November 23.

Suzhou City, Dushu Lake Hotel.

In a luxurious box.

Feng Lei picked up the wine glass and said solemnly:”Professor Chen, I don’t need to thank you for your kindness. I toast you a glass!”

Just last month.

He brought his brother Feng Yi, who suffered from spinal muscular atrophy, to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University for treatment.

At first, Feng Lei did not have any expectations.

After all, his brother’s disease was a terminal illness.

No one in the world could cure it!

No one expected that

Professor Chen Yu’s medical skills had reached perfection. He actually used a head transplant to treat his brother Feng Yi.

Now it has been a month since the operation was successfully completed.

Brother Feng Yi woke up smoothly after four weeks of anesthesia. His vital signs are very good.

His head and new body are completely grown together, he can speak, and control his body to a small extent.

At present, his brother is undergoing corresponding rehabilitation training under the guidance of a doctor.

It is expected that within a year.

Brother Feng Yi will be able to start walking and completely recover his health!

On the wine table.

Chen Yu picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

He smiled and said,”Head transplant surgery has never been successful before.

In my case, head transplant surgery has only a 30% success rate.

I was able to complete this surgery successfully.

What you should be most thankful for is actually your family’s trust in the doctor, not me.”

“Professor Chen, you are too modest!”

Feng Lei knew it very well.

The so-called 30% success rate was entirely due to Professor Chen’s low profile.

On the operating table,

Professor Chen strolled leisurely, and all the steps came to his mind.

Just based on this point, he realized that Professor Chen’s real success rate for this operation was at least over 90%.

He didn’t say too much.

It was just that the doctor wanted to avoid subsequent medical accidents.

Feng Lei smiled and said,”Professor Chen, in addition to performing a head transplant on my brother, you also performed a head transplant on physicist Hawking this month.

The operation was also very successful, and media reporters carried out extensive publicity and reports.

Moreover, this time, the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University seemed to have only dispatched dozens of medical staff.

This shows that your surgical skills have become much more sophisticated.”

Hearing this,

Chen Yu smiled slightly and did not deny it.

In fact…

With his comprehensive medical level of 360 points, even if there is only one person, he can easily complete the head transplant operation.

However, Xiaguo is a society of favors.

The doctors of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University are in great need of the resume of”head transplant participant”.

As for the physicist Hawking coming to seek medical treatment,

Chen Yu can understand it.

Hawking is one of the greatest physicists of modern times and enjoys a high reputation in the 20th century.

He suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, paralyzed all over, unable to speak, and only three fingers on his hand can move.

He wants to convey to the outside world Information.

You must use your fingers to control the high-tech computer program on the wheelchair in order to read out the sentences with the speech synthesizer.

Under such difficult circumstances.

Hawking can still achieve brilliant achievements in the field of physics, which is really admirable.

Of course, Hawking’s physical condition is more complicated than Feng Lei’s brother.

Feng Lei’s brother Feng Yi is paralyzed below the head.

Hawking is paralyzed all over.

Fortunately, this is nothing to Chen Yu. It is expected that in another two weeks.

Hawking will be able to wake up from anesthesia, be able to speak, and resume movement within a year, and live like a healthy person.

Thus leaving the wheelchair he has been sitting in for more than 50 years!


In the box,

Chen Yu and Feng Lei chatted for a while.

He asked,”Feng Lei, I heard that you are a stock trader. With your extraordinary financial talent, you have earned tens of millions in the stock market?”

“That’s right!”

Speaking of the stock market,

Feng Lei regained his confidence.

He said,”Professor Chen, the stock market has been stable and rising recently.

If you are interested, I can recommend some stocks to you.

If they rise, it’s yours, and if they lose, it’s mine.

What do you think?”

“That’s not necessary!”

Chen Yu smiled and waved his hand, and said straight to the point:”Feng Lei, actually I want to reach a cooperation with you today, which is related to the stock market.”

“What kind of cooperation?”

Feng Lei was a little curious.

Chen Yu said bluntly:”You are a professional in stock trading, so I want to hire you as my private stock trader for a year with a high salary.

I will give you the highest commission in the market.

No matter whether you make a profit or a loss in stock trading, the commission I promise to give you will not be less!”

“Professor Chen, you are being too polite, aren’t you?”

Feng Lei said with a smile:”You saved my brother, and you are the benefactor of our Feng family. I can even help you trade stocks for free!”

“Let’s put it this way!”

Chen Yu said,”Business is business, and we should pay the commission we deserve!”

“That’s fine!”

Feng Lei nodded and agreed very straightforwardly.

On the one hand, his brother is gradually recovering, and he will need money to marry and have children in the future.

On the other hand, Professor Chen Yu is a top figure in the medical field with world-class medical skills.

People from all walks of life want to have a good relationship with Professor Chen Yu.

Feng Lei is no exception.

In the past two years, he has taken his brother to seek medical treatment all over the world.

Compared with others,

Feng Lei is more aware of the invisible benefits of getting to know a world-class doctor!


After the two parties reached a cooperation agreement,

Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Starting from the end of October, the domestic stock market will usher in an 8-month bull market.

The A-share market index will soar from the lowest 2279 points to 5166 points in June 2015.

After 5166 points, the domestic stock market will enter a 4-year bear market.

As a reborn, he will naturally not miss such an opportunity.


Chen Yu is very busy now and it is impossible for him to stare at the stock market all day long.

With a grasp of the general direction of the stock market and familiarity with those bull stocks and monster stocks, hiring professionals like Feng Lei to trade stocks will definitely maximize the money made from the stock market!

By June next year

, neither Huanyu Medicine nor his personal laboratory will lack development funds!

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