November 30.

First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

Neurosurgery, operating room.

Zhao Xu, a resident doctor, is performing a craniotomy to remove a giant hemangioma in the brain of a newborn.

The patient is a newborn who was only 17 days old.

There are many irregular red patches on the right half of his face, chest, armpits and lower limbs.

This symptom is medically called Sturge-Weber syndrome, or cerebral-facial hemangioma.

At the same time, the patient has a huge hemangioma between the two cerebral hemispheres.

The hemangioma may rupture at any time. Once it breaks through and ruptures, there will be a massive hemorrhage in the brain, and the child will have almost no chance of survival, so the operation must be performed as soon as possible.

After the hospital team made a detailed preoperative plan, they decided to let Zhao Xu, a resident doctor, be the lead surgeon.

Zhao Xu is one of Professor Chen Yu’s students.

In recent months, his medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, the neurosurgery team and anesthesiologist will also assist to complete this operation together.

In the operating room at this moment.

Zhao Xu is concentrating and calming down.

He first selected the scalp incision position for the temporal approach and fixed it with gentian violet solution.

Then, he cut the scalp, separated the subcutaneous fascia tissue and fat tissue, and performed strict hemostasis.

Then, Zhao Xu used a skull drill and a milling cutter to open the bone flap, suspend the dura mater, fully stop bleeding, open the brain tissue, find the hemangioma inside under the surgical microscope, and clean the lesion.

He observed carefully, dissected and separated layer by layer.

With superb surgical skills.

Zhao Xu successfully separated the hemangioma and completed the cleaning work.

After he fully stopped bleeding, he prevented the drainage tube and sutured it layer by layer from the inside to the outside.

Time passed quietly.

The whole process took 8 hours unknowingly.

After the operation, the medical staff gave thumbs up and cheered.

Although Zhao Xu is a resident doctor, he was able to handle all the links in this operation smoothly.

It is no exaggeration to say that

Zhao Xu has received a trace of Professor Chen Yu’s true teachings.

Professor Chen is a world-class doctor.

Even if you only get a little bit of his true teachings, you can easily complete the craniotomy and tumor resection of the giant intracranial hemangioma in the newborn.

At this time, Zhao Xu also took a deep breath.

He was under great pressure to perform this operation today.

If the operation was not done carefully, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Family members know their own business.

If it were his previous medical skills, he would not be able to complete this operation.

But since the summer,

Zhao Xu has been studying medicine with Professor Chen Yu.

Under the guidance of Professor Chen, his basic surgical skills, medical theoretical ability, and clinical practice ability have all reached a new level.

Because of this, he was able to successfully complete this operation!


On the other side.

In the operating room of the head and neck surgery department of the hospital.

Qin Shuang, a resident doctor, is performing a difficult operation.

The patient is a 60-year-old pharyngeal esophageal cancer patient.

He was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer 10 years ago and underwent partial laryngectomy.

Later, the patient’s laryngeal cancer recurred and expanded, requiring total laryngectomy.

The patient learned that total laryngectomy would lose the function of voice, and he could only use artificial larynx, electronic larynx, etc. for simple speech in the future.

At the same time, the patient also has hyperthyroidism, bilateral lung nodules, bilateral kidney stones, and combined with hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease.

However… he himself is very resistant.

The patient hopes to remove the recurrent tumor but keep the larynx.

Faced with the patient’s strong request.

After thinking again and again, the team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University proposed the”allogeneic larynx-trachea-thyroid-hypopharynx-esophagus combined transplantation” plan.

Different from the relatively mature liver, kidney, heart and lung transplants. There are very few successful cases of laryngeal transplantation worldwide, and there is not much information to consult, and there is no mature experience to learn from.

After discussion by the team members.

It was decided that Qin Shuang, one of Professor Chen Yu’s favorite students, and experts from other departments would jointly perform this difficult operation.

The operation was difficult.

For example, laryngeal transplant donors are scarce, and the donor blood vessels are special, involving multiple blood vessels and nerves, which cannot be fully examined and clarified before the operation.

For example, the donor needs to be perfused in the shortest possible time, but there is a lack of special perfusion tools. The perfusion fluid is perfused from the arterial blood vessels with great pressure, which can easily damage the laryngeal donor blood vessels.

For example, the larynx is a multi-tissue organ, including cartilage, mucosa, muscle, thyroid and other tissues. How to effectively prevent rejection.

For example, the larynx plays an important role in breathing and expectoration, and is a”polluted” organ. The bacterial spectrum of the recipient and the donor may be different, and infection may occur.

For example, the ex vivo trimming of the laryngeal donor, the matching of small blood vessels and the selection of the best return vein.

There are many difficulties.

Every detail determines the success or failure of the operation and the patient’s life.

During the operation.

Qin Shuang and his assistants were focused and calm.

She removed the donor’s larynx, trachea, and thyroid gland, and fully perfused the organs to prevent blood coagulation.

The assistant performed a total laryngectomy + total thyroidectomy + bilateral cervical lymph node dissection on the patient.

This type of operation has not been reported before.

In other words, today’s larynx-trachea-thyroid-hypopharynx-esophagus combined transplantation is the first in the world.

During the transplantation process.

Qin Shuang raced against time to perform an allogeneic larynx-trachea-thyroid combined transplant.

She used small blood vessels to reconstruct the patient’s 2 arteries and 4 veins.

Then, Qin Shuang took 3 hours to complete the reconstruction of 6 small blood vessels and 4 nerves, and an average of 18 minutes to complete the reconstruction of one blood vessel/nerve.

During the entire operation.

A total of 40 medical staff from the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University were dispatched.

After the operation, the hands of the surgeons needed to be immersed in ice water under a microscope to perform delicate operations.

Doctors from the hospital’s organ transplant center provided full guidance on intraoperative cryoprotection, vascular opening techniques, and the use of anti-rejection drugs.

The anesthesiologists have been keeping a close eye on the monitor to protect the patients.

With the superb surgical skills of the team members, as well as the close cooperation of the otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, organ transplantation center, anesthesia, and nursing teams, the donor larynx ischemia time is compressed as much as possible, ensuring the success rate of donor larynx-trachea-thyroid transplantation to the greatest extent.

This process is very dangerous.

Every stitch is crucial.

If there is a mistake in one stitch, blood vessels will form thrombi and enter the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism.

The transplanted donor larynx needs to be”connected” with the reconstructed blood vessels, which is even more difficult.

The team headed by Qin Shuang carefully sutured more than 100 stitches.

At the same time, Qin Shuang also pioneered the way to reconstruct the cervical plexus nerve and the superior laryngeal nerve of the transplanted body, achieving a world-class breakthrough.

After a full 10 hours.

The operation was officially over.

The team headed by Qin Shuang breathed a sigh of relief.

The operation sounds simple, but it is actually very difficult.

During the operation, the patient had elevated thyroid hormones and even hyperthyroid crisis.

Fortunately, Qin Shuang cooperated with the endocrinologist to regulate the patient’s endocrine hormones, and blood sugar and thyroid hormones were well controlled.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Only a period of recuperation is needed.

The patient can cough up phlegm through the mouth, speak simply, and restore a certain swallowing function.

After leaving the operating room.

Everyone had a joyful smile on their face.

Today’s difficult operation is the first in the world.

At the same time, Qin Shuang’s medical skills amazed everyone.

Seeing everyone’s happy expressions.

Qin Shuang also breathed a sigh of relief.

As one of Professor Chen Yu’s disciples, she was deeply cultivated by Professor Chen.

If she couldn’t even perform this operation as the main surgeon, it would definitely disappoint her mentor.

Fortunately, the operation was successfully completed.

I believe that Professor Chen will definitely praise her when he finds out!


On the other side.

In the operating room of the hospital’s Department of Surgery,

Ning Feng, a resident doctor, is performing a”mirror man” combined with radical resection of lung cancer.

The so-called mirror man means that the position of organs such as the heart, liver, spleen, and gallbladder is opposite to that of a normal person.

Mirror man usually does not affect health.

But once you are sick, it will bring huge obstacles to surgical treatment.

Under the laparoscope.

The entire surgical field is like seeing the left lower lobe of the lung in a mirror.

This places extremely high demands on the surgeon’s familiarity with the anatomical structure of the lung and his spatial imagination.

The patient’s heart, aortic arch, and esophagus are located on the right side. The right lung has only two lobes and the lobe fissures are completely undeveloped. The bronchial and arteriovenous blood supply is similar to that of a normal person’s left lung, so the surgery can only be performed by retrograde lobectomy. The surgeon Ning Feng, after leading the medical team to conduct a comprehensive examination of the laparoscope, had a clear idea in mind.

He observed carefully, dissected and separated layer by layer.

When separating the lower lung bronchus, he found that the dorsal and basal bronchi of the patient’s right lower lobe were abnormally large, staggered, and tightly grasped the posterior pulmonary artery.

If the separation is done forcefully, it is very likely to lacerate the blood vessel wall, causing uncontrollable bleeding.

Ning Feng acted decisively and put a red urine catheter as a buffer and protective device on the tip of the nail cabin.

With superb surgical skills, he successfully separated the trachea and blood vessels and severed the tracheal structure.


Ning Feng successfully removed the patient’s lung tumor and completed the lymph node dissection in one go.

At this moment, everyone in the operating room was excited.

There are only 25 cases of mirror man combined with lung cancer in the world.

Among the 25 cases, only 16 received surgical treatment.

And today’s”mirror man” combined with lung cancer radical resection is the first case in China!

Such a difficult operation.

Ning Feng completed it easily.

His medical skills are unimaginable.

He is worthy of being Professor Chen Yu’s disciple!


At the same time, good news about surgeries came from other departments of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

The success of each difficult operation filled the hospital with laughter.

Dean Zhao Ming was also very happy when he learned about it.

These operations are actually very difficult for the hospital.

If Professor Chen Yu did it himself, it would definitely be a piece of cake.

But at this stage, it is Professor Chen Yu’s disciples who are the main surgeons.

Whether the operation can be successfully completed is still an unknown.

As Professor Chen’s disciples successfully completed one difficult operation after another,

Zhao Ming’s heart, which had been hanging in the air, was finally able to be put down.

I really didn’t expect it.

In addition to Professor Chen’s unparalleled medical skills, his ability to train disciples is also amazing!


After completing a series of difficult surgeries, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University has released various surgical updates on its official website.

Media reporters are also rushing to report on the updates.

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the”Mirror Man” combined with radical resection of lung cancer!》

《The world’s first case! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the allogeneic larynx-trachea-thyroid-hypopharynx-esophagus combined transplantation!》

《The world’s first case! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the removal of a huge spinal tumor and 3D printed lumbar sacral replacement with preserved neurological function!》


《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the EAS hearing implant surgery!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed a robotic total knee replacement surgery!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the abdominal aorta reconstruction surgery with autologous deep vein!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the implantation of a new transcatheter aortic valve system!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the robot-assisted transbronchial pulmonary nodule biopsy!》


《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed a heart transplant surgery on twin children!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the AIM cochlear implant electrode implantation surgery!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed radiofrequency ablation of renal artery sympathetic nerves!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed SUNA trigeminal nerve microvascular decompression surgery!》

《The first case in China! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University completed the modified macular band surgery combined with autologous retinal transplantation!》


Hundreds of first surgeries in the country have made the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University a sensation in the domestic medical community.

If it was before, they could understand it.

After all, Professor Chen Yu, who is now recognized as the top doctor in the country, occasionally performs surgery at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Professor Chen can even perform head transplants.

These relatively simple surgical operations are completely within his control.

But the key to the problem is…

Professor Chen Yu didn’t do it this time.

Instead, he gave the opportunity to perform the surgery to his disciples.

If it is said that Professor Chen Yu demonstrated his unparalleled personal skills in the previous head transplant surgery, then this time, he actually demonstrated his incredible ability to train disciples!

In this regard, people from all walks of life expressed their feelings.

It is true that a famous teacher produces outstanding students!


On the Internet, netizens are also talking about the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University

“Oh my god! The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University is amazing! It has created many firsts in China!”

“Wow! The medical team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University is so amazing!”

“Hundreds of surgeries are the first of their kind in China?! The medical skills of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University are ridiculously high!”

“Did you notice? The surgeons who performed the surgery this time were all students of Professor Chen Yu, or even resident doctors!”

“Oh my god! This is incredible! Ordinary resident doctors are not even qualified to perform surgery in our hospital, let alone create the first case in China!”

“Yes! These doctors in training were all trained by Professor Chen Yu. Professor Chen’s ability in training his disciples is simply astonishing and unrivaled in the contemporary era!”

“Originally, I only knew that Professor Chen’s students were crazy about publishing medical papers in the top journals of CNS, and their theoretical knowledge was very solid. And now… they have also achieved impressive achievements in the field of clinical practice!”

“I regret it so much! If I had known that there was Professor Chen Yu in the School of Medicine of Suzhou University, I would have definitely applied to Suzhou University! In this way, I would have the opportunity to perform difficult surgeries as the main surgeon, instead of suffering from wandering around in various departments.……”

“At the beginning, people from all walks of life said that Professor Chen Yu would become a leader in the medical field in the future. Now it seems that Professor Chen has become a leader in the medical field!”

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