Li Can is a reporter for Suzhou TV.

After she learned about the surge in CNS papers at Suzhou University, she immediately went to Suzhou University for an interview.

The first student Li Can interviewed was Zhao Yan.

She looked at the vigorous Zhao Yan and asked,”Student Zhao, I heard that your paper”A new generation of immune checkpoint inhibitors is about to emerge” was published in the world’s top academic journal”Cell”. What do you think about this?”

“Very excited!”

Zhao Yan said with great enthusiasm:”In the university world, people define a top student as one who has published an article in a CNS journal during undergraduate studies.

I am very honored to have published a Cell paper with my team members during my fifth year.

This paper has won me praise from teachers and classmates.

At the same time, it is also the greatest affirmation of my five years of undergraduate studies.

In terms of scientific research awards,

Soochow University will give a reward of IF impact factor × 20,000 yuan to students who publish papers in academic journals.

《Cell, the latest impact factor is 33.116.

IF impact factor 33.116 × 20,000 yuan = 662,320 yuan.

As an incentive system, scientific research academic awards are tax-free. After my team members and I received this considerable reward, our parents and families were very happy and said that we had grown up.……”

After the words fell,

Li Can nodded in admiration.

A CNS paper not only represents fame, but also represents material rewards.

That is why the scientific research and academic community will continue to submit papers to CNS journals.

She asked again:”Student Zhao Yan, I want to know what difficulties you encountered when publishing this paper?”


Zhao Yan glanced at the camera behind Zhao Can, hesitated for a moment and said,”Actually, I didn’t encounter any difficulties.”


Li Can said with a smile:”Classmate, you are too modest!”

Academic masters are like this.

Often, a few casual words carry a strong taste of Versailles.

Seeing the reporter’s misunderstanding.

Zhao Yan hurriedly said:”I really didn’t encounter any difficulties!

In fact, my performance in the field of medicine from my freshman year to the first half of my fifth year has always been average.

And this semester.

My class has welcomed a new teacher.

His name is Chen Yu.

Of course, now Mr. Chen has been promoted to associate professor of the school.

This semester, Professor Chen has successively served as the teacher of our class”Immunity》、《cytology》、《He was a lecturer for medical courses such as Oncology.

His lectures were excellent and helped me master a lot of medical knowledge.

The medical treasure house that I thought was complicated and cumbersome seemed to be opened to me all of a sudden.

In just a few months, my team members and I made great progress in medical skills and were able to complete this Cell paper.”

“So that’s it!”

Li Can nodded in sudden enlightenment.

A good teacher produces good students!

The core resource in the field of education is a good teacher!

A teacher with exquisite lectures and superb skills will often help students make significant progress and become better versions of themselves.



Li Can interviewed other students one after another.

The students’ statements were all similar.

“I used to be a poor student, but after taking Professor Chen’s class, I found that medicine was so interesting. From that day on, I felt like I was reborn!”

“My grades in the class were only average, and I believed that 60 points was the best. But after Teacher Chen taught me, I realized that medicine was becoming simpler and simpler in my eyes!”

“Professor Chen is my guide in the field of medicine. It was he who led me into the hall of medicine and gave me the opportunity to appreciate the true charm of medicine. It is all thanks to Professor Chen that I was able to publish the CNS paper!”

“Professor Chen is very good. He can explain boring knowledge points thoroughly in one sentence! In the past, my medical level was not even enough to publish an SCI paper, but now I have the ability to publish a CNS paper. Thank you Professor Chen!”


As more and more students were interviewed,

Li Can finally understood the changes that had taken place at Soochow University.

It turned out that the students who published the CNS paper this time were all medical students, and all of them were students of Professor Chen Yu.

It is generally believed that a large number of academic masters have emerged at Soochow University.

In fact, everything behind this is all the credit of Professor Chen Yu.

Secondly, Chen Yu himself is a very outstanding medical professor.

He joined Soochow University, and within less than a semester, he was promoted from lecturer to associate professor.

In terms of personal achievements,

Professor Chen Yu has published 30 papers in Nature and a national undergraduate textbook”Ten Twenty-Five” since he joined the university, and has a distinguished resume.

Under Professor Chen Yu’s teaching, the medical students’ progress is like riding a rocket, one step a day.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Professor Chen Yu has not yet received a national teaching award, his teaching ability is 100% at the national level!

A teacher has trained a large number of academic masters in a short period of time.

This is really incredible!

The only thing that makes Li Can a little regretful is that Professor Chen Yu himself does not accept any interviews.

For this reason, she could only leave in dismay.


At the same time, a large number of media reporters flocked to Suzhou University to conduct relevant interviews.

Soon, one report after another flooded the Internet.

《The secret of the rise of Soochow University students—nationally renowned teacher Chen Yu!》

《30 CNS papers in 3 months! Professor Chen Yu demonstrates the style of a famous teacher!》

《A strong youth means a strong country! Soochow University is full of talented students and top students!》

《Talented people emerge in every generation! Soochow University students have published 37 CNS papers this month!》

《Unparalleled classroom atmosphere! The secret of the rise of Soochow University students lies in ordinary medical classes!》

《This semester, Professor Chen Yu published 30 CNS papers and Soochow University students published 37 CNS papers, making Soochow University rank 17th in the number of CNS papers among national universities!》


The media reported frantically.

The interview footage of Suzhou TV station also appeared on the Internet.

The top students of Suzhou University who published CNS papers all gave the highest praise to Professor Chen Yu in front of the camera.

“A piece of chalk, two sleeves of dust, a three-foot podium, four seasons of hard work”

“Three inches of chalk and three feet of podium determine the fate of the country; a loyal heart will be the key to shaping the soul of the people throughout one’s life”

“The Master is patient and good at persuading me. He teaches me literature and disciplines me with etiquette. I can’t stop”


After watching this video, all the universities in the country were jealous.

In terms of comprehensive strength, many of them are better than Suzhou University.

But why did Professor Chen Yu choose to teach at Suzhou University?

If Professor Chen had come to their school, they would probably be the school that is being reported crazily by the media now…

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