In mid-July, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University held a grand ceremony for the installation of the da Vinci surgical robot.

Hospital executives, medical staff, and media reporters gathered together.

At the beginning of the ceremony, everyone appeared in an operating room open to the public.

Inside, a cool-looking da Vinci robot stood in the middle.

The robot consists of three parts: the surgeon’s console, the bedside robotic arm system, and the three-dimensional high-definition imaging system. The surgeon’s control platform is the control center of the robot system.

The surgeon interacts with the patient’s surgical platform through components such as the main controller, foot pedals, and stereoscopic observers.

The bedside robotic arm system is the actuator of the robot system. It integrates the instrument arm and the camera arm, which is equivalent to the robot’s hand and eye. The three-dimensional high-definition imaging system is a touch screen with a”remote communication” function, which helps the communication of the surgical team.

Through the stereoscopic observer, the surgeon sees a clear three-dimensional surgical field, and the instrument head is aligned with the surgeon’s hand on the main controller, simulating the natural alignment of eyes, hands, and instruments in open surgery.

In addition, motion scaling and anti-shake mechanisms provide further control capabilities, minimizing the impact of natural hand shaking or accidental movement on surgery.

While infinitely approaching natural flexibility and authenticity, the surgical robot maximizes the range of motion of the hand and the field of vision of the eye, further improving the precision of minimally invasive surgery.

At this moment, the da Vinci surgical robot has been installed, debugged and accepted successfully.

There is still red silk hanging on it, which looks very festive.

Zhao Ming, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, said to the media reporters:”Dear guests, the da Vinci surgical robot you see in front of you is called the robot-assisted endoscopic surgery operating system.

It was introduced from the American Intuitive Surgical Company by Professor Chen Yu of the School of Medicine of Suzhou University, and settled in our First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

In 2006, the first da Vinci surgical robot system was introduced to Yanjing 301 Hospital.

At that time, surgical robots were still a very rare product: it was novel, amazing, and not trusted.

Eight years have passed.

The number of Da Vinci surgical robots introduced to major hospitals across the country has reached 29, becoming one of the essential equipment for the top hospitals in Xiaguo.

It is worth mentioning that this Da Vinci surgical robot settled in the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is also the first Da Vinci surgical robot in Jiangsu Province.

After the voice fell

, the applause at the scene lasted for a long time.

The Da Vinci surgical robot costs more than 20 million yuan.

It costs 60,000 yuan to start the machine once.

The maintenance cost for a year reaches 100,000 US dollars. The cost of consumables for a year reaches 60,000 US dollars.

Ordinary tertiary hospitals can’t afford it at all.

Even if they can afford it, they can’t use it.

But this surgical robot is the most professional laparoscopic surgical robot in the medical field, which can complete many of the most difficult operations in the world.

After the applause.

Dean Zhao Ming continued:”Robotic surgery is the general trend of the times.

Among them, the fourth-generation Da Vinci surgical robot represents the highest level of surgical robots today.

It can complete all surgical operations such as general surgery, gynecology, hepatobiliary surgery, urology, cardiac surgery, and Hungarian surgery.

In traditional surgical operations, doctors use medical devices to directly perform operations such as excision and suturing on the patient’s lesion.

However, these operations will bring disadvantages such as large wounds and long wounds, which will increase the patient’s bleeding volume and the risk of infection and postoperative complications.

Patients need to endure great pain.

The da Vinci surgical robot can open a few centimeters in the patient’s body, with less than 100 ml of bleeding, and successfully complete a minimally invasive heart surgery within two hours.

At the same time, doctors can control the robot throughout the operation to assist in the operation.

Its robotic arm can complete a 360-degree rotation in the patient’s body, has 7 degrees of freedom, can operate in narrow anatomical areas, can complete various fine movements such as moving, swinging, and gripping, and is more stable than human arms, without hand shaking.

Of course, if you want to use the da Vinci robot, you must be”certified to work”.

To this end, our hospital will send medical teams such as general surgery and urology to the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong City to conduct robot clinical operation training and obtain job qualification certificates.”

Hearing this, everyone present nodded.

The da Vinci robot is currently the most advanced surgical technology in the world, and doctors cannot”operate” at will.

The entry threshold is high.

Doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, etc., all need to undergo professional training and qualification certification, and the requirements are extremely strict.

The training is divided into four parts: system learning, basic operations, simulation training, and animal experiments. The robot’s system structure, operating principles, and selection of abdominal puncture hole locations are systematically learned.

During the period, the training doctors need to successfully perform a series of operations such as minimally invasive cardiac surgery, robot-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy, pelvic lymph node dissection, para-aortic lymph node dissection, ureteral anastomosis, side-to-side intestinal anastomosis, radical cystectomy and in situ ileal neobladder in animal experiments.

After the training, doctors will be able to obtain the da Vinci surgical qualification certificate awarded by the da Vinci Robot Training Alliance, thereby obtaining the qualification to operate the da Vinci surgical robot.


After Zhao Ming’s speech, the scene entered the media interview session.

A reporter asked:”Dean Zhao, this da Vinci surgical robot was purchased by Professor Chen Yu of Soochow University at his own expense.

I would like to ask, after it is settled in the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, who will bear the maintenance fees and consumables costs?”

As soon as this was said.

Other media reporters also looked at Zhao Ming.

They all knew that the da Vinci surgical robot was usually not sold to individuals, but only to medical institutions.

Therefore, Professor Chen bought it with his own money, also borrowing the name of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

But the subsequent high costs. Will it still be borne by Professor Chen?

Zhao Ming said bluntly:”Our hospital has reached in-depth cooperation with Professor Chen Yu.

After the da Vinci surgical robot settled in the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

The startup costs, maintenance costs, consumables costs, and the consumption of training students are all borne by our hospital.

When there is surgery.

Doctors will use this robot to operate on patients.

When it is idle.

Professor Chen will use this surgical robot to train students’ clinical practice skills”

“”So that’s it!”

The reporters nodded in sudden enlightenment.

Surgical robots are the new infrastructure of hospitals.

This Da Vinci robot settled in the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, which can create the most advanced minimally invasive surgical treatment platform in the province, which is beneficial to the hospital.

Professor Chen can also use it to train students.

Another reporter asked:”President Zhao, are there any doctors in the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University who have the Da Vinci surgery qualification certificate?”

“Professor Chen has a da Vinci surgical qualification certificate!”

Zhao Ming said frankly:”When he was studying for his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees at Fudan University, he went abroad to the Berlin Charité Hospital Laparoscopy Training Center to receive da Vinci surgical robot training and obtained a qualification certificate.

In the next period of time, while training students, Professor Chen will also perform some difficult operations for our hospital.”

A reporter asked curiously:”Dean Zhao, we know that Professor Chen is a big shot in the field of theoretical medicine, but does he also have deep attainments in clinical practice skills?”


Zhao Ming said frankly:”It is difficult to describe in a few words how high Professor Chen’s medical level is, but I believe time will give everyone the answer!”


After the settlement ceremony, the medical community in Jiangsu Province was full of praise.

Professor Chen Yu spent more than 20 million yuan out of his own pocket to purchase a Da Vinci surgical robot.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University will have the first Da Vinci surgical robot in the province.

They can build the most advanced minimally invasive surgical treatment platform in the province, and take the surgical level and scientific research strength of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University to a new level!

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