July 18.

First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

In an operating room.

Chen Yu is testing the performance of the da Vinci surgical robot.

Dean Zhao Ming, as well as 10 students from the research group including Qin Shuang and Ning Feng, are watching from the side.

In the console in the distance.

Chen Yu uses his hands to operate two main controllers and foot pedals to control instruments and a 3D high-definition endoscope.

The control system naturally extends his eyes and hands to the operating table.

The stereoscopic eyepiece in front of him allows him to see the surgical field.

The da Vinci robot’s robotic arm will hold the tip of the surgical instrument and move synchronously with his hands.

On the operating table.

The bedside robotic arm system composed of four movable base robotic arms operates in an orderly manner.

The central robotic arm is the mirror holding arm, which is responsible for holding the camera system for 3D imaging.

The other three robotic arms are responsible for holding surgical machines.

I saw a robotic arm cut the skin of a cherry and then peeled it off.

Then, two robotic arms sutured the skin completely.

Next to the operating table.

A three-dimensional high-definition endoscope screen shows the images taken by the robotic arm at a glance.

Everyone watched Chen Yu’s performance quietly.

Being able to control the Da Vinci surgical robot to peel and suture cherries shows that Professor Chen’s medical level is extremely high.

You know, the robotic arm is an extension of the doctor’s arm.

If you want to be able to do it as if it were your arm, you can’t do without superb medical skills!


Chen Yu continued to control the robotic arm to complete a number of tests.

Use the Da Vinci surgical robot to peel quail eggs. Use the Da Vinci surgical robot to fold paper cranes. Use the Da Vinci surgical robot to carve pumpkin lanterns. Use the Da Vinci surgical robot to build Lego toys. Use the Da Vinci surgical robot to draw a mini painting.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was filled with emotion.

Compared with surgeons, the Da Vinci surgical robot can help doctors increase their field of vision, significantly improve operational accuracy, avoid hand tremors, shorten surgical time, make patients have smaller wounds, and recover faster after surgery.

Because of this, the Da Vinci robot is expensive.

Importing from abroad to China, each unit costs more than 20 million yuan.

Of course…

Da Vinci surgical robot is still a medical device after all.

If you want to fully demonstrate the capabilities of the device, you must master superb operating techniques!


After a detailed test,

Chen Yu said to Zhao Ming, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University,”Dean Zhao, the effect of the da Vinci surgical robot is indeed very strong.”

“Oh? Tell me more about it.”

Zhao Ming asked with interest.

Chen Yu introduced everything in detail:”Through my comprehensive tests over the past two days, I found that the da Vinci robot has many advantages.

For example, robotic surgery can protect the patient’s various functions, reduce blood loss and surgical complications.

For example, during robotic surgery, the robotic arm can reach the lesion and rotate 360 degrees, which is more flexible and precise than human hands.

For example, the robot’s three-dimensional imaging system makes the image very clear and can better identify and protect neurovascular surgery.

For example, robotic surgery can integrate man and machine, reduce operator fatigue, and filter out physiological vibrations through robotic arm operation, avoiding the influence of human breathing and physiological tremors on the operation, and enhancing the stability and safety of the operation.

Let’s be realistic.

Surgical robots can indeed take traditional surgical operations to a higher level!”

After the words fell,

Zhao Ming nodded in agreement.

It is precisely because of the amazing effect of the Da Vinci surgical robot that the top hospitals in China are willing to spend more than 20 million yuan to purchase and introduce it.

He changed the subject and said,”Professor Chen, after the Da Vinci surgical robot settled in our hospital, many patients came here to hope to use the surgical robot to complete difficult operations. You see……”

“Let me do it!”

Chen Yu said with a smile:”It just so happens that I am currently teaching students and need to teach them on the spot!”

“Thank you so much, Professor Chen!”

Zhao Ming hurriedly thanked


The next day, a special operation was performed at the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

The patient was a 72-year-old female patient with pancreatic cancer.

The chief surgeon, Chen Yu, will operate the da Vinci surgical robot to perform a pancreaticoduodenectomy on the patient. Pancreaticoduodenectomy is one of the most difficult operations in the field of surgery.

Such a difficult operation has also attracted the attention of media reporters.

The operation was conducted in a similar way to live broadcasting.

While Chen Yu was operating the da Vinci robot in the operating room, he communicated with doctors outside the venue through a large screen, and the director of the hepatobiliary surgery department of Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai was responsible for real-time explanation.

Ordinary operations are performed by a group of medical staff around the operating table.

This operation was performed by Chen Yu sitting in the corner of the operating room, using an operating console and assisted by four robotic arms.

After the patient was anesthetized, the preliminary preparations such as drilling were completed.

Subsequently, four interactive robotic arms entered the patient’s abdominal cavity through the holes that had been drilled.

They are controlled by Chen Yu through the console. Three of the arms are tool arms, such as scalpels, scissors, and cauterizers.

The fourth arm is an endoscopic camera arm.

It can feed back the 3D images of the surgical scene in the abdominal cavity to the operating table in real time, magnifying them more than 10 times.

Because the operation is very difficult, it requires the cooperation of assistants.

Therefore, in addition to the four holes in the patient’s abdominal cavity, there are also holes of 5 mm and 10 mm, which are used to extract the water in the abdominal cavity and send and take gauze.

Chen Yu sat on the console, saw the three-dimensional image of the operation through the stereo eyepiece, and operated the robot arm with two foot pedals and two hand controllers.

The robotic surgery system, through measurement and filtering, converts his hand movements into more precise instrument micro-movements, and completes a 540-degree rotation of the scalpel, scissors, tweezers or needle holders required for sutures under the robot arm in the narrow abdominal cavity.

He is superb at dissection, stripping, hemostasis, cutting, ligation, and suturing. He is proficient in single hooks, electrocoagulation, ultrasonic knives, cutting sutures, and suture needles with threads.

After six hours.

The patient’s pancreas and duodenum were successfully removed.

Chen Yu spent another two or three hours to reconstruct the patient’s digestive tract.

During the entire operation, the patient’s blood loss was less than 100 ml, and no complications occurred.


When everything was over.

The media reporters outside the operating room and his colleagues in the medical field all gave Chen Yu a warm round of applause.

Traditional laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy is complicated to operate and has a high incidence of postoperative complications. It is the most complicated operation in abdominal surgery except for liver transplantation, and can be called the”Mount Everest” of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.

However, Professor Chen Yu controlled the da Vinci surgical robot and completed the operation with ease.

On the one hand, the times have changed.

On the other hand, Professor Chen himself has extremely superb medical skills.

As he completed the first da Vinci robot pancreaticoduodenectomy in Jiangsu Province, he is destined to become famous in the medical community throughout the province and be known by his peers in the industry!

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