December 8.

Suzhou, Industrial Park.

In the Universal Laboratory.

Chen Yu, dressed in a white coat, looked at the transparent culture dish in front of him and couldn’t help but smile.

In the culture dish, there are various organs such as heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

During this period, he launched several scientific research projects.

One of the projects is called [Stem Cell In Vitro Organ Cultivation].

Organ transplantation is currently an important medical means to save patients with end-stage organ failure.

Without donation, there is no transplantation.

But the number of patients who need organ transplants is far greater than the number of donors.

At this stage, in the field of organ transplantation in Xiaguo.

Every year, there are about 300,000 patients who are waiting for organ transplantation due to end-stage organ failure.

And the number of organ transplants is only about 20,000 cases per year.

The gap in transplantation is very large!

Countless patients died helplessly while waiting in line for organs for a long time.

For this reason, this scientific research project came into being.

Chen Yu encountered various difficulties when he was engaged in this project.

Take stem cell cultivation of the heart as an example.

To cultivate a complete and functional in vitro heart, it is first necessary to provide a structural scaffold to support the heart function.

Secondly, it is necessary to provide a supply of professional cardiomyocytes and a supporting environment so that these cells can refill the scaffold and form mature tissue to perform complex heart functions.

Chen Yu’s research idea is to use the patient’s skin cells, re-edit them into stem cells, and induce the cultivation of functional heart tissue.

Then, he used a”detergent” to peel off the residual living cells on the heart.

After removing these cells, a perfect scaffold structure was obtained to”plant” new cardiomyocytes. The new cardiomyocytes, through a”Tbx6″ gene, directly induce the cultivation of cardiac mesoderm cells from fibroblasts.

The mesoderm cells can differentiate into almost all heart-forming cells such as cardiomyocytes and cardiovascular cells.

Finally, these cells are injected into the scaffold structure to cultivate an in vitro heart!

I have to say.

This idea is very correct.

Although there are many difficulties in the research process.

But as long as the direction is correct, sooner or later you will reach the other side of success!

After spending some time.

Chen Yu successfully cultivated in vitro organs with stem cells, and by analogy, he has successively developed various organs such as liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, stomach, and bladder.

After completing these medical breakthroughs.

Chen Yu was very excited.

The in vitro cultivation of organs using stem cells is an epoch-making technology!

As long as the corresponding clinical trials are completed, it will benefit the entire medical community, just like the previous universal artificial blood.

First, the medical community will no longer lack organs, and can transplant the organs needed by patients through the method of in vitro cultivation of stem cells.

Second, Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will have a new way to make money in the future, thereby earning a steady stream of profits.

Third, he can cooperate with the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University to allow patients from all over the country to go there for transplants, thereby increasing the fame and income of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Fourth, he can also personally win a series of medical awards for his medical achievements in the in vitro cultivation of organs using stem cells, and become famous!



Chen Yu’s eyes shifted from the transparent culture dish to the medical spray next to it.

The medical spray is called hair loss regeneration spray.

It is a clinically innovative drug for patients with androgenic alopecia.

Simply put.

This hair loss regeneration spray can treat androgenic alopecia.

Nowadays, as people’s life pressure increases.

Staying up late, sitting for a long time, less exercise, unbalanced lifestyle, unbalanced diet, genetic factors and other reasons have led to an increasing number of people suffering from hair loss.

In Xiaguo alone.

There are nearly 250 million people suffering from hair loss.

On average, 1 in every 6 people has hair loss.

Among them, there are about 163 million men and about 88 million women.

The proportion of hair loss before the age of 30 is as high as 84%!

Walking in the streets and alleys.

Baldness, Mediterranean, receding hairline and other phenomena can be seen everywhere.

And for young people.

Hair loss is even more uncomfortable!

Once hair loss, the appearance plummets.

More importantly, baldness is irreversible!

When you lose your hair, in the eyes of girls, you are synonymous with greasy, disgusting, and unattractive.

You can’t even find a girlfriend.

The huge number of people with hair loss has created a thriving anti-hair loss industry chain. From shampoo, anti-hair loss drugs to hair transplantation, they have all become the life-saving straw that bald people want to grasp.

Common hair loss drugs include minoxidil tincture, finasteride, dutasteride and other drugs.

These drugs are effective, but they cannot completely cure hair loss.

If you choose hair transplantation, it will only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.

Just imagine.

Even many celebrities in the securities, business, science and technology, sports, and rich lists are bald.

What can ordinary people do if they are bald?

As an expert in the medical field, Chen Yu is naturally willing to develop hair loss regeneration drugs if he has the ability.

When the project was just launched, there were difficulties everywhere.

The scientific research results were always less than ideal.

However, with his 360-point comprehensive medical level, all difficulties were solved.

Chen Yu discovered that in the mangroves of Siam, there is a tree called Avicennia marina, whose scientific name is Mangroveia serrata.

After research, it was found that

Avicennia marina contains a key chemical substance, Avicennia quinone.-C

This chemical prevents enzymes from producing hair loss hormones and also helps to purchase proteins that promote hair growth.

After a series of studies, he used avicennia quinone-C as a raw material to prepare low-molecular acidic oligosaccharide compounds.

Subsequently, Chen Yu separated hundreds of compounds individually, deeply analyzed the drugs, and completed the separation and purification.

After layers of screening, the drug was finally successfully developed.

At present, the hair loss regeneration spray has successfully completed the preclinical trial stage.

The evaluation of the drug’s pharmacological and toxicological effects, production process, quality control, stability research, animal testing and other links have been completed.

Clinical trials can be conducted at any time!



Chen Yu looked at the medicine in the test tube next to him.

The medicine is called stem cell injection liquid.

It is extracted by biotechnology and can promote the regeneration of tooth tissue, allowing teeth to regenerate like newborns.

With this treatment method.

There is no need to implant teeth.

It only takes 2 minutes of injection to complete the treatment.

Stem cell injection liquid will promote different types of cells to regenerate teeth through cell division.

The whole process only takes one month.

The teeth that were originally lost can be regenerated.

Finally, Chen Yu looked at the hyperthyroidism drugs, hypothyroidism drugs, and diabetes drugs next to him.

These three drugs are all drugs for treating endocrine.

Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and diabetes were originally chronic diseases.

Once you get sick, you have to take medicine for life.

Take hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism as examples.

Hyperthyroidism refers to hyperthyroidism, and the symptoms are insomnia, panic and tremors, bulging eyes, hair loss, fear of heat, high heart rate, big neck, hypokalemia, and strong appetite but gradually losing weight.

This disease, in simple terms, is excessive secretion of thyroid hormones.

Hypothyroidism refers to hypothyroidism, and the symptoms are puffy face, pale complexion, indifferent expression, hair loss, memory loss, lethargy, bradycardia, fear of cold, low appetite but increasing weight.

This disease, in simple terms, is too little secretion of thyroid hormone.

These two diseases are not fatal as long as the medicine is taken on time.

But the trouble is that you have to take medicine for life and there are dietary taboos.

Every once in a while, you have to go to the hospital for a follow-up examination and have a blood test, general liver function, and thyroid examination.

Let’s not talk about the money for now, the main thing is trouble.

Going to the hospital frequently means taking leave frequently, which affects your life and work.

The new thyroid drug developed by Chen Yuxin can completely cure hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Just take one course of treatment.

The body’s thyroid hormone will always be maintained within the normal range, and you will become a normal person completely. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diabetes is also a chronic disease.

Most diabetic patients need to take insulin for life.

At the current medical level.

Injecting insulin will not be too painful.

But sometimes, complications such as swelling, redness, and infection are inevitable at the injection site.[]

This time, the diabetes drug developed by Chen Yu is called oral insulin lozenges.

At present, there are 1.4 diabetes patients in Xiaguo. They usually treat the disease by subcutaneous injection of insulin, but improper handling can easily cause complications, and long-term injection poses hidden dangers to the patient’s physical and mental health.

This newly developed oral insulin lozenge.

Just place this lozenge on the mucous membrane between the gums and the inner cheek, it can be absorbed by the human body after three minutes and last for 2-4 hours.

Once the oral insulin lozenge is approved for marketing, although diabetes has not been truly cured, their quality of life will be significantly improved.


The laboratory at this moment.

There are many staff members around.

Some of them are full-time employees hired by the Universal Laboratory with high salaries.

Some of them are students of Suzhou University and students of Chen Yu’s research group.

Chen Yu turned around and looked around at everyone.

He slowly said:”Everyone, I have good news to tell you.

The stem cell in vitro organ cultivation project, hair loss regeneration project, tooth regeneration project, and endocrine drug project launched by the Universal Laboratory have all completed the second phase of scientific research progress.

We can start the clinical trial at any time.”

“”Pa pa pa!”

There was thunderous applause at the scene, and everyone was smiling.

The research and development of new drugs is divided into multiple stages.

The first stage refers to the process from target discovery to confirmation, to the synthesis of lead compounds, and finally to the development of new drugs.

The second stage refers to the preclinical trial stage, which evaluates the pharmacology and toxicology of the drug, and conducts production processes, quality control, stability studies, animal experiments and other links.

The third stage refers to phase I clinical trials, phase II clinical trials, and phase III clinical trials.

Phase III clinical trials are to preliminarily determine the clinical pharmacology and human safety of the drug, requiring 20 to 100 test subjects.

Phase III clinical trials are clinical trials for the preliminary evaluation of effectiveness, requiring 100 to 300 test subjects.

Phase III clinical trials must involve at least 300 to 3,000 subjects.

The fourth stage refers to initiating a clinical trial with the National Drug Administration. New drug approval, thus obtaining the national medicine approval number, and officially going on the market for sale.

The road to new drug research and development is long.

Generally speaking.

It takes many years for a new drug to go from project establishment to market launch.

They can enter clinical trials in a short period of time.

This scientific research speed is actually amazingly fast!

Of course… the students and researchers in the research group present are very self-aware.

Hair loss regeneration spray!

Stem cell injection!

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism drugs!

Oral insulin lozenges!

Stem cell in vitro organ cultivation!

In the process of developing these new drugs, they only played a small part of the credit, nothing more than doing odd jobs, operating equipment, and doing auxiliary work.

If it weren’t for Professor Chen Yu.

The Universal Laboratory would not have made such a major scientific breakthrough!

Chen Yu continued:”From now on, you will each divide the work, and some people will be responsible for subsequent clinical trials. The other part will follow me to start new projects.

There are five specific projects.

They are Alzheimer’s disease drug project, beauty drug project, alcohol cessation drug project, smoking cessation drug project, and myopia drug project.”

“”Yes, Professor Chen!”

Everyone present said in unison.

Finally, Chen Yu smiled and said,”Everyone has been busy for a while, and you must be exhausted both physically and mentally. I will treat everyone to dinner at the Dushu Lake Hotel tonight!”

“Thank you, Professor Chen!”

The researchers present were delighted.

Compared with other laboratories, the biggest advantage of the Universal Laboratory is that they can go out for dinner every now and then and have a good meal!


Over the next few days, under Chen Yu’s instruction, the scientific research progress of the Universal Laboratory was reported crazily by media reporters.

The headlines of major websites were instantly dominated by Universal Medicine.

《Tooth regeneration technology has been mastered. Can lost teeth be regenerated?》

《Professor Chen Yu becomes the nemesis of hair loss, a future Nobel Prize winner in medicine?》

《There is a cure for the 250 million people suffering from hair loss! Professor Chen Yu has developed a miracle drug for hair loss!》

《Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a surge in new drugs, and Professor Chen Yu has god-like drug research and development capabilities!》

《The miracle drug for hair loss regeneration is born! The miracle drug for hair loss developed by Professor Chen Yu has entered the clinical trial stage!》

《The world’s top pharmaceutical company in the future? Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has developed a variety of new drugs and has begun clinical trials!》

《Is there a cure for chronic diseases? Professor Chen Yu, Chairman of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has developed new drugs for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and diabetes!》

《Professor Chen Yu has mastered the technology of using stem cells to cultivate organs in vitro. In the future, he can use his own stem cells to cultivate corresponding transplant organs!》


On the Internet, netizens are very excited.

Thanks to various news media, they have all heard of Professor Chen Yu’s name, more or less.

Professor Chen Yu is the youngest university professor in the country, the developer of universal artificial hematopoietic fluid, the surgeon who performed the world’s first head transplant, and has trained a large number of excellent resident doctors and scientific research students.

Just based on these,

Professor Chen Yu is already a well-known figure in the medical field!

And now…

Professor Chen Yu has developed a magic drug for hair loss regeneration, a magic drug for tooth regeneration, a technology for in vitro organ cultivation with stem cells, a new drug for hyperthyroidism, a new drug for hypothyroidism, and oral insulin lozenges, which can be said to be a contribution to the present and a benefit to future generations.

Take China as an example.

There are more than 250 million people in the country who suffer from hair loss.

Among the common hair loss drugs, minoxidil tincture, finasteride, dutasteride and other drugs are effective, but they cannot completely cure hair loss, and there are various side effects. If you choose hair transplantation.

Transplanting 2,000 to 3,000 units of autologous hair follicles costs about 27,000 yuan per person.

Even if you spend money, it is not a permanent solution.

After the operation, you still need to use medication and healthy habits to maintain the effect of hair transplantation, or even have a second hair transplant.

Generally speaking.

Hair loss patients have been waiting for”magic drugs” for a long time!

Who doesn’t want a thick black hair?

The hair loss regeneration magic drug developed by Professor Chen this time will definitely save countless hair loss patients after it goes on the market!

As for tooth regeneration drugs, they are also very useful.

There are many accidents in life that can cause teeth to fall out.

Once they fall out, you have to wear dentures, removable dentures, and fixed dentures.

But dentures are fake after all, not original.

Tooth regeneration has always been an area that the medical community urgently needs to break through.

Unexpectedly, this new technology has also been conquered by Professor Chen!

Other drugs are also magic drugs.

Every year, there are about 300,000 patients in China who are waiting for organ transplants due to end-stage organ failure.

There are 10 million patients with hyperthyroidism in China.

There are 90 million hypothyroidism patients in China.

There are 140 million diabetes patients in China.

As long as the new drug is on the market, the new drug developed by Professor Chen Yu is destined to save tens of millions of patients!

The so-called”God of Medicine”.

Is this all?

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