

The medical staff took blood samples one by one for testing through the pre-embedded needles left on the arms of the drug testers.

Not only that.

Drug testers can also visit each other, play chess and poker, and take a walk in the activity room.

Even if you want to quit halfway, you can!

Shen Yan put down his phone and said,”Wu Hao, what do you think of the artificial blood research group of Soochow University?”

“Uh… I think they are very rich!”

Wu Hao pondered for a moment:”As far as I know, the person in charge of their research group is Professor Chen Yu, the most popular professor in the School of Medicine of Suzhou University this year.

The school allocated him 50 million yuan in research funds, so the research group is very wealthy.

They also pay very high salaries to drug testers.”

Hearing this, Shen Yan nodded in agreement.

The state stipulates that drugs must undergo a series of clinical trials before they can be marketed.

Phase I clinical trials use healthy volunteers as the main subjects to study the body’s response and tolerance to new drugs, explore safe and effective doses, and study the drug’s absorption, distribution, metabolism and other pharmacokinetic effects in the body.

Phase II clinical trials require hundreds or thousands of volunteers, mainly to examine the effectiveness of the drug, the dose-effect relationship between the drug dose and the efficacy, and at the same time observe the safety of the drug.

Phase III clinical trials require hundreds or thousands of volunteers to test the safety of the drug again and observe the efficacy.

Generally speaking, the drug testers participate in Phase I.

If the Phase I clinical trial in which the drug testers participate is OK, Phase II and Phase III clinical trials will be carried out on symptomatic patients.

Each trial stage has its specific goals and subject population.

Through these clinical trials, the safety and effectiveness of new drugs can be ensured, providing patients with better treatment options and hope.

The remuneration for drug testing of different drugs is also different.

Relatively speaking, the compensation for drugs for difficult and complicated diseases is higher.

These basic processes.

Wu Hao has already been familiar with them.

Shen Yan said in a deep voice:”Before becoming a professional drug tester, I didn’t know much about the medical industry.

Later I learned that the contraindications and dosages on the instructions of the drugs bought in the pharmacy were all tested by drug testers.

For example, the instructions say that pregnant women and elderly patients are prohibited from using it.

This is also because pregnant women and elderly patients have used it and have adverse reactions, so it is written in the instructions.

I have also heard that a drug tester had sequelae such as facial paralysis, rapid weight gain, and ichthyosis.

Therefore, drug testers are risking their lives to make money, and their future is uncertain.”

Hearing this,

Wu Hao nodded slightly.

Drug testers get money, but they will bear many sequelae.

He smiled and said,”General institutions will not care about drug testers after the drug trial is over.

But the artificial blood research group of Suzhou University asked us to sign a consent form.

It clearly states that the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is fully responsible for all possible adverse drug reactions.

This is really very conscientious!”

“That’s right!”

Shen Yan praised:”Professor Chen Yu, the head of the research group, has a really big vision.

If he needs someone to test the drug next time,

I am willing to test the drug for Professor Chen’s research group!”

“I am willing to do so too!”

Wu Hao smiled slightly.

He knew that this time the drug was tested on artificial blood.

Once the drug can be successfully launched on the market, it will completely alleviate the blood shortage in the medical field in the future!

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