At the end of June,

Suzhou University,

Sanger Asia-Pacific Resource Center, in a laboratory.

Chen Yu, wearing a white coat, looked at the plastic bag in front of him with a smile.

Inside the plastic bag, there were some powdered items.

It was – universal artificial blood!

Since Chen Yu started the artificial blood project in early May, he has been using his free time to try to synthesize universal blood artificially.

God will not let down those who work hard!

With Chen Yu’s superb medical level, the universal artificial blood that the medical community has spent half a century trying to develop was easily developed in his hands.

This artificial blood is a completely synthetic hemoglobin, which belongs to the category of innovative biological drugs.

It can replace the hemoglobin that transports oxygen in human blood, and contains a large number of red blood cells and blood type antibodies.

Artificial blood is stored in a plastic bag.

It can be stored dry at room temperature with a shelf life of one year.

The synthetic red blood cells contained in it are only two percent the size of human red blood cells.

When needed, inject sterile water to mix and it can be used.

In the process of developing artificial blood.

Chen Yu made a cell membrane component called liposome into very tiny”bags”, and then filled them with hemostatic and oxygen transport components.

At the same time, he used gene knockout to knock out the antigens on the surface of blood cells, so that blood transfusions no longer need to be matched, achieving truly universal artificial blood!

In the laboratory, the 10 medical undergraduates in the research group all looked at Chen Yu with fanatical eyes.

If before, they were all amazed by Chen Yu’s profound medical knowledge.

Then during the time they joined the research group, the 10 medical undergraduates were completely impressed by Chen Yu’s strong scientific research ability!

Everyone knows that as”project participants” of universal artificial blood, they will have the hope of going down in history with Professor Chen Yu in the future!

At this time, Chen Yu looked around at everyone and said,”Now everyone will report on the scientific research progress of the project. Qin Shuang will start first.””

“”Yes, professor!”

Qin Shuang took a step forward and reported in detail:”After the successful development of artificial blood, we immediately carried out animal experiments. The first test subject was the white mouse.

We replaced the white mouse’s blood three times, performing a 300% blood exchange, leaving only 5% of its own blood.

The new blood of these white mice is composed of 5% of their own blood and 95% of universal artificial blood.

In this case, the vital signs of the white mice are very stable.

Without human intervention, they can survive healthily.

Next, the new blood of the white mice continues to emerge. In just one week, their original 95% artificial blood was basically discharged.

After two weeks, the new blood of the white mice completely replaced the artificial blood.

They are full of energy and vitality.

In terms of specific data, none of the 72 white mice died after using the universal artificial blood!”

After the words fell, everyone was smiling.

In this animal experiment, they had to take blood from mice.

There were many ways to take blood from the tail, orbit, jugular vein, saphenous vein, face, heart and abdominal aorta.

During the experiment, they were prepared to lose a group of mice.

Unexpectedly… the universal artificial blood was so powerful that it could completely replace the blood of mice.

A student named Ning Feng from the research team stepped out and said,”Professor Chen, in addition to the animal experiment on mice, we have also conducted blood exchange experiments on 64 rats, 56 rabbits, 85 beagles, 56 rhesus monkeys, 65 crab-eating macaques, 70 marmosets, 65 miniature pigs and other animals. In terms of experimental data.

The universal artificial blood has a miraculous effect on these animals.

After blood sampling and the weak animals are injected with artificial blood, antibodies will take effect to prevent the artificial blood from not matching the animal blood.

In this regard, we have drawn a preliminary conclusion.

Universal artificial blood can replenish the blood needed by many types of ischemic animals.”

“Very good!”

Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

He slowly said:”After the establishment of the research team, I formulated a four-step development route for the research and development of universal artificial blood.

At present, the first three steps have been successfully completed.

Only the last step is left – human trials on volunteers!

This step may seem simple, but it is actually the most important.

Once the human trials fail, all our previous efforts will be wasted.”

Hearing this, the students all looked solemn.

Universal artificial blood actually belongs to the category of drug research and development.

The road to drug research and development is long!

Generally speaking, it takes two to three years from laboratory confirmation of target discovery to a series of preclinical studies.

Preclinical related trials will take another two to three years.

It will take three to seven years to conduct phase I clinical trials, phase II clinical trials, and phase III clinical trials.

After all clinical trials are completed , they will have to go through a long new drug approval process.

After all the links are completed, a new drug can be officially approved for marketing.

Of course… the head of their research group is the medical giant Chen Yu. It only took Professor Chen a week from the artificial synthesis of hemoglobin to the development of universal artificial blood.

In the preclinical trial stage, the research team evaluated the pharmacological and toxicological effects of universal artificial blood, It took more than a month to complete the quality research, stability research, animal testing and other links.

With the completion of the animal testing, the research team can carry out Phase I clinical trials, that is, human trials on specific bodies.

To be honest, such a fast scientific research progress has never been heard of in the medical community before!

The more they come into contact with Professor Chen, the more they realize that Professor Chen is talented and has an incredible level of drug research and development!

The scientific research progress that the external scientific research team has not been able to achieve in more than ten years, often only takes Professor Chen a few days to complete.

As a member of the research team, it was the first time they felt that scientific research was so simple!

Although human clinical trials have not yet been carried out, they are all full of confidence.

The universal artificial blood developed by Professor Chen will surely benefit countless ischemic patients and bring earth-shaking changes to the medical community!

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